Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

A hitman doing a mundane 9-5 job, a hitman doing a professional hit job, or a hitman doing a marcos-style "****job"? Because if it's the first one I probably won't bother watching.
You had me on the hook when you said accountant. Then I read the last line I felt a little let down.

I'll see if I can find it. Most of your recommendations are pretty spot on.
Jumper is indeed atrocious. Nice idea and cool effects let down by mediocre acting, thoroughly dislikeable main characters especially Hayden Christensen and also thoroughly retarded main characters. Also the ending was shit as feck all got resolved and they were so obviously leaving it open for a sequel it was just embarrassing.
I watched Schindler's List in history over the past 2 lessons and it is the saddest and most horrifying film I have ever watched. Really hits you just how awful an event the Holocaust was.

Yet the British, Russia and the USA knew about this and did nothing, which is disgusting.
In Bruges. The trailer made it out to be something in the like of Snatch and co. There are parts that are like it, but there is much more to it than those movies(not to say I didn't like those movies). Overall I enjoyed it.
Have anyone watched 'Wanted' ?

It's good to have Angelina back at doing what she does best - kicking some guys' arses of course!! Lovely.
Didn't expect James McAvoy to be somewhat an action kinda star but he pulled it through in my opinion.
The visual, effects, action sequence was stunning but it is quite simple and straightforward but still, very enjoyable. Worth the money definitely :)
Have anyone watched 'Wanted' ?

It's good to have Angelina back at doing what she does best - kicking some guys' arses of course!! Lovely.
Didn't expect James McAvoy to be somewhat an action kinda star but he pulled it through in my opinion.
The visual, effects, action sequence was stunning but it is quite simple and straightforward but still, very enjoyable. Worth the money definitely :)
Not yet. But I want to.
Shite.. WALL-E has 9.3 on imdb. Ranked #9 on top250.. Either mankind has reached a new mainstream low, or the movie is light years above all other Pixar movies.
Have anyone watched 'Wanted' ?

It's good to have Angelina back at doing what she does best - kicking some guys' arses of course!! Lovely.
Didn't expect James McAvoy to be somewhat an action kinda star but he pulled it through in my opinion.
The visual, effects, action sequence was stunning but it is quite simple and straightforward but still, very enjoyable. Worth the money definitely :)

Yes, I've seen it yesterday. It's quite a good movie, very entertaining. 8/10
I went to the pictures last night - she wanted to see Sex & the City but I put my foot down* and we went to see Wanted.

Good film, very entertaining with a cool plot twist. It was worth it just to see her face during the fighting/death scenes. Hilarious.

*we're going to see it next week instead :(

It is from the same guy who did Night & Day Watch right? Really liked his stuff. :cool:
I went to the pictures last night - she wanted to see Sex & the City but I put my foot down* and we went to see Wanted.

Good film, very entertaining with a cool plot twist. It was worth it just to see her face during the fighting/death scenes. Hilarious.

*we're going to see it next week instead :(
At least we know who wears the pants in the relationship.
In Bruges - some catchy dialogue, but a bit obvious. More entertaining than most shite out there.
Have anyone watched 'Wanted' ?

It's good to have Angelina back at doing what she does best - kicking some guys' arses of course!! Lovely.
Didn't expect James McAvoy to be somewhat an action kinda star but he pulled it through in my opinion.
The visual, effects, action sequence was stunning but it is quite simple and straightforward but still, very enjoyable. Worth the money definitely :)

Just seen it. I thought it was complete tripe. I know it was an action flick but no depth whatsover, no humour and took itself way too seriously.

Even Angelina being in it does not save it.

Such a good cast as well. :(
Have anyone watched 'Wanted' ?

It's good to have Angelina back at doing what she does best - kicking some guys' arses of course!! Lovely.
Didn't expect James McAvoy to be somewhat an action kinda star but he pulled it through in my opinion.
The visual, effects, action sequence was stunning but it is quite simple and straightforward but still, very enjoyable. Worth the money definitely :)

Just got home from it. I thought it was well worth the money, and getting to see Angelina's ass is always a plus. I thought they did a nice job of developing the main character as a nerdy-loser type guy then having him do a complete 360 of what he was, and making you believe the transformation.
Hardly a new film, I know, but I saw The Pianist for the first time last night. fecking excellent it was.

Harrowing I think is the word

Wanted - Wow, what a craptastic movie. Not sure if it's the worst movie I've ever seen but it came pretty close. It was fecking awful. The last half hour was especially atrocious. 1/10 and that's out of pity.
Vantage Point - interesting idea(thought not a new one) but the plot lacks twists & turns. I don`t think it was ever explained who the terrorists were and what they were about. Like a spanish, arab, american group. :confused: Descends into a basic, car chase/shoot em up.
Defnitely, Maybe - Surprisingly decent. Had it's could-have-been-better moments but much better than the trash I've had to watch recently (Hancock and Wanted).
The Beat that My Heart Skipped. Not a bad film about a man who decides to leave his job as a real estate/thuggish rent collector sort and focus on the piano. Interesting, but nothing too special.
Saw that one a couple of years ago, and I agree. I find most french movies good and interesting but without the edge.
Rottentomatoes has a 93% for HellboyII right now. Was the first one any good? I never saw it.

I enjoyed the first it has to be said, and that was after going into it thinking it would be shite.
Hancock is a poor film. Silly plot, lack of humour, ordinary special effects and no Charlize Theron nudity to save it.