Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Nope not yet, but I have it on my hard drive ready to watch.

I've just got a PS3 and am obsessed the Blu Ray films at the moment - Apocalypse Now in HD, doesnt get much better than that.

What TV have you got? I've got blu ray on my lappy, but I haven't watched a blu ray film on it yet.
I am Legend

I haven't read the book (I shall now be doing so) or seen Omega Man, so knew nothing of Legend's loyalty to the original or indeed how it would stand up against it.

For a while I was very entertained, not by Will Smith, he's ok but I don't think he can handle having so much screen time. The dog is amazing, I think I'm getting an alsation in a year or so, it probably turned in a better performance than Smith. The ending was gaaay, jesus, it made mehro look straight. Also why does catching a deadly disease mean you can leap 20 feet in the air and have a really hard head?

Went to see Knowing last night starring Nicolas Cage and i thought it was brilliant. Really enjoyed it!

Went to see Knowing last night starring Nicolas Cage and i thought it was brilliant. Really enjoyed it!


Yeah I ended up seeing Knowing too last night. Some of the effects in it where pretty cool but I kinda got the feeling that the writer ran out of ideas towards the end and in turn the ending was pretty lame.

I'd recommend seeing it, but only at th ecinema so you can fully appreciate the two main scenes in it. I think if you watched it on dvd then it'd be less impressive.

Yeah I ended up seeing Knowing too last night. Some of the effects in it where pretty cool but I kinda got the feeling that the writer ran out of ideas towards the end and in turn the ending was pretty lame.

I'd recommend seeing it, but only at th ecinema so you can fully appreciate the two main scenes in it. I think if you watched it on dvd then it'd be less impressive.


I agree with this post, good little review.

The effects were amazing and the sound was too, like you said watch it at the cinema so you can appreciate that.
Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle - 8 / 10

It's a mindless comedy, but gave me stomach cramps from laughing till the end. I noticed the sequel so i decided to see the original first, i'm definitely checking out the sequel very soon.
I am Legend

I haven't read the book (I shall now be doing so) or seen Omega Man, so knew nothing of Legend's loyalty to the original or indeed how it would stand up against it.

For a while I was very entertained, not by Will Smith, he's ok but I don't think he can handle having so much screen time. The dog is amazing, I think I'm getting an alsation in a year or so, it probably turned in a better performance than Smith. The ending was gaaay, jesus, it made mehro look straight. Also why does catching a deadly disease mean you can leap 20 feet in the air and have a really hard head?


poor thing
i had to turn it off at that point
I am Legend

I haven't read the book (I shall now be doing so) or seen Omega Man, so knew nothing of Legend's loyalty to the original or indeed how it would stand up against it.

For a while I was very entertained, not by Will Smith, he's ok but I don't think he can handle having so much screen time. The dog is amazing, I think I'm getting an alsation in a year or so, it probably turned in a better performance than Smith. The ending was gaaay, jesus, it made mehro look straight. Also why does catching a deadly disease mean you can leap 20 feet in the air and have a really hard head?


The monsters were extremely unconvincing.

Anyway I watched Meet Joe Black for the first time. Thought it was pretty good without being spectacular.

There were a few plot holes, and both the girl and Brad went beyond the 'cute' awkwardness by the end. Made me cringe.

Anyway in all a solid 6/10.
All or Nothing

Jeesh this is a depressing movie. Not in that it's bad, it's just a sad story.
Dead snow.
A Nazi Zombie film from Norway, utter crap but fecking brilliant.
Its the film i used to dream about making, just need a little softcore porn added and it would have been a cult classic.
I watched a horror movie called REC. on movie premiere the other night, excellent film. It's Spanish made but has the English subtitles. Normally I'd struggle to get into a film like that if it's foreign but I really loved it. It's kind of like Blair Witch meets 28 Days Later. A TV crew is doing a documentary with a local fire station. They go along with them on a seemingly routine call to an apartment block. Once they get there, they realise things aren't what they seem and they end up getting quarantined inside this building, then the nightmare begins. The Blair Witch style camera shot makes it more terrifying as it's only from one camera so something can just jump out at you without you even realising it. I thought the storyline was great, the characters and acting was great and the suspense and scare levels were terrifying to watch at times. It's much better than it's USA remake Quarantine.

How To Lose Friends and Alienate People. Some funny parts. Simon Pegg does a good job. Megan Fox is hot. Overall nothing great about this one. Also, the how to lose friends part is a bit odd as he doesn't actually have any friends.
How To Lose Friends and Alienate People. Some funny parts. Simon Pegg does a good job. Megan Fox is hot. Overall nothing great about this one. Also, the how to lose friends part is a bit odd as he doesn't actually have any friends.

They probably just wanted the title to be a play on the title of that famous book by Carnegie

Decent film I thought, worth a watch. Well, anything with Megan Fox in it is.
How To Lose Friends and Alienate People. Some funny parts. Simon Pegg does a good job. Megan Fox is hot. Overall nothing great about this one. Also, the how to lose friends part is a bit odd as he doesn't actually have any friends.

I thought it was quite good popcorn fair, Simon Pegg proved to be an endearing lead in a Hollywood movie (better than Gervais anyway) and the film had some genuinely funny moments despite being thoroughly predictable.

Dead snow.
A Nazi Zombie film from Norway, utter crap but fecking brilliant.
Its the film i used to dream about making, just need a little softcore porn added and it would have been a cult classic.

Just this minute finished this and it's one of the best films I've seen this year, anyone who has ever seen a zombie film and liked it will enjoy this. The finger sucking moment was far and away the most horrific part of the film, why!?

Watched Yes man last night too, I would imagine most people would be put off by the fact this is Jim Carrey and I should add Jim Carrey in zany mode, but he is reined in for most of the film (the red bull scene is painfully zany though) and altough the plot is full of holes and lacking in depth it was entertaining enough to keep me watching. Zooey Deschanel too :drool:
Indy and the Crystal Skull - As a stand alone film it's just about watchable but a bit shit really. Too goofy (and I like the goofy stuff in the others), too obviously staged and too lacking in ideas. It's slickly shot but horribly directed; no tension, drama or excitement. I liked the cave ninja though.

I'm not even going to pretend it's a real Indiana Jones film. It's not even as good as Tomb Raider which it has more in common with.

As for the Alien shit...

I'd say the first 3/4 of Goodfellas is the best 3/4 of any film I have seen...fecking supreme.


The Departed: yes, I know its old but only watched it a few ago


Can people suggest some other Martin Scorcese films for me to watch
Oh ye - Gangs of New York is brilliant too.

I'll legally watch those films in the next few days.
My friend told me that Scorcese is working on a TV series with the guy who created The Wire. Is this true?
My friend told me that Scorcese is working on a TV series with the guy who created The Wire. Is this true?

Scorsese has also recently announced his involvement on an upcoming HBO series, Boardwalk Empire, based upon Nelson Johnson's book Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times and Corruption of Atlantic City. The series will be produced by Entourage duo Mark Wahlberg and Stephen Levinson and is written by The Sopranos scribe Terence Winter.[56] It stars Steve Buscemi and Michael Pitt. Scorsese will direct the pilot episode
Always liked Kundun far more than i'm supposed to.

Most impressively directed film after Raging Bull for me. Even if Taxi Driver/Goodfellas edge it on drama and story.
Lesbian Vampire Killers

I'll be frank, I only watched this because of the lesbian aspect. It's not very often a film comes around that is all about Lesbians so you've got to take the chance when they come. It seems though not many share this opinion as there were 4 of us at the screening.

Anyway the film itself is pointless, stupid, random and silly but I actually enjoyed it! It's not a great film by any stretch of the imagination - but some of the silly one liners had me in stitches. I know a lot of people don't like Horne & Cordon but they were great I though in this, especially the fat one. I've watched a lot of American comedies in the cinema but it made a change seeing a 'English humour' style film. If i was to call it a 'general humour' film that'd perfectly describe it - and by general, i mean the general forum with its daft sexual jokes and inuendos.

If you want a bit of a childish laugh then its for you, if your after a serious more in depth film then it's to be avoided.
