Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

A wonderful movie. I enjoyed it very much despite it being very very long. Brad Pitt was excellent.


Good movie, great acting by Pitt, and his wife in her 20s looks well fit, especially when she did that short ballet dance in the dark..amazing ability with her legs.

I'd give it a 9/10, but its really long, so 8/10
Could I get a bit of advice in here from anyone who has seen any of the three following films

Yes Man
Seven pounds
Sex Drive

I'm takin someone to the cinema tomorrow and these are the front runners to be watched. bearing in mind this is an early date type effort which if any would you suggest watching?
Who are you taking? It doesn't matter anyway - Seven Pounds
1408 - 1/10

The biggest piece of shit I've seen since Boxing Day. Had to check half-way through to see whether this was directed by M. Night Charlatan. Utter crap.
Slumdog Millionaire Excellent drama based quite closely on a real story, well acted with a decent romance thrown in for good measure. The cinematography is top draw, particularly in the first half of the film. If I had to criticise it I would say that the way that the main character knows each answer is less clear and clever than it is in the book (Q and A) and the second half could have had 5 or 10 minutes edited out to prevent the pace slowing but these are minor quibbles. 8.5/10
The Orphanage. Really good horror film. Spooky and sinister but with a heart. Reminded me a lot of the novel 'The Woman in Black' and the film 'Don't look Now'. Tonally and in terms of story but it's got it's own ideas too.

The Darjeeling Limited. enjoyable but disappointing. The characters weren't as well developed as in previous Wes Anderson films and the story didn't do much. I laughed a few times though.
Darjeeling wasnt very good at all sadly, I went in with high expectations
Just watched The Wrestler.

Very good film and i'd forgotten how much I loved Marisa Tomei. She'll get another Oscar for this.

She looks incredible for her age. I enjoyed The Wrestler too, went in thinking this is gonna be a Rocky wannabe but it wasn't, Rourke was excellent.
Ip Man 9/10
Fantastic kung fu film and Donnie Yen hand speed is a joke.

Seven Pounds 4/10
Sounds great on paper, but doesnt come across well on screen.

The Wrestler 8/10
Good performances from Tomei and Rourke, and was a eye opener for me into the world of low budget wrestling.

Rear window 9/10
First time id seen it and was totally engrossed in it. Grace Kelly was something else. They dont make women like this anymore or films tbh.
Gran Torino

Great (like 8/10). Eastwood simply knows his onions.
Ivans XTC.

Very good. Reminded me of one of my favourite films - Leaving Las Vegas - in that it is about a man who knows he is going to die and goes out with a bang in a storm of excess. Interesting perspective on the vacuous world of Hollywood. Would highly recommend.
Iron Man. Much better than I thought it would be.

Wall-E. Very good Pixar film. I could have watched 90 minutes of him just hanging out in Earth by himself and I would have enjoyed it.

Iron Man was excellent, the sequel has already been greenlighted with the same people in the same roles although Don Cheadle is taking over for Terrence Howard as teh colonel, also Mickey Rourke is slated as one of the bad guys reckon it will be good. Downey Jr is damn talented
Was looking at the wiki page, and clicked on Gerard Bulter, who'd have thought he used to an attorney haha
Entertaining return to a semblance of his previous best but still nowhere near as good as Snatch or Lock Stock etc. Worth a watch but ..... 7/10
'Zack and Miri make a porno' ... funny in bits but mostly forgettable. Probably my least favorite of the Kevin Smith movies that I have seen. On the evidence of his last few movies, I think it is safe to say that we won't be getting another 'Clerks' from him.
Has anyone seen the Danish film Adam's Apples? With Mads Mikkelsen. Can't believe don't have that movie.

Another one I'm desperately trying to find is Fatherland (Rutger Hauer), and Hurlyburly. None of the dvd rental companies has got them. Cnuts!
RocknRolla - 6/10 Decent film but not a Lock stock or a Snatch.

Slumdog Millionaire - 8.5/10 - Excellent film.
Sex Drive - 8/10

I'd definately suggest watching this to anyone who likes the American teen humour style films. This is a mix of road trop and superbad and has some very funny moments, obviously with there being hundred of this kind of film about some of the jokes and scenes have been seen before but Sex Drive makes them seem new and puts an original twist on them. I hadn't seen the three main characters before (Josh Zuckerman, Amanda Crew & Clarke Duke) but was impressed with them all. James Marsden though who played a character called Rex who has been around for a while stood out for me - was very funny.

All in all a good film that doesn't need a lot of thinking, just sit, watch and laugh!
In the cinema?

Slumdog Millionaire.

Not a whole lot else worth watching at the minute. Some cracking DVDs released in the last couple of months.

I watched Inkheart last week(don't ask). Good film for the young'ens Nah, I was thinking films NOT to download. There's nothing on at the cinema that appeals, and I include Slumdog Millionaire.
Any, really. Horror's great but I think I've seen most decent horrors made.

I'm struggling to find something to watch. That said, I've got The Life Aquatic, a couple of films by Kurosawa, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead and a few more films waiting to be watched.
I watched Inkheart last week(don't ask). Good film for the young'ens Nah, I was thinking films NOT to download. There's nothing on at the cinema that appeals, and I include Slumdog Millionaire.

Slumdog Millionaire wouldn't appeal to me either. But reading the reviews it sounds like it might be worth a watch. Some critics who I would usually respect are raving about it.

If you're looking for films NOT to download, be sure NOT to watch;

No Country For Old Men
There Will Be Blood
Coward Robert Ford
Man on a Wire
Diving Bell and the Butterfly