Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Lesbian Vampire Killers

I'll be frank, I only watched this because of the lesbian aspect. It's not very often a film comes around that is all about Lesbians so you've got to take the chance when they come. It seems though not many share this opinion as there were 4 of us at the screening.

Anyway the film itself is pointless, stupid, random and silly but I actually enjoyed it! It's not a great film by any stretch of the imagination - but some of the silly one liners had me in stitches. I know a lot of people don't like Horne & Cordon but they were great I though in this, especially the fat one. I've watched a lot of American comedies in the cinema but it made a change seeing a 'English humour' style film. If i was to call it a 'general humour' film that'd perfectly describe it - and by general, i mean the general forum with its daft sexual jokes and inuendos.

If you want a bit of a childish laugh then its for you, if your after a serious more in depth film then it's to be avoided.

And I thought it was arthouse after reading the title. :(
Surveillance: Decent enough if you don't see the twist (i saw it a mile off, :boring:). 6.5/10

Confessions of a Shopaholic: Utter cack 1/10. that one is only because of her funny husband.

Knowing: Decent enough plot, stunning set pieces, slightly weak ending. 7.5/10
Saw Sex Drive today

Just some story of a virgin trying to hook up with his best friend and then after losing out he goes off to find this girl on the Internet. Lots of naked women with bad tits morphed into the unrated version. Give it a miss

6/10 would be lower if the Internet girl wasn't hot and the car wasn't cool
I love you, man.


Thought it was very funny myself, and the birds were fit also which made it even better.
Kids, watched it for the first time the other night and thought was OK; it wouldn't be that shocking today in 2009 but I suppose in 1995 it was a bit graphic. I wanted to beat the feck out the lead actor, as if he'd be going about shagging pure birds, he was the ugliest twat I've ever seen but some good performances from Chloe Sevigny and Rosario Dawson in particular...
Saw Sex Drive today

Just some story of a virgin trying to hook up with his best friend and then after losing out he goes off to find this girl on the Internet. Lots of naked women with bad tits morphed into the unrated version. Give it a miss

6/10 would be lower if the Internet girl wasn't hot and the car wasn't cool

Seth Green's character was absolutely legendary though.
The Haunting in Connecticut.

I was expecting big things of this movie after seeing the trailer. It looked super scary. It was alright, not scary enough for me. Basically a family move into this new house and weird shit starts to happen to the teenage boy, he has flashbacks of people who previously lived there and the weird stuff that went on in the mortuary down in the basement. It gets quite confusing at times and like I said, the scariest stuff is the clips they put in the trailer.

Kids, watched it for the first time the other night and thought was OK; it wouldn't be that shocking today in 2009 but I suppose in 1995 it was a bit graphic. I wanted to beat the feck out the lead actor, as if he'd be going about shagging pure birds, he was the ugliest twat I've ever seen but some good performances from Chloe Sevigny and Rosario Dawson in particular...
Once you get over the whole shock of this being about kids, there's not a lot to it. I agree, the main character needed a kicking.
I didn't think much of it in 1995. That said, they didn't look all that young back then. . . so. . .
Kids, watched it for the first time the other night and thought was OK; it wouldn't be that shocking today in 2009 but I suppose in 1995 it was a bit graphic. I wanted to beat the feck out the lead actor, as if he'd be going about shagging pure birds, he was the ugliest twat I've ever seen but some good performances from Chloe Sevigny and Rosario Dawson in particular...

Disturbed me when I first saw it but I liked it. Seeing it years later it just seemed a bit cheap and tawdry with little respect for it's characters. Much preferred 'Bully'.

As for Leo Fitzpatrick's character, he is definately punchable but I think he's a good actor. He's good in Bully and Storytelling and plays Bubbles mate in The Wire. He's the guy to go to if you need a societal misfit.
Finally saw Slumdog at the weekend. It suffered a little from the hype, because I was expecting it to be amazing, and it wasn't. Very good though. Will watch again one day.

Finally saw Slumdog at the weekend. It suffered a little from the hype, because I was expecting it to be amazing, and it wasn't. Very good though. Will watch again one day.

Hollywood mainstream shit. A shame I had any expectations, the ending twenty minutes were laughable.
Hollywood mainstream shit. A shame I had any expectations, the ending twenty minutes were laughable.

So true. Exactly what I thought when I saw it, though I still saw it as an ordinary alright film. It's the way they tried to sell it as new, special and fantastic that did it for me. It was just the usual stuff you get from Hollywood except this time I had expectations and didn't know I was about to see that kind of film.

It's like when they give me pepsi instead of cola without giving a notice at burger king. It is worse, but the whole annoyance is that this shit isn't what I expected it to be, if I knew I was getting pepsi I wouldn't hate it so much.
Disturbed me when I first saw it but I liked it. Seeing it years later it just seemed a bit cheap and tawdry with little respect for it's characters. Much preferred 'Bully'.

As for Leo Fitzpatrick's character, he is definately punchable but I think he's a good actor. He's good in Bully and Storytelling and plays Bubbles mate in The Wire. He's the guy to go to if you need a societal misfit.


His mate
The Wicker Man - the 2006 Nicholas Cage version.

This ranks alongside Puppet Master IV as the worst movie of all time, ever. Absolute garbage.

You mean they made more?

First wasn't too bad if you like sci fi B movies (like I do).
Gran Torino - decent movie, bit cliched in places, but warm with it. 7/10.

Been well put off Watchmen; thanks for the warning.
I'm might still give Watchmen a try, even though, I don't know anyone who likes it.

Hmmm, I loved Watchmen, although I haven't read the comics and I had no expectations, since I read some bad reviews here.
The Boat That Rocked

Went and saw this last night and although the storyline behind the film is a bit weak I enjoyed it! The movie is all about the soundtrack for me - if you're a fan of your 60's rock and roll etc you'll enjoy this film. Some great performances by the cast, my favourite came from Philip Seymour Hoffman who played the character 'The Count'

Its basically a feel good kind of film and if your after an enjoyable night at the cinema then this is definitely for you. Good music, good laughs and good times - plus a bit of Gemma Arterton who I think is gorgeous!

All good

I'm might still give Watchmen a try, even though, I don't know anyone who likes it.

I would recommend Watchmen - I didnt think it was brilliant but i would say its one of those movies you should watch given the chance.
The Boat That Rocked

Went and saw this last night and although the storyline behind the film is a bit weak I enjoyed it! The movie is all about the soundtrack for me - if you're a fan of your 60's rock and roll etc you'll enjoy this film. Some great performances by the cast, my favourite came from Philip Seymour Hoffman who played the character 'The Count'

Its basically a feel good kind of film and if your after an enjoyable night at the cinema then this is definitely for you. Good music, good laughs and good times - plus a bit of Gemma Arterton who I think is gorgeous!

All good


I saw it today I agree with that review was good fun
I'm might still give Watchmen a try, even though, I don't know anyone who likes it.

I liked it, I thought it was interesting and well done, long but entertaining throughout. Malin Akerman is smoking as a brunette as well.
Hilarious that the Fast and Furious franchise went back to Vin Diesel and Paul Walker, says more about their two careers that they accepted though haha. Jordana Brewster would get it though, as for the movie I have no interest, just a commetn, got 7 Pounds today, any good ole?

fecking A no wonder why I would like to mate with Miss Jordana Brewster, her momma was on a SI Swimsuit cover feck
Hilarious that the Fast and Furious franchise went back to Vin Diesel and Paul Walker, says more about their two careers that they accepted though haha. Jordana Brewster would get it though, as for the movie I have no interest, just a commetn, got 7 Pounds today, any good ole?

fecking A no wonder why I would like to mate with Miss Jordana Brewster, her momma was on a SI Swimsuit cover feck
Haven't gotten around to seeing 7 Pounds yet.
Just seen X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Cant quite give it a proper review since its not out yet and parts of it were clearly unfinished. But its a very entertaining action movie and gives a lot more of an insight into his backstory.
Just seen X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Cant quite give it a proper review since its not out yet and parts of it were clearly unfinished. But its a very entertaining action movie and gives a lot more of an insight into his backstory.

Just seen X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Cant quite give it a proper review since its not out yet and parts of it were clearly unfinished. But its a very entertaining action movie and gives a lot more of an insight into his backstory.

Thanks, could have got that from the trailers.

Waiting for the cinema, sort of movie you want to see on the big screen.
Let The Right One In At times a bit slow and at others a bit silly (low cost effects) but generally a rather good take on the rather tired vampire genre. Made me never want to visit Scandanavia (due to the weather rather than the vampires) but well worth the effort of reading the subs. Visually very nice to look at most of the time as well. 8/10

Role Models If you liked the 40 Year Old Virgin then you will probably like this. Stupid juvenile humor in what is essentially a very run of the mill disfunctional adults meet disfunctional kids and all ends up well eventaully type film. I have no idea why but this is funnier than it should have been. If you want a few laughs without thinking then this is for you on DVD. 6.5/10

Twilight Another vampire movie obvioulsy aimed at the teenage gilr market. I'd guess that if you like the book then you will like the film and kids from 10-15 will quite enjoy it but most adults will find it a huge yawn. Well enough done although the chaste love affair between the two main characters lack much chemistry.5/10 more if you are in the target demographic

The Wrestler Much better than I expected. Not especially deep or meaningful but a plausible and well acted film about a washed up wrestling star from the 80s and his half hearted attempts to get his life back together after his remenants of a career are stopped by heart disease. Well worth a watch and not just because Marissa Tomei gets her cans out a few times. The best from Mickey Rourke since I can't remember when.8/10

Milk Brilliant perfomance from Seann Penn as the first openly gay public office holder in US history. Seann Penn is superb and thoroughly deserved his oscar. A must see for everyone. 9/10

Easy Virtue There is much to like in this film with a few excellent performances, Kirsten Scott Thomas in particulalr, and quite a few laughs. In the end it peters out a bit due to the restriction of the original play script but still well worth a watch.7.5/10

Marley And Me Starts out a mindless comedy about and unruly dog but the second half is less amusing. Fine enough family fare but don't expect too much.6/10

Blindness A multinational film made mainly in South America but pretending to be the US I think. Starts out well enough but people's behaviour when incarcerated wasn't entirely believable and the end was bit trite. In the end a disappointment. 4/10

The Changeling Based fairly closely on a true story about a kidnapped kid in 1928 and the police bringing the erong kid, who claims to be the missing boy, back to the mother. I won't give the plot away but it is well worth a watch. Directed by Clint Eastwood and one of his better offering. 8/10

Seven Pounds A good premise even if it pretty obvious more or less what is going on well before the end. Ends up being corny and a bit silly, the very end in particular. 3/10
Yeah Wibble I was disappointed, thought it would be better with all the hoha
Had my kung fu fix this weekend.

Ip Man - 7/10

Donnie Yen, traditional chinese kung fu, badass editing, ok storyline. The best martial artist actor around today. Classy movie for asiaphiles. Btw Ip Man is the first master of Bruce Lee.

Ong Bak 2 - 7/10

Tony Jaa's directorial debut is quite solid, intense fighting with all sorts of styles from Japan to Korea to China. Good story although editing can be a bit suspect and the pace is slow. Probably the best action star as his stunts and moves look like Jackie Chan on steroids. Oh and he uses a lot of weapons in this one.
I got Spike Lee's Miracle at St. Anna. Should I watch it or will I waste 2hr40 of my precious time?

Cant really explain how crap this movie is. A london bus trying to knock down snakes on a plane in a desert or something :wenger:

I'll was very stoned watching this so the "action" somehow kept me engrossed. Rachel Bilson however deserved an oscar. No doubt about it when her tits do eventually appear in the public domain she will rightfully go down as the finest actress my cock has ever seen.
Had my kung fu fix this weekend.

Ip Man - 7/10

Donnie Yen, traditional chinese kung fu, badass editing, ok storyline. The best martial artist actor around today. Classy movie for asiaphiles. Btw Ip Man is the first master of Bruce Lee.

Ong Bak 2 - 7/10

Tony Jaa's directorial debut is quite solid, intense fighting with all sorts of styles from Japan to Korea to China. Good story although editing can be a bit suspect and the pace is slow. Probably the best action star as his stunts and moves look like Jackie Chan on steroids. Oh and he uses a lot of weapons in this one.

Excellent tip, I enjoyed Ong Bak. Tony Jaa is one hell of a stuntman; loved the muay thai stuff, great to see something different in martial arts choreography.