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That's certainly a possibility. However it seems as though Punk is really going for this arrogant, dislikeable style with his promos. Not that they aren't arrogant already but there's more emphasis on the crueller mocking tone IMO so far.
He's certainly a tweener at the moment. His role on Raw was downright bizarre, he came out, got cheered massively, cut a very babyface promo and was getting some boo's near the end, then at the end of the show was rather heelish with his shouting at AJ and attacking Show and Cena. He's probably at about 80% heel at the moment, but he's so over that he'll still get cheered. It's a bit like whenever Austin turned heel, you'd never really get him universally hated.
Anyway, slight Smackdown spoiler (if anyone cares)
5 TIMES world champ and now 1 TIME GM. Yet another reason to turn off.
He's certainly a tweener at the moment. His role on Raw was downright bizarre, he came out, got cheered massively, cut a very babyface promo and was getting some boo's near the end, then at the end of the show was rather heelish with his shouting at AJ and attacking Show and Cena. He's probably at about 80% heel at the moment, but he's so over that he'll still get cheered. It's a bit like whenever Austin turned heel, you'd never really get him universally hated.
Anyway, slight Smackdown spoiler (if anyone cares)
5 TIMES world champ and now 1 TIME GM. Yet another reason to turn off.
Tell me you did NOT JUST SAY THAT!!!Better than having him on commentary.
What you talking bowt playa?
That's it bruvva, you're against... THE UNDERTAKER!
Tell me you did NOT JUST SAY THAT!!!
I like this kid, you know, he's handling his bizznish.
He's certainly a tweener at the moment. His role on Raw was downright bizarre, he came out, got cheered massively, cut a very babyface promo and was getting some boo's near the end, then at the end of the show was rather heelish with his shouting at AJ and attacking Show and Cena. He's probably at about 80% heel at the moment, but he's so over that he'll still get cheered. It's a bit like whenever Austin turned heel, you'd never really get him universally hated.
Anyway, slight Smackdown spoiler (if anyone cares)
5 TIMES world champ and now 1 TIME GM. Yet another reason to turn off.
5 time 5 time 5 time DUBBYA C DUBBYA CHAMPIONHe's a 6 time World Champion.
He's certainly a tweener at the moment. His role on Raw was downright bizarre, he came out, got cheered massively, cut a very babyface promo and was getting some boo's near the end, then at the end of the show was rather heelish with his shouting at AJ and attacking Show and Cena. He's probably at about 80% heel at the moment, but he's so over that he'll still get cheered. It's a bit like whenever Austin turned heel, you'd never really get him universally hated.
Anyway, slight Smackdown spoiler (if anyone cares)
5 TIMES world champ and now 1 TIME GM. Yet another reason to turn off.
But is he really a heel? He'll still be cheered by the usuals if he's feuding Cena, and if Rock isn't around who is playing the heel against?
People don't care what he says to Lawler in the slightest.
I actually think the attitude era was massively overrated. Sure, there was some good stuff, but there was also some absolutely horrible stuff. I enjoyed WWE most around 2004.
I actually think the attitude era was massively overrated. Sure, there was some good stuff, but there was also some absolutely horrible stuff. I enjoyed WWE most around 2004.
As noted earlier, ESPN subsidiary site has an extensive interview with Kevin Nash, who discussed his upbringing, breaking into wrestling and moving into Hollywood. During the interview, Nash stated that Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit should have never been main eventers.
"When Benoit and Guerrero hugged [at WrestleMania XX], that was the end of the business," said Nash. "Has business been the same since that WrestleMania? Has it come close to the Austin era? Has it come close to the nWo or the Hogan era? You put two f--king guys that were great workers that were the same height as the f--king referees, and I'm sorry, man. Are you going to watch a porno movie with a guy with a three-inch dick? Even if you're not gay, you will not watch a porno movie with a guy with a three-inch dick. That's not the standard in porno films. So you put a 5-foot-7 guy as your world champion."
Nash was also critical of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, noting that they "are not bigger than life."
"I bet they could both walk through airports and not be noticed unless they have a gimmick shirt on and the belt," he said.
Nash also discussed cussing out Tom Cruise's makeup artist on the set of Rock of Ages, how the Kliq changed WWE payouts, how his WWF heel turn "blueprinted" the "Stone Cold" Steve Austin character and much more. It's a great read, you can check out the full article by clicking here.
"Chris Jericho @IAmJericho
Hope @realkevinnash doesn’t tear his quad tweeting! #typicalbigman #nwothirdwheel
Funny how @realkevinnash says wrestling “died” when Benoit and Guerrero were champs-Yet the worst year for WWE biz was 95 when he was on top
Brilliant by Jericho.
I wonder what HHH will make of Jericho's tweet... assuming him and Nash are still buddies and what not.
Thing is, Shawn Michaels isn't all that tall (they say he's 6ft1... but frankly I don't believe he's that tall... in fact, I recall him being about the same height as Chris Benoit if I remember correctly) and yet he's one of his 'crew'... so does the logic apply to him too?
Besides, I don't think wrestling was ever about tall people... but more about larger then life characters. Stone Cold could have been 5"9, but with the same character, he'd still have been just as over as he was.
If there wasn't enough reason to be annoyed by Kevin Nash, he's decided to give us more.
Full thing, he acts even more of a cock.