Television The Propgropthrop

Can't stop laughing at this, particularly from about 2:50 - great for old-time fans :lol:

That show couldn't have worked anywhere other than Chicago. "Hug it out" chants. Bryan trying not to lose it after shouting "I HUGGED HIM! HE DIDN'T HUG ME!" A lesser crowd would've shit all over that.

Feel sorry for Sheamus, though. Seemed badly put off in the opening sequence by the boos. WWE shouldn't have even bothered trying to get Punk booed in Chicago. It just wasn't happening.
@WWE: BREAKING: @MichaelCole on #RAW: @JerryLawler collapsed at announce desk, is receiving CPR, medical attention at Centre Bell.
This Antonio Cesaro thing is getting boring now.

It's a shame, because he's actually a superb wrestler.

Also, major credit has to go to Michael Cole and John Cena last night. Cole for continuing the broadcast with what had happened, updating people on King's condition. Cena for cutting an absolutely fantastic promo, one that would have stood out on any show, but to do it whilst his mind would have been on what happened to King is just amazing.
Somewhere far, far away Andy is rooting for The King to pull through...

Too bad that for most people watching nowadays Lawler is just the old guy doing commentary. Lawler in my book is one of the top five performers of the past 40 years.

Get well soon!
Can see Punk winning at Night of Champions. They're trying to make him THE heel of the company, but if he loses the belt too soon then he becomes the underdog too quickly and the heel turn will probably lose momentum. I like intense Cena like he was on RAW, but he doesn't do that shit enough.
Daniel Bryan on Twitter earlier:

"Read four great books in the last three weeks. Crash Course by Chris Martenson should be mandatory reading.

And NO the other three were not the 50 Shades of Grey books… I wouldn’t wish those on my worst enemy

Kane, however, loves LOVES 50 Shades… Strangely, so does The Ryback.

Quote from The Ryback: “Read me more.” UGH"

:lol: Made all the more funnier when thinking back to the interview when he mentioned THE Ryback
No comments after last night's PPV?

Seems this thread has died down since Pogue's thread in the general, which is a shame.

Overall, I found it enjoyable. Odd way to finish it though, I thought it was a botch initially.
No comments after last night's PPV?

Seems this thread has died down since Pogue's thread in the general, which is a shame.

Overall, I found it enjoyable. Odd way to finish it though, I thought it was a botch initially.

Ha, I was thinking the same thing actually.

I haven't really enjoyed RAW or Smackdown for the past month or so, to the point where for the past 2 weeks, I've read reports and then just youtube'd bits that I fancied watching (generally Bryan/Kane and Punk/Cena stuff)... I'm really nto enjoying this 3 hour RAW stuff, think it's drastically effecting the quality...

Having said that, PPV was pretty damn good I have to say. The fatal 4 way was a decent opener, the Kane/Bryan stuff continues to be incredibly entertaining (this is some of the best stuff Kane has done in years), Orton/Ziggles was great, and the main event was tremendous... Punk/Cena go really well together and also put on an excellent show.

But the highlight of the night? JBL on commentary :drool:
I only saw the results as didnt buy the ppv or stream it, mind you not sure it would have gone down well with my migraine yesterday. I am getting the feeling they are just ticking over belt wise until they can build up the Rock Punk match when the Rock returns.

Results wise it went as i expected although will be interesting where they take the next few Raws and Smackdowns to follow on from last nights results.
Smackdown was brilliant. Bryan and Kane were fantastic. Kane: "You belong in a petting zoo, Goatface". Funny Kane is great. Brilliant ending also.
I must have watched the wrong half then, because what I saw was average at best.
Watch the second half.

...That's the one I watched. I saw three nothing matches (Brodus vs Slater, Cesaro vs. Santino, the main event) and the tag team division being buried. Plus the formation of the Job Squad V2.0.

I haven't seen Smackdown for weeks, so maybe this was better in comparison, but only in the sense that Paul McShane is better in comparison to Ali Dia.
I was a massive wwe fan since I was young, stopped watching it in about 2009 or so, just flicked it on there while channel surfing....Kane? Really? How is everyone in the entire universe not bored of him yet
But, he's the tag team champions!

In all honestly though, Kane is a good wrestler and can be entertaining given the right story line. I love what he and Daniel Bryan are doing right now.