Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Wages of Fear

The movie's about 4 people trying to get out of a god forsaken town. They take up a job that'll get them enough money but is extremely dangerous. Watching this movie I felt like I did when i saw Come and See. I was expecting a good movie but nothing like this. It was bloody fantastic! Every scene was brilliantly written and directed. It's hard to pick faults with a movie like this but perhaps the climax was too predictable. This one's going on my list.

Wages of Fear

The movie's about 4 people trying to get out of a god forsaken town. They take up a job that'll get them enough money but is extremely dangerous. Watching this movie I felt like I did when i saw Come and See. I was expecting a good movie but nothing like this. It was bloody fantastic! Every scene was brilliantly written and directed. It's hard to pick faults with a movie like this but perhaps the climax was too predictable. This one's going on my list.

sounds great, anyone semi reputable in it?
I Am Legend

Absolutely astounded that Will Smith took this script. Very poor film with little other than the landscaping being of interest. Far inferior version of the Omega Man. Nothing like the book and with an equally crap ending. If you were considering it, don't.
Just got back from 'The Bank Job' thought it was quite good, very Guy Ritchie-esque
Can't be bothered to search but didn't see it anyway

Who's seen Gone Baby Gone?

heard a lot of positives about Casey Affleck's performance in this, even before his supporting actor nomination in The Assasination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Crawford . This is supposedly to be a lot like Mystic River, at least based on it, which I loved. I'm interested to hear anyones comments on it.
My Blueberry Nights

First US feature from the great Wong Kar Wai. Out go Christopher Doyle (cinematographer), Tony Leung, Maggie Cheung, Carina Lau et al and in come Jude Law, Norah Jones, Natalie Portman and Rachel Weisz. Desperately disappointing road movie that's more of a train wreck with only a few frames of genius from the great man. A major part of the problem is the screenplay cowritten with Lawrence Block, who's a cookie-cutter PI novelist (minimal characterisation). Norah Jones proves that she's just as tedious to look at as to listen to and the only saving grace is that Doyle isn't missed due to a bravura turn from cinematographer Darius Khondji plus there's some Ry Cooder on a nice soundtrack.
Watched Japanese movie Ima, Ai Ni Yukimasu last week.

Starts out as the usual romance drama, a woman name Mio passed away due to illness and leave her husband and son grieving. However moments before she died she told them she'll be back during the next rainy season.

Things got really interesting when she did show up at the start of the rainy season, although she have no memory whatsoever about who she is and her past. It was a quite moving story and the plot twist was really good. It stretch on the fantasy area a bit but I thought it was well executed. The lead actress who play Mio excel in he role (I think she plays on Ringu as well), while the guy who play her husband was not bad, although he was borderline annoying at times.

I'd say watched it with your love ones.
I Am Legend

Absolutely astounded that Will Smith took this script. Very poor film with little other than the landscaping being of interest. Far inferior version of the Omega Man. Nothing like the book and with an equally crap ending. If you were considering it, don't.


I don't know why they called it 'I Am Legend', because they missed the entire reason of why Neville was in fact a legend
Salv, you need to watch Wages of Fear.

And Kind Hearts and Coronets.

I'll try my best to get my hands on them mehro, thanks :)

It's getting increasingly frustrating to find movies I desire in stores in here. Even the relative classics like Apocalypse and Memento for instance are unavailable. And I'm too skint to order from Amazon. Period.
First US feature from the great Wong Kar Wai. Out go Christopher Doyle (cinematographer), Tony Leung, Maggie Cheung, Carina Lau et al and in come Jude Law, Norah Jones, Natalie Portman and Rachel Weisz. Desperately disappointing road movie that's more of a train wreck with only a few frames of genius from the great man. A major part of the problem is the screenplay cowritten with Lawrence Block, who's a cookie-cutter PI novelist (minimal characterisation). Norah Jones proves that she's just as tedious to look as to listen to and the only saving grace is that Doyle isn't missed due to a bravura turn from cinematographer Darius Khondji plus there's some Ry Cooder on a nice soundtrack.

This got slaughtered in every review I read when it came out. Rightly so, it would seem
Watched 'Edmund', written by David Mamet, last night. Weird little film with William H. Macy as the lead...stiff-shirt business-man walks out on wife and job searching for the seedier side of life and to explore his pent-up prejudices.

'Falling Down' meets 'Bad Lieutenant'...not one of Mamet or Macy's best, but worth a look.
No Country for Old Men

Great in parts, boring in others. Don't know what to make of it. Definitely worth a watch. Seemed to me it tried too hard to be some deep philosphical film when it's essentially about a guy running away from a psycho. The Southern drawl got annoying as well.

Juno / "Giant fecking Let Down"

Unbelievably over-rated film, never Oscar material. Some good parts and a decent watch overall but all this raving is ridiculous. 6.5/10
La Vie en Rose...excellent film and fully deserving of the best actress award at the Oscars.

I knew that Piaf had a very hard upbringing but didn't fully realise just how tragic her life was throughout.

Highly recommended.
no country for old men

utter shit, good story no action didn't like it, some brilliant performances though...
no country for old men

utter shit, good story no action didn't like it, some brilliant performances though...
How can a film with a good story and some brilliant performances be utter shit? Disappointing maybe if you expected more but what do you want from a film if not a good story and acting?
Gone Baby Gone.
Casey Affleck can act!! His brother is actually a decent director!
Michelle Monaghan isn't that bad either!

Was real good in The Assassination of Jesse James by The Coward Robert Ford
How can a film with a good story and some brilliant performances be utter shit? Disappointing maybe if you expected more but what do you want from a film if not a good story and acting?

i guess im a bit dissapointed, the story was great but there should have been a lot more action in the movie. but for a movie that an oscar for the best picture, i expected much more...i wouldn't watch it again though
i guess im a bit dissapointed, the story was great but there should have been a lot more action in the movie. but for a movie that an oscar for the best picture, i expected much more...i wouldn't watch it again though
Yeah I know what you mean, it wasn't as good as made out and i suppose there was more room for action, but that could create problems for the suspense. I liked it a lot but as we say it wasn't as good as people said.
Was real good in The Assassination of Jesse James by The Coward Robert Ford

Planning to watch it tonight.

I watched Michael Clayton instead last night.
Another good movie. Even though Clooney is the one who played the central character (and did well I thought), the real star was Tom Wilkinson and Tilda Swinton. Fantastic performance from both of them.
10 000 bc

I rate it 5/10.

Review: Not the strongest or most captivating of plots, but the action sequences are good. Also Camilla Belle is hot, which definitely brings up my ratings by a couple of points.