Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I didn't think it was all that, far from terrible mind, and I am a sucker for good cinematography.
Saw My Man Godfrey last night, comedy from the 30's about an airheaded rich girl who hires a vagrant to be the family butler. It was an pretty decent comedy but I wasn't really feeling it and can't be arsed to say much more than that.

Actually it was Marlon Brando that did it for me in this film. Brando's way of creating attraction with the two women in his life is so real.

Just watch the way he looks and acts. Full of confidence! It's brilliant!

Brando was an extremely good looking man and there was something distinctively tough and masculine about him.

All the girls who start wetting their knickers as soon as they see Johnny Depp should see this. Marlon Brando owns them all.
Il y a longtemps que je t'aime aka "I've Loved You So Long"

Good movie! Kristin Scott Thomas was brilliant.
Slumdog Millionaire - Overrated, but I would have my way with Frieda Pinto anyday
I saw the three first X-Men films yesternight (that's not right?), I may have been slightly drunk. But despite plotholes and, IMO, a desperate need to introduce every x-men who starred in the comics (haven't read the comics, so what do I know...) it was very good. And I must say I've found some kind of weird feelings for Hugh Jackman, he is indeed Wolverine. I also actually saw that FOX wanted Keanu Reeves to star as Wolverine, seriously, Keanu Reeves needs to play roles where he's supposed to look like a wildebeest. We'd be better off with River Phoenix, and let Keanu die while people still thought he had something for him. But I digress, I loved most parts of the film even though there are some directorial attributes that don't speak to me as a critique. But I guess that's the charm with comicbook movies, always deliver a line when you're hitting someone down. So, where was I going with this...?

Oh right, good story. And I've heard the adaptation is good too, but I don't know about that. Also one thing I noticed, that's how they like british stereotypes. They are either calm sophisticated leaders (Prof Xander, Magneto), or a complete hooligan (Juggernaut). "Oh, he's supposed to be smart, we need a brit!", but I guess they're right, no one would believe an american in those roles... I kid. BUT NONETHELESS, I loved them, and I'm looking forward to a night with wine and Origins. I also watched Hugh Jackmans performance at the last oscars, fantastic.

Just to get on the heterosexual side, I'd like to mention that I'd hit most of the legal women in the film.. Not Rogue of course, that'd kill me. But that Rebecca Romijn (sp?), laying naked on the floor in the last stand floored me. She's seriously hot, I'd even hit her scaly version, but I'd imagine she would transform in to a guy in the action, just to piss me off. Wouldn't want that.

Bad review, I know, I just felt like writing something..

Rating 7,5/10, perfect in its genre.
X2 was the only one that was any good imo, and it was quite good. X3 was massively disappointing
X2 was the best, I agree. I still loved the first

And in hindsight, The Last Salvation wasn't anything but CGI and that phoenix girl, not much happened. Actually, I'm going to refrain from thinking about it, might disappoint me more...
I watched Serenity tonight (please note I haven't watched a single minute of firefly which is apparently a series set before Serenity?).

Got to say, I was impressed. The set design, action sequences and dialogue were very good. The plot got a little lost in the opening hour but I enjoyed the film. A really entertaining fun film that seemed to go from strength to strength. That bird from Terminator (the series) can actually act!?!?

Well worth watching, been a while since i've enjoyed a film like that. I'd give it a 8.5/10.
Anybody seen Tormented?

A girl wants to go and watch it with us...

My mate always watch films like this, and I'm somewhat forced to watch

I didn't like it, very poor.

And by experience, don't watch a crap film with a good looking girl, no one wants to hear you moan about how crap every aspect of it was afterwards. Chances is that she doesn't agree, most girls like crap films. At least most of the ones I've dated.

But for the film, if you like that genre, it's probably good enough, my mate liked it.
Dead Man starring johnny depp was a good movie.On the run after murdering a man,depp encounters a strange Indian who prepares him for his journey into the spiritual world.
I watched Serenity tonight (please note I haven't watched a single minute of firefly which is apparently a series set before Serenity?).

Got to say, I was impressed. The set design, action sequences and dialogue were very good. The plot got a little lost in the opening hour but I enjoyed the film. A really entertaining fun film that seemed to go from strength to strength. That bird from Terminator (the series) can actually act!?!?

Well worth watching, been a while since i've enjoyed a film like that. I'd give it a 8.5/10.

Nice to hear that Serenity can be enjoyed by non-Firefly fans too, I got the feeling the characters didn't all get enough of an intro to draw a new audience in. The opening hour of the plot was certainly a little confused, mainly down to having to re-introduce the fugutive story (which was a big driving force behind the TV series) and also establish the reavers (who had only been mentioned previously). It's the classic problem of trying to jump straight in for the established fanbase, but take enough time to explain things for the newbies, and I don't think Whedon got the balance quite right. Well worth checking out Firefly since you enjoyed the film, possibly Whedon's best work (well at least it potentially was until it's cancellation...).

On another note, I saw Coraline the other day, a quite delightful little film. It's almost like a kids Pan's Labyrinth in story terms, and like Pan's, looks stunning at times. The animation really is superb, Selick really is a master at what he does.

Just watched The Hang Over - Kept laughing the entire time!
Nice to hear that Serenity can be enjoyed by non-Firefly fans too, I got the feeling the characters didn't all get enough of an intro to draw a new audience in. The opening hour of the plot was certainly a little confused, mainly down to having to re-introduce the fugutive story (which was a big driving force behind the TV series) and also establish the reavers (who had only been mentioned previously). It's the classic problem of trying to jump straight in for the established fanbase, but take enough time to explain things for the newbies, and I don't think Whedon got the balance quite right. Well worth checking out Firefly since you enjoyed the film, possibly Whedon's best work (well at least it potentially was until it's cancellation...).

Yeah I probably will give firefly a watch now, its been a show i've been meaning to watch for some time but never got round to viewing. I was impressed though, espically as it was on blueray the quality was excellent.

The only real annoyance I had was the use of the word 'alliance' for the bad guys. Are the writers really that crap they can't think of a better word, struck me as lazy writing tbh.
Anybody seen Tormented?

A girl wants to go and watch it with us...


A few spoilers in this one -

Shit low budget British slasher flick. If you are going to make a film like this it needs to be campy, silly and extra gory. The film took itself a bit to seriously, the characters were the most annoying bunch of cnuts in the world that even when they died there wasn't any satisfaction because they were so poorly written they hardly seemed real.

On the flip side the death scenes were kinda cool apart from the woman who was drowned by being sat on in a swimming pool, which would of been funny if it wasn't for the fact the director made no effort whatsoever to make it seem tongue in cheek, it just left me feeling awkwardly embarrassed at what I was seeing.

Which like I said was the problem with this film, takes a silly premise and just doesn't laugh at itself enough to be fun.

5/10, slightly generous because a shitty budget and a skins cast isn't a lot to work with.

Here ya go.

Although on reflection it did have a nice bit of gore in it, I still maintain it isn't worth seeing.
Friday the 13th, the 2008 or 2009 version, whatever.

A waste of 1:45:29. Horrible crap. 0/10.
Drag Me To Hell

Good film! Plenty of scares to make you jump, some funny stuff thrown in and a talking goat. A lot better than 99% of the horror films out these days. Predictable twist ending though.

Born to Kill

Thai action/martial arts film. Like all good actions films the plot is slightly ridiculous but the action is unbelievable. Some of the stuntmen must have come pretty close to dying during the making. I preferred the bits where they were murdering each other to the bits where they weren't. Thankfully there were loads of them.


Anyone seen it?

I've got it on DVD and want to know if it's worth 2 hours+ of my time
Dead Man starring johnny depp was a good movie.On the run after murdering a man,depp encounters a strange Indian who prepares him for his journey into the spiritual world.

Love that film - though I haven't seen it for years and practically forgot about it. Great music, cinematography and cameo appearances/supporting roles (Crispin Glover, Robert Mitchum, John Hurt, Gabriel Byrne, Iggy Pop and some others I've probably forgotten).

I'd give it 9/10.
Just seen the mist last night. I didn't really enjoy it that much until the end which was kind of guessable but still a refreshing alternative to the usual hollywood endings.

I'd probably give it 6 out of 10 making it just above average.
Columbus Day

Val Kilmer film about a criminal doing his last job. Sounds like standard fare action flick but it's not really about that, it's about the characters. Kind of weird and some of the action seems pretty tagged on but I actually enjoyed it quite a lot.


Anyone seen it?

I've got it on DVD and want to know if it's worth 2 hours+ of my time

Yep I enjoyed it, even if it was a little long.

Although, it could have done without one of the subplots (which I won't name and ruin the film for you) which was a little drawn out and didn't really lead anywhere.

Anyone seen it?

I've got it on DVD and want to know if it's worth 2 hours+ of my time

Yes it's a very good film. Naples is such a fecked up place. I suspect that the book is better, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet and I suspect I never will. Kind of pointless when you've already seen the film.

Bogart was great at playing the same role in every film, though.

Yes but that role happens to be the coolest guy on earth and it works basically every time.

But yeah, Brando is probably the more versatile and in many ways superior actor.
The Hangover

If you like a good comedy then this is a MUST see, probably one of th efunniest films i've seen. Full of laughs from the begiining to end and will have you in stitches all the way through!

I'm going to see it again without a doubt, i'm sure this will go down with Old School and the like as a classic comedy.

10/10 from me.
Have finally gotten around to watching The Usual Suspects tonight and holy demble, what a film. It was brilliant from start to finish. The way the story was written, the way the story was told, the characters and then the twist at the very end, it was all rather brilliant. I loved it.

10/10 for me.
the past 3 reviewed films have been given 10/10, I think the movie buffs wull have a word or two to say about that. No offence Elvis but i don't think either of us are up there with the likes Mehro or Olesmyhero when it comes to movie aficionados!

No country for old men though was pretty good I thought too.

What the hell is all the fuss about this movie? It's alright, nothing more. Or have I missed something here?

Taken - 7/10 Liam Neeson's a good actor and that makes this movie worth watching. Alright movie.

Tell no One - 7.5/10 French mystery. First hour was great. a 9/10 even. Then it was all downhill pretty much.

Jimmy Jazz.. J-a-zed zed chop chop