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Just watched Requiem for a Dream.
Christ, what a disturbing film.
Christ, what a disturbing film.
Just watched Requiem for a Dream.
Christ, what a disturbing film.
Can't remember that for shit, but do recall enjoying it.
Wasnt really enjoyable, just shows a chilling reality - dont think I can watch it again. They should really show this movie to teens in schools and itll put em off drugs for life...or at least get the feckers to think twice.
Nah, all Will Ferrell movies have some charm. Being the best actor in the world at being over-the-top in a good way, he's always watchable. Stranger Than Fiction, the Austin Powers movies, A Night at the Roxbury, Elf, Semi-Pro, Talladega Nights, Blades of Glory, Wedding Crashers and Zoolander are all ok movies. Anchorman is his best though, I agree on that. It's basically 90 minutes of wetting your pants.Anchorman - absolutely hillarious. Best Will Ferell film by a mile. Come to think of it, its probably his only good movie.
The Dark Knight #1
After claiming the number one one spot on IMDb, the expectations couldn't be higher.
Just watched The Forbidden Kingdom - kung fu film with Jackie Chan and Jet Li.
Was pretty shite really, there always has to be some snotty American kid who just happens to master Kung Fu in a few hours and then manage to pull some really hot bird.
Feckin directors.
In Bruges
* note - super minor spoiler alert *
A humorous yet rather different movie, which in all was entertaining and worth a trip to the cinema for. The scenery was fantastic, a beautiful place is Bruges.
I didn't appreciate the dwarf humor, I felt a movie of this calibre didn't need to rely on something so immature that much.
Colin Farell actually displayed some rather good acting ability in this movie as his character is rather odd. He did it well.
That's all I can really say without spoiling the film.
The Love Guru
Watched this last night, pretty funny, if your into Austin Powers this is pretty much similar, good film very funny in parts.
Great film.
Yeah I really enjoyed it, though the ending left me feeling wierd. Strange huh.
Also with the Dwarf thing I did have a laugh but I just felt it's overdone and tacky. Compared to the rest of the stuff it didn't seem too right to me.
In Bruges. The trailer made it out to be something in the like of Snatch and co. There are parts that are like it, but there is much more to it than those movies(not to say I didn't like those movies). Overall I enjoyed it.
I watched The Departed again, I can't remember what I said last time but I've decided that it's shit.
Lost in Translation
Bill Murray, Scarlett Johansen.
To sum it up in one word - empty. Don't take that the wrong way, because I enjoyed it as it was humorous, though in a rather different way.
Same vein (as in feeling) to Life Aquatic.
I loved LiT. But I love the less is more approach. WKW, Kitano. . .French New Wave(although I must admit that I can't get into Goddard's work) etc, all have very similar style and pacing. In fact, if anything Lost in Translation was easier to get into than any films by the directors/genre I mentioned above. It gets bashed a lot but I just think it's down to pacing and approach. . .and the fact that it's a romance. Coppola's clearly been influenced by the Far East. I guess, it was Kar Wai Wong film in English. I've actually seen it a few times. . .but that's nowt to do with me wanting to shag Scarlett Johansson silly.
You're on a bit of a movie marathon aren't you, cesc.
Yeah at first glance (or the average joe) will bash it for it's approach, like you said. But that was the obvious charm of the movie.
On a side note - Johansson looked fatter around the gut in it.
On a sideir note - I can't get that stripper scene song out of my head.That scene was hillarious.
You have poor taste in movies then.......I loved LiT. But I love the less is more approach. WKW, Kitano. . .French New Wave(although I must admit that I can't get into Goddard's work) etc, all have very similar style and pacing. In fact, if anything Lost in Translation was easier to get into than any films by the directors/genre I mentioned above. It gets bashed a lot but I just think it's down to pacing and approach. . .and the fact that it's a romance. Coppola's clearly been influenced by the Far East. I guess, it was Kar Wai Wong film in English. I've actually seen it a few times. . .but that's nowt to do with me wanting to shag Scarlett Johansson silly.
For me, once you get over the shock of how Christian Bale looks in the movie, there's really nothing else to it.Yeah I crammed a few in over the hollies, which unfortunately ended yesterday. I've still got a few more to get through - 30 days of night (not holding out for anything there) and the Machinist.
You have poor taste in movies then.......
For me, once you get over the shock of how Christian Bale looks in the movie, there's really nothing else to it.
Seems people are either Godardian or Truffautian.I watched them far too late(in the night), and will watch them again. Funnily enough, I enjoyed Truffart's work. Fahrenheit 451 being my fav. Brilliant film.
Seems people are either Godardian or Truffautian.
I like Truffaut's. I just think Godard is better and takes more risks.Yeah. Not a fan of Truffaut then? Goddard's work's more stylish, though(aesthetically speaking).
Scarlett in pink wig?Yeah at first glance (or the average joe) will bash it for it's approach, like you said. But that was the obvious charm of the movie. It's definately one that when you think back on you'll laugh, probably moreso then you did when watching it.
On a side note - Johansson looked fatter around the gut in it.
On a sideier note - I can't get that stripper scene song out of my head.That scene was hillarious.
I saw Week End in the entirely wrong mood, in the middle of the night. Couldn't have done a poorer choice at the time, will give it a new try when I'm not dead tired.I like Truffaut's. I just think Godard is better and takes more risks.
Have you seen any of his other movies?I saw Week End in the entirely wrong mood, in the middle of the night. Couldn't have done a poorer choice at the time, will give it a new try when I'm not dead tired.
I've seen Bande á part, and A bout de suffle. I thought both of them were good, but nothing more. Nicely shot and good acting but nothing that really grabs ahold of me unfortunately. I feel apathetic to most french movies to be honest.Have you seen any of his other movies?
I don't think Weekend will change your mind. Good movie though.I've seen Bande á part, and A bout de suffle. I thought both of them were good, but nothing more. Nicely shot and good acting but nothing that really grabs ahold of me unfortunately. I feel apathetic to most french movies to be honest.