Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

So, after I'd finished watching the all too classic Boomfunk MCs - Freestyler, I thought I'd give "Click" a try. I hate most comedies, especially hollywood ones, and I am disgusted by Adam Sandler. I've hated every single thing he's been a part of. Needless to say, a weird choice, and my hopes really wasn't that high (I've secretly wanted to see this film for some time, since I thought the universal remote was a "neat idea"). Home alone, no one to judge me, stream is up, Adam Sandler in Click!

I wasn't amused, not one bit. After the first 15 minutes I'd already started playing fifa, Manchester United - Barcelona. I also watched the film, since I've played fifa so many times, my fingers pretty much go on auto. The film was boring, predictable, sandlerish (as you'd probably expect), dumb and made me feel dumb for watching it. OMG it's Adam fecking Sandler FARTING in the Hoffs face! HAHA! No. The girl playing his wife looked very hot, which also annoyed me. And if you mix that wonderful little blend of joyfulness in with the "dad neglects his children, who loves him anyways" you get a pot full of stuff so bad you'd wish to go back in time only to falcon punch Frank Coraci's (yes I'm blaming this catastrophe on you fattie) pregnant mom so he'd never been born.

But! Here's the good part! I actually intended to watch this thing all to the finish, because I like getting pissed off and if my predictions are right, this ending would be a haven. Then after 72 minutes, my stream, cleverly disguised as something else, pops out with a message. Megavideo, you've watched 72 minutes today blablalba. Oh sweet lord. Those crafty folks from megavideo did it, they cut me off. Thank you.

For those interested, Manchester United won the Champions League final 3-2.

Messi (23) Barca
Ronaldo (41) Man Utd
Henry (45) Barca
Tevez (63) Man Utd
Tevez (105) Man Utd

Incredible game.

And for the rating of "Click", I felt I was too biased to give it a decent review. So with the credit of the good people over at we got up the random number generator and they gave it a rating from 1 to 10. So the rating of Adam Sandler's Click is 9/10. And that's \/ the genius who made it.


Didn't like it then?
Well I just rewatched Dark Knight on Blue Ray (3rd time i've seen the film).

Even though I know whats coming, i'm still amazed by the acting. I don't think i'll see a better villain than Ledgers portrayal of the Joker. He is faultless and the more you study his mannerisms the better the performance becomes.

The first 2 viewings I felt the film dragged on a little bit too much, but oddly I didn't feel that this time around. I also finally appreciated the brilliance of the music, that high pitched violin sound that builds up on the really tense scenes just completes what in my eyes is the best comic book film by some distance. Not only that, but I think on that viewing its just pushed itself up another 10 spaces into my top10 list.

I look forward to watching it again in a few months time.
Them (the 2006 film) - 8/10

I recently got this film a few days ago and watched it last night. It's a French horror film about a couple who live in a huge house in the middle of nowhere. They hear weird noises in the middle of the night and realise there's people outside watching and trying to get in. It's extremely creepy and it will shred your nerves (well it did to me at least). My heart was thumping all the way through watching it, very suspenseful. It doesn't last long, only 74 minutes but it's a great film.
Well I just rewatched Dark Knight on Blue Ray (3rd time i've seen the film).

Even though I know whats coming, i'm still amazed by the acting. I don't think i'll see a better villain than Ledgers portrayal of the Joker. He is faultless and the more you study his mannerisms the better the performance becomes.

The first 2 viewings I felt the film dragged on a little bit too much, but oddly I didn't feel that this time around. I also finally appreciated the brilliance of the music, that high pitched violin sound that builds up on the really tense scenes just completes what in my eyes is the best comic book film by some distance. Not only that, but I think on that viewing its just pushed itself up another 10 spaces into my top10 list.

I look forward to watching it again in a few months time.

If we're honest he made the film, much like Pacino in Scarface. I doubt the film would've been anywhere near as watchable without Ledger's brilliant performance.
I actually loved Wanted, thought it was entertaining, and Angelina Jolie was fit as feck!
Synechdoche, New York.

If you've watched any other film scripted by Charlie Kaufman then you'll have a rough idea what to expect going in to this one. That said, this is even more of a mind feck than the likes of Being John Malkovich and Adaptation.

There's no point in explaining the plot because there really isn't one and in many ways it felt like I was watching a 2 hour dream. It's bleak, thought provoking and brutally honest and while I can't say it was enjoyable to watch (in the conventional sense) it has been floating around in my head today. Superbly acted too with a great cast - Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Emily Watson, Catherine Keener, Samantha Morton.

Not for everyone.
Maradona by Kusturica a few days ago.

Quite entertaining documentary, I learnt a few things I did not know about Diego, some moments were funny as hell.
Lars von Trier film "Antichrist" shocks Cannes
Sun May 17, 2009 4:52pm EDT Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page[-] Text [+]

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By Mike Collett-White

CANNES, France (Reuters) - Danish director Lars von Trier elicited derisive laughter, gasps of disbelief, a smattering of applause and loud boos on Sunday as the credits rolled on his drama "Antichrist" at the Cannes film festival.

The film, starring Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg as a couple seeking to overcome the grief of losing their only child, has quickly become the most talked-about at this year's festival, which ends on May 24.

Cannes' notoriously picky critics and press often react audibly to films during screenings, but Sunday evening's viewing was unusually demonstrative.

Jeers and laughter broke out during scenes ranging from a talking fox to graphically-portrayed sexual mutilation.

Many viewers in the large Debussy cinema also appeared to take objection to von Trier's decision to dedicate his film to the revered Soviet director Andrei Tarkovsky. Applause from a handful of viewers was drowned out by booing at the end.

Antichrist opens with a heavily stylized, black-and-white, slow-motion portrayal of the child's accidental death set to soaring music by Handel.

Dafoe's character, who is a therapist, tries to help his wife deal with her grief and encourages her to come off heavy medication that sedates her for weeks after the death.

They decide to go to an isolated wooden cabin in an unspecified forest to recover, but the woman Gainsbourg portrays loses control of her senses.

The abuse she submits herself and her husband to drew shocked gasps from the audience.

The reaction suggested that von Trier, who won the top prize in Cannes with "Dancer in the Dark" in 2000, could be in for a rough ride from reviewers and journalists on Monday.

One U.S. critic said he and others found the film "offensive," and questioned why it was included in the main competition of 20 films in Cannes.

In production notes for Antichrist, the 53-year-old director said that the movie was a "kind of therapy" for depression he was suffering from two years ago.

"I can offer no excuse for 'Antichrist' ... other than my absolute belief in the film -- the most important film of my entire career!"
Looking forward to Antichrist, always rated Lars Von Trier, through the Europa trilogy and the dogme films and the good series of Riget.

I sure hope this movie doesn't get too religious

Really enjoyed it. Well shot, acted and by f**king christ does Penelope Cruz look good in this film! Should have had more boobs though IMO.


Good movie that, Almodovar does some excellent characterbuilding scenes which I love. You should see Todo Sobre Mi Madre (sp?) if you haven't already.
I watched Rashomon (1950) last night, a Japanese classic from Akira Kurosawa (The Seven Samurai, Yojimbo,...). Good film that. The story's about a murder in a forrest. The story itself however is being told by 4 different people and they all tell a different version. Apparently, this film was the first of its kind, so Kurosawa deserves praise for that.

I rate it 8/10 which is a very high rating in my book.
What should I see:

The Man Who Wasn't There
The 400 Blows
Voces Inocentes
Before Night Falls
The New Star Trek movie
or just simply watch La Haine again

insight anyone?
I've only seen 400 Blows, Oldboy and La Haine from that list. I'd say go for La Haine. 400 Blows can get very depressing. Good movie though. Oldboy was not my cup of tea.
The Discovery of Heaven

An interesting dutch movie about an angel who started the two world wars amongst other things, just to manipulate so that certain people will end up meeting each other. There were some really crap parts in it though.

21 - Is a waste of a movie..A brilliant and engrossing premise and real life event is stripped down to its most basic elements and re packaged as a teen flick/by the numbers drama/romance for people with no attention span

Fresh from her role as the least convincing Lois Lane in history, Kate Bosworth continues her fine run of form as the least convincing Rocket scientist/Card Counter in history. .The rest of the cast are just as bland save for Kevin Spacey who hams it up entertainingly but the fact that their real life counterparts were all Asian and the film has re-cast them all as perfect white americans (with, insultingly, two minor token idiotic Asian characters, one of whoms a klepto) says it all really...Just 'Hollywoodized' rubbish maskerading as an intelligent film. But not even close

It could have been brilliant if handled by someone with balls and a vision but it descended into farce and was ludicrous by the end

5.5 - Which is generous
21 - Is a waste of a movie..A brilliant and engrossing premise and real life event is stripped down to its most basic elements and re packaged as a teen flick/by the numbers drama/romance for people with no attention span

Fresh from her role as the least convincing Lois Lane in history, Kate Bosworth continues her fine run of form as the least convincing Rocket scientist/Card Counter in history. .The rest of the cast are just as bland save for Kevin Spacey who hams it up entertainingly but the fact that their real life counterparts were all Asian and the film has re-cast them all as perfect white americans (with, insultingly, two minor token idiotic Asian characters, one of whoms a klepto) says it all really...Just 'Hollywoodized' rubbish maskerading as an intelligent film. But not even close

It could have been brilliant if handled by someone with balls and a vision but it descended into farce and was ludicrous by the end

5.5 - Which is generous
I really wanted to like 21, but it was shit. Disappointing.
I just assumed it would be shit and passed. Got tixs to see Terminator Salvation Friday though that should be baller

Watching this film is literally like watching a philosophy of mind undergraduate wanking onto a piece of celluloid for about four hours.

So Weaste, you'll love it. Everyone else, stay the feck away.

The missus watched it while I went to the pub to watch United vs Arsenal.

What she thought of it would get me an infraction.
Come and See

Soviet movie showing Nazi atrocities. First half is brilliant, lot of scenes in the second linger on a bit too long. Also the Hilter montage in the end, made it seem like a propaganda movie.
Come and See

Soviet movie showing Nazi atrocities. First half is brilliant, lot of scenes in the second linger on a bit too long. Also the Hilter montage in the end, made it seem like a propaganda movie.

That's one of my favorite movies ever. Loved it. I may have posted this several times in this thread already.