Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

An influencer in Thailand makes friends with a woman who has sinister motives. Whilst it had some decent social commentary on the social media lifestyle, it was generally quite restrained and daft at certain ponies. I was dozing off at times and felt nothing when it finished 3/10
Fur fecks sake
:lol: :lol:

Deadpool and Wolverine

Movie was okay. I guess I expected more than what I got. Couldn't really get into the entire plot of the film. Not sure if this was taken from a story line or certain issue, but it seems like they just threw some half ass story together in order to team up the two characters. All the inside jokes were pretty good. 5/10

Enjoyed the montage of him trying to find the correct Wolverine. IE, Cavilrine, recreation of Hulk 340, I have that issue, and Wolvie on the X cross. Also enjoy the car from Planes, Trains, and Automobiles thrown into the void. The biggest laugh from me was Evans turning into The Human Torch as I forgot that was his first Marvel character he portrayed.
Don't Worry Darling. A 2022 dystopian mystery thriller by Olivia Wilde, featuring most notably Florence Pugh, Harry Styles, and Chris Pine. A couple lives the perfect 50s live in a sort of factory town led by a kind of CEO/guru, but soon the woman starts getting strange visions and starts thinking something's wrong. I'll leave it there, since it's too easy to spoil something.

I wasn't impressed. Or actually, it starts out pretty alright, and it's fun how the tension starts creeping in and the film challenges you to figure out what's going on exactly. But it then stretches that out far too long, and the actual reveal is both very clumsy and uninteresting. Pugh is great and Wilde does a good job at the technical aspects of the film, but I was increasingly disappointed as the film went on. Also:
I think the narrative setup was very lame, as a simulation is such a cop-out. You can just do anything you want with it, logic need not apply. In this case, I was wondering who's real and who are bots, why does Alice start phasing out but none of the others, how does this work technologically when the real time period is apparently contemporary, and how does Alice leave the simulation by merging into a window? I know you're supposed to just accept those things, but the film makes me do the opposite through the sheer lameness of it all.

Also, the actual reveal is very unsatisfying. Maybe I missed it, but I had seen no clue that they were in a simulation. So for me it was quite sudden when, enduring the surgery (or whatever is happening to Alice), we get a flashback that explains everything. Plus all the flashes Alice had throughout the film didn't seem in any way connected to the outcome. And I'm not quite sure what Shelley got out of killing Frank either. Women taking back power from the incels? But with most of the willing participants being men, that makes no sense. But Shelley does say 'my turn', so apparently she's going to continue the project herself.
The Fall Guy is actually brilliant. How on earth this does not make all the money?

Nothing brilliant about it, just another average Ryan Gossling movie for wider(mostly teen) audience.

Bad Boys: Ride or die

I choose die


It looks like Martin Lawrence has finally morphed into Big Momma permanently.
Nothing brilliant about it, just another average Ryan Gossling movie for wider(mostly teen) audience.
It was just OK but I don't think they knew what market they were going for. Youth or oldies 80's nostalgia for a program we had all forgotten about.
It looks like Martin Lawrence has finally morphed into Big Momma permanently.
Something like that although even less funny.
It was just OK but I don't think they knew what market they were going for. Youth or oldies 80's nostalgia for a program we had all forgotten about.

Something like that although even less funny.

Bad boys production and acting was just terrible, I liked first two movies, but they have ruined it for me now.
A disgraced YouTuber live streams a night at a haunted house. Dunno why this has so many good reviews online, it was really bad. The humour is annoying and not funny, the acting was poor and whilst there were some moments of suspense, the more they showed the supernatural (and they show it too much) the more silly it looked, really bad make-up sfx. There was also a scene where the guy was looking at his iPad, then he moves it and realises the ghosts head is between his legs, the ghost says "waarrgghh" and tries to bite his dick :lol: I'm a huge fan of found footage but this (apart from some good atmosphere building to start the second act) was just pure awful. By the end, I was begging for it to end and it was only 90 minutes long 3/10
Planting the seeds of your fur typos over the forum for future defences I see.

I doubt there will be a new one for a while after the uproar from the previous. Hope I'm wrong though.

Also, I'm free as a bird this week FML.

I doubt there will be a new one for a while after the uproar from the previous. Hope I'm wrong though.

Also, I'm free as a bird this week FML.
I've started coming up with a game, but will prob take a few weeks to refine and test it in my head.
Home Sweet Home
A one-take horror film about a pregnant woman who gets haunted in her new house. Except the "one-take" gimmick, this film does nothing original and fails as a horror as its simply not scary at all and the narrative was really flat 3/10

Late Bloomers

A down on her luck and aimless Karen Gillan strikes a friendship with a grumpy old Polish woman after the two meet during a hospital appointment. A decent story about self-discovery and self-worth. The two leads do really well and this is a nice film to watch with the family 6.5/10
It looks like Martin Lawrence has finally morphed into Big Momma permanently.

He seemed permanently medicated throughout. Like genuinely in the clutches of a serious over the counter addiction which took me half the film to work out was not just a terrible acting choice!
I saw Ullmann's Faithless today. Felt more like a Bergman than anything, which isn't surprising given he wrote it and that it's Ullmann. Superb acting and dialogue for the most part. Could maybe have been a bit shorter, but overall it delivers exactly what one could expect from the film.
Allied. A 2016 romantic spy drama thriller film thing set in WW2, by Robert Zemeckis. Marion Cotillard and Brad Pitt play spies that meet in Casablanca for a mission and hit it off - but there's a surprise coming.

It's OK. I really liked the Casablanca part and was quite disappointed it's really just the first third of the film. The London part is much less interesting and feels a little by the numbers, narratively. But the biggest issue is really that there is absolutely no indication that the two like each other - until suddenly they do to the point of marriage, after which Pitt's character also suddenly becomes much more sociable.

So it's all worked out fairly poorly I think, but overall also pretty okay as a spectacle; I wasn't bored. I was questioning too much though. 2/5
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Allied. A 2016 romantic spy drama thriller film thing set in WW2, by Robert Zemeckis. Marion Cotillard and Brad Pitt play spies that meet in Casablanca for a mission and hit it off - but there's a surprise coming.

It's OK. I really liked the Casablanca part and was quite disappointed it's really just the first third of the film. The London part is much less interesting and feels a little by the numbers, narratively. But the biggest issue is really that there is absolutely no indication that the two like each other - until suddenly they do to the point of marriage, after which Pitt's character also suddenly becomes much more sociable.

So it's all worked out fairly poorly I think, but overall also pretty okay as a spectacle; I wasn't bored. 5/10
I was thoroughly underwhelmed with this film. It was boring. I think Brad Pitt might be one of the most overrated actors in the world. He has zero charisma.
I was thoroughly underwhelmed with this film. It was boring. I think Brad Pitt might be one of the most overrated actors in the world. He has zero charisma.
Yeah, I rated it down a bit now.

Brad Pitt can work really well in roles that suit him, but he just doesn't have much range I think. And here, he was also dealt a poor hand: he has no chemistry with Cotillard (or maybe that's a joint lack of skill), and is asked to play a taciturn guy who is suddenly convinced this women that he has no click with should be his wife, and then immediately becomes a kind of random family man dude. Try and make sense of that as an actor!
He seemed permanently medicated throughout. Like genuinely in the clutches of a serious over the counter addiction which took me half the film to work out was not just a terrible acting choice!

Yeah, it's pretty shite when actors ruin their career because they don't know when to stop, and he actually might have ruined his (for me, at least) with this movie. Not that he was ever great, but I liked few of his movies, but I haven't watched any of them in years and now I can't unsee his terrible acting and drama overload.
Yeah, I rated it down a bit now.

Brad Pitt can work really well in roles that suit him, but he just doesn't have much range I think. And here, he was also dealt a poor hand: he has no chemistry with Cotillard (or maybe that's a joint lack of skill), and is asked to play a taciturn guy who is suddenly convinced this women that he has no click with should be his wife, and then immediately becomes a kind of random family man dude. Try and make sense of that as an actor!
Someone I know worked with him and said he’s an amiable, low-energy stoner, and every film of his seems to bear this out.

Although he has apparently given up the demon weed now.
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Someone I know worked with him and said he’s an amiable, dimwitted stoner, and every film of his seems to bear this out.
Think I really liked him in Interview with a .. but I was maybe 15 back then and easily impressed
Whatever one think of the actor Brad Pitt, he's got a pretty damn good filmography. I think he's mostly a really good actor, one of my favorite roles of his is Moneyball. Great film also.

Haven't seen Allied, but it doesn't really seem that interesting to me. Sam goes with Fury.
Whatever one think of the actor Brad Pitt, he's got a pretty damn good filmography. I think he's mostly a really good actor, one of my favorite roles of his is Moneyball. Great film also.

Haven't seen Allied, but it doesn't really seem that interesting to me. Sam goes with Fury.
Fury is even more shite than Allied.
Whatever one think of the actor Brad Pitt, he's got a pretty damn good filmography. I think he's mostly a really good actor, one of my favorite roles of his is Moneyball. Great film also.

Haven't seen Allied, but it doesn't really seem that interesting to me. Sam goes with Fury.
Fury is worth the time investment.
You’re all mental on Pitt.

- 12 Monkeys
- Seven
- Fight Club
- Snatch
- Oceans all of them
- Mr & Mrs Smith (in its way)
- Burn after reading
- Inglorious Basterds
- Money Ball
- Fury
- Bullet Train

He’s great in all of them, even in the passable movies, and isn’t always the same guy. He’s out in some great performances in bad movies too, Ad Astra being a great example.

He’s infectious, goofy and playful lots of the time but the lad has range.
You’re all mental on Pitt.

1995 - 12 Monkeys
1995 - Seven
1999 - Fight Club
2000 - Snatch
- Oceans all of them
2005 - Mr & Mrs Smith (in its way)
2008 - Burn after reading
- Inglorious Basterds
2011 - Money Ball
- Fury
- Bullet Train

He’s great in all of them, even in the passable movies, and isn’t always the same guy. He’s out in some great performances in bad movies too, Ad Astra being a great example.

He’s infectious, goofy and playful lots of the time but the lad has range.
He's not always terrible, but he's reliant on looking good and holding an important thought while being silent. It's been a long, long time since he's done anything with any kind of range. I don't hate him, he's just so average. not emotive.

In Ad Astra he has almost no emotional response for the entire film. The movie happens around him. In OUATIH, he just Brad Pitts his way through the whole thing, basically smiling and being himself.

That said, he was brilliant as Tyler Durden.
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The Caf often comes up with some gems, but Brad Pitt being uncharismatic is one I didn't expect.
Watch Pitt work with director Andrew Dominik(The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford and Killing Them Softly)


The Assassination... Is one of my favourite films of this century, and I feel it's ageing like fine wine, better on each rewatch. It's very much Vibes Cinema, with the directing, cinematography and music playing a big part, but Brad Pitt is absolutely perfect in the lead role. He's magnetic.
The Caf often comes up with some gems, but Brad Pitt being uncharismatic is one I didn't expect.

The Assassination... Is one of my favourite films of this century, and I feel it's ageing like fine wine, better on each rewatch. It's very much Vibes Cinema, with the directing, cinematography and music playing a big part, but Brad Pitt is absolutely perfect in the lead role. He's magnetic.
2007. He used to be interesting but it’s been a long while.

Once Upon A Time
Ad Astra
Bullet Train
The Lost City
War Machine
The Counselor

All very weak.
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The Assassination... Is one of my favourite films of this century, and I feel it's ageing like fine wine, better on each rewatch. It's very much Vibes Cinema, with the directing, cinematography and music playing a big part
Oh it’s a perfect film. Got Roger Deakins jaw dropping cinematography, Nick Cave beautiful score, incredible all round cast and Andrew Dominik is one of best directors around.

I still need to watch Blonde but so far everything I’ve watched from Dominik has been brilliant.
Brad Pitt is absolutely perfect in the lead role. He's magnetic.
Agree. No one else could have played it better. So much of the film rests on him. The story is of a guy becoming famous simply because he killed a very charismatic “rebel”/train robber/gang leader(Pretty much America first celebrity)

The role only works if the actor has a god level of charisma. Then add in the contemplative/ suicidal elements in Pitt performance as well.