Television The Propgropthrop

Ok, do you reckon he will debut tonight? Should do, it's his hometown and isn't scheduled for any other shows.
He's in a rivalry with Regal in FCW, so they may wait for that to be over.

OR they could bring it to the main show, which is what I hope they do. Working with Regal would do wonders for getting him over.
wow, big show vs cena as main event. Why? Big show isn't even a 'has been' he's a 'never was'.
R-Truth is the biggest embarassment to the WWE since the Gobbledy Gooker. 40 years old and doing that shit
Backing out of an argument 'cause you know you'll get your arse kicked.

Nice try kid. ;)
Too tired. I'll shoot you down for watching juiced up faggots cuddling in their underwear tomorrow.
Wow, wrestling makes you mean.
Daniel Bryan was on the screen about 45 minutes of the show and carried it imo. But I would have that opinion as I basically only watched Raw to see what they'd do with him now AJ is GM.

As for AJ, sure. Body particularly. But please god dont let her talk because she does it in a way that, were she male, I'd want to punch him in the face. Would be a good heel come to think of it.

I know you're a big fan, so is it just me who thought she came across as a total bitch in her GM role? Casting away the "nice girl being treated badly" gimmick and going for nuts instead.
This AJ as GM thing is going to get old real quick.

On a side note, Randy Orton looks like he's off the 'roids. He's lost shit loads of muscle mass.
Were there a few dodgy camera cut aways during RAW? And what was the fecking point of mentioning a fire every few minutes..unless there's another mishap next week.
remember when vince 'died'.

Yep, then got magically resurrected just a few days later when Vince personally announced the death of Chris Benoit.

A six month "who killed Vince?" storyline just got chucked out the window.

They must have been fuming when it was later discovered that he had murdered himself and his family.
I thought that was a good show. Quick notes:

  • Replayed some of the video packages too much to fill up time
  • A lot of wrestling on show, which was a tremendous plus
  • Daniel Bryan :lol:
  • Jericho vs. Ziggler brewing nicely
  • CM Punk on a tirade to get the WWE Championship the focus of the show. Great. Absolutely great. If it takes a CM Punk to do it then even better. This is what you call 'legitimising' the title.

If RAW continues like this every week I'll be happy (bar the repetitive video packages).
Saliph not explained his homophobia yet? I suppose we'll have to wait until he's done telling people in the batman thread that Gotham isn't a real place.
Saliph not explained his homophobia yet? I suppose we'll have to wait until he's done telling people in the batman thread that Gotham isn't a real place.

Completely unnecessary really, just say juiced up men hugging each other instead.
I've offended a Catholic because of an alleged homophobic remark? That's a first.

Nah, I don't mind gay people, I've even got a lesbian sister (that might sound Suarezesque, but it's true). I dislike fags though, like these so-called "wrestlers".
I've offended a Catholic because of an alleged homophobic remark? That's a first.

Nah, I don't mind gay people, I've even got a lesbian sister (that might sound Suarezesque, but it's true). I dislike fags though, like these so-called "wrestlers".

C'mon mate, give it a rest. It's easier to ignore the thread rather than being a shit stirrer.
I don't see Solius anywhere. Unless you're some sort of Solius worshipper, and you're saying that like "thank God."

Speaking of God, remember when he no-showed Backlash?
It's going to be very hard for them to build up Punk as a heel. He'll continue to be cheered by any people over the age of 14.
Saliph not explained his homophobia yet? I suppose we'll have to wait until he's done telling people in the batman thread that Gotham isn't a real place.

Shit, really?

The next you'll be telling me that Buffy isn't a real slayer, and that Michael Scofield didn't really break his brother out of prison.
It's going to be very hard for them to build up Punk as a heel. He'll continue to be cheered by any people over the age of 14.
That's certainly a possibility. However it seems as though Punk is really going for this arrogant, dislikeable style with his promos. Not that they aren't arrogant already but there's more emphasis on the crueller mocking tone IMO so far.