Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I got Spike Lee's Miracle at St. Anna. Should I watch it or will I waste 2hr40 of my precious time?

You will waste 2hr40 of your precious time. Did not get into it at all and the film just plods on with a plot I could give a feck about, its not really a war movie at all and its all very predicatable once you work out the beginning.
Let The Right One In At times a bit slow and at others a bit silly (low cost effects) but generally a rather good take on the rather tired vampire genre. Made me never want to visit Scandanavia (due to the weather rather than the vampires) but well worth the effort of reading the subs. Visually very nice to look at most of the time as well. 8/10

I had very high expectations of this one and couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed. Acting was good, but I felt like I was waiting for something interesting that never arrived and instead got a generic ending. Visually it's superb though. They really managed to capture the feeling of the seventies in a Stockholm suburb. Or my perception of it at least, since I wasn't alive back then. I'd probably give it a 7 still. One of the few decent films to come out of Sweden in recent years. And fyi we actually get a bit of sun over here now and then. In the southern half at least :D

Blindness A multinational film made mainly in South America but pretending to be the US I think. Starts out well enough but people's behaviour when incarcerated wasn't entirely believable and the end was bit trite. In the end a disappointment. 4/10

Horrible, didn't like that one at all. Slow paced and banal. Less than impressive acting as well, given the amount of stars in it.

Agreed fully with your ratings of Milk, The Changeling, The Wrestler, Marley and Me btw.
Good to see a few of have watched Let The Right One In. Was a good film, although let a tad down by the ending.
Had my kung fu fix this weekend.

Ip Man - 7/10

Donnie Yen, traditional chinese kung fu, badass editing, ok storyline. The best martial artist actor around today. Classy movie for asiaphiles. Btw Ip Man is the first master of Bruce Lee.

Ong Bak 2 - 7/10

Tony Jaa's directorial debut is quite solid, intense fighting with all sorts of styles from Japan to Korea to China. Good story although editing can be a bit suspect and the pace is slow. Probably the best action star as his stunts and moves look like Jackie Chan on steroids. Oh and he uses a lot of weapons in this one.

Can I get a HELL YEAH?

I shall be on the hunt for these two now. Absolutely loved Ong Bak, aside from the intollerable voice of the girl.
Watchmen - I'm probably going to get slated here, but unfettered shit. Too long, poorly editted, too contrived for it's own good. Avoid, except to laugh at glowing blue penis. 4/10

Zack and Miri Make a Porno - I actually enjoyed this. Like Watchmen, noticably poorly editted, but funny. Would like to see Seth Rogan cast as something different to the lovable and slightly goofy everyman in his next film (yeah, as if). 6/10.
Watchmen - I'm probably going to get slated here, but unfettered shit. Too long, poorly editted, too contrived for it's own good. Avoid, except to laugh at glowing blue penis. 4/10

Zack and Miri Make a Porno - I actually enjoyed this. Like Watchmen, noticably poorly editted, but funny. Would like to see Seth Rogan cast as something different to the lovable and slightly goofy everyman in his next film (yeah, as if). 6/10.

Watchmen was much better than that.

I just got the movie Australia as a gift from some girl is it any good, anyone, anyone?
Australia No Oscar winner but far better than the reviews suggest. Kidman is as wooden as usual but the rest of the cast, the kid and David Wenham in particular are rather good. Nothing too deep or meaningful but it fills an evening quite nicely. 6.5/10

Zack and Miri Make a Porno Potentially very sordid and unfunny but rather charming if lacking in too many LOL moments. Not dissimilar to Knocked Up - not hysterical but rather charming against expectations. 6.5/10

Hunger Looks great much of the time and seems to be building to a harrowing and poignant end but becomes emotionally detached in the last third. Ignoring the political implications of the hunger strikes in the UK and Ireland was a huge mistake and instead of making this a film that you will remember for years it is a film I have almost forgotten half an hour later which is damnation indeed given the subject matter. A must see but it could have been so much more. 6.5/10
Unrest - 2006 horror movie about malevolent Aztec spirits trapped in the body of some crackwhore that murdered her punters, except she was actually an archaeologist who discovered some tomb and got possessed. Or something. Except that now she's a cadaver and the spirits are haunting this med school hosptial. Or something. None of it really made sense - at some point they just get access to some police interview tapes (generally, you know, hard to come by) but don't explain it at all. Unsettling amount of actual bodies on the screen. The setting was fantastic - a little far fetched that a med school/hospital could be that deserted, it was oppressive none the less. A good ride, but slightly unsatisfying, and stay away if you don't like bodies. 6/10

And adendum to that - while there are the usual bad horror movie things happening to assorted fodder charaters, I really really liked the way that you never saw who or what was doing it - it was hinted at that it was the cadaver, but you never saw it do anything, or move - it showed some signs of life, but it never actually got up and moved around.
Fast and the Furious: Can't believe I spent money seeing it. I felt uncomfortable watching it. I was a laugh though only that I laughed at the parts your not supposed to.
Ong Bak 2 - 7/10

Tony Jaa's directorial debut is quite solid, intense fighting with all sorts of styles from Japan to Korea to China. Good story although editing can be a bit suspect and the pace is slow. Probably the best action star as his stunts and moves look like Jackie Chan on steroids. Oh and he uses a lot of weapons in this one.
Did you watch the first one ? If so, are there chances if you hated the first to appreciate this one ?


Cant really explain how crap this movie is. A london bus trying to knock down snakes on a plane in a desert or something :wenger:

I'll was very stoned watching this so the "action" somehow kept me engrossed. Rachel Bilson however deserved an oscar. No doubt about it when her tits do eventually appear in the public domain she will rightfully go down as the finest actress my cock has ever seen.
Rachel Bilson :drool:.I didn't like Jumper and I share your analysis on it but Rachel makes me warm

Fast and the Furious: Can't believe I spent money seeing it. I felt uncomfortable watching it. I was a laugh though only that I laughed at the parts your not supposed to.
I was a bit disappointed with Spoorloos. That said, I think that's mainly to do us with becoming a bit desensitised. Might have thought differently if I had watched it in the late 80's.
Did you watch the first one ? If so, are there chances if you hated the first to appreciate this one ?

I did, and I love both. The first one he goes into the city (Bangkok i think) and fights with mobsters, this second one is more like a pre-pre-prequel, set way back in ancient times, and takes place in the forest/jungle and villages. Both are great, with a decent storyline that you can understand.

12 Angry Men 10/10

Absolute classic. Entire movie takes place in one room. I love movies with intelligent, thought provoking dialogue. It's #9 on IMDB all time list, produced by Henry Fonda himself.
The Counterfeiters A much better film than than The Reader with related subject matter. Superbly filmed, with great acting and an utterly believable storyline. The ethical conflicts were superbly played. A must see 9.5/10

Yes Man No, no, no. 1/10
12 Angry Men 10/10

Absolute classic. Entire movie takes place in one room. I love movies with intelligent, thought provoking dialogue. It's #9 on IMDB all time list, produced by Henry Fonda himself.

Brilliant film but it is a film of its time with the dialogue being far too fast and it also betrays its roots as a stage play. I'd only knock 1/10 off mind.
I used to watch this film 4 or 5 times a year. In fact I had two copies at one point. However, since loosing both of them at some miscellaneous point in time, I'd forgotten largely about it bar reccomending it to people whenever foreign films came up in conversation. However whilst perusing the Foreign Film thread on here and on learning that my pleb of a fate mate had never seen it I decided I was going to buy my third (and hopefully final) version after failing to find a decent download...I watched it again tonight and it was every bit as good as i remembered...The film in question is...

La Haine - Written & Directed by Mattieu Kassovitz

Vinvent Cassel (Irreversible, Oceans 12 and husband of the gloriously breasted Monica Belluci)
Said Taghmaouri (the Iraqi interrogator from Three Kings & new Lost cast member)
Hubert Kounde (Lost in the wilderness.....that's not a film I just think he must be lost in the wilderness somewhere)

Ostensibly a film about racial tensions following a Parisian riot, the film itself is far more than that, detailing the friendships, tensions and frustrations of the 3 estate kids on one day in Paris. The film opens with the revelation that a friend of theirs has been beaten into a coma by a policeman during the riots and that another officer has lost his gun somewhere on the estate. Vincent, an angry Jew, is the one who's found the gun and full of bravado he claims he will kill a cop if their friend dies. Hubert, the strongest of the 3 is a boxer who sells weed to buy school books for his brothers & sisters and just wants out of the Estate. He is vehermently against Vince's possession of the weapon and Vince's over zealous bravado causes tensions between the two. Said, a jokey arab, is just that, a jokey arab, full of mischevious energy. His brother is a figure head for many of the street kids and his parents are in jail. He's also bothered by Vince's tough guy act but acts as a peacemaker between the two...

The film follows them as they get in fights with police & skinheads, hang out on the estate, gate-crash parties and generally bicker with each other...

The most starteling thing about this film is the grandeur with which it's shot. Kazzovitz frames every shot perfectly. Each frame from this film could be a piece of art. He also makes great use of grafiti and advertising slogans as character and narrative sign posts that would look portentious and corny if not executed so elegantly..

For anyone who hasn't seen this impeccably acted, brilliantly directed and wonderfully profound film I would recommend you run out and get it now...

It's a masterpiece of European Cinema. Elegant, Stylish, Gritty, Profound and occasionally very funny..
The Counterfeiters A much better film than than The Reader with related subject matter. Superbly filmed, with great acting and an utterly believable storyline. The ethical conflicts were superbly played. A must see 9.5/10

Yes Man No, no, no. 1/10

Yeah, Yes Man was fecking shit
La Haine is my favourite movie.

Bumping myself:


Seen the fantastic LA HAINE (1994) again.
Fantastic piece of cinematography, Kassovitz shows he actually had some passion and talent. It takes place in a suburb of Paris were multiculturalism and anti-society thoughts stand high. Classy black/white which was explained because it had such a small budget. Cool ending and a noticeable character-depth. Very clean in style.

Just fecking see it. 10/10
Just watched Cube after imagining someone talking about it regarding 12 angry men as in terms of "locations".

Short: People stuck in something that only can be described as an enormous rubix cube. Peoples psyche obviously plays a great role and it even gets a little bit contagious sometimes (I tend to over-associate with likeable movie-characters).

Got a little bit weird-scripted which could easily be blamed on tendencies of over acting. I don't know, some scenes just seemed weird.. But the suspense was thrilling and I felt torn between how I wanted the movie to end. I still don't know what I felt about the ending, but it's definitely better then average.

Rating? 7.
Loved Cube, a great inventive little thriller. I believe the entire film was shot in 1 cubed set and all they did was change the wall lighting and design to differentiate between the different rooms.
Dragon Ball Z: 0/20
How have they managed to shit on my favorite ever Manga ?
Doing a film with american actors in all that american environment is wrong and the acting (or the writing) is really poor
Dragon Ball Z: 0/20
How have they managed to shit on my favorite ever Manga ?
Doing a film with american actors in all that american environment is wrong and the acting (or the writing) is really poor

That bad eh? I should probably avoid it then.

It's Dragon Ball Evolution right?
Just watched Cube after imagining someone talking about it regarding 12 angry men as in terms of "locations".

Short: People stuck in something that only can be described as an enormous rubix cube. Peoples psyche obviously plays a great role and it even gets a little bit contagious sometimes (I tend to over-associate with likeable movie-characters).

Got a little bit weird-scripted which could easily be blamed on tendencies of over acting. I don't know, some scenes just seemed weird.. But the suspense was thrilling and I felt torn between how I wanted the movie to end. I still don't know what I felt about the ending, but it's definitely better then average.

Rating? 7.
Some of the worst acting though.
Men Of War.

Looked all set to be another crappy commando movie starring Dolph Lundgren complete with ridiculous English baddy but actually the scripting, despite being cheesy at times, was overall quite good. Nicely shot too. Slightly more intellectual than I expected in the end although still a nice mindless action flick in essence. Just what I wanted. Solid 6/10.
Watched 3 older movies yesterday as they were all Sky had to offer, was surprised that I actually enjoyed each of them

Forgetting Sarah Marshall
I'd avoided watching this up until now simply because I can't stomach Russell Brand, but have to say I quite enjoyed it. Maybe because some of it I could easily relate to due to past issues etc! but the characters seemed believable and most importantly Mila Kunis looked stunning throughout!


Die Hard 4.0
I'm not too sure why its taken me so long to see this as i'm a fan of the first 3, maybe there was part of me that didn't want the Die Hard name tarnished. Again I was surprised with how much I enjoyed the film. Some good action scenes, good stunts and Bruce Willis as usual played the role to perfection. An entertaining watch.


Again i'd not watched this becuase I had a feeling it'd just not be to my taste and although some of the acting is lame and some of the scenes are pretty silly I was entertained for the full two hours which at the end of the day is what you want from a film like this. I'll definitely be watching Transformers 2 and hopefully that time in the cinema where some of the bigger action scenes will come across much better on the big screen.


I really didn't want to review this as I wanted to erase it from memory as soon as i'd left the cinema. However if I can save anybody two hours of their lives by avoiding this then i'll feel better!

I don't know exactly what makes this so bad, it has an ok cast with julia Roberts and Clive owen, but it just leavse you thinking 'when is this going to get started'

It's the first film in ages that i've wanted to walk out of the cinema half way through watching it!
