Television The Propgropthrop

WWE building a story like when Austin broke his neck, whilst he couldn't legitimately wrestle due to his injury. It was pushed to the audience that WWE forced him to give up his titles, wouldn't let him wrestle and trying to keep him off TV even though he wanted to appear. The fans hated WWE for taking him away.

See a similar situation with Bryan, he is so crazy over right now with the Yes and No chants. Then all the angles over the last weeks that he doesn't fit the company's "Image" for what a WWE champion should be. Trying to change him when the fans appreciate him for everything he already is. Then when he wins the championship and gets screwed via a Triple H pedigree. It is a way of denying the fans who they want as champ.

Orton is a perfect fit heel wise if he has aligned with Triple H as the company's "champion". It could be a modern day Corperation v Austin.

That is one vicious knee to the head.

:lol: that was hilarious. It was like they couldn't think of a way to finish the match so just thought they'd have one guy bowling ball into the other one's face.

Only watched the Lesnar and Bryan matches but enjoyed both.

The ending managed to be completely obvious despite me having no real idea to the build up, but obvious in an old school, over the top dramatic kind of way, which is good.
Epic SummerSlam it has to be said.

I kept wishing HHH would just get out of the ring to avoid the screwjob because they had sold Bryan walking away champion very well, with the confetti and his message to his parents on camera. Alas, it was not to be. When Bryan regains the championship, I'll be happy.

The Punk vs. Lesnar match was amazing too. I guess they're setting up for the best-of-3 with Punk finally beating on Heyman at the final match (Survivor Series?)
Class Summerslam.
Lesnar V Punk was awesome, the WHC match was brilliant and the ending to Bryan V Cena was perfect, Cena has to take time off to sort his elbow out so they had to do away with the rematch clause and set up a new feud for Bryan in the process, perfection. I don't know what they have done to the booking team but kudos! these past 3 months have probably been the best the WWE has been since the monday night wars.
Class Summerslam.
Lesnar V Punk was awesome, the WHC match was brilliant and the ending to Bryan V Cena was perfect, Cena has to take time off to sort his elbow out so they had to do away with the rematch clause and set up a new feud for Bryan in the process, perfection. I don't know what they have done to the booking team but kudos! these past 3 months have probably been the best the WWE has been since the monday night wars.
Fired them all and hired guys who aren't hollywood tv rejects, most likely.
Nice of Mark Henry and Big Show to stand on the ramp letting their main rivals beat down a small guy 3 on 1.

Nice of Hunter to bury Orton by letting him have what? 30 seconds .... in his own coronation, I know Orton has the worst charisma ever, but 2003 was the worst year ever for Raw, and 20 minutes Hunter monologues were 90% of the reason for that. Everything about it was so bad that I'm now starting to think Bryan won't be the one ending up on top of all this, a returning Cena will be. I love heel Hunter, doesn't care who he buries or whether it makes sense, basically like Russo, and I like that.
Lance storm spoke the truth on twitter tbh but i dont know how the hell to embed a tweet so i failed.
That was strange with Sin Cara.

" WWE has posted video footage of the Alberto Del Rio vs Sin Cara match from Raw last night, during which Sin Cara dislocated his finger and will be undergoing X-Rays to further evaluate the injury.
As we first reported last night, there is tremendous backstage heat on Sin Cara with the talent in the locker room, as the feeling is many of the guys are banged up from SummerSlam, yet Sin Cara called for his match to end after an injury that many other talents would work through. has confirmed our report of backstage heat, and as we were told Cara's attitude when he is booked to lose a match has created a lot of tension with guys in the locker room. "
I hope they bring back the punt of doom, like do it to Bryans dad and stuff, pedigree into a punt. Epic heel stuff right there.

Then Batista returns and has a whole "whos side is he on" thing for a few weeks, before further burying Bryan by powerbombing him through a table in some similar way he turned face on HHH.
Raw was really good this week. This storyline has the potential to be the best they've done in years, and having no Cena for the rest of the year is a massive plus.
Raw was really good this week. This storyline has the potential to be the best they've done in years, and having no Cena for the rest of the year is a massive plus.

Absolutely, This has the makings of a new corporation.

It's funny, because for years everybody has been saying that Vince has a body fetish and he is using that in this storyline and it is so believable and Daniel Bryan is so good that it is almost perfect.

Cena Is now out for 4 - 6 months, So if they keep builing up "the odds being against D-BRY" and then Cena makes a suprise return (royal rumble?) when Bryan is getting a beat down, and it looks like he will make the save but instead helps HHH and steph, that would make it perfect!
Good article.

This past Sunday, WWE delivered on all levels by producing a PPV which far surpassed the excitement of WrestleMania 29.
The build for the PPV was solid but it was only when we got to the go-home RAW that everyone realised that this past Sunday had the potential to be really special. The segment between John Cena and Daniel Bryan was excellent, made sense, generated excitement and made you think we was back in 2011 with gritty believable promos. Daniel Bryan proved his worth on the microphone when he claimed that John Cena was a parody of wrestling and Cena fired back with a promo that didn’t feel like Fred Flintstone handed him a script.

The PPV itself delivered everything it claimed it could. Sure, more could have been made on the mid-card but I don’t want to take away from the two main events which was worthy of admission alone.
Brock Lesnar and CM Punk went all out and pulled no punches. The story told was fantastic. Lesnar could look dominate with his ability to throw Punk round like a ragdoll whilst Punk was able to make the fight believable with his MMA antics during the bout. Lesnar needed this win and it didn’t make Punk look bad due to the interference from Paul Heyman.

John Cena vs Daniel Bryan was an epic encounter that had a similar vibe to Money in the Bank 2011. The effort put in by both men was credible and impressive. However, I still would have rather seen Cena lose consciousness in the Yes Lock rather than be pinned but in this day and age to get a clean victory over Cena is definitely the sign of the company believing in you.
If you listened to my latest podcast (The IWC – International Wrestling Chat) then you would know that the Orton cash in and Triple H turn was something that was more-or-less confirmed and predicted by myself when Hunter announced he was going to be the special guest referee for the contest.

SummerSlam went off the air perfectly, making all fans desperate to see what would happen 24 hours later on RAW. RAW did a fantastic job of continuing the story by giving Triple H’s explanation but not going in to too much detail.
RAW didn’t really do much for me as I was begging to get to the final segment but it was enough to make me want to see what will happen again next week. Bryan is now basically the PG Austin. He has a massive support and in storyline he isn’t what the company wants. He is however on a wave of popularity and Triple H is now the PG Mr. McMahon character which should now be putting barriers up for Bryan to come running through (I hope that all makes sense!).
The next 4-6 months is absolutely crucial for Daniel Bryan. He has been handed an opportunity to become the face of the company whilst John Cena takes time off for surgery. He certainly has enough popularity, skill and charisma to do so and the current story is something that shouldn’t be rushed but ultimately thought out and planned out over the next few months to ensure that it isn’t put on the backburner upon Cena’s return. Bryan should now have classic encounters, overcoming the odds against Randy Orton and Triple H and I for one am putting my feet up for this one, because it should be good!

On a side note I wanted to commend Darren Young on feeling confident enough to speak about his sexuality in public. In my eyes it isn’t something that should be spoken about as if it isn’t normal or is something ‘different’. However, in the world of Professional Wrestling and the mainstream media I can understand how it might be difficult to open yourself at that level. It takes a lot to be able to be that honest and open and I’m sure that people will be inspired to realise that it isn’t something to hide behind or be scared of.

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @BeansOnToastUK or if you wish to email me then you can do so at .
Until then, enjoy WWE for having a unique setup for the next few months, CM Punk and Bryan as a face, Orton and Triple H as a heel and John Cena for having some time off which is sad in the nature of his absence but at least gives us some different main event matches!
Cesaro is outrageously strong. Everyone watch NXT, main event is outstanding.
hey'd say "Oh, he went in there and he buried29 this guy," and it's like, feck, I had nothing to do with that. I didn't even know he was coming in until I saw him that day.


There's been a lot written about you on the Internet over the years.
I wish I had the brainpower and the wherewithal and the drive to be as maniacal and devious as people fecking think I am. I'd be fecking Darth Vader. I'd run the Empire, and I guess maybe that's how some people see it, right? They'd say "Oh, he went in there and he buried this guy," and it's like, feck, I had nothing to do with that. I didn't even know he was coming in until I saw him that day.

IWC buried.
To be fair to him, we all gave him a lot of shit for putting himself in the main event for Summerslam, but looking bavk now it was actually great booking.
Can't help himself can he? Nice shot at Mick Foley and Punk.

Love his appreciation for the Business, but he'll never be a Jericho, who's got a great appreciation of the Business, a smarter mind, isn't about himself at all, and should by this point have a part time role in creative. Jericho spearheading some of the development storylines before passing them off to Vinch/HHH would be a dream. Jericho gets it.
Triple H gets it too, doesn't he? He has a bit of an ego but he's putting Bryan, a really talented wrestler who is the internet's hero and the now the live crowd's hero, into probably the biggest storyline of the year.