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The script kept getting changed due to that dolphin fella, they didnt want him knowing so kept changing it all throughout the event.
The script kept getting changed due to that dolphin fella, they didnt want him knowing so kept changing it all throughout the event.

I don't think the ending was changed at all......maybe who got screwed was, but the ending sets up their main storyline going into probably WM I'd assume. Bryan gets his redemption there, and if you thought it was a hot crowd after he won tonight, think about that one when he wins at WM if they have him getting screwed over up until done correctly.

WWE is actually using the internet to it's advantage now. Wouldn't be surprised if that Dolphin guy was a part of all this.
Had an accumulator on this:

Bray Wyatt
Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn
Alberto Del Rio
Brock Lesnar
Cody Rhodes
Daniel Bryan
Dean Ambrose

Would have got me £122 odd from a tenner apart from the match that let me down. fecking shitty way to lose an accy on a dark match disqualification victory... I even predicted exactly how nearly every match was won and the obvious cash in and Pedigree at the end.

Ah well, I thought a lot of the matches were very good.
Really think the ending was pretty good. Sets up Bryan very nicely.
Not sure why people are claiming D-Bry was buried. Nothing at all made him look weak there, attacked from behind after a long match. All it does is continue the storyline, give them something to run with if Cena is taking time off, and keeps D-Bry in the underdog role where he has got ridiculously over in the past few months. HHH didn't bury him at all. Bryan beat Cena clean, its not possible to come out of SS looking stronger than that
Brilliant Summerslam, the top two matches delievered - and then some.

The ending works for me - Orton and HHH become heels (which they both need to be) and now you have a story of Bryan fighting his way to become champion - which, if they play it right, could be next years big Wrestlemania moment.

Obviously, WWE could feck it all up, but Bryan is still going to be red hot off the back of this.
I'm mainly just pissed that shitehawk Orton has the title, was hoping(foolishly) he'd somehow not win his cash in.

Orton has been briliant for the past few months now - he looks really focused and motivated, and has been putting on some fantastic matches.
It'd be hysterical if they did feck this up royally by it ending in Cena/Orton at WM rather than Bryan ending the show after an epic 7 month chase. Can't see where Punk fits in all of this though.
It'd be hysterical if they did feck this up royally by it ending in Cena/Orton at WM rather than Bryan ending the show after an epic 7 month chase. Can't see where Punk fits in all of this though.

Lesnar rematch? After there showing at Summerslam, I'd be happy to see a rematch in 7 months time.
There were rumours about HHH bringing Batista back. Maybe they're bringing Evolution back, who knows.
Orton winning it was nailed on and I don't get the hatred for HHH either. Bryan was not at all buried
It'd be hysterical if they did feck this up royally by it ending in Cena/Orton at WM rather than Bryan ending the show after an epic 7 month chase. Can't see where Punk fits in all of this though.

Punk is the most anti-establishment character they have. If they want to fit him into it, they can do it quite easily. I imagine he will be working with Lesnar until the Rock returns though
It'd be hysterical if they did feck this up royally by it ending in Cena/Orton at WM rather than Bryan ending the show after an epic 7 month chase. Can't see where Punk fits in all of this though.

HHH/McMahon not giving Bryan a chance to win his belt back, Bryan winning the Rumble and getting the main event that way - it's a logical one to write!

Other then that, you could just have his chase be up until the Rumble (where he wins the belt back) then have Punk win the rumble setting up a spectacular Punk vs. Bryan match at Mania.
I don't even care if its logical, I want DBry as champion.
Orton becoming champion wasn't surprising but Bryan winning clean certainly was!
Not sure why people are claiming D-Bry was buried. Nothing at all made him look weak there, attacked from behind after a long match. All it does is continue the storyline, give them something to run with if Cena is taking time off, and keeps D-Bry in the underdog role where he has got ridiculously over in the past few months. HHH didn't bury him at all. Bryan beat Cena clean, its not possible to come out of SS looking stronger than that

How could anyone claim that? He beat Cena clean in the main event of WWE's second biggest PPV. The Orton cash in is just long term planning, I'm guessing.
How good was the finish to the Bryan match btw. That knee outta nowhere, legit popped for the 3 count.
I'm absolutely fine with this. Bryan will definitely win the title again, this isn't going to stop his momentum, if anything it's going to further it.
Also, I hope Bryan continues using the Busaiku Knee Kick as a regular impact finisher.
Not sure why people are claiming D-Bry was buried. Nothing at all made him look weak there, attacked from behind after a long match. All it does is continue the storyline, give them something to run with if Cena is taking time off, and keeps D-Bry in the underdog role where he has got ridiculously over in the past few months. HHH didn't bury him at all. Bryan beat Cena clean, its not possible to come out of SS looking stronger than that

If anybody in WWE loses once to anyone beneath them, people on RedCafe say that they've been buried.

Like the second someone loses, the world goes 'OMG no way. That's it. I've lost all respect for him now, can't even take him seriously anymore. Nope, sorry.'

I think wrestlers should lose to each other all the time. All this bollocks about going on a 30 match win streak to make a title 'relevant.'

These guys in kayfabe are supposed to all be elite, so it makes sense that week after week they trade results constantly. Instead we get a predictable run where someone who wasn't doing good against someone wins a championship and immediately becomes superman smashing everybody in their path that they couldn't a week ago until they lose the championship and then the new guy becomes the incredible hulk laying waste to everyone in front of him. It makes no sense. They should trade results constantly and the big PPVs are where the title defences come in.

Make it unpredictable, and it becomes more exciting.