Television The Propgropthrop

Triple H is a fecking bellend.

2011: "What's that? CM Punk has just cut a fantastic promo, and is now getting media attention from outside of the company? TO ME, KEVIN."

2012: "Brock Lesnar has returned? I'LL BE TAKING UP ALL HIS FEUDING TIME THEN."

2013: "Daniel Bryan is the hottest thing in the company right now, loved by internet fans worldwide? And he's facing John Cena, the hero of the casual fans? I'd better call my father in law, this is a two man job."



It is hilarious how he constantly finds his way in, what's even more hilarious is that he still gets cheered week in week out. He even squeezed in an unnecessary pedigree on Maddox, just to bury him a bit.


Dunno about LOD, Warrior is still insane, Hogan is insane and full of shite, and Undertaker is still better than most of the roster, the rare times he shows up.

pretty much spot on, to expand on that.

Road warrior Hawk is dead, so LOD are no more, I'm not sure how Animal is doing. The Ultimate Warrior and Hogan seem to be in the middle of a bizarre online war of words that nobody cares about as each man has proven time and time again that they are pathetic human beings and quite frankly, they were both awful, awful wrestlers.

The Undertaker can obviously only work once or twice a year these days, but still manages top class matches when he does perform.
Animal had a match against Heath Slater last year. Before that he last wrestled in 2008 (in Japan), so I think he's done.
Man, no Legion Of Doom must majorly suck. Greatest tag team ever! Their entrance, the spikes, the motorbikes, the doomsday device. Raw power. Just read Droz (Remember him becoming a member for a bit), had a career ending injury. Nasty stuff...

Also reading about them, I seen the Headbangerz mentioned. They were good for a laugh I suppose.
Speaking of LOD, this is a thing that happened.


I wish it hadn't.


Summerslam '92 was the first wwf tape I ever seen, LOD vs Money Inc, Ultimate Warrior vs Macho Man, Undertaker vs Kamala, Bret Hart vs British Bulldog. I used to watch the video daily as a kid :lol:
Man, no Legion Of Doom must majorly suck. Greatest tag team ever! Their entrance, the spikes, the motorbikes, the doomsday device. Raw power. Just read Droz (Remember him becoming a member for a bit), had a career ending injury. Nasty stuff...

Also reading about them, I seen the Headbangerz mentioned. They were good for a laugh I suppose.
Fair play to Vince though, to this day Droz is on the payroll, I believe he has something to do with their website.

After the Headbangers, Mosh became "Beaver Cleavage", and had an odd series of incestuous promos with the character supposed to be his mother.
Fair play to Vince though, to this day Droz is on the payroll, I believe he has something to do with their website.

After the Headbangers, Mosh became "Beaver Cleavage", and had an odd series of incestuous promos with the character supposed to be his mother.

:lol: Was his mother hot?
Darren Young has come out as being gay.

I wish him all the best, and hope the WWE and the fans give him all the support he needs.
Darren Young has come out as being gay.

I wish him all the best, and hope the WWE and the fans give him all the support he needs.
:lol: You make it sound like he's terminally ill!

More seriously though, good on the lad.
Aye, fair play to the lad. Hopefully WWE don't try and incorporate it into his gimmick(like Orlando Jordan in TNA), as he doesn't need the change.
Aye, fair play to the lad. Hopefully WWE don't try and incorporate it into his gimmick(like Orlando Jordan in TNA), as he doesn't need the change.

I'd like it if they acknowledged it, but then just let him carry on as is.
His current Twitter profile reads:
As comfortable in the VIP section as he is in the ring, Darren Young’s life revolves around three things — money, women and wrestling.

Massive congratulations to Darren Young. He is a fantastic talent too so I just hope that they don't use his sexuality as a reason to end his partnership with Titus O'neill.

By the way, I know there is a lot of hype about him being the first openly gay wrestler, but what about Pat Patterson?
Massive congratulations to Darren Young. He is a fantastic talent too so I just hope that they don't use his sexuality as a reason to end his partnership with Titus O'neill.

By the way, I know there is a lot of hype about him being the first openly gay wrestler, but what about Pat Patterson?
Orlando Jordan more recently, but does he not count as he's bisexual?
I'm actually buzzing for summerslam, but i finish at 11 tonight and start at 7 tomorrow morning.

do i try and sleep and set my alarm for 12:55? and then go back to bed at 4?
I wouldn't bother with the sleep myself, but in my case it just makes me more tired overall, short naps like that.

Oh, was reading an article about the Iron Sheik, which I hope was accurate. Said he's doing well and healthy, completely off drugs, though he still drinks. The Twitter page stuff being all a bit of entertainment for fans.
So predictions for summerslam?

Think its pretty clear Cena will not win clean tonight - can see Bryan winning, with HHH then low blowing him and pedigree while raising his hand, allowing Orton to cash in.
Cena to win is 7/1.

Tell me that's not unbelievably fecking tempting to bet big on.

Just wait for that guy with his predictions on reddit and then bet. Easy money.
Summerslam clashes with Total Divas. Mindfeck.