Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Bride Wars My wife now officialy has shit taste in films. This is even more dire than you could imagine from the title or any review you might read. It doesn't make logical sense, it isn't funny, Kate Hudson looks like a drag queen and did I mention that it was utter rubbish? 1/10 but only because I'm in a good mood
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Review: 9/10

I loved it. The story was good, the action was intense and captivating and Hugh Jackman is a very good actor. On top of that, Gambit finally makes an appearance! Its a very good movie that you wouldn't be disappointed with.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Review: 9/10

I loved it. The story was good, the action was intense and captivating and Hugh Jackman is a very good actor. On top of that, Gambit finally makes an appearance! Its a very good movie that you wouldn't be disappointed with.

Interesting, most of the reviews I have seen in newspapers, film websites etc say it is poor. I initially wanted to see it but I have been put off by the volume of negative reviews.
No offence, but is this a fanboy perspective of the film? I only ask because of the Gambit comment.
Interesting, most of the reviews I have seen in newspapers, film websites etc say it is poor. I initially wanted to see it but I have been put off by the volume of negative reviews.
No offence, but is this a fanboy perspective of the film? I only ask because of the Gambit comment.

Nope, it's not a fanboy perspective(Gambit is not even my favourite X-men character). But its a good film. I also thought it was not good, after reading a couple of reviews online and in the newspapers. But trust me, it is not as bad as they claim it to be. Its a good, entertaining film. I mentioned gambit because there had been alot of hype about him in the previous films and he finally makes an appearence in this film(and may I add he's cool as feck).
Nope, it's not a fanboy perspective(Gambit is not even my favourite X-men character). But its a good film. I also thought it was not good, after reading a couple of reviews online and in the newspapers. But trust me, it is not as bad as they claim it to be. Its a good, entertaining film. I mentioned gambit because there had been alot of hype about him in the previous films and he finally makes an appearence in this film(and may I add he's cool as feck).

Thanks, still unsure though. Will wait until a few more people have seen it I think.
I saw it today. Was entertaining and worth a watch i'd say.
Nice one mehro. Bergman is often subtle to the point that you don't know what the feck he's on about but I think Pesona is one of his best films with captivating dialouge, great "mood" and the cinematography by Sven Nykvist is just brilliant.

Did you watch any other of his films? I'm not an expert of his work but I've seen quite a few of his films and if you liked that one I'd recomend Wild Strawberries, Through a Glass Darkly (my favourite of his) and Hour of the Wolf, which is a horror movie. What I don't enjoy about Bergman is his religious themed films ( he was the son of a preast) like Winter Light.

And I seriously can't fathom why The Seventh Seal is his most famous film, since it's well.. a bit boring and fairly pointless in my opinion.

Still, many of his films are truely brilliant and he's obviously the best film maker this country has ever seen by quite some distance.

And all the beautiful women in his films.. They don't make them like that anymore. :(

I liked Seventh Seal. I've seen Wild Strawberries too. Smiles of a Summer Night is next up. Will watch it this weekend.
Fanny & Alexander is one of my favourite Bergman films.

I am also in possession of "Det sjuende Inseglet" and "Smultronstället." Brilliant.
The only Bergman film I've seen is Through a Glass Darkly

I'm not ashamed to say that I was bored witless and only pretended to like it for buff cred
I liked Seventh Seal. I've seen Wild Strawberries too. Smiles of a Summer Night is next up. Will watch it this weekend.

Wild Strawberries (Smultronstället) is great.


Ingrid Thulin :drool:

The only Bergman film I've seen is Through a Glass Darkly

I'm not ashamed to say that I was bored witless and only pretended to like it for buff cred

I think it's brilliant and I'm not just saying that for buff cred. I especially enjoyed the theme. Melancholy and madness. Very Swedish stuff.

Fanny & Alexander is very good too. If you're a true film buff you will have watched the 5 hour TV series original and make a big deal out of that version being the only true and watchable one. Which I haven't, so I can't.
Think The Seventh Seal is stunning. the imagery alone makes the film a remarkable one. And Wild Strawberries is just a wonderful and profound film. The final scene of the film is beautiful.

Which is why i'm reluctant to completely write off the other few Bergman films I suffered through. Maybe they just went over my head but I found them cold and unengaging. The Virgin Spring has it's moments but I thought The Magician was interminable crap.
Death Proof - 8/10

Didn't care for the long-winded banter about nothing in particular, but the final car chase was awesome.
Think The Seventh Seal is stunning. the imagery alone makes the film a remarkable one. And Wild Strawberries is just a wonderful and profound film. The final scene of the film is beautiful.

Which is why i'm reluctant to completely write off the other few Bergman films I suffered through. Maybe they just went over my head but I found them cold and unengaging. The Virgin Spring has it's moments but I thought The Magician was interminable crap.

It is stunning, like most Bergman films but it felt so slow paced that I didn't manage to really get into it. I really like your second point, he uses a lot of symbolism and subtle messages that sometimes I don't really get what he's trying to say. Maybe I should give the Seventh Seal another chance.
Winter Light is a film that nothing could make me watch again though. It's basically conversations in a church about faith.. for what felt like an eternity. I don't think the subject of faith is as relevant in an age where everyone and their mum is an atheist as back then in the early sixties. But then again, it's regarded by many as one of his best so it might just be me.

Some of his films like Wild Strawberries which is amazing and Hour of the Wolf which is a brilliant horror movie imo are more easy to get into and not as "heavy".
Bride Wars My wife now officialy has shit taste in films. This is even more dire than you could imagine from the title or any review you might read. It doesn't make logical sense, it isn't funny, Kate Hudson looks like a drag queen and did I mention that it was utter rubbish? 1/10 but only because I'm in a good mood

Funny you should say that. Her middle name is Gary.
Taken - 8.5/10

Watched this last night, and such an excellent film. Liam Neeson completely kicked ass in it and I found myself rooting for him so much. Once the action starts, it's like 100mph stuff and you can barely catch your breath.
Taken was indeed very good...

Valkyrie - 6.8 - No where near as interesting as I'd hoped but well acted. Tom Cruises hair annoyed me throughout
About Elly - Saw this today at the Tribeca Film Festival. It won the award Best narrative. This category's winner last year was Let The Right One In. Anyway, about About Elly. Iranian drama-mystery. I would say the first hour was brilliant but the second seemed to stretch a bit. Still, an excellent movie overall. Had a chance to sit through Q&A with one of the actors after the movie and he mentioned that the movie was born out of an image the director had in his head where a guy is waiting for the sea to wash ashore the body of his drowned wife. Anyway, watch the movie. 9/10

Also had tickets to the winner of the best documentary category but couldn't make it. The documentary was called Racing Dreams. About Nascar. Apparently it got a 5 minute standing ovation on its first screening.
Thanks, still unsure though. Will wait until a few more people have seen it I think.

Critics ar always harsh on the superhero movies, very entertaining movie. The biggest flaw i saw was crap CGI on his claws at one point. But the plot and movie is entertaining on a whole.
Crank: High Voltage - 7.5/10

A truly mental film, takes the first one, kicks it up the ass and spits on its mother in terms of content. I enjoyed it, I did not think I would.
Just saw Truffaut's Jim and Jules. Thoroughly enjoyed it too. Follows two borderline gay bohemian types who both fall in love with the same bird. The Catherine character is the flaky, whimsical protoype female love interest who seemed to appear in every romance film ever made in the black + white era but it's an absorbing story with absolutely top notch acting. I'll be checking out more Truffaut.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Review: 9/10

I loved it. The story was good, the action was intense and captivating and Hugh Jackman is a very good actor. On top of that, Gambit finally makes an appearance! Its a very good movie that you wouldn't be disappointed with.

Respect your opinions and all, but it's faaaaaar from deserving a 9. I'd say a 7/10 at most. Entertaining, but predictable, not enought thrill, and distinct lack of that 'edge'.
Just saw Truffaut's Jim and Jules. Thoroughly enjoyed it too. Follows two borderline gay bohemian types who both fall in love with the same bird. The Catherine character is the flaky, whimsical protoype female love interest who seemed to appear in every romance film ever made in the black + white era but it's an absorbing story with absolutely top notch acting. I'll be checking out more Truffaut.
Very good movie. I also recommend Shoot The Piano Player. I prefer Godard over Truffaut, but Truffaut certainly did some good things early on.

Note for film maker types - if the main heroin/lead is going to be portrayed as a bit of a knob, you have to make sure they're cool and likable, as opposed to irritating and lame

That's the first point. The second;

Films about jumping across buildings and bending bullets round corners - cool
Films where a bunch of people take orders from and worship a piece of cloth - not cool

Yeah it had potential to be a 6 or so, but Wanted is not a movie I ever want to see again
There's one truely good bit in Wanted, When he hits his friend with the keyboard...the rest is utter mulch directed by someone who plays too many video games, thinks the whole Matrix trilogy was 'awesome' and calls people dude
Finally got my mate to let me have a lend of his Bottle Rocket DVD and it was worth the wait, the wilson brothers were there usual charming selves but James Caan stole the show with an absolutely wonderful performance as a preposterous gangster.

Wes Anderson is brilliant, 8/10.
Y Tu Mama Tambien
Just about the best coming-of-age teen sex flick I've ever seen. Got the three things every film of this kind needs: Comical characters with enough depth to care about, hilarious dirty talk, proper emotion and loads of sex scenes featuring an older woman, who, despite looking somewhat like a horse, manages to be wank-worthy.

Great stuff


Not sure how much of it is true but it was a very good film regardless - my other half who has barely even heard of Joy Division even enjoyed it.
Top performance from the unknown Sam Riley as Ian Curtis as well.

Finally got my mate to let me have a lend of his Bottle Rocket DVD and it was worth the wait, the wilson brothers were there usual charming selves but James Caan stole the show with an absolutely wonderful performance as a preposterous gangster.

Wes Anderson is brilliant, 8/10.

It's my favorite comedy.
Crank 2: High Voltage I can't even begin to give a rating due to the sheer bewildering bizareness of the whole thing. It seems to have been made by a 7 year old boy with severe attention deficit disorder, on crack and locked in solitary confinement for 2 months with nothing but his own insane imagination to keep him company...

I really really enjoyed it though..I mean amazingly so...It may just have been the after shock of the United result but I was laughing hysterically throughout at the sheer balls of this film...or the sheer balls of the producers to allow such a film to ever be made!!.. The 10 minute fake Jeremy Kyle like flashback with Geri Halliwell perplexingly done with Australian accents was a particularly bizzarre highlight, as was the gay twin with Fully Body Tourettes arguing with a subtitiled insane Chinese hooker on speed......and thats without even getting to the talking head in a fish tank

Honestly...See this Film...It defies belief!!!

feck it 10 for the sheer ridiculousness
Finally got my mate to let me have a lend of his Bottle Rocket DVD and it was worth the wait, the wilson brothers were there usual charming selves but James Caan stole the show with an absolutely wonderful performance as a preposterous gangster.

Wes Anderson is brilliant, 8/10.

Yeah that's a great film, up there with Rushmore as his best I reckon.