Television The Propgropthrop

He also booked Bryan for a clean win against John fecking Cena. He knows what he's doing
He also brought his mate Kevin Nash in to completely kill CM Punks momentum. He's learning from mistakes with Bryan(I'd assume, but not gonna look past them messing it up and ending up with the Cena being the overall headline of the story).....though why he had to have the 20 minute promo and the person you are supposed to be putting over as your new epic heel gets about 20 seconds was stupid on raw.

And Bryan being forced to oversell a pedigree for like 10 minutes before Orton pinned him. I don't care if that was a 2 hour no DQ Iron Man with Cena, I thought raw was going to open with Bryan still lying in the ring.

But still, Trips is Trips....a pure enigma in the business, has his blind followers, people who know what he's like and accept it because it CAN work....and people who just hate him. Maybe this heel run will be a worked shoot heel run, I'd love for him to actually blatantly embrace it all in character, now that I could get behind....but typical 20 minute Trips monologues, no,
Thats a really good interview. I still think he let his ego get ahead of him at times, Booker T being the main example I can think of, but all the reports seem to suggest he's actually pretty competent at the backstage stuff (if you ignore Sin Cara)
And his love for his mate Shaemus, I think everyone celebrated when he got injured.....that's so harsh since he's a good worked, but theres only so much you can take, but then Cena got injured too....more celebrations. Punk/Bryan being the two top faces is insane, I still can't believe it.

Punk vs Bryan as the top feud is still the dream though, hope it happens for WM31 or something.
He also brought his mate Kevin Nash in to completely kill CM Punks momentum. He's learning from mistakes with Bryan(I'd assume, but not gonna look past them messing it up and ending up with the Cena being the overall headline of the story).....though why he had to have the 20 minute promo and the person you are supposed to be putting over as your new epic heel gets about 20 seconds was stupid on raw.

And Bryan being forced to oversell a pedigree for like 10 minutes before Orton pinned him. I don't care if that was a 2 hour no DQ Iron Man with Cena, I thought raw was going to open with Bryan still lying in the ring.

But still, Trips is Trips....a pure enigma in the business, has his blind followers, people who know what he's like and accept it because it CAN work....and people who just hate him. Maybe this heel run will be a worked shoot heel run, I'd love for him to actually blatantly embrace it all in character, now that I could get behind....but typical 20 minute Trips monologues, no,


You seem really butthurt.
the NXT series really has helped revive WWE in my eyes.
And his love for his mate Shaemus, I think everyone celebrated when he got injured.....that's so harsh since he's a good worked, but theres only so much you can take, but then Cena got injured too....more celebrations. Punk/Bryan being the two top faces is insane, I still can't believe it.

Punk vs Bryan as the top feud is still the dream though, hope it happens for WM31 or something.

Celebrated? Anybody that celebrates somebody getting injured is a fecking moron. Same for the fans who cheered at Cena announcing his injury on Monday, they're fecking idiots.
It's not their fault WWE forces to them to be main sellers for the kids rather than getting decent character development, it's a celebration of forcing the creative to be......erm creative
Lets be realistic, its only nostalgia that prevents people from admitting that AJ is the GOAT women's wrestler. In ring ability and killer promo skills, she's on a whole other level than any other women's wrestler in WWE, and tbh most of the men could learn a thing or two from her as well
I think there's probably better in-ring female wrestlers than AJ, if you take the wider wrestling picture into account, but in terms of the total package, she's definitely up there with the best.
There's loads of women who are currently better than AJ. She's the best thing going in WWE right now, sure, but Japanese female wrestlers are very very good at, well, wrestling.
Remember when this guy main-evented Wrestlemania?

Don't get the love for AJ. She's as boring and generic as the rest of the divas.

Another decent episode of Raw. They are building this main event angle well in my opinion. It's a simple formula but having the heels on top has not been done for absolutely ages in WWE. Certainly not in any angle I have seen with Cena in the last couple of years. Next few weeks more and more people are going join HHH/Orton/Shield and some are going to step up to them. I'd expect that angle to involve half the roster as they are taking this into the rest of the year.

First time in ages have no idea where they are going with things. I don't think Bryan is winning the title back at NOC but they are obviously building for him to win the title, so the question is when and where? Could take all the way to Mania with a Rumble win and a singles match against HHH at some point.

Also enjoying Raw a lot more since Cena is not the main focus(which has been last 4-6 weeks). Hopefully they let him heal up until the new year.
I'm actually starting to worry that Cena and Sheamus may both return at the Royal Rumble. Then Cenawinslol will meet Sheamuswinslol, resulting in a main event that never ends as neither man is able to eliminate the other. Thus leading to the death of the WWE, as nobody can leave the arena.
I'm actually starting to worry that Cena and Sheamus may both return at the Royal Rumble. Then Cenawinslol will meet Sheamuswinslol, resulting in a main event that never ends as neither man is able to eliminate the other. Thus leading to the death of the WWE, as nobody can leave the arena.
They shall form a tag team that will bum 'errrybody inside out.
AJ with a fantastic promo, only to be ruined by the Bella twins' off-camera bullshit. What a shame.
What did they do?
Although, Brie's "You just skip" was good. Laughed at that.
tbh this is amazing.....Trips is like Skynet and has become self-aware. The whole pointing at the WWE belt and saying it was his and Orton is simply looking after it for him was brilliant. Next week he replaces his trademark sledgehammer with a shovel. 30 minute unveiling promo for it too.
Nobody has ever really given a feck about the actual Diva's wrestling since Lita & Stratus have they? The recent AJ v Kaitlyn matches have been good but apart from that it's garbage.

And the someone should tell women wrestlers not to bounce of the ropes, they are too short, don't weigh enough and it looks ridiculous.