Television The Propgropthrop

That guy Bryan got in the face of, he's at all the shows on the front row on tv every week. He did that stupid tensing thing on Lesnars return.

he's semi famous, loads of other photos of him at events, which i cba posting



doing the orton pose



Jericho over Ziggler is abit of a shock.

Jericho's off for a couple of months and Ziggler's just won money in the bank and he loses. Odd booking.

Heels really struggle to get any type of push via wins these days. You have Show in the main event who has lost all his big PPV matches recently, Bryan who has regularly lost to Punk, Sheamus and Cena and now Ziggler losing to Jericho(on the back of Sheamus beating him). Even Lesnar, the monster heel lost to Cena. Del Rio also has no momemtum going in to his inevitable defeat to Sheamus tonight.

The faces on the other hand, mainly Sheamus and Cena, win every PPV and monday night raw.

Hope Lesnar and Punk(with the heel turn complete) win tonight as the faces are booked way to strongly in WWE. Heels need heat and credibility to make the faces look good. Anything else than a Lesnar win would be a joke and the last thing we need is Cena is a face WWE champ.
Miz beat Rey Mysterio gives one to the heels, as does Daniel Bryan beating Kane.

Not in the big matches or angles though. The main event heels, the ones who need the push, always lose. Bryan and Miz are both coming off long losing streaks as well and both are also former champs. Fact Miz is back as IC champ tells its own story. While Bryan gets his first PPV win for six months.
Sheamus is too popular at the moment and Del Rio's too much of a twat for that one to go the heel's way. Wouldn't mind Big Show winning but wtf has happened to Mark Henry?
Abit disappointed with the PPV overall.

First, the good parts. Glad Lesnar was booked to beat Triple H, although the ending was slightly disappointing. How many times are they going to do Lesnar breaking someone's arm with that submission move?

Also glad Punk retained the title, although the booking of the double submission and then Punk winning following the AA was weird again. Show being involved in the match certainly took away from the quality of the match. Last year's SS and MITB matches were far better.

Also glad DB ended his six month losing streak on PPV and Miz vs Mysterio was a decent match.

Onto the disappointing bits. The ending of the Sheamus vs Del Rio match suggets their angle is going to continue and it should have ended tonight. Everyone knows Del Rio is not going to take the title off Sheamus so why book the face not winning clean and in all likelihood take the feud to another PPV? I was hoping Del Rio was going to take his frustrations out on Sheamus and Ziggler was going to cash in MITB(looked possible) but no.

Truth and Kofi going over the PTP is pointless. They are not even a proper tag team FFS.

Jericho over Ziggler like I said before is abit odd. Ziggler would have gained momemtum into his MITB cash in with a win over Jericho who is off for a few months and he loses. It's good to see Jericho finally win on PPV. It's a shame it will lead nowhere. Pointless booking.

Plus, only the WWE could book an angle about Punk feeling disrespected and not getting enough limelight due to being champion and again not book him in the actual ending main event match. Normally it's Cena stopping the title being in the main event and this time it was Lesnar vs Triple H.

BTW - I reckon Lesnar taking out Triple H and Micheals is a big hint that he is going to face Taker at WM. No probs with that. If he is a part-timer he is going to stay out of the title picture and there is no obvious WM opponent for Taker and building him up as the destroyer of the old guard before then is fine by me.
They mentioned Punk not main eventing since December on commentary, I'm sure it will be used in his respect campaign.
Abit disappointed with the PPV overall.

First, the good parts. Glad Lesnar was booked to beat Triple H, although the ending was slightly disappointing. How many times are they going to do Lesnar breaking someone's arm with that submission move?

Also glad Punk retained the title, although the booking of the double submission and then Punk winning following the AA was weird again. Show being involved in the match certainly took away from the quality of the match. Last year's SS and MITB matches were far better.

Also glad DB ended his six month losing streak on PPV and Miz vs Mysterio was a decent match.

Onto the disappointing bits. The ending of the Sheamus vs Del Rio match suggets their angle is going to continue and it should have ended tonight. Everyone knows Del Rio is not going to take the title off Sheamus so why book the face not winning clean and in all likelihood take the feud to another PPV? I was hoping Del Rio was going to take his frustrations out on Sheamus and Ziggler was going to cash in MITB(looked possible) but no.

Truth and Kofi going over the PTP is pointless. They are not even a proper tag team FFS.

Jericho over Ziggler like I said before is abit odd. Ziggler would have gained momemtum into his MITB cash in with a win over Jericho who is off for a few months and he loses. It's good to see Jericho finally win on PPV. It's a shame it will lead nowhere. Pointless booking.

Plus, only the WWE could book an angle about Punk feeling disrespected and not getting enough limelight due to being champion and again not book him in the actual ending main event match. Normally it's Cena stopping the title being in the main event and this time it was Lesnar vs Triple H.

BTW - I reckon Lesnar taking out Triple H and Micheals is a big hint that he is going to face Taker at WM. No probs with that. If he is a part-timer he is going to stay out of the title picture and there is no obvious WM opponent for Taker and building him up as the destroyer of the old guard before then is fine by me.

Jericho over Ziggler is abit of a shock.

Jericho's off for a couple of months and Ziggler's just won money in the bank and he loses. Odd booking.

Heels really struggle to get any type of push via wins these days. You have Show in the main event who has lost all his big PPV matches recently, Bryan who has regularly lost to Punk, Sheamus and Cena and now Ziggler losing to Jericho(on the back of Sheamus beating him). Even Lesnar, the monster heel lost to Cena. Del Rio also has no momemtum going in to his inevitable defeat to Sheamus tonight.

The faces on the other hand, mainly Sheamus and Cena, win every PPV and monday night raw.

Hope Lesnar and Punk(with the heel turn complete) win tonight as the faces are booked way to strongly in WWE. Heels need heat and credibility to make the faces look good. Anything else than a Lesnar win would be a joke and the last thing we need is Cena is a face WWE champ.

:lol: You are one hell of a whiner. I can see why someone would come in here and cringe at that.
I thought Jericho over Ziggler was the only thing that made sense. The whole thing was about Jericho not being able to win the big one, can't win the big one, can't win the big one, he was obviously going to win. Ziggler was never going to win that.

Truth and Kofi I'd rather have on my screen than the prime time tossers any day.
Ziggler has plenty of time to be champion, he clearly enjoys being the heel more than anything, and almost likes losing in a funny way.

His time will come - let jericho have his now before he retires.
First, the good parts. Glad Lesnar was booked to beat Triple H, although the ending was slightly disappointing. How many times are they going to do Lesnar breaking someone's arm with that submission move?

And the funny thing to me is, had anybody actually watched his MMA fights, they'd realise he couldn't pull off a kimura unless he was given help :lol:

Plus, only the WWE could book an angle about Punk feeling disrespected and not getting enough limelight due to being champion and again not book him in the actual ending main event match. Normally it's Cena stopping the title being in the main event and this time it was Lesnar vs Triple H.

It did seem pretty strange to have Triple H slowly leave the arena to kill time at the end. Milked the angle for all it was worth.
:lol: You are one hell of a whiner. I can see why someone would come in here and cringe at that.

If you don't like it, don't comment on it and if they would cringe at it, well do you think I give a feck? At the end of the day, if you ain't into wrestling this is hardly the thread to come into is it.
I thought Jericho over Ziggler was the only thing that made sense. The whole thing was about Jericho not being able to win the big one, can't win the big one, can't win the big one, he was obviously going to win. Ziggler was never going to win that.

Truth and Kofi I'd rather have on my screen than the prime time tossers any day.

I disagree. Jericho is Jericho. He's already made it.

I'm not a big fan of the PTP's but Truth and Kofi are just a filler team and would be better involved in the mid card. They have put three months into getting a proper tag division together and they keep the titles on them.
Woke up this morning, and realised I couldn't be bothered downloading Summerslam.

Going to see if I can find something else to watch.
Yeah, that's the match where it "clicked" for me with her, because before that I'd only seen her against midcarders like The Batiri.

I haven't been able to buy the latest two shows yet, but I hear her vs. Eddie Kingston is great too, as you'd expect.
Heh I guess so, was a bit miffed at the time though.

Anyway, the card is set so it's prediction time!

Pre-Show, for the United States Championship
Santino Marella vs. Antonio Cesaro - Don't really care but Cesaro's been getting a good push. Although Santino gets squashed all the time and then manages to retain his title so I wouldn't be surprised if he won.

Daniel Bryan vs. Kane - Bryan's gonna lose his shit after this match.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho - Jericho's leaving

Intercontinental Championship
The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio - I think this one can go either way. But The Miz hasn't done much as IC Champ yet so I think he'll get some more time.

WWE Tag Team Championship
R-Truth and Kofi Kingston vs. The Prime Time Players - I reckon Truth and Kofi have had their allotted time with the titles.

World Heavyweight Championship
Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio - obvious.

WWE Championship
CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Big Show - On a major roll and can't see it stopping now. I think they're billing him to for a record (or at least a record run). He also mentioned a new title design which he had a hand in so I think he will be the champ and will unveil it.

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar - Would set up nicely for a push into the next year. Not defeating a current wrestler (Cena) I can kind of understand but not defeating someone who wrestles twice a year wouldn't be good for Brock's character.

I had a feeling that Ziggles would cash in his MITB as this is a big PPV but then it would only be relevant if the show ended on it. Let's face it, the HHH and Lesnar show will be closing the night.
5/7, not bad.

Not a bad PPV but not a great one either. The main event was too stop/start. Hopefully as they've acknowledged that Punk hasn't been main-eventing, then things are going to change.

God, even Preston City Wrestling puts on better matches than fecking WWE at Summerslam. Starts 8 minutes in, starts of slow but it really picks up. Not exactly incredible, but still good wrestling.
:lol: Good for a laugh yeah. Around 12-12.37 it's too grand. Big flamboyant sweeping of the legs, then they hug each other. Then the big suplex at 13.20... nah. I'd be worried they were more likely to kiss me than hit me.

Liking 13:50 -13:55 though.
I was totally disinterested in Summerslam, the abomination that was last weeks RAW put me off. I caught the Ziggler/Jericho (good), Bryan/Kane (okay) Punk/Cena/Show (meh) and HHH/Lesnar matches (meh+good ending)... and from all that, i'd say my disinterest was justified.

Average RAW (at best) this week, and only really thanks to excellent promos to start and end the show. Cena's promo was fantastic, when he's given stuff like that to do, he's always on. These 3 hour shows are killers though...
Wow, the guy even oversells sex

Comedienne and WWE star Dolph Ziggler's ex-girlfriend Amy Schumer (pictured at right) appeared on Howard Stern today and opened up about her relationship with Mr. Money in the Bank.

When the topic of sex came up, Schumer admitted that she had to break up with Ziggler because the sex was "too athletic," and he would throw her around as if they were wrestling.

You can read the entire recap of Schumer's appearance on the show by clicking on the above link.
I'm up and RAW starts soon, buuuuut it could be shit. Decisions!!
You know someone won't hit Quote...
That semi-famous guy was there again. I swear he spends most of his time on the road, how does he make any money!?

Probably spends every last buck he has following it around?

I often wonder how some utd fans can afford to go home and away, plus all the european fixtures. Either people are doing very well or they dedicate themselves and there last bits of money to watching the team.

I guess to him the WWE is his life.
You think they' can ever make Punk a pure heel again, or will they settle for adults boo Cena, kids boo Punk again? If it was D-Bry vs Punk you get one fully over I'd say, but as it stands smarks will never go for Cena.
Probably spends every last buck he has following it around?

I often wonder how some utd fans can afford to go home and away, plus all the european fixtures. Either people are doing very well or they dedicate themselves and there last bits of money to watching the team.

I guess to him the WWE is his life.

ask him