The RedCafe Boxing Thread

Jake Paul will be thinking he’s best in the world now after beating a 58 year old man. Where’s all the proper boxing gone?
Aye. Put him up against AJ and he’d probably barely even win on points.
Jake Paul will be thinking he’s best in the world now after beating a 58 year old man. Where’s all the proper boxing gone?
No he won't. Let's be honest. The man is smart enough to con millions out of people's hands. As much as he might pretend that's what he's thinking, he knows exactly what he's doing.
How did Taylor vs Serrano go by the way? Sky Sports reporting it as controversial. What do folks on here who watched the fight the full fight think? Deserved win or not?
How did Taylor vs Serrano go by the way? Sky Sports reporting it as controversial. What do folks on here who watched the fight the full fight think? Deserved win or not?
One woman nutted another repeatedly. Basically a night out in Dublin.
How did Taylor vs Serrano go by the way? Sky Sports reporting it as controversial. What do folks on here who watched the fight the full fight think? Deserved win or not?
Incredible fight. Serrano higher volume but Taylor more convincing punches/combinations. I think those calling it a steal are overreacting slightly. The commentary was very pro Serrano which might have influenced the "this is a steal" narrative.
Meh, i can easily imagine that it will get slightly more professional and that this is essentially how boxing will continue to evolve, WWE but with gloves

Slightly off topic but I think a lot of it is filling the void left by professional boxing. The heavyweight class has been lacklustre for too long.
Couldn't find a thread about Tyson and Paul.

Never would've thought it would be in the actual boxing thread :lol:
It is just beyond me how this shite generates money!
Did anyone actually pay to see this?
I don't have Netflix anymore as there are better movies to watch on free to air TV.
Thank God I missed this.

We need to stop lining the pockets of stupid people.

An absolute insult to boxing. YouTubers should stick to YouTube.
There must be 10 pages solely for this shit. I don’t think even Usyk Fury had as many posts. So obviously the freak show works
Actually, I would pay Netflix to watch Itauma knock Paul out cold within 3 seconds of the first round starting.
I just wonder how this circus made it into the boxing thread.....shouldn't it just be in the entertainment forum if that is what you call it?
Fair question, though would it even be classed as entertainment? Doesn't sound like anyone was actually entertained by it
I didn't stay up for it, but it sounded like an absolute farce, as expected. Jake's a twat, but he's a very smart guy. He won't fight a decent boxer because he'll get exposed.

Why would he anyway. Making millions fighting men near 60.
Exactly. I woke up in the morning like I normally do, went to the fight, watched one round and knew it's a farce so I just read the result.
It's a stretch to call this a "fight" let alone boxing. Most of these posts should have gone in another thread, maybe one titled "Fake Sport" or "WWE" or some shit.

At least the Serrano Taylor fight was good, not a complete waste I guess!

As for Mike Tyson and his legacy/record etc, this will not affect it one bit. People won't consider this genuine no matter how hard pro boxing pushes it because anyone who watches boxing knows it's a farce.
This entire thing is grotesque. There are no winners from this, only losers. It’s shambolic, laughable and denigrating to the sport of boxing. It’s more than likely to be choreographed and staged, than a true bout, and everything from the moment they announced it, to the moment this whole circus is over is a shame upon the sport.

Yes, I’ll be watching.
You’re forgetting about the millions that both of them have pocketed just for partaking in this farce :lol:
The only way to get disappointed was to eagerly have expected Tyson to win. I am glad I went to sleep but I am also glad that Tyson made decent money. There is no other way for him to make this much. I am hearing that Netflix had a nightmare with a live broadcast. It makes sense as I couldn't even watch Taylor Serrano fight smoothly.
I can't believe how many of you stayed up to watch this :lol:

the coverage was hilariously absurd at least, it was like a cross-between The X-factor, WWE, and the Ivan Drago fight

the boxing was just kinda upsetting though... poor Mike :(
There must be 10 pages solely for this shit. I don’t think even Usyk Fury had as many posts. So obviously the freak show works
I can only speak for myself but Usyk vs Fury was a big enough event for people to hire babysitters so they can meet up with their mates, get a few beers in and watch it together.

Whereas we all knew Tyson vs Paul was a farce going into it. There wasn't the same eagerness to centre our weekends around it, we all already had Netflix subscriptions so we weren't losing money on a PPV, and we were posting on forums like the caf out of boredom of being awake at 5am.
The picture quality was awful. I caught the second half it on iptv, so may have been that rather netflix's tech glitches I suppose.
No idea why some are moaning about this "fight". What did you seriously expect?
The undercard dealt a great women's fight with a bullshit decision but they both got paid and are keen to do it over.
Watch CBS v Zurdo in a few hours time if you want the real thing
This is why someone needs to beat him to a pulp and teach him exactly what it takes to be called a professional boxer. It's not about him selecting fights he knows he'll win.
He's playing the heel really well.
People will keep paying to see him getting his comeuppance.
It does beg the question why heavyweight boxing has dropped so far that this kind of sham fight is appealing. Even the top guys are nowhere near the level of those a couple of decades ago. What's gone wrong.