I agree
In The Hands Of The Gods was a brilliant premise but it fizzled out when they ****** *** ***** *********.
In The Hands Of The Gods was a brilliant premise but it fizzled out when they ****** *** ***** *********.
Spoiler alert Wibble?
Hellboy 2 Looks great but pretty dull narrative. 5/10
I agree about there will be blood. Too long for its own goodThere will be blood was a huge disappointment. Even worse than that New York Gangs embarasment of a few years ago.
DOA is a fantastic noir. Have you seen Detour? Only 60ish minutes long, but quality as well.D.O.A. - Good classic film noir.
Here's a link to it in case anyone wants to watch it. http://www.archive.org/search.php?q...type:collection&sort=-avg_rating;-num_reviews
My son started watching Speed Racer tonight and when we made him go to bed half way through his verdict was "It makes no sense".
If 9 year olds think it is rubbish I don't think they have much hope of getting their $120 mill back.
I saw There Will Be Blood a couple of days ago. Thought it was brilliant. Acting was great and the sound design was spectacular. First 20 minutes with no dialogue- raw cinema.
10/10 I plan to watch it again this weekend.
The Painted Veil
Quite amazingly boring. Don't watch it.
I quite enjoy watching Naomi Watts, she's pretty and a very good actress, but by the end I was praying for her to die of cholera
I liked Hellboy 2! It's not as good as the comics though.
Hell yeah.
Decent movie. Got a bit boring after about an hour though.
Agreed. In The Mood For Love is brilliant.I liked it but I thought In The Mood For Love was better.
What are you, like 10?
It was rubbish. The only redeeming factor being the effects and the creatures.
That flame-chick was the worst actress ever in the history of the world. Ever.
Seen it. I enjoyed it.Takashi Mike's upcoming movie http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/sukiyakiwesterndjango/
Meet the Spartans
Hilarious 10/10 ..
Worst movie I’ve ever seen. How can they be allowed to make more films like that one?
Worst movie I’ve ever seen. How can they be allowed to make more films like that one?
I think it was a black comedy, horror, action flick. So, yes parts of it were meant to be funny.
Watch 'Save the Green Planet', it's as good as any Korean film I've seen, and covers just about every film genre known to man, whilst paying homage to a few Hollywood flicks. Highly recommended.
I've just watched this. Insane, then disturbing, then sad, then insane again.
I can see why you liked it, being a Miike fan and all, but it just didn't do it for me. I loved some of the director's treatments of insanity and disenfranchisement, mind.
Apparently the ending was supposed to be real (according to Korean posters on the IMDB forums) which takes a bit away from the movie as well.
Nah, the ending wasn't suppose to be real(according to the director. as well). Those Korean posters clearly didn't get the film.
Have just put Paprika on my list of movies to watch this week.Yeah I kinda hoped so. It makes sense in a drug-induced, criminally insane sort of way.
I think I'm desensitised to gore as a plot device. I wanted to like this but just couldn't in the end.
I watched Paprika after your recommendation a few months ago though. I've never said no to a bit of unbridled craziness, and I have to say I really liked that.
Next on my list will be The Chaser. I've heard good things, but we'll see.
Yeah I kinda hoped so. It makes sense in a drug-induced, criminally insane sort of way.
I think I'm desensitised to gore as a plot device. I wanted to like this but just couldn't in the end.
I watched Paprika after your recommendation a few months ago though. I've never said no to a bit of unbridled craziness, and I have to say I really liked that.
Next on my list will be The Chaser. I've heard good things, but we'll see.