Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Sympathy for Mr. Vengenace (2002) [Korean with English subtitles]

Brutal and gripping, enjoyed it but was slow at parts. Well worth a watch if you like your asian cinema. - 7/10
Saw Tropic Thunder last night. Maybe I was too drunk but I didn't think it was that funny. Funny in parts only. And a couple of scenes from the trailers were missing.
Sympathy for Mr. Vengenace (2002) [Korean with English subtitles]

Brutal and gripping, enjoyed it but was slow at parts. Well worth a watch if you like your asian cinema. - 7/10

Oldboy's the best of the trilogy. Lady Vengeance was very good and all.
Saw Tropic Thunder last night. Maybe I was too drunk but I didn't think it was that funny. Funny in parts only. And a couple of scenes from the trailers were missing.

God damn human rights groups
Just finished watching L.I.E.

A coming of age story dealing with trust and loss. Brian Cox plays the respected, charming ex serviceman and sexual predator. It treats it's themes with respect and avoids sensationalism. Similar to Mysterious Skin and just as good. highly recomended.
Das Leben der Anderen - 2006
(The Lives Of Others)

If you haven't seen this film yet, go out and get it as soon as you can. It's simply one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's a German-language film about how the East German government would spy on its citizens throughout the years of communism.

There's a Hollywood remake in the works starring Nicholas Cage. Please watch the original version first because it's incredible, and the last remake starring cage (The Wicker Man) was a pile of shit.

If you can get past the fact that The Lives Of Others is subtitled then you're on to a winner.

Das Leben der Anderen - 2006
(The Lives Of Others)

If you haven't seen this film yet, go out and get it as soon as you can. It's simply one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's a German-language film about how the East German government would spy on its citizens throughout the years of communism.

There's a Hollywood remake in the works starring Nicholas Cage. Please watch the original version first because it's incredible, and the last remake starring cage (The Wicker Man) was a pile of shit.

If you can get past the fact that The Lives Of Others is subtitled then you're on to a winner.


I wish I was related to Coppola so I could get into every film.

How could you not like the Wicker Man remake
Ive been meaning to see it, seems to be very highly-rated. My mums favourite film too, which is rather odd but there you go.

Ichi the Killer's even better, though. More comic book-like and less melodramatic.

And your mother's weird. Shouldn't mums hate these types of films?
Is that the Korean one?. I think it was obvously a political allegory, that probably made more sense to South Koreans. But I enjoyed it, nevertheless.

Yeah the Korean movie.

I saw the cover and saw the tentacle and figured it was a typical 'horror' movie about a giant squid or something.

I did enjoy it, it even had a few napoleon dynamite moments to boot. But in all it was strange. I couldn't quite gage whether or not it was supposed to have a humorous side, or whether or not it was unintentional.

And a few things that happened definately went against the typical block-buster cliche' grain.
Yeah the Korean movie.

I saw the cover and saw the tentacle and figured it was a typical 'horror' movie about a giant squid or something.

I did enjoy it, it even had a few napoleon dynamite moments to boot. But in all it was strange. I couldn't quite gage whether or not it was supposed to have a humorous side, or whether or not it was uninentional.

And a few things that happened definately went against the typical block-buster cliche' grain.

I think it was a black comedy, horror, action flick. So, yes parts of it were meant to be funny.

Watch 'Save the Green Planet', it's as good as any Korean film I've seen, and covers just about every film genre known to man, whilst paying homage to a few Hollywood flicks. Highly recommended.
I think it was a black comedy, horror, action flick. So, yes parts of it were meant to be funny.

Watch 'Save the Green Planet', it's as good as any Korean film I've seen, and covers just about every film genre known to man, whilst paying homage to a few Hollywood flicks. Highly recommended.
That is a strange yet good film.
Blood Simple (1985)

This is the Coen Brothers' first film and you can see many similarities with later work such as Fargo and No Country For Old Men. It's a slow brooding thriller with trademark dashes of dark humour, set in a remote area of the US (Texas this time). A jealous bar owner hires a snoop to murder his wife and her lover.

There's a fine line between slow pacing and boredom, which is crossed on occasions. Check out the directors cut as it is a shortened version, with tighter editing and the removal of some of the plodding scenes. The final scene is magnificent and knocks an extra mark on its score.

Blood Simple (1985)

This is the Coen Brothers' first film and you can see many similarities with later work such as Fargo and No Country For Old Men. It's a slow brooding thriller with trademark dashes of dark humour, set in a remote area of the US (Texas this time). A jealous bar owner hires a snoop to murder his wife and her lover.

There's a fine line between slow pacing and boredom, which is crossed on occasions. Check out the directors cut as it is a shortened version, with tighter editing and the removal of some of the plodding scenes. The final scene is magnificent and knocks an extra mark on its score.


If you have the DVD definately watch the commentary it's the best ever. Kenneth Loring really knows his films.
I watched Jacob's Ladder tonight. Hadnt seen it since soon after it came out - remembered the overall plot of the film and that I had enjoyed it a lot but none of the details. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
A slight oversell?

Enjoyably competent perhaps.

I was like 10 when I first saw it, it was an instant favourite and you know how those types of movies just stick with you.

Just like Rush Hour I, one of my favourite movies ever and I first saw it when I was a kid.
I was like 10 when I first saw it, it was an instant favourite and you know how those types of movies just stick with you.

Just like Rush Hour I, one of my favourite movies ever and I first saw it when I was a kid.

Rush Hour, one of your favorite movies ever = :lol:
Rush Hour I and II are classics for mine.

Light hearted, funny, action, stereotypes, scenic and all round great. Take them for what they're worth and how can you not enjoy them.
Rush Hour I and II are classics for mine.

Light hearted, funny, action, stereotypes, scenic and all round great. Take them for what they're worth and how can you not enjoy them.

Yeah they are good enough to watch, but there are far better movies from that genre
Project A is the best Jackie Chan movie.

He's had some great ones over the years.

What was the one where it starts off out in some field, and there's three teams (towns) that are playing this game where they have to get this golden egg off the top of this log pyramid and run it back to their markers?

Great movie that one.
Lust, Caution - Excellent movie, great sex. Tony Leung was his usual brilliant. Wei Tang was the surprise package. If this would have been a Hollywood movie she would taken all the awards.