Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Come and See

Soviet movie showing Nazi atrocities. First half is brilliant, lot of scenes in the second linger on a bit too long. Also the Hilter montage in the end, made it seem like a propaganda movie.

If it was a Soviet film, then it was propaganda. That's how the Soviets rolled.
In The Loop

A political satire of events occuring pre-iraq invasion. The president and prime minister want a war but not everyone agrees, cue typical british
humour in the form of sarcasm, bad language and witty one liners. The film is a series of blundering errors from the people trying to prevent and start a war on iraq. Highly enjoyable comedy.

I'm weeping as I write this. I'm also slightly pissed. But I got dragged to THE WORST feckING FILM EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD this evening.
My bird made me go and watch The Girlfriends of Christmas Past. It's the longest 3 hours of my life, yet it was only 110 minutes long.


Watching this film is literally like watching a philosophy of mind undergraduate wanking onto a piece of celluloid for about four hours.

So Weaste, you'll love it. Everyone else, stay the feck away.
I had it with Kaufman after Eternal Bollox. Yes, I'm sure he looks likes a very clever bloke among the drongos of the film industry but his films are tedious shit.
Eternal Sunshine is probably my all time favourite romance film for the heavy doses of irony that accompanied all the more sentimental bits.

The wankier aspects of the film didn't phase me, as I'm the sort of wanker they make that shit for.

Drongos eh? Didn't realise they said that in North London.
I liked Eternal Sunshine too, but hated Adaptation with a passion. Barton Fink was so much more superior (had a similar theme)
I don't think I watched Adaptation to the end.

I don't mind films that dick around with chronology or alternate realities, within reason, but I hate the sort of wankery that was so central to Adaptation. Slow, boring and over my head.
heh, was off sick last week and rewatched, Malkovich, Adaptation and Eternal Sunshine after reading some bad reviews for Synecdoche.

Still think Malkovich is the best film. Structually and in terms of ideas but it has no ending. Adaptation is borderline genius in terms of writing, it justifies it's postmodern wankery and self-indulgence by having heart, wit and sincerity but it has no ending. Eternal Sunshine is the most meandering and aimless but it's human insights (about identity and memory) are the most profound but it still has no ending.

Besides i'm looking forward to Where the Wild Things Are more than Synecdoche anyway.
The Gladiator is on TV now, but I've seen it before so I'll just rate it now. It's commercials. Enjoyable film, I'll give it somewhere between 7,5 and 8,5. Power, jealousy, desire, love it. As for the negative parts, I think it gets a little bit over the top sometimes, could use with a little more subtlety sometimes, I don't know. And I really hope someone on the pitch Wednesday goes "On my command, unleash hell" right before kickoff.
In The Loop

A political satire of events occuring pre-iraq invasion. The president and prime minister want a war but not everyone agrees, cue typical british
humour in the form of sarcasm, bad language and witty one liners. The film is a series of blundering errors from the people trying to prevent and start a war on iraq. Highly enjoyable comedy.

I thought it was a bit crap. Not nearly as good as the two TV specials.

It's a bit of a one-trick pony with the Malcolm Tucker swearing thing. it's funny, but after 20 minutes you're thinking, OK, what else have you got? Answer - not much in the way of comedy. Plenty of nice observations about politics, but the funniest it gets after that is when they wheel on the other, even more more obscene, Scot. And that's quite desperate.

I also didn't think they positioned it right in its relation to real events. If you're satirising real events but from a distance, you can go pretty much as wild as you like - like Dr. Strangelove, say. But this was so incredibly close to the real dossier/Iraq vote, that unrealistic things really stood out. For instance, Alastair Campbell may be a foul-mouthed bully, but there's no way he went up to Donald Rumsfeld at UN meetings and just called him a cnut. You don't get that far in politics unless you have some sense of hierarchies and some ability to moderate your behaviour.

The missus watched it while I went to the pub to watch United vs Arsenal.

Great call.

I had it with Kaufman after Eternal Bollox. Yes, I'm sure he looks likes a very clever bloke among the drongos of the film industry but his films are tedious shit.

He's nowhere near as clever as he thinks he is, and he's got no discipline. This one he directed, and the need for someone to say, "Enough" was evident in just about every scene.

And as for calling it 'Synecdoche'... what a fecking twat.

The wankier aspects of the film didn't phase me, as I'm the sort of wanker they make that shit for.


heh, was off sick last week and rewatched, Malkovich, Adaptation and Eternal Sunshine after reading some bad reviews for Synecdoche.

Still think Malkovich is the best film. Structually and in terms of ideas but it has no ending. Adaptation is borderline genius in terms of writing, it justifies it's postmodern wankery and self-indulgence by having heart, wit and sincerity but it has no ending. Eternal Sunshine is the most meandering and aimless but it's human insights (about identity and memory) are the most profound but it still has no ending.

Good analysis - except I thought Adaptation was the worst of the lot... literally the film equivalent of "How I Wrote This Essay". Malkovich was far better than the rest because it was fresh, and also very funny. Since then he's been rehashing the same undergraduate illusion/reality shtick, has stopped being funny and just become depressing.

The one thing I'll say about Synecdoche is it has a great ending - a fantastic last line. As you rightly point out, none of the rest have endings. You can read an early draft of Being John Malkovich online, and believe it or not the original ending was even worse. The problem with the Synecdoche ending is that it comes about two hours after you start praying for it.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind - 9/10 loved it.

Taegukgi - 9/10. Also loved it.

I love films.
The Gladiator is on TV now, but I've seen it before so I'll just rate it now. It's commercials. Enjoyable film, I'll give it somewhere between 7,5 and 8,5. Power, jealousy, desire, love it. As for the negative parts, I think it gets a little bit over the top sometimes, could use with a little more subtlety sometimes, I don't know. And I really hope someone on the pitch Wednesday goes "On my command, unleash hell" right before kickoff.

i would have given it ten, for russell crowe alone
he was magnificent in it
I thought it was a bit crap. Not nearly as good as the two TV specials.

It's a bit of a one-trick pony with the Malcolm Tucker swearing thing. it's funny, but after 20 minutes you're thinking, OK, what else have you got? Answer - not much in the way of comedy. Plenty of nice observations about politics, but the funniest it gets after that is when they wheel on the other, even more more obscene, Scot. And that's quite desperate.

I also didn't think they positioned it right in its relation to real events. If you're satirising real events but from a distance, you can go pretty much as wild as you like - like Dr. Strangelove, say. But this was so incredibly close to the real dossier/Iraq vote, that unrealistic things really stood out. For instance, Alastair Campbell may be a foul-mouthed bully, but there's no way he went up to Donald Rumsfeld at UN meetings and just called him a cnut. You don't get that far in politics unless you have some sense of hierarchies and some ability to moderate your behaviour.

Good points man, at times it does feel like Malcolm and his rants are carrying the film but I thought others were getting some great lines to. (Gandolfini using the toy calculator and that deadpan line at the end of it about needing troops alive at the end of the war , and pretty much every blundering line Simon Foster said had me pissing myself).

I think it wasn't as intelligent as it could of been, like you said it has some nice observations but it sacrificed a lot in favour of one liners and dry sarcasm. Then again it did have my in stitches throughout most the film and I really can't wait to see it again.

The tv specials were awesome though, hell the whole series was fantastic.

A few spoilers in this one -

Shit low budget British slasher flick. If you are going to make a film like this it needs to be campy, silly and extra gory. The film took itself a bit to seriously, the characters were the most annoying bunch of cnuts in the world that even when they died there wasn't any satisfaction because they were so poorly written they hardly seemed real.

On the flip side the death scenes were kinda cool apart from the woman who was drowned by being sat on in a swimming pool, which would of been funny if it wasn't for the fact the director made no effort whatsoever to make it seem tongue in cheek, it just left me feeling awkwardly embarrassed at what I was seeing.

Which like I said was the problem with this film, takes a silly premise and just doesn't laugh at itself enough to be fun.

5/10, slightly generous because a shitty budget and a skins cast isn't a lot to work with.
Kundun - Great film, class performances and was probably one of the best scores I have heard in a movie for a long time.

PS - CHINA, Get out of Tibet !!!
Watched Taken again last night. Love the film.

Thankx was up in the air over it, looked like it had promise take the nugs lakes anyday though; watch star treak if you havent john top class that film
Hell Ride


Gritty, swearing, sex, guns, knives, Awesome!

About two rivaling biker gangs out in the 'desert' of the US.

T4 salvation 5/10 didnt enjoy, felt void of emotion and plot.

Men behind the sun 3/10 very hard to watch, very graphic void of humanity.

Coraline 9.5/10 great animation/story. really enjoy this gothic style, might be a little scary for really young children, but brilliant.

Looking for Eric 9/10 i really loved this film, some great comedy moments but also a sensitive and great lead performance. Cantona is fantastic and has some great lines, even reflecting on his own career. Eric said at cannes he made this for United fans. A must see.
Anatomy of Murder

A man avenges his wifes rape by killing the man who raped her, he then uses temporary insanity as his defence.

James Stewart plays the defence lawyer with his usual stammering charm, whilst Lee Remmick plays the seductive rape victim, and George C Scott has a supporting role as the big city lawyer for the prosecution.

The best thing about this film is that it's a great examination of questionable morals. Can pre-meditated murder be justified? The characters themselves are highly flawed and there is a fine line between the 'good guys' and 'bad guys' in this film.

A fast paced and often witty drama that I highly recommend.

Let the Right One In

Swedish vampire movie, but don't let that put you off.

Brilliant stuff
