Television The Propgropthrop

Nobody has ever really given a feck about the actual Diva's wrestling since Lita & Stratus have they? The recent AJ v Kaitlyn matches have been good but apart from that it's garbage.

And the someone should tell women wrestlers not to bounce of the ropes, they are too short, don't weigh enough and it looks ridiculous.
It was brilliant when Kelly Kelly tried running the ropes, looked like she slammed into a wall. :lol:
Nobody has ever really given a feck about the actual Diva's wrestling since Lita & Stratus have they? The recent AJ v Kaitlyn matches have been good but apart from that it's garbage.

And the someone should tell women wrestlers not to bounce of the ropes, they are too short, don't weigh enough and it looks ridiculous.

They should all learn to do the Mysterio bounce, just use the 2nd rope.
AJ's promo was good, but the one person with the most talent out of the Divas is Natalya, and she got slated as well. The fact that she is even part of that Divas program is a disgrace.

The constant cackling and underselling by the Bellas during the promo ruined it a little as well.

I think AJ is class.
AJ's promo was good, but the one person with the most talent out of the Divas is Natalya, and she got slated as well. The fact that she is even part of that Divas program is a disgrace.

The constant cackling and underselling by the Bellas during the promo ruined it a little as well.

I think AJ is class.

Good, it wasn't just me then!
Rumours that the tag scene is about to get an influx of talent from the independents. Briscoes, American wolves (yay davey richards) and a few others.
She has bubbles too now. Emmalution <3
Conflicting reports say Real Madrid has launched an unsurprising £120,000,000 bid for WWE superstar John Cena, however some officials have been rumoured to say they just cant see him maing an impact in the football world.
Umm, did Steph blatantly rewrite The Big Show in history as Andre in her little chat with him? That DDT Orton gave is now showing it's concussion like after effects I think.

tbh, I didn't see much of that promo, but I heard her saying he was around backstage when she was 12 or something. Next she'll be storyline "firing" Sin Cara for all his mistakes and how after years of being the epic underdog and winning the Royal Rumble from number 2 and going on to win the title......his time is up.
Not sure where they are going with Rhodes and with the whole Orton stuff, I take it Rhodes is going on a honeymoon so is having a few weeks off.

Bryan isn't credible enough as a tough guy to be able to take on the shield, like Austin or the rock would have been
Umm, did Steph blatantly rewrite The Big Show in history as Andre in her little chat with him? That DDT Orton gave is now showing it's concussion like after effects I think.

tbh, I didn't see much of that promo, but I heard her saying he was around backstage when she was 12 or something. Next she'll be storyline "firing" Sin Cara for all his mistakes and how after years of being the epic underdog and winning the Royal Rumble from number 2 and going on to win the title......his time is up.

Show and Andre the Giant had the same condition but Show got the surgery at a young adult to correct it. There's nothing wrong with that part of the promo.

The rest was Meh and so was main event segment.
Show and Andre the Giant had the same condition but Show got the surgery at a young adult to correct it. There's nothing wrong with that part of the promo.

The rest was Meh and so was main event segment.
I believe he means she was placing Big Show in Andre's position in her story, the problem with the story is that there is only 5 years between them(he's actually 3 years younger than HHH, ffs), when she was a kid, he was a teenager, and he spent years in the WCW before coming to the WWE/F.
A minor gripe with the Whyatt's... why light a candle to immediately blow it out. Surely they should just come into focus with him holding the lit candle. Otherwise, it's just completely pointless.

*light* 'Oh feck, I didn't want to do that.' *blow*
She'll get massive heat for that comment on Jerry Lawler.

"I'm a little too old for you, Jerry. I'm 26"

Jim Ross is retiring from his role in the WWE to focus on his personal business endeavors.

How many great WWF/E memories were made even better by his commentary? He went downhill in the mid/late 2000's, but his passion for what was happening in front of him always seemed to enhance the moment. Great commentator, and fully deserving of his spot in the Hall of Fame.