Television The Propgropthrop

Read Brett Harts autobiography, Nash and Michaels were absolute bellends.

Bret Hart sees the world the way he wants to. Brilliant wrestler, but he's hardly an unbiased observer.

I wonder what HHH will make of Jericho's tweet... assuming him and Nash are still buddies and what not.

Jericho's on his "get young guys over" tour anyway. What's HHH going to do, NOT let him put Ziggler over?

Thing is, Shawn Michaels isn't all that tall (they say he's 6ft1... but frankly I don't believe he's that tall... in fact, I recall him being about the same height as Chris Benoit if I remember correctly) and yet he's one of his 'crew'... so does the logic apply to him too?

Shawn Michaels wore lifts in his wrestling boots. HTH.
Jericho is class. Deserves a proper push.

Jericho doesn't really need a push at all. If they were to have a number one contender match after SSlam (they won't, they'll just build Punk vs Cena) then Jericho would still be someone they'd put in there, and could feasibly win.

As it is he's happy putting over the likes of Punk and Ziggler, hell he negotiated the entire Punk storyline, he wanted to lose to get Punk over.
I know they can't do it right now, but I've decided a Sheamus v Punk feud would make for some epic promos.
I know they can't do it right now, but I've decided a Sheamus v Punk feud would make for some epic promos.

I'm trying to imagine it, Punk going heel and being serious with Seamo just calling him fella.
His hair is stupid, and so is his voice. His presence angers me. I might warm to him eventually, I really warmed to Santino and Zack Ryder recently, but right now he pisses me off. Credit where credit is due, he took the clothesline on the 1000th episode well. :lol:
Slater's good in that he's a guy you want to see get the shit kicked out of him. Makes for a fun heel character - annoying and good selling.

The guy in WWE that I don't have any time for is Mahal. I don't like Alberto's promos and character, but he is good in the ring, Mahal is pointless.
His character just doesn't seem to be going anywhere to me. He debuted as flash Mexican who drives cars and has his own (more interesting) ring announcer. Two years later he's a flash Mexican who drives cars and has his own (more interesting) ring announcer. His promos are just "I'm Alberto, you know that, destiny!"

Isn't he meant to be rich? Why has he never tried to, say, hire Ryback to beat somebody for him? Or bribe a ref? They've only ever used the cars as an indicator that he has money.
His character just doesn't seem to be going anywhere to me. He debuted as flash Mexican who drives cars and has his own (more interesting) ring announcer. Two years later he's a flash Mexican who drives cars and has his own (more interesting) ring announcer. His promos are just "I'm Alberto, you know that, destiny!"

Isn't he meant to be rich? Why has he never tried to, say, hire Ryback to beat somebody for him? Or bribe a ref? They've only ever used the cars as an indicator that he has money.

I guess that WWE would just get accused of copying the million dollar man storylines from the late 80's/ early 90's "every bodies gotta price".
So what? He could just buy the million dollar man to make him look a lot richer and to allow him to actually use his gimmick in matches. As it stands, he's dull as shit.
I think Del Rio is the most boring wrestler in the WWE. His promos about destiny were boring when they started two years ago, and they are still boring. His in ring work is good, but again it's the same old stuff. There is no innovation. I turn off his matches.
They've signed a load of really good wrestlers lately. Castagnoli, Hero, Brodie Lee, and now Pac. I think they signed Sara Del Rey as well?

Although there's some muppet there who thought "this Austin Aries guy doesn't look very good, he's not allowed into Tough Enough."
Actually watched a bit of Smackdown earlier. Decent match between Cesaro and Christian, featuring a lovely bridging Fallaway Slam and a poppy-uppy European uppercutty thing from Cesaro.
The Olympic arena would be an incredible Wrestlemania venue if WWE ever decided to have it in the UK.
Jericho doesn't really need a push at all. If they were to have a number one contender match after SSlam (they won't, they'll just build Punk vs Cena) then Jericho would still be someone they'd put in there, and could feasibly win.

As it is he's happy putting over the likes of Punk and Ziggler, hell he negotiated the entire Punk storyline, he wanted to lose to get Punk over.

He's too good to be a jobber though.
He's too good to be a jobber though.
I wouldn't call Jericho a jobber. He has segments cutting promos with the talents he's trying to get over amongst other things. Jobbers put over their opponents by showing they can be easily beaten. Feuding with Jericho allows the opponent to showcase more of their talent and show another dimension of their character to the audience.
Jericho doesn't really need a push at all. If they were to have a number one contender match after SSlam (they won't, they'll just build Punk vs Cena) then Jericho would still be someone they'd put in there, and could feasibly win.

As it is he's happy putting over the likes of Punk and Ziggler, hell he negotiated the entire Punk storyline, he wanted to lose to get Punk over.

He's going again after Summerslam to tour with his band
Anyone having a cheeky bet on SummerSlam? I would have advised against it as I don't think this event is as predictable as previous ones... But I went for it anyway.

I've got an accumulator on:

CM Punk
The Miz
Dolph Ziggler

All to win. I got pretty decent odds at the time (for betting on wwe) so I put £12.50 on it and I'll get about £200 if it comes in. I can see The Miz losing by DQ though, and I can see Lesnar beating HHH and it leading into some kind of Lesnar vs Taker feud ending at Wrestlemania. So, I'm going to do a second accumulator but bet on Lesnar and remove Miz vs Mysterio I reckon.

Also, Sheamus' match isn't allowed on an accumulator, otherwise I'd have Sheamus to win in there as well.
That was kind of a "thank you" to him for his work over the past 15 years.
Heh I guess so, was a bit miffed at the time though.

Anyway, the card is set so it's prediction time!
Pre-Show, for the United States Championship
Santino Marella vs. Antonio Cesaro

Daniel Bryan vs. Kane

Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho

Intercontinental Championship
The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio

WWE Tag Team Championship
R-Truth and Kofi Kingston vs. The Prime Time Players

World Heavyweight Championship
Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio

WWE Championship
CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Big Show

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar

Pre-Show, for the United States Championship
Santino Marella vs. Antonio Cesaro - Don't really care but Cesaro's been getting a good push. Although Santino gets squashed all the time and then manages to retain his title so I wouldn't be surprised if he won.

Daniel Bryan vs. Kane - Bryan's gonna lose his shit after this match.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho - Jericho's leaving

Intercontinental Championship
The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio - I think this one can go either way. But The Miz hasn't done much as IC Champ yet so I think he'll get some more time.

WWE Tag Team Championship
R-Truth and Kofi Kingston vs. The Prime Time Players - I reckon Truth and Kofi have had their allotted time with the titles.

World Heavyweight Championship
Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio - obvious.

WWE Championship
CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Big Show - On a major roll and can't see it stopping now. I think they're billing him to for a record (or at least a record run). He also mentioned a new title design which he had a hand in so I think he will be the champ and will unveil it.

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar - Would set up nicely for a push into the next year. Not defeating a current wrestler (Cena) I can kind of understand but not defeating someone who wrestles twice a year wouldn't be good for Brock's character.

I had a feeling that Ziggles would cash in his MITB as this is a big PPV but then it would only be relevant if the show ended on it. Let's face it, the HHH and Lesnar show will be closing the night.
Apparently Alex Shelley has signed with WWE. If they can get Chris Sabin, and they can avoid repackaging either of them, that'd be a superb addition to the tag team division.
Apparently Alex Shelley has signed with WWE. If they can get Chris Sabin, and they can avoid repackaging either of them, that'd be a superb addition to the tag team division.

I've already seen that rubbished elsewhere, he's meant to be off to Japan or something.