Television The Propgropthrop

Jim Ross is retiring from his role in the WWE to focus on his personal business endeavors.

How many great WWF/E memories were made even better by his commentary? He went downhill in the mid/late 2000's, but his passion for what was happening in front of him always seemed to enhance the moment. Great commentator, and fully deserving of his spot in the Hall of Fame.
It's a wonder that absolutely none of the commentators since have figured out that his excitement has such an impact. They really should have learned from him.
Jim Ross is retiring from his role in the WWE to focus on his personal business endeavors.

How many great WWF/E memories were made even better by his commentary? He went downhill in the mid/late 2000's, but his passion for what was happening in front of him always seemed to enhance the moment. Great commentator, and fully deserving of his spot in the Hall of Fame.

Ross' commentary was the best.

Jerry Lawlor shouldn't be commentating now. He was great as a heel a few years ago but he has lost that and he is crap as a face. The WWE have a great colour commentator there and he's on NXT, ie Regal. He would be great on Raw.
It's a wonder that absolutely none of the commentators since have figured out that his excitement has such an impact. They really should have learned from him.

I'd say that Joey Styles was very good, when allowed to be, at bringing the passion into his commentary. So of course he's working on the website. Maybe that's what he wanted though, I dunno.

Just watching video of Lesnar's return last year. The team just sits there in silence until he comes out, and then Cole does that stupid "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my!" thing. I don't even dislike Cole, but that's not how you get across a big moment. If that was JR, the second Lesnar's music hit, he'd have been going "wait a minute, wait a minute King, is that? IT IS! BROCK LESNAR! BAH GAWD KING!"

I suppose the devil's advocate argument would be that JR's over-the-top reactions might come across as a bit cartoony, but this is wrestling. It's supposed to be at least a bit cartoony.
I'd say that Joey Styles was very good, when allowed to be, at bringing the passion into his commentary. So of course he's working on the website. Maybe that's what he wanted though, I dunno.
Of course, I blanked on Styles, he was very good.

Just watching video of Lesnar's return last year. The team just sits there in silence until he comes out, and then Cole does that stupid "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my!" thing. I don't even dislike Cole, but that's not how you get across a big moment. If that was JR, the second Lesnar's music hit, he'd have been going "wait a minute, wait a minute King, is that? IT IS! BROCK LESNAR! BAH GAWD KING!"
Yeah, supposed to be this big feck off moment, and you get, "It's, it's Christian..." (That was Todd, wasn't it?) feck off and never return.

I suppose the devil's advocate argument would be that JR's over-the-top reactions might come across as a bit cartoony, but this is wrestling. It's supposed to be at least a bit cartoony.
Exactly. Everything is supposed to be OTT in wrestling, larger than life.
Ross' commentary was the best.

Jerry Lawlor shouldn't be commentating now. He was great as a heel a few years ago but he has lost that and he is crap as a face. The WWE have a great colour commentator there and he's on NXT, ie Regal. He would be great on Raw.

It could be worse, it could be Heenan, remember how he ruined Hogans wcw heel turn?
I take it you've never watched the '92 Rumble?

Flair wins the title by winning the Royal rumble after entering from number 3, it was remarkable for the time. It was also used to highten the feud between Hulk Hogan and Sid Justice.

Don't insult my wrestling knowledge! :D
More talking about the amazing commentary performance by Bobby Heenan, but yeah, that too.
What the feck sense does that make....!?!

Apparently, he failed to control Ric Flair a couple of weeks ago. In the same event, he said that he wasn't thinking of retiring. Also, notice how none of the current WWE roster have made a comment on his "retirement". He's been released, unfortunately.
RVD is basically Bruce Willis with a ponytail.


Ref in that divas match botched so hard, even the commentators laughed at him.
Even in a kayfabe point of view, throwing someone at the ropes and then lowering your head and waiting, is one of the most retarded ideas ever, yet immensely popular.

EDIT: Also, it's retarded that if you get yourself disqualified you retain your championship. What logic was used to come up with that? Walk to ring champion, low blow, walk out champion. Kthxbai.
Sucks for anyone hoping for an NXT guy to come up.

Nice that they're actually doing something with Ryback though.
:lol: I actually enjoy Titus O'Neil.

Been a fan of him for a while. Good charisma, looks like a walking tank (which Vince usually loves), and is decent in the ring. Long way to go, but definitely potential there. He's 36 though, so he needs to impress quickly if he's going to go anywhere.
I don't think giving the title to Bryan tonight is the right time, but surely it's not going to be an entire PPV of retaining.

Surely they're going to keep building this and building this until a bigger stage. But then again maybe the story is once Orton loses, Vince then falls out with HHH for letting him down etc.
Trips is probably going to declare the title win void because of the fast count. There's no way they've done all this "Bryan is the underdog" build up, which is something that needs longer than a month, only to just throw that all away now by giving him the title again.
Trips is probably going to declare the title win void because of the fast count. There's no way they've done all this "Bryan is the underdog" build up, which is something that needs longer than a month, only to just throw that all away now by giving him the title again.

The next PPV is only in three weeks and they have HIAC, Survivor Series and TLC before the end of the year so plenty of time to have a couple of title changes. The end was weird though. After weeks of beatdowns, and heels dominating faces there was no HHH, Shield, Big Show or ANOTHER to be seen in the match and they finish with screwjob finish for the face.

They need a red hot Raw to salvage this tomorrow as that was a seriously shit PPV after two months of consistently good TV and PPVS. That's a couple of notches below what they have been turning out during the summer which has been the best WWE have managed for years.
good show, but how fast was that count?!!? I would have thought they would have kept the title on Randy until Survivor series, but hey ho, there is nobody that deserves it more than D-BRY
good show, but how fast was that count?!!? I would have thought they would have kept the title on Randy until Survivor series, but hey ho, there is nobody that deserves it more than D-BRY

He'll be stripped of it tonight. Poor Scott Armstrong got the sense knocked out of him when he tumbled out of the ring at 0.5mph.
He will keep winning and they will keep pointing out that there was a flaw in the way he won. At wreslemania or whenever there will be a special guest referee but he will be knocked out and a real official will come and do the count allowing bryan to win fairly.