Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Slumdog Millionaire - Good movie besides the end I guess. Veeeeryy cheesy. The question, the phone call... Bollywoodish. Still a decent watch I suppose.
Watched Hancock last night, thought it was quite good but there wasn't enough scenes of him helping people after he'd been released from prison. Fair enough he stopped the bank robbery but that was a bit shit anyway. Also it wasn't on very long was it?
Finally watched The Dar Knight last night. feck that film is good. I never thought Id see someone do a better job playing The Joker than Jack Nicholson but Heather Ledger did it. Fantastic film. The best Batman film, I think. Though I havent seen Batman Begins.

On the subject of Apocalypto, discussed recently, for me it is a great film - and while I agree that being set in the Amazon is fairly incidental in terms of plot, it does add to the film in how visually spectacular it is. I dont see what relevance the point that it could have been set in New York (or anywhere else) has, Spoons. Are you saying every film that can be set in a recognisable city should be? That setting a film somewhere different, for its own sake, has no value in itself? I disagree. And perhaps it lacked authenticity, but that was not something that jumped out at me. In fact I thought it made the point that people are essentially the same wherever (or whenever) you go, which is something I believe - cultures vary but people will always do the same kinds of things - i.e do anything for their families and trick their friends into covering their dicks with chilli.

Two more great films that were on normal TV last night: Kingpin and The Fly.
Watched Hancock last night, thought it was quite good but there wasn't enough scenes of him helping people after he'd been released from prison. Fair enough he stopped the bank robbery but that was a bit shit anyway. Also it wasn't on very long was it?

I thought it was a good idea that was poorly executed - started well but then got bogged down in a whole load of superhero romance bullshit.
Wasted opportunity.

Two more great films that were on normal TV last night: Kingpin and The Fly.

Classic !
Babylon AD

It's Children of Men, only stupider.

They've basically taken Children of Men and Vin Diesled it up. So in other words there's more shooting, more pointless futuristic stuff, and the pregnant woman turns out to be an artificial being who can stop missiles using her mind somehow. and of course, it doesn't make any sense.

Also, I don't like it when films don't let you know what's going on until near the end, so you think/hope it's going to be something clever, but then it turns out to be something incredibly stupid and pointless.

5/10 - crap plot, not enough stuff exploding to make up for it
Finally watched The Dar Knight last night. feck that film is good. I never thought Id see someone do a better job playing The Joker than Jack Nicholson but Heather Ledger did it. Fantastic film. The best Batman film, I think. Though I havent seen Batman Begins.

On the subject of Apocalypto, discussed recently, for me it is a great film - and while I agree that being set in the Amazon is fairly incidental in terms of plot, it does add to the film in how visually spectacular it is. I dont see what relevance the point that it could have been set in New York (or anywhere else) has, Spoons. Are you saying every film that can be set in a recognisable city should be? That setting a film somewhere different, for its own sake, has no value in itself? I disagree. And perhaps it lacked authenticity, but that was not something that jumped out at me. In fact I thought it made the point that people are essentially the same wherever (or whenever) you go, which is something I believe - cultures vary but people will always do the same kinds of things - i.e do anything for their families and trick their friends into covering their dicks with chilli.

Two more great films that were on normal TV last night: Kingpin and The Fly.
Yes, it looks fantastic, but as I've said a few times, it all seems rather superficial. And I must say that I didn't hate the film, in fact I thought it was quite decent till the eclipse part.

I am still trying to figure it out. (but probably the first movie when I don't find Kidman irritating)
Wait Until Dark was good.

Will watch Pan's Labyrinth tonight. Yes, I haven;t seen it.


Pan's Labyrinth is an absolutely magnificent film, worthy of all the plaudits it's gotten. It's brutal at times thanks to the sadistic Colonel, frightening in others (eyes in hands springs to mind) and just downright incredible looking.

I am still trying to figure it out. (but probably the first movie when I don't find Kidman irritating)
Dogville was very good, Kidman was also very good in To Die For. She been rubbish in everything else - spectacularly so in Far And Away (....the worst film ever committed to celluloid).

Pan's Labyrinth is an absolutely magnificent film, worthy of all the plaudits it's gotten. It's brutal at times thanks to the sadistic Colonel, frightening in others (eyes in hands springs to mind) and just downright incredible looking.

Didn't get a chance to watch it, Cinca. I've got a shedloads of films, waiting to be checked out.

Pan's Labyrinth is an absolutely magnificent film, worthy of all the plaudits it's gotten. It's brutal at times thanks to the sadistic Colonel, frightening in others (eyes in hands springs to mind) and just downright incredible looking.
Flawed by the OD of magical realism in my book.
Friend of mine mentioned that to me. According to imdb it's the second part of von Tier's trilogy.
Dogville was very good, Kidman was also very good in To Die For. She been rubbish in everything else - spectacularly so in Far And Away (....the worst film ever committed to celluloid).

Great call, PS. Normally can't stand Gus Van Sant films but I really liked this one, and it was mainly due to Kidman's performance. I sampled some of her dialogue from the film in a short film I produced a few years back.

Interesting watch, Del Toro was brilliant as El Che. Those of you interested in the Cuban revolution, The origins of the 26th July movement and in Ernesto Guevara himself should definitely give this a watch.

Inside (aka À l'intérieur) 6/10

Christ. What a fecking bleak film this was. And Beatrice Dalle... what the feck happened to her face? She looks like Mickey Rourke.

Anyway, it was better than Switchblade Romance and Frontiers (which are quite similar in the gory fecked-up stakes). Don't watch it if you're pregnant, though.

She's an ugly bitch anyway. Great body but the face is .......
The Royal Tenenbaums - loved it. I'm sure most of us could empathise with at least one of the characters.
To be fair, I thought it was heading nowhere, slowly, just short of the hour mark. I liked Bottle Rocket and all. Rushmore didn't nowt for me, though.

Yeah Bottle Rocket is his best I reckon, love the relationship between Owen and Luke Wilson in that film. Rushmore was okay.
Yeah Bottle Rocket is his best I reckon, love the relationship between Owen and Luke Wilson in that film. Rushmore was okay.

It was an easier film to get into, mainly due to the plot, but also more fun to watch. I thought Tenebaums was more complex, though.
Chaos Theory. Another movie I just didn't think much of.

The Duchess. Decent, but there have been other movies of the same type that have been much better. Has Keira Knightley done only 1 modern day movie(Domino)?
The Royal Tenenbaums - loved it. I'm sure most of us could empathise with at least one of the characters.

Heh, Tenenbaums was the one Wes Anderson film that left me a little cold. I think Rushmore is a truly great film. And The Life Aquatic, a film that seems to get kicked about a bit, I thought was terrific. Bottle Rocket's a good little film too.

Still to see the Darjeeling Limited.

Saw Superman Returns, underwhelming and boring. It just highlighted to me what a weak character Superman is and how well the original film makers did in making the first set of films a half decent watch. Kevin Spacey was pretty good though.

The lastest Guy Ritchie British gangster comedy film, although this one with a distinctly more realistic twist. The film is about Dimitar Berbatov, working for Sir Alex Ferguson, who is attempting to screw over Roman Ambramovich regarding a deal for a new stadium he is building. The supprting cast features Duncan Ferguson as Mr OneTwo, a bit of a crook, and his partner in crime Mumbles, played by Sol Campbell. Assisted by Handsome Bob, portrayed by Joey Barton, who work for an accountant, Victoria Beckham, who gives them robbery jobs that involve stealing from Ambramovich's henchmen, played perfectly by Andrei Shevchenko and Thomas Gravesen.


Fantastic but unnecessarily complicated. (wtf was in that purple box?)