Television The Propgropthrop

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That's certainly a possibility. However it seems as though Punk is really going for this arrogant, dislikeable style with his promos. Not that they aren't arrogant already but there's more emphasis on the crueller mocking tone IMO so far.

telling lawler he's a shit commentator, and attacking the big show and cena won't get anybody over as a heel
He's certainly a tweener at the moment. His role on Raw was downright bizarre, he came out, got cheered massively, cut a very babyface promo and was getting some boo's near the end, then at the end of the show was rather heelish with his shouting at AJ and attacking Show and Cena. He's probably at about 80% heel at the moment, but he's so over that he'll still get cheered. It's a bit like whenever Austin turned heel, you'd never really get him universally hated.

Anyway, slight Smackdown spoiler (if anyone cares)

5 TIMES world champ and now 1 TIME GM. Yet another reason to turn off.
He's certainly a tweener at the moment. His role on Raw was downright bizarre, he came out, got cheered massively, cut a very babyface promo and was getting some boo's near the end, then at the end of the show was rather heelish with his shouting at AJ and attacking Show and Cena. He's probably at about 80% heel at the moment, but he's so over that he'll still get cheered. It's a bit like whenever Austin turned heel, you'd never really get him universally hated.

Anyway, slight Smackdown spoiler (if anyone cares)

5 TIMES world champ and now 1 TIME GM. Yet another reason to turn off.

Will be better than teddy long.
He's certainly a tweener at the moment. His role on Raw was downright bizarre, he came out, got cheered massively, cut a very babyface promo and was getting some boo's near the end, then at the end of the show was rather heelish with his shouting at AJ and attacking Show and Cena. He's probably at about 80% heel at the moment, but he's so over that he'll still get cheered. It's a bit like whenever Austin turned heel, you'd never really get him universally hated.

Anyway, slight Smackdown spoiler (if anyone cares)

5 TIMES world champ and now 1 TIME GM. Yet another reason to turn off.

Better than having him on commentary.
He's certainly a tweener at the moment. His role on Raw was downright bizarre, he came out, got cheered massively, cut a very babyface promo and was getting some boo's near the end, then at the end of the show was rather heelish with his shouting at AJ and attacking Show and Cena. He's probably at about 80% heel at the moment, but he's so over that he'll still get cheered. It's a bit like whenever Austin turned heel, you'd never really get him universally hated.

Anyway, slight Smackdown spoiler (if anyone cares)

5 TIMES world champ and now 1 TIME GM. Yet another reason to turn off.

He's a 6 time World Champion.
Looking at the Olympic stadium, how good would a wrestlemania or summerslam look in there, weather permitting
He's certainly a tweener at the moment. His role on Raw was downright bizarre, he came out, got cheered massively, cut a very babyface promo and was getting some boo's near the end, then at the end of the show was rather heelish with his shouting at AJ and attacking Show and Cena. He's probably at about 80% heel at the moment, but he's so over that he'll still get cheered. It's a bit like whenever Austin turned heel, you'd never really get him universally hated.

Anyway, slight Smackdown spoiler (if anyone cares)

5 TIMES world champ and now 1 TIME GM. Yet another reason to turn off.

Punk's a heel and no tweener. The ripping on the Rock, the promo on Cena before his match with Big Show, the commentary(Lawler's the face part of the commentary) and his actions at the end of the show. Austin was also very much a heel when the paired with him Mcmahon and started the two man power trip and then into the Invasion. It just did not draw that much of a reaction as the main face was off the roster during that run and HHH got injured quick.
But is he really a heel? He'll still be cheered by the usuals if he's feuding Cena, and if Rock isn't around who is playing the heel against?

People don't care what he says to Lawler in the slightest.
But is he really a heel? He'll still be cheered by the usuals if he's feuding Cena, and if Rock isn't around who is playing the heel against?

People don't care what he says to Lawler in the slightest.

It's how he's booked that matters and he is being booked as a heel and not a tweener. Cena always gonna get the duelling Cena sucks, let's go Cena stuff.

Punk's a proper heel and will probably get a stronger push as a result. They have pushed the faces very hard this year(Punk, Sheamus, Rock and Cena) so it's about time when the heels start to dominate the roster for abit.

It's obvious when you look at the roster as well. Lesnar aside, who is a part-timer, there is not a credible main event heel on the roster. Show and Bryan get the heel main event matches but they have been booked to lose effectively all of these throughout the summer(in Bryan's case it's longer than that). Ziggler and Del Rio(who has lost some ground this year) are still just about upper mid card for me, although Ziggler will go up a notch after his feud with Jericho and when he cashes in his MOTB properly. A spot for a dominant heel champion is there and they have gone with Punk to fill the void. It's a compliment to his character that they done so.

When you look at the faces, you have Rock, Cena, Orton, Sheamus and Jericho as main event faces. Even with the Rock as a part-timer that's a full compliment of main event faces there and that's before you get to HHH who is sure to feature more than your average part-timer(like Rock and Taker).

The only thing which could stop a full blown Punk heel turn is if it is a swerve for Cena to go heel but the booking does not suggest that at all.
Man the WWE has definitely upped its game recently, still not reached the heights it reached during some parts of the attitude era which it might never do.

Some of those matches were just so fecking epic.That Shawn Michaels Triple H match at Summerslam remains a favorite of could see how hard they were actually hitting, twas brutal.
I actually think the attitude era was massively overrated. Sure, there was some good stuff, but there was also some absolutely horrible stuff. I enjoyed WWE most around 2004.
I actually think the attitude era was massively overrated. Sure, there was some good stuff, but there was also some absolutely horrible stuff. I enjoyed WWE most around 2004.

I agree and that is why I said at some parts but those some parts were absolutely fantastic, the best wwe has had to offer imo.
I actually think the attitude era was massively overrated. Sure, there was some good stuff, but there was also some absolutely horrible stuff. I enjoyed WWE most around 2004.

I disagree. From 1998 to just before/after the invasion angle, most of the time WWE was must watch tv. Of course, those times had filler PPVS and slow periods but generally it was the golden period of the company. Those times had the DX, the Austin/Mcmahon angle, Rock/Foley vs HHH/Mcmahons, and the likes of Angle, Jericho, Benoit rising from the mid card to the main event level with some stellar main eventers already established and the best tag division in the history of the company. All the belts meant something and most of the angles where worth watching.

The brand extension was good for different time periods when it was serious as well but 1998 to 2002 was very good. It's dropped off due to a lack of competition for me.
Great, now the big show can job to him on every raw and smackdown for a month.
If there wasn't enough reason to be annoyed by Kevin Nash, he's decided to give us more.

As noted earlier, ESPN subsidiary site has an extensive interview with Kevin Nash, who discussed his upbringing, breaking into wrestling and moving into Hollywood. During the interview, Nash stated that Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit should have never been main eventers.
"When Benoit and Guerrero hugged [at WrestleMania XX], that was the end of the business," said Nash. "Has business been the same since that WrestleMania? Has it come close to the Austin era? Has it come close to the nWo or the Hogan era? You put two f--king guys that were great workers that were the same height as the f--king referees, and I'm sorry, man. Are you going to watch a porno movie with a guy with a three-inch dick? Even if you're not gay, you will not watch a porno movie with a guy with a three-inch dick. That's not the standard in porno films. So you put a 5-foot-7 guy as your world champion."

Nash was also critical of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, noting that they "are not bigger than life."

"I bet they could both walk through airports and not be noticed unless they have a gimmick shirt on and the belt," he said.

Nash also discussed cussing out Tom Cruise's makeup artist on the set of Rock of Ages, how the Kliq changed WWE payouts, how his WWF heel turn "blueprinted" the "Stone Cold" Steve Austin character and much more. It's a great read, you can check out the full article by clicking here.

Full thing, he acts even more of a cock.
You can understand where he is coming from, he feels left out because the world has moved on from watching 50 ft idiots wrestling as entertaining as they may have been.
I can't hate Nash, or even be more than mildly annoyed by him. He was a poor worker, I don't agree with his opinions on smaller wrestlers, and I think that overall he did more harm than good to the business, but he's pretty much up front that he's got no real love for wrestling. It was a meal ticket, and he set out to wring as many dollars out of it as he could. Given the way it chews people up and spits them out, who can argue that he's wrong? How many people who had that love for the business have we seen die long before reaching Nash's current age of 53? Maybe he was the smartest guy on the roster.
Read Brett Harts autobiography, Nash and Michaels were absolute bellends.
He was really positive about Punk last week on twitter. Doesn't add up. And he and Hogan supposedly pretty much killed WCW from what I've heard with the "fingerpoke of doom." Pretty harsh to criticise Guerrero and Benoit because of that.
"Chris Jericho ‏@IAmJericho
Hope @realkevinnash doesn’t tear his quad tweeting! #typicalbigman #nwothirdwheel

Funny how @realkevinnash says wrestling “died” when Benoit and Guerrero were champs-Yet the worst year for WWE biz was 95 when he was on top

Brilliant by Jericho.
I wonder what HHH will make of Jericho's tweet... assuming him and Nash are still buddies and what not.

Thing is, Shawn Michaels isn't all that tall (they say he's 6ft1... but frankly I don't believe he's that tall... in fact, I recall him being about the same height as Chris Benoit if I remember correctly) and yet he's one of his 'crew'... so does the logic apply to him too?

Besides, I don't think wrestling was ever about tall people... but more about larger then life characters. Stone Cold could have been 5"9, but with the same character, he'd still have been just as over as he was.
I wonder what HHH will make of Jericho's tweet... assuming him and Nash are still buddies and what not.

Thing is, Shawn Michaels isn't all that tall (they say he's 6ft1... but frankly I don't believe he's that tall... in fact, I recall him being about the same height as Chris Benoit if I remember correctly) and yet he's one of his 'crew'... so does the logic apply to him too?

Besides, I don't think wrestling was ever about tall people... but more about larger then life characters. Stone Cold could have been 5"9, but with the same character, he'd still have been just as over as he was.

Using Nashs' theory, the great Khali should be king of the wrestling world, and so should show.

Being tall and big helps you get noticed, but there is alot more important things. Theres a reason why the rock / stone cold / mankind / undertaker were the favourites of many. They had a brilliant character, all brought something different and flogged there asses off to give the best show they could.

Mick Foley is 10x the man Nash ever will be. He seems pretty jealous.
If there wasn't enough reason to be annoyed by Kevin Nash, he's decided to give us more.

Full thing, he acts even more of a cock.

Nash comes across as a complete dick most of the time. I'm sorry, I don't get his claim at all that the bigger you are, the better. Some of the greatest footballers this earth has ever seen aren't the biggest of guys. Nash is talking pure and utter shite.

Guerrero and Benoit deserved to get to the top because they worked their asses off and earned it. One of the greatest moments in wrestling history was witnessing Guerrero and Benoit hugging in the middle of the ring after Wrestlemania, with their belts around them. These guys slugged it out for years, riding up and down the road together and overseas. They deserved it and to see them shedding genuine tears together was emotional.

Also who is one of Nash's best chums? One Shawn Michaels. How tall or big was he?
I saw Ambrose vs Regal from FCW, which was excellent. Seems good, looking forward to him on the main roster.

Mind, I was excited to see Antonio Cesaro/Claudio Castagnoli there too, but they've given him a daft rugby gimmick (does Switzerland even have a rugby team?) and given him the Crotchgrabfallover as a finisher. I miss the Ricola Bomb.

Caught up with Raw last night. Decent enough show. I liked Punk vs Rey and Cena vs Bryan and everything else was OK, barring the return of Screechy McDeadeyes.

Edit: what the hell? I swear people were just talking about Ambrose. My phone has lies to me, and now I'm answering posts from ages ago by mistake.