Television The Propgropthrop

Orton got attacked by a fan in South Africa

What a coward, waits for him to be looking the other way and only then attacks. Surprised that the fan actually made it that far before security acted.

Orton didn't particularly look happy, pity the clip ended when it did
Unfortunately nutters will always find a way passed security.

Thank god he didn't get properly injured - Suprised Orton handled it quite well really, you would think he would try and deck the bloke especially embarrassing him infront of all those people.
Orton gave him a kick when he was being dragged out. He went for Big E too...mental
I suppose that 1 way to make a name for yourself. Probably not the best idea to attack 1 of the WWE's main stars though, he will not ever get a job in big name wrestling again.
Anyone catch the triple-threat from Smackdown? T'was a cracking match, featuring this awesome counter from Orton...


Orton's really been on fire of late, and actually looks like he's interesting in what he's doing - and a motivated Orton is really great to have around.

Anyway, good for Christian that he gets another title shot, but not entirely sure how they're going to go about generating heat for it, as neither are overly hot at the moment....
Would've been better if he turned it into an RKO.
That shtick got boring a long time ago, especially as DDP was far better at pulling the cutter out of odd situations. Turning the rolling thunder into a spinning powerslam is quite brilliant though, actually surprised I've never seen it happen before.
That shtick got boring a long time ago, especially as DDP was far better at pulling the cutter out of odd situations. Turning the rolling thunder into a spinning powerslam is quite brilliant though, actually surprised I've never seen it happen before.
I find Orton himself a bit boring, but some of his RKO reversals are brilliant...

The best bit about the SSP counter is when Bourne's legs flick up and make it look like Orton's wearing bunny ears.
About time Del Rio split from Rodriguez, he is annoying as feck as his announcer/sidekick.

Loved him getting smashed by that bucket :lol:
Little D-Bry interview

Tiny snippet
Why John Cena gets a mixed reaction from the crowd: “I think it’s because he’s been on top for so long. If Man United won the championship every single year people would be like, ‘I hate Man United’. People would be so sick of them, even if they’re really good. It’s one of those kind of things. You see him and he’s everything the WWE wants as a WWE Champion. He’s been able to hold up his end on the performance aspect of it. People are always wanting something new, wanting something different, and that’s where the divisiveness comes in.”

Are United John Cena?
It's a good comparison. People hate us, we're very good.

Not sure we ever had a phase where we'd go out onto the pitch and challenge people to rap battles, but close enough.
We're obviously Triple H.

Hated because we always win and bury other talent. Deluded people claim we win because of backstage politics but in reality we're just that damn good!
I always did like HHH when I was younger
What we need is now for a demented old guy to stand near us bellowing "THAT'S WHY YOU'RE THE CHAMP" and "WOO!"

Someone get on the phone to MUTV, and tell them to get Paddy on the line.
BR watches Total Divas. Just putting it right here.
Nice one 101... you'll beliving the dream! RAW the next night should be epic as well...

RAW was pretty naff show overall, but between that Brock Lesnar video promoting the SummerSlam match, and that fantastic Cena (who did his best work for ages last night) and Bryan segment... as well as the closing angle, well, take my figuritive money WWE... those two matches should be fantastic.
Possible Triple H heel turn is coming this Sunday then. Was reading up apparent scrapped ideas of Triple H turning heel this Sunday and leading to a match with Austin (which made no real sense), strangely they've actually booked Triple H as the referee now so maybe there's actually something in him turning heel, feck knows.

Summerslam looks pretty damn brilliant. Actually thought Raw was a good show, certainly for promo's. Ambrose was a highlight for me, it's crucial to have somebody like him holding the US Title. He's able to actually make the title seem important and valuable and his promo last night mentioning how the US Title was the most important title was brilliant work.
Triple H is a fecking bellend.

2011: "What's that? CM Punk has just cut a fantastic promo, and is now getting media attention from outside of the company? TO ME, KEVIN."

2012: "Brock Lesnar has returned? I'LL BE TAKING UP ALL HIS FEUDING TIME THEN."

2013: "Daniel Bryan is the hottest thing in the company right now, loved by internet fans worldwide? And he's facing John Cena, the hero of the casual fans? I'd better call my father in law, this is a two man job."

Nice one 101... you'll beliving the dream! RAW the next night should be epic as well...

RAW was pretty naff show overall, but between that Brock Lesnar video promoting the SummerSlam match, and that fantastic Cena (who did his best work for ages last night) and Bryan segment... as well as the closing angle, well, take my figuritive money WWE... those two matches should be fantastic.

Agreed, Cena's promo was brilliant. Made me believe everything he was saying. He can put out some good stuff if he's not doing the usual cheesy rubbish.
Triple H is a fecking bellend.

2011: "What's that? CM Punk has just cut a fantastic promo, and is now getting media attention from outside of the company? TO ME, KEVIN."

2012: "Brock Lesnar has returned? I'LL BE TAKING UP ALL HIS FEUDING TIME THEN."

2013: "Daniel Bryan is the hottest thing in the company right now, loved by internet fans worldwide? And he's facing John Cena, the hero of the casual fans? I'd better call my father in law, this is a two man job."

There really is no need to add a special guest referee to the title match, it was built up so beautifully be Cena and Bryan, that everybody already wanted to see the match, adding a guest ref is just needless.