Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Watched the utterly bizarre and very disturbing In a Glass Cage yesterday. Second time I saw it and @Dirty Schwein, if you haven't seen it I can very much highly recommend it - great horror/psych film from 80s Spain. Quite unique.
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Sometimes I Think About Dying

Disgusting kink fetish film about a balding overweight movie nerd who goes on dates with Daisy Ridley. Hopefully the Hollywood sicko who came up with this plot will be locked up when judgement day comes.

Overall it’s maybe a bit too sweet and nice. A good performance from Daisy Ridley really carries the film.

The dreams of dying are a bit dull tbh. There isn’t any fantasying about shooting her work mates with an uzi and then unloading the remaining bullets into her mouth or driving a car full speed into brick wall. You know the fantasy’s us normal people have. It’s all very artsy and not very vulgar. The socially awkwardness of Ridley character is portrayed well for the most part especially in group scenes(There’s a great crying/panic scene) although at times she goes a bit too Patrick Bateman.

The film feels like it’s set in the mid 2000’s - Gen X dull office cubicle jobs and homeownership. Also it’s described as a romantic comedy drama which yes means it’s not funny.

Still I enjoyed it.

The Bikeriders
Austin Butler and Tom Hardy star in a movie that chronicles the lives of a biker gang. What a load of shit. Tom Hardy was awful in this and Austin Butler just stood around looking cool whilst the camera had slow motion shots of him looking cool. There was a female narrator who had a LOT of screen time yet she was just a prop to make the lads look cool. But they didn't look cool, they looked like they are having a mid-life crisis. I thought we're gonna be watching a film that shows the personal life of bikers and how/why they love it so much but nope... just men riding bikes and looking cool. At least it was well filmed and there were a few decent scenes as well as a really good performance from the woman who narrates 2/10

That’s Jodie Comer! Agree it’s a pretty shit movie unfortunately. Had high hopes. I didn’t even particularly rate Comer in it, but she wasn’t awful.

For what it’s worth, when you see clips from the origins of biker gangs, they’re even less cool than you might imagine. Just a load of grungey gimps. I did hope they’d go OTT on romanticising it though and make it much cooler than they actually did.

The whole thing is just a kind of meandering nothingness.
Aliens - 5/5

Needed something to watch while holed up on the sofa with flu. Two hours just flew by. Movie that for me never gets old, despite dating back to 1986!

Sometimes feel like I’m biased toward older films, but seriously, they just don’t make them like that anymore. Did they have to try harder before computers made it easy? Who knows. Either way, brilliant from start to finish.
Possibly my favourite movie of all time. I remember back in the day linking up two video recorders and making my own trailers of it.

Extended edition is even better, don’t know why Disney don’t offer the option to watch it.
There are few directors who when given the chance make a big budget sci fi film about how the US military are imperialist morons. Cameron is one of a kind.
He's also a total fecking piece of shit as a person, too, though. A good friend of mine left the industry after working with Cameron. When I asked him why he would quit, after being in such a good position (in terms of prestige), he said something to the effect of "how he thinks he's allowed to treat people the way he does just doesn't sit right with me and shouldn't be allowed", but he was more eloquent.
He's also a total fecking piece of shit as a person, too, though. A good friend of mine left the industry after working with Cameron. When I asked him why he would quit, after being in such a good position (in terms of prestige), he said something to the effect of "how he thinks he's allowed to treat people the way he does just doesn't sit right with me and shouldn't be allowed", but he was more eloquent.
Yeah seems like many of the "auteurs" are like this. Hitchcock, Kubrick, Nolan etc.

Hopefully that shit slowly gets stamped out over time though.
Same, I was more often than not surprised I didn't enjoy them as much as I thought I would.

I do enjoy Le Feu Follet by Lous Malle a lot which is my go to existencial-crisis-with-style / early 60s Parisian film and one of the few, if not the only one, that perfectly melts together with the Gymnopédies from Satie. Sundays and Cybèle, War of the Buttons and I also like Le Mépris a lot, Brigitte featured in the Villa Malaparte? Hell yes! Some of the Thrillers from that period are very entertaining as well, Red Circle, Army in the Shadows and 1-2 I forgot the titles of.
Wow, look at the big brain on weetee. I knew you were a keeper, even when everyone was writing you off in WW.
Watched the utterly bizarre and very disturbing In a Glass Cage yesterday. Second time I saw it and @Dirty Schwein, if you haven't seen it I can very much highly recommend it - great horror/psych film from 80s Spain. Quite unique.
It's always Dirty Schwein, Dirty Schwein, Dirty Schwein with you! What about me, mofo, am I not allowed to watch this?!
Sometimes I Think About Dying

Disgusting kink fetish film about a balding overweight movie nerd who goes on dates with Daisy Ridley
. Hopefully the Hollywood sicko who came up with this plot will be locked up when judgement day comes.

Overall it’s maybe a bit too sweet and nice. A good performance from Daisy Ridley really carries the film.

The dreams of dying are a bit dull tbh. There isn’t any fantasying about shooting her work mates with an uzi and then unloading the remaining bullets into her mouth or driving a car full speed into brick wall. You know the fantasy’s us normal people have. It’s all very artsy and not very vulgar. The socially awkwardness of Ridley character is portrayed well for the most part especially in group scenes(There’s a great crying/panic scene) although at times she goes a bit too Patrick Bateman.

The film feels like it’s set in the mid 2000’s - Gen X dull office cubicle jobs and homeownership. Also it’s described as a romantic comedy drama which yes means it’s not funny.

Still I enjoyed it.

Sounds like you could be describing a remake of Heavy (1995), which was a fecking pile of wank. Balding overweight nerd wants to go on dates with Liv Tyler, and it seems the whole time it's building up to be either a murder-suicide or a sex dungeon type of finish, only to deflate and disappear up its own ass. I really like the early days of Liv Tyler but this movie will test the patience of a saint.
That’s Jodie Comer! Agree it’s a pretty shit movie unfortunately. Had high hopes. I didn’t even particularly rate Comer in it, but she wasn’t awful.

For what it’s worth, when you see clips from the origins of biker gangs, they’re even less cool than you might imagine. Just a load of grungey gimps. I did hope they’d go OTT on romanticising it though and make it much cooler than they actually did.

The whole thing is just a kind of meandering nothingness.
That's a shame, because some of those biker gangs were war vets with PTSD who couldn't adjust to normal life, got into being on the road and fixing their bikes. It should have been a gimme, in terms of being an interesting story. Have to say the trailer looks awful. Austin Butler is no Marlon Brando, and I don't think it works doing a chaste remake of The Wild One (1953) in 2024, we want "blood, guts and pussy" (to quote the Dwarves).
Possibly my favourite movie of all time. I remember back in the day linking up two video recorders and making my own trailers of it.

Extended edition is even better, don’t know why Disney don’t offer the option to watch it.
That is impressive!
Yeah seems like many of the "auteurs" are like this. Hitchcock, Kubrick, Nolan etc.

Hopefully that shit slowly gets stamped out over time though.
I've never heard anything bad about Nolan. I saw him walking down the street with one of his kids one day, and from that in-depth, totally man to man level, he seemed all right in the .03 seconds we spent together. Kubrick was just a spiky person, wasn't he? I knew he was difficult.

The new gen are not putting up with that shit. Yeah, movies are worse, but maybe it's an acceptable trade off. I think for a director to get their "vision" across they have to constantly be doing desperate rearguard actions against dozens of people who are trying to spin or alter said vision. A director without Type A personality is going to get steamrolled, and so (I think) they end up rewarding people with sociopathic tendencies, people who don't realize other people matter or have feelings and aren't afraid to run roughshod over anyone.

It's that chicken or egg question: does Hollywood attract total fecking assholes, or it does it take normal people and turn them into total fecking assholes?
I've never heard anything bad about Nolan. I saw him walking down the street with one of his kids one day, and from that in-depth, totally man to man level, he seemed all right in the .03 seconds we spent together. Kubrick was just a spiky person, wasn't he? I knew he was difficult.

The new gen are not putting up with that shit. Yeah, movies are worse, but maybe it's an acceptable trade off. I think for a director to get their "vision" across they have to constantly be doing desperate rearguard actions against dozens of people who are trying to spin or alter said vision. A director without Type A personality is going to get steamrolled, and so (I think) they end up rewarding people with sociopathic tendencies, people who don't realize other people matter or have feelings and aren't afraid to run roughshod over anyone.

It's that chicken or egg question: does Hollywood attract total fecking assholes, or it does it take normal people and turn them into total fecking assholes?
Nolan? His sets are famously laid back.
Ahh maybe he's alright but I've had two different friends work on post audio for two different films of his (Interstellar & Dunkirk) and both said his expectations were unrealistic due to his refusal to use ADR and he made them work like sweatshop workers to fix the issues.

Either way, you can see that the industry is changing over time, less cnuts on set.
Ahh maybe he's alright but I've had two different friends work on post audio for two different films of his (Interstellar & Dunkirk) and both said his expectations were unrealistic due to his refusal to use ADR and he made them work like sweatshop workers to fix the issues.

Either way, you can see that the industry is changing over time, less cnuts on set.
aren‘t his film dialogues famous for being almost impossible to understand? Don‘t think Kubrick was a cnut? very eccentric though. Have friends who are closely related to the family and never heard about that being a thing (not that we‘d discuss much about Kubrick though :lol: )
aren‘t his film dialogues famous for being almost impossible to understand? Don‘t think Kubrick was a cnut? very eccentric though. Have friends who are closely related to the family and never heard about that being a thing (not that we‘d discuss much about Kubrick though :lol: )
Yeah because he refuses to replace the dialogue using ADR. Or so I've been told. Definitely adds up when you watch his later films.

Kubrick was notoriously a cnut. Just read how he treated Shelly Duvall on the set of The Shining.
Yeah because he refuses to replace the dialogue using ADR. Or so I've been told. Definitely adds up when you watch his later films.

Kubrick was notoriously a cnut. Just read how he treated Shelly Duvall on the set of The Shining.
Nah, I‘ll take your word for it. Such a nice family though. Guess he was pretty different with personal/family circles then.
He's also a total fecking piece of shit as a person, too, though. A good friend of mine left the industry after working with Cameron. When I asked him why he would quit, after being in such a good position (in terms of prestige), he said something to the effect of "how he thinks he's allowed to treat people the way he does just doesn't sit right with me and shouldn't be allowed", but he was more eloquent.
Interesting was your friend working on a recent Cameron film ? I know with Aliens Cameron got into massive fights with the unionised English crew. The workers ended up winning which was nice.

Sounds like you could be describing a remake of Heavy (1995), which was a fecking pile of wank. Balding overweight nerd wants to go on dates with Liv Tyler, and it seems the whole time it's building up to be either a murder-suicide or a sex dungeon type of finish, only to deflate and disappear up its own ass. I really like the early days of Liv Tyler but this movie will test the patience of a saint.
Oh tbh I was just joking about it as a kink film.
Although you now have me interested in watching Heavy.

Don‘t think Kubrick was a cnut? very eccentric though. Have friends who are closely related to the family and never heard about that being a thing (not that we‘d discuss much about Kubrick though :lol: )
I’ve heard a story about him trying to make Harvey Keitel do over 300 takes for Eyes Wide Shut. But Keitel quickly told him to feck off and left the set. In Doctor StrangeLove he tricked George C. Scott into giving a great comedic performance. The Shinning stuff which is overblown and at least from I’ve seen online. Shelley Duvall didn’t regret her time on the set and liked that Kubrick pushed her creatively.

Also I love this clip as it’s like something from Spinal Tap

Interesting was your friend working on a recent Cameron film ? I know with Aliens Cameron got into massive fights with the unionised English crew. The workers ended up winning which was nice.

Oh tbh I was just joking about it as a kink film.
Although you now have me interested in watching Heavy.

I’ve heard a story about him trying to make Harvey Keitel do over 300 takes for Eyes Wide Shut. But Keitel quickly told him to feck off and left the set. In Doctor StrangeLove he tricked George C. Scott into giving a great comedic performance. The Shinning stuff which is overblown and at least from I’ve seen online. Shelley Duvall didn’t regret her time on the set and liked that Kubrick pushed her creatively.

Also I love this clip as it’s like something from Spinal Tap

Great clip! Englanders and their fecking tea!!

The Cameron film my friend was on was a long time ago, something about a ship. I didn’t know him at the time.
Just watched Requiem for a Dream.

Glad I did but also wish I hadn’t. I’ve no desire to watch it again, ever, and I’m going to have to stay up now a bit longer and find something else to take my mind off it.

The cinematography is unsettling and the whole film brutal.
Just watched Requiem for a Dream.

Glad I did but also wish I hadn’t. I’ve no desire to watch it again, ever, and I’m going to have to stay up now a bit longer and find something else to take my mind off it.

The cinematography is unsettling and the whole film brutal.
Yeah, it's quite a double edged sword.
Just watched Requiem for a Dream.

Glad I did but also wish I hadn’t. I’ve no desire to watch it again, ever, and I’m going to have to stay up now a bit longer and find something else to take my mind off it.

The cinematography is unsettling and the whole film brutal.
Yeah, good but terrible. I had the same with Black Swan, and am therefore now quite careful with Aronofsky. The Whale was good though. Pi is also interesting: it's his first feature film and clearly lower budget, but it uses a lot of the same visual tricks as Requiem without the all-consuming awfulness.
The Whale was awful. Really shit film, with the whole Brendan Fraser redemption angle pushed for oscar baitiness. And he seems like a fine guy, don't get me wrong, but that film was a pile of wank.

As was In the line of fire that I for some reason ended up watching tonight. I think I'll never understand the appeal of Eastwood. If anything, most films he's on or directed I find quite repulsive.
Just watched Requiem for a Dream.

Glad I did but also wish I hadn’t. I’ve no desire to watch it again, ever, and I’m going to have to stay up now a bit longer and find something else to take my mind off it.

The cinematography is unsettling and the whole film brutal.

Oh yeah this infamous for being traumatising. Shit stays with you, I know a lot of people who loved the movie but don’t ever want to watch it again.
Yeah, good but terrible. I had the same with Black Swan, and am therefore now quite careful with Aronofsky. The Whale was good though. Pi is also interesting: it's his first feature film and clearly lower budget, but it uses a lot of the same visual tricks as Requiem without the all-consuming awfulness.
Haven‘t seen the latest of him but for me his movies are a bit like fast-food burgers when you‘re really starving. Really great in that moment but also not good enough to go back there later again. The Wrestler I think the only one I‘ve watched a second time. Bit exaggerated of course.
Wow, look at the big brain on weetee. I knew you were a keeper, even when everyone was writing you off in WW.

It's always Dirty Schwein, Dirty Schwein, Dirty Schwein with you! What about me, mofo, am I not allowed to watch this?!
Never understood why one would want to be „officially“ recognized as a great ww player (which i‘m not), lots of downsides to that. So yea, keep that to yourself please.

I make sure to notify you about super obscure and at times deeply disturbing features I watched from now on too!
The Whale was awful. Really shit film, with the whole Brendan Fraser redemption angle pushed for oscar baitiness. And he seems like a fine guy, don't get me wrong, but that film was a pile of wank.
I can see how it's all rather on the nose, and the ending is rather too sweet; but I enjoyed it.
Just watched Requiem for a Dream.

Glad I did but also wish I hadn’t. I’ve no desire to watch it again, ever, and I’m going to have to stay up now a bit longer and find something else to take my mind off it.

The cinematography is unsettling and the whole film brutal.
Yeah you need a shower after watching that film.

You seen Mother! ? Loads of people didn't like that but I thought it was pretty good.
Yeah you need a shower after watching that film.

You seen Mother! ? Loads of people didn't like that but I thought it was pretty good.
I was just about to suggest this. Criminally underrated and probably my 2nd favourite Aronofsky flick after Requiem.
I went to the cinema and watched Twisters yesterday. I think it delivered exactly what you would expect from such a film, and it's nice when a film does exactly that. Great action set pieces, charaismatic leads (Glen Powell might not be the best actor, but he can certainly do whatever he does in these kind of films) and just overall a fun time at the movies. Daisy is really good, as always, I really think it could have been a much weaker film if they didn't get the casting of her character right. I should have seen it in IMAX thought, felt really much like that kind of film.

Same, I was more often than not surprised I didn't enjoy them as much as I thought I would.

I do enjoy Le Feu Follet by Lous Malle a lot which is my go to existencial-crisis-with-style / early 60s Parisian film and one of the few, if not the only one, that perfectly melts together with the Gymnopédies from Satie. Sundays and Cybèle, War of the Buttons and I also like Le Mépris a lot, Brigitte featured in the Villa Malaparte? Hell yes! Some of the Thrillers from that period are very entertaining as well, Red Circle, Army in the Shadows and 1-2 I forgot the titles of.
Yeah, the thrillers is more my thing I think from that time period. However, I will check Sundays and Cybèle out, as I haven't seen that one.
A decent, old school blockbuster with a strong lead performance by Daisy Edgar-Jones. I expected a little more innovation in the FX department when it came to the tornadoes themselves, and a nod or two to the original would've been nice, but overall well worth the price of entry (free via Sky).

The Whale was awful. Really shit film, with the whole Brendan Fraser redemption angle pushed for oscar baitiness. And he seems like a fine guy, don't get me wrong, but that film was a pile of wank.

As was In the line of fire that I for some reason ended up watching tonight. I think I'll never understand the appeal of Eastwood. If anything, most films he's on or directed I find quite repulsive.
I was disappointed in that film cuz I was expecting so much more from that director. Malkovich is a fecking ham sandwich of an actor, just ridiculously up his own ass with every role, chewing the scenery, delivering lines in novel ways no human has ever done before. Eastwood was the strong silent type and was a badass back in his early films. Crotchety old man Eastwood peaked and burned out after Unforgiven, which was brilliant. His "the man with no name" persona, from the Sergio Leone movies, is cinema Mount Olympus. A Fistful of Dollars, For A Few Dollars More, The Good The Bad & The Ugly, Hang 'em High, Kelly's Heroes, The Beguiled, High Plains Drifter, Play Misty For Me, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Escape From Alcatraz, The Eiger Sanction, Pale Rider, Bird, White Hunter Black Heart, come on!!

Many years ago, a friend who I had hooked up with a job, took me out for a thank-you dinner at a restaurant called The Inn Of The Seventh Ray in Topanga Canyon. It had a large outdoor seating area and there were maybe two other tables that night, one of which was Clint and his then-wife. We both turned our chairs and just watched him the whole dinner. He's 6'4" but I reckoned I could take him.

The Beast

Time traveling sci fi romance film by Bertrand Bonello. Will have to watch it again as there is a lot to take in. Themes such as AI, loneliness of the 21st century, violence, love and patriarchy.

Overall the film reminded me of La Jetée but the latter half is definitely influenced by Mulholland Drive while looking at times like a Neil Breen film. The ending is brilliant.

Léa Seydoux is incredible.

One of the best films of the year. Worth watching.

thought Longlegs was kinda okay but that type of horror just isn't my cup of tea really

I quite liked the contrast between the slow, quiet noir style and the craziness of Cage just being outrageously Cage in the middle of it all.. but even that felt like it missed the mark

I was laughing at a lot of the parts that were supposed to be scary, well at least I think they were
Watched 'Logan' ahead of the new Deadpool film coming out next week, as I'd heard that it's somewhat connected. I've seen most of the X-Men films, but somehow never seen this before.

It was... irritating. It felt like 50% of the script was Laura screaming or Logan grunting. There's only so much child screaming a film should have, and this had 10000% more than that.
The Beast

Time traveling sci fi romance film by Bertrand Bonello. Will have to watch it again as there is a lot to take in. Themes such as AI, loneliness of the 21st century, violence, love and patriarchy.

Overall the film reminded me of La Jetée but the latter half is definitely influenced by Mulholland Drive while looking at times like a Neil Breen film. The ending is brilliant.

Léa Seydoux is incredible.

One of the best films of the year. Worth watching.

Another one of your havering, lukewarm reviews. It's so hard to know if you like a film or not.

A little silly but quite engrossing. A fun two hour watch. See it on the biggest screen possible.

7.5 / 10

A little silly but quite engrossing. A fun two hour watch. See it on the biggest screen possible.

7.5 / 10
Calodo, no. How could you do this to us? They are going to count their receipts because of you and think we want more Glen Powell VFX movies. How. Could. You.
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Brutal but brilliant. Del Toro is the man. Edge of your seat stuff from start to finish.

That's the last English-language Villeneuve flick ticked off my list; Incendies next.


John Wick 4
I had to watch this in 3 hour-long chunks - 2 hours and 50 minutes really wasn't necessary. The action is admittedly spectacular but in serious need of editing down.

Except for this scene, which I'm genuinely devastated to have missed on the big screen:

All-in-all a fitting end to one of the greatest action franchises and heroes of all time.

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X Men Origins : Wolverine
Watched it yonks ago. Forgot most of it. A waste of source material, and plot. Feels like it could have been a decent movie with exactly the same narrative concept. Stryker makes a good big bad with Sabretooth as a wild henchman. But Some really shoddy SFX (the ladder scene a particular low point), a terrible script and a shocking Will.I.Am performance with the most accents ever employed within a single character… helps it fail as a film. Plus, Taylor Kitsch wasted as Gambit, he could have been great. Also could have had a stab at a Cajun accent if they were letting William do whatever the feck that was supposed to be. Then the Deadpool/Wade feck up.