Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Night At The Museum 2

I haven't seen the first one, but I was dragged along with some little people to watch this one. Jesus. fecking. Christ. Even for a kids film, it was fecking awful. Not only was the script and acting worse than I could possibly describe, but it had no cohesion whatsoever and smacked of amatuerism.

Seriously, it's painful.

You seem to know a lot of people who enjoy rubbish movies, Spammy.
Men of Honour - 8.5/10

Watched this movie for the first time the other night. Cuba Gooding Jr was outstanding in it, showing great spirit and determination in the face of adversity to realise his dreams. I thought Robert DeNiro was awesome too, he's one of my favourite actors.
A Streetcar Named Desire

Vivian Leigh plays the mentally disturbed Blanche, a string of financial problems resulting from the deaths of family members causes her to lose the family plantation. In an effort to escape the situation she got herself into she moves in with her sister, instantly causing conflict between herself, her sister and her sisters husband (a primitive and fiery character played to perfection by Marlon Brando).

The film is a character piece focusing on Blanche, her mental troubles cause her to confuse reality and fantasy, and the more her lies are exposed the deeper into insanity she is driven. All in all a brilliantly written film with a surprisingly seedy and dark atmosphere for its time.

If anyone is a fan of character driven films then check this one out.

A Streetcar Named Desire

Vivian Leigh plays the mentally disturbed Blanche, a string of financial problems resulting from the deaths of family members causes her to lose the family plantation. In an effort to escape the situation she got herself into she moves in with her sister, instantly causing conflict between herself, her sister and her sisters husband (a primitive and fiery character played to perfection by Marlon Brando).

The film is a character piece focusing on Blanche, her mental troubles cause her to confuse reality and fantasy, and the more her lies are exposed the deeper into insanity she is driven. All in all a brilliantly written film with a surprisingly seedy and dark atmosphere for its time.

If anyone is a fan of character driven films then check this one out.

For me, Vivian Leigh's performance is one of the finest of an actress in the history of film.
My Best Friend's Girl

Not all that bad, Alec Baldwin has a fecking hilarious line in his office

Need help, forgot what the movie is called!

It's an animation, if I remember correctly it's a series of horror cartoons. Not older than one, two years max. Was advertised. Anyone know what Im talking about?
For me, Vivian Leigh's performance is one of the finest of an actress in the history of film.

Actually it was Marlon Brando that did it for me in this film. Brando's way of creating attraction with the two women in his life is so real.

Just watch the way he looks and acts. Full of confidence! It's brilliant!

Anyway, as for other films... I watched La Haine yesterday (wanted to know what all the fuss was about ), and I have to say the people in here that saw it were right that it is a very good film. I'd put this in the American History X branch... Young confused men that seek direction in life.
Night At The Museum 2

I haven't seen the first one, but I was dragged along with some little people to watch this one. Jesus. fecking. Christ. Even for a kids film, it was fecking awful. Not only was the script and acting worse than I could possibly describe, but it had no cohesion whatsoever and smacked of amatuerism.

Seriously, it's painful.


The first one was hom hum. When you near that Robin Williams baled on the sequal you have think it is going to be utter shit.
Angels and Demons: Haven't read the book, so can't rate its adaptation, and the excessive twists aren't the movie makers fault, so I'll just say decent acting and some impressive visuals, 7/10.
Angels and Demons: Haven't read the book, so can't rate its adaptation, and the excessive twists aren't the movie makers fault, so I'll just say decent acting and some impressive visuals, 7/10.

I've got that book here on the shelf, but I'm not reading it till I've seen the film first. With the Da Vinci Code, I first read the book, and then saw the film, and I was a little disappointed. So I'm going to try it the other way around with Angels & Demons.
Rosemary's Baby - 8/10

Classic thriller from Roman Polanski, can't believe it's taken me so long to watch it. Oh, and Mia Farrow was HOT.

10/10 for me. It's a masterpiece.

For me, Vivian Leigh's performance is one of the finest of an actress in the history of film.

There's only one performance by an actress that matches it(for me anyway). Guess which one?
Yes. Watching her in that movie is difficult though, in a good way.

Yep. Totally insane.

As for Streetcar. It's one of Brando's best performances. Certainly in his top 5. I think Brando's the greatest actor, ever. In fact, he's the greatest ever by a country mile.
Star Trek - Pretty good i'd say. Was expecting it to be pretty shit and it surprised me alot. 8/10

National Treasure - Watched it at the weekend, for some odd reason I really like these 2 films. The 1st one is deffiantly better than the 2nd, an enjoyable film. 7/10
His Girl Friday

Cary Grant prays the double crossing treacherous Walter Burns, a newspaper editor trying to stop his ex-wife and top reporter (Rosalind Russell) from remarrying.

At only 92 minutes long the movie moves at a million miles per hour and is jam packed with witty repartee, it's darkly comic and presents journalists as a bunch of immoral bloodhounds who stop at nothing to get a story.

If you've never seen a screwball comedy before then this is the one to watch.

Red Cliff - 8/10

Managed to watch Red Cliff and Red Cliff 2 back to back on a long flight.

fecking hell, it's a good movie. Both parts merge seamlessly, and it's really a single 4 1/2 hour action epic. Best movie I've seen so far this year. I wonder if the abridged version they'll release in the West is as good.
Ip Man - 8/10

Another excellent movie, not just for kung fu cinema fans. Although the 10 vs 1 fight is probably the best choreographed fight scene in recent years. Donnie Yen's best performance ever.
Final Fantasy Advent Children Complete

I can't review this like a normal film. It is effectively a 2 hour long cutscene to watch after you play FFVII, saying that though it looks fecking incredible, and is done in such a way that I want to get in a room with every FFVII fan I know and just circle jerk to it.

So it doesn't have much in the way of a story, (although the complete edition tries to flesh it out a bit more), the english voice acting is a bit sketchy at times (Cait Sith is scottish???), and the dialogue itself would be fine to read but when it's said aloud sounds a tad silly, but this is the third time I've watched it and I still love it. Great action scenes and every major character still alive from the game gets there own cameo.

I would recommend any FFVII watches it but what kind of fan hasn't already?

9/10 on a completely different film rating scale - What I wanted FFVII to be like if they made a movie :D

The Prestige

Angier (Hugh Jackman) and Borden (Christian Bale) are two rival magicians whos relationship took a sour turn when Angiers wife dies in a magic act and lays the blame on Borden. Two great performances carry the film through it's puzzling style which jumps back and forth through time, revealing plot details and twists in a perfectly paced manner.

Drag me into Hell

Alison Lohman stars in the new horror film from Sam Raimi, a woman is cursed after turning down a gypsies loan and spends the next 3 days been tormented by a demon spirit, it's up to her to find a way to rid herself of the curse before it takes her soul to hell on the fourth day.

Anyone who has seen Sam Raimis Evil Dead series knows that he has a knack for grossing people out and incorporating comedy elements into his horrors, Drag me into Hell keeps that style, the film alternates between the psychological torture of the victim to blood and guts comedy.

It manages to do both quite well but doesn't excel greatly, however genuinely creative scares, humorous gore and it's 'lets not take ourselves to seriously' approach make this a horror film worth watching.


Whos afraid of Virginia Woolf?

An alcohol fueled night examines the relationships of two couples in this dialogue driven movie.

George (Richard Burton) and Martha (Elizabeth Taylor) are a thoroughly abusive couple, they seem to have a mutual enjoyment of games which often involved the humiliation of each other and those around them. Nick (George Segal) and Honey (Sandy Dennis) appear to be a happy simple couple, but the relationship has a few sinister secrets that prove otherwise.

The film is set in real time for extremely large portions, and the characters remain almost completely inebriated for the entire duration. Throughout the night the depths of the relationships are explored, and the secrets both shocking and heartbreaking revealed.

The performances of the four cast members are very strong, with Taylor and Burton stealing the show with their sinister games and strangely hateful marriage. The last scene especially is probably one of the best acted and emotional I've seen in a long time.

If you don't mind movies that are completely driven by dialogue then this is one to check out.

The new Terminator movie is very very bad. Avoid it.

I wouldn't say it was very very's not awul. It just doesn't really have anything new or interesting to say..there's very little plot development. There's a lot of Terminaly boring Terminator Terminology (sorry, just wanted to say that) get all the famous lines, allusions to famous characters, scenes and events, but nothing new. The only new development and interesting plot point is about the new character, Marcus, but since all the promotional material has given his 'secret; away its not a surprise and so your not that impressed by it....

That said, the Marcus character and the young Kyle Reese are both very good. Bales dull though. The action was good and CGI Arnie was a little hokey but quite well done...But it just didn't have anything new or interesting to say...It was one long action set peice

That said, it was better than'd give it a 6.5

But speaking of awful films, Lesbien Vampire Killers was so bad it wasn't even so bad it was was so so bad it bypassed being good bad and went straight to bad bad...very bad. .

Whoever wrote this film should be banned from making any other films in future..or just shot

No attempt at a coherant plot. No attempt at character development - at one point a character tells another character they love them when they've known each other for all of 3 hours and it makes no sense..there isn't even a joke there. It's like its been written in notes on the back of a fag packet and someones just bunged it on screen without bothering to write it up properly..

Wanky self indulgent camera angles and lock stock style camera work and visual gimmicks that are in no way new, clever or needed and are just there cos the director thinks he's cool...he's not.

It wants to be Sean of The Dead but it's forgot that characterisation, and not jokes were what made us like Sean, and that clever homages and not gimmicky tricks and angles were what made it an impressive film to watch...Basically this is everything that film is not

Cheap, tacky, embarrassing and not funny in the slightest...just wank..utter wank

It actually made me angry. How it got made is a travesty to film making and and insult to decent undiscovered script writers the world over

A big fatty sweaty cock of a film that I can only give a 1 and thats only cos its got mild lesbianism in it
MockneyRevel for some reason it seems that a niche is growing for low budget shitty british horror flicks, like you said they try to go for the 'so bad its good' but end up completely shit.

Hopefully when enough of them bomb they'll stop bothering with them.
MockneyRevel for some reason it seems that a niche is growing for low budget shitty british horror flicks, like you said they try to go for the 'so bad its good' but end up completely shit.

Hopefully when enough of them bomb they'll stop bothering with them.

Hopefully....It happens whenever there's a hit though, it's the nature of films. Sean of The Dead was a massive success so they reason they should make more..just how there was a surge in British Gangster dross after Lock Stock...

There's no excuse for this one is truly heinous in every way. Just written incredibly badly by 2 drunk students who still think farting is the highest form of comedy and that girls kissing each other means they don't need to bother with a plot

I really want to smack whoever wrote this cock
I saw In the Mood for Love since some of you had it on your list in the "Top 5 films of all time" thread. Beautifully shot and I loved the non-formulaic story. Brilliant film.
Glad you loved it. Cinematically it's as beautiful as anything I've seen. I loved it everything about it. Music/score was brilliant too. WKW/Boyle definitely have a style and they know how to make it work.

Watch Chungking Express and Fallen Angels too.
Glad you loved it. Cinematically it's as beautiful as anything I've seen. I loved it everything about it. Music/score was brilliant too. WKW/Boyle definitely have a style and they know how to make it work.

Watch Chungking Express and Fallen Angels too.

Yeah, the music is definitely worth mentioning as well. I also liked 2046 when I saw it a couple of years ago, but it isn't quite on the level of In the Mood for Love.

Cheers for the tips Spoony. I'll watch those two as well.