The Nani Goal

Some would argue a good sportsman would have gone to the referee and admitted what he'd done.

I would use the Robbie Fowler v Seaman incident as evidence of what a good sportsman should do.

However, that is a one in a million case scenario and not one that you would expect any player to take.

After the goal, the linesman waved his flag directing to the referee regarding Nani's handball so there was no need for Nani to admit what he had done as the linesman had already seen the handball and thought nothing of it UNTIL NANI SCORED.

If the handball was such a big deal at that point in time, why didn't the linesman wave his flag at any point of time (10 seconds) between Nani's handball and Nani kicking the ball into the net?

Fact of the matter is that a member of the officiating team saw the incident but decided against taking further action. Nani proceeded to ask the referee if he could kick the ball and Nani obliged.
Apparently a sportsman only scores goals when the opposition dont make a mistake.

So thats 100% of footballers who are bad sportsman. What is the game coming to?
The referee had his eye on the ball the entire time. The referee knows exactly what he's done. He talked to Gomes, he gave Nani permission to kick the ball. It all happened under the referees watchful eye, but Nani is supposed to run over to him after he has scored and claim that it shouldnt stand?

Give over.

Did he feck give Nani permission to kick the ball. he was back on the half way line when Nani kicked it in the net.

The reason the ref didnt give him permission is because there was nothing to give permission for. He hadn't seen the handball so he thought Gomez was just playing on as normal. Not realising everyone barring Nani assumed it was a free kick including the linesman.

Even United players ( and fletcher admitted it later ) thought it was a free kick.

The only ones that didnt were Nani and the ref.

The ref was right to award the goal, because the rules are the rules, but we all know Nani handled the ball and the linesman fecked up by not signalling.

Anyone who would say that the goal was 100% legitimate is a fecking idiot because it wasnt. Nani handled the ball. It should have been a free kick to spurs, but the lino fecked up.
You can see Nani looking at ref almost 'asking his permission' if he could play on and the ref spreads his arms saying 'go ahead'.

Gomes should take the ultimate blame in this.

Aye, exactly. No whistle had gone, but Gomes chose to just throw the ball in front of him and leave it. Play to the whistle, was a reffing feck up for not spotting the handball, but Gomes should take the blame.
Yes, the referee has to signal he's playing an advantage, of course. Not blowing the whistle = no foul. It would get confusing very quickly.

Anyway, fredthered has got it bang on. Wonder if he'll be accused of being a Scouser any time soon.

Seriously, you don't even get it. An advantage is basically no foul. If the ref thinks there's no advantage, what does he do? Signal no advantage? He fecking blows the whistle, which he didn't do here. So what happens?
United 2 Tottenham 0

Skipper Vidic flashed home a header from Nani's superb free-kick just after the half-hour mark, before the winger slotted in a bizarre clincher; tapping home after Heurelho Gomes had surrendered possession to take a free-kick which Mark Clattenburg and his officials had failed to award.

The Portuguese had clearly handled the ball as he appealed for an apparent penalty, but Clattenburg's decision not to stop play and Gomes' attempts to line up a set-piece married in bizarre circumstances. Nani looked to the referee to see the state of play, was encouraged to play on and slotted home a simple finish.

Old Trafford cannot have witnessed a goal of such absurdity often in its century, but fortunately Vidic's earlier goal should negate the majority of the inevitable controversy which will follow. The goal and its slapstick circumstances detracted from an otherwise compelling game between two fine sides.

United 2 Tottenham 0 - Manchester United Official Web Site
Part of the match report explaining things.
Did he feck give Nani permission to kick the ball. he was back on the half way line when Nani kicked it in the net.

The reason the ref didnt give him permission is because there was nothing to give permission for. He hadn't seen the handball so he thought Gomez was just playing on as normal. Not realising everyone barring Nani assumed it was a free kick including the linesman.

Even United players ( and fletcher admitted it later ) thought it was a free kick.

The only ones that didnt were Nani and the ref.

The ref was right to award the goal, because the rules are the rules, but we all know Nani handled the ball and the linesman fecked up by not signalling.

Anyone who would say that the goal was 100% legitimate is a fecking idiot because it wasnt. Nani handled the ball. It should have been a free kick to spurs, but the lino fecked up.

have you ever heard of the term "poetic justice"? :lol:
Seriously, you don't even get it. An advantage is basically no foul. If the ref thinks there's no advantage, what does he do? Signal no advantage? He fecking blows the whistle, which he didn't do here. So what happens?

No, advantage means foul, but the situation is such that there it is preferable for the fouled team to carry on. The referee did neither, which is why he made a mistake. He should have held his arms out, or blown the whistle. Or for that matter, just given the penalty in the first place.
Fred has had an absolute shocker in his reading of this incident

Lucky for him he's not just done it in front of 76,000 like Gomes has eh?

Ooops, forgot how popular this site is...
Why the feck would the linesman only seek the ref's attention ONLY after the goal is scored. You don't keep your flags down if a player is offside until a player scores.

Exactly. In a perfect world the linesman would have raised his flag as soon as Nani handled and the Ref would have blown. He didn't and Gomez fecked up by ignoring the one mantra that is drummed into every player from childhood. " Play to the whistle ". Unsporting my arse and the last resort of ABUs everywhere.
You can see Nani looking at ref almost 'asking his permission' if he could play on and the ref spreads his arms saying 'go ahead'.

Gomes should take the ultimate blame in this.

No he shouldn't. The linesman should

The handball was so blatant, everyone assumed it was a free kick. Even Nani wasnt 100% sure and stopped to check. When he realised the whistle hadnt gone then he kicked the ball.

Not one player on that pitch was 100% sure of what Clattenberg had given. Least of all Gomez who assumed it was a free kick because the handball was so blatant.

Ok the letter of the law says you play to the whistle, but sometimes there are cases where something is so obvious you kind of assume that a whistle isnt needed..

Gomez made the wrong assumption. Yes a bad move, but you cannot blame him for coming to that assumption. Everyone else, the players, the linesman, the pundits and the supporters all made the same one.

The person at fault was the linesman because he saw what the ref didnt, and he could and should have flagged the moment Nani put his hand on the ball. It was his feck up that caused the confusion.
An Arsenal fan complaining about bad refereeing decisions :lol:

Well, I think this was a particularly poor one - I accept we get our fair share.

Your post earlier has proven correct already - the BBC's headline mentions the controversial goal, and neglects to mention how United would have won anyway.
Did he feck give Nani permission to kick the ball. he was back on the half way line when Nani kicked it in the net.

So? A referee can make calls from more than 5 yards away. Nani looks to him and the referee signals to continue play.

The reason the ref didnt give him permission is because there was nothing to give permission for. He hadn't seen the handball so he thought Gomez was just playing on as normal. Not realising everyone barring Nani assumed it was a free kick including the linesman.

Actually he tells Gomes its his ball. Its an advantage, he's seen the incident. Gomes takes the advantage and after he has done so Nani scores a goal.

Even United players ( and fletcher admitted it later ) thought it was a free kick.

The only ones that didnt were Nani and the ref.

The referee gave Gomes the advantage. He clearly saw the incident.

The ref was right to award the goal, because the rules are the rules, but we all know Nani handled the ball and the linesman fecked up by not signalling.

Anyone who would say that the goal was 100% legitimate is a fecking idiot because it wasnt. Nani handled the ball. It should have been a free kick to spurs, but the lino fecked up.

Spurs were given their advantage. They fecked up. Anyone who cant see that doesnt know the rules of a game of football so they better get off their high horse.
Gomes should have known better - Ferguson

Gomes should have known better - Ferguson - Manchester Evening News

Sir Alex Ferguson believes Tottenham goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes was to blame for Manchester United's controversial second goal in their 2-0 win over Tottenham, claiming the Brazilian "should have known better".

Nani poked home the goal after 84 minutes after Gomes had placed the ball down, seemingly thinking his side had been awarded a free-kick in his area.

Nani, who had appealed for a penalty moments earlier, then swooped to score and, after referee Mark Clattenburg consulted with his linesman, the goal was awarded to spark furious protests from the Tottenham players.

"It was bizarre. No-one knew at the time what was wrong. One minute the goalkeeper had the ball in his hands and next it's in his net," Ferguson told ESPN.

"Nani looked back and looked at the referee and the referee said play on, so what can he do but put the ball in the net.

"You can look at the referee and look at the linesmen and blame them, but the goalkeeper should know better. He's an experienced goalkeeper. I thought he made a mess of it.

"I thought it was a penalty first of all and I think Nani felt he handled the ball. But the referee didn't blow for it.

"The referee played on because the goalkeeper took possession of the ball. He then went to take a free-kick thinking it was a foul. He made an error."

Nemanja Vidic's header had handed the Reds a first-half lead.


The Oracle has spoken.

Lets just put this to bed lads ;)
Go to sleep Fred. You are having a stinker. feck off with your moral bullshit. If everybody plays morally, it should still be 2-0 as Nani would be tucking the penalty away.
No, advantage means foul, but the situation is such that there it is preferable for the fouled team to carry on. The referee did neither, which is why he made a mistake. He should have held his arms out, or blown the whistle. Or for that matter, just given the penalty in the first place.

Fine. Let me make it simpler. No whistle = no stop in play. Comprendo?

Should have could have would have can all go out the window.
As a result of all this Nani will get even lesser decisions than he already does :mad:

Time to sign Chamakh.
Anyone who would say that the goal was 100% legitimate is a fecking idiot because it wasnt. Nani handled the ball. It should have been a free kick to spurs, but the lino fecked up.

It should have been a penalty to Manchester United, if we're getting into questions of "legtimacy." I just wish Gomes had dropped the ball on the spot (as statistically unlikely as that is) and then we could simply assure Spurs fans and the rest that we were merely taking the penalty.

Besides, after this:


...cost us number 19, four in a row, and so on, I'm less inclined to give a shit about "fairness" and "morality." Everyone gets fecked by refs now and then, but few as significantly as us last season, and you're asking me to feel guilty about today's wonderful bit of kharmic justice?
I can't verify this, but it seemed to me Gomes was arguing the ref had blown his whistle, whilst Clattenberg was obviously refuting it

If someone has Sky plus might be able to pick up their post game exchange
Well that's pretty poor from him then. He shouldn't have buckled under their pressure, if that's the case. You can't just put your flag up to make the nasty men go away.

I'm not sure anyone is suggesting the linesman had a good game today. In fact most people think it was a terrible job done by him today. But he wouldnt be the first referee or linesman to buckle under severe pressure from a team of players surrounding him. Thats why Spurs players were booked after the goal.

If he felt it was a handball that the referee hasnt seen he'd have put his flag up much earlier. Its only when Spurs players are in his face shouting at him, telling him it was a freekick that he tried to alert the ref. And when the ref comes over he dismisses the claims. The ref isnt surprised because he already knew.
I'd say Fergie summed it up quite well. A bit of a comedy of errors, with Calttenburg not giving the penalty and Gomes not playing to the whistle...
Fred has had an absolute shocker in his reading of this incident

Lucky for him he's not just done it in front of 76,000 like Gomes has eh?

Ooops, forgot how popular this site is...

what are you on about.

The goal was given by Clattenberg, and quite rightly. From his persective he hadnt seen the handball and therefore could only go on what he saw.

The person who COULD have made the difference was the linesman, who clearly did see the handball and raised his flag later on simply to tell the referee that he had made a feck up and hadnt signalled at the time.

Clattenbergs only course of action was to tell the linesman that it was too late and that the goal stood because the linesman had not signalled at the time.

So to the letter of the law Clattenberg was 100% correct.

That said, no matter what the law says, no matter who fecked up, it should not have been a goal. Nani handled it. No arguments.

Its just like the Henry incident, which I bet most on here lambasted Henry for.

The ref gave the goal as he should have done, but that doesnt mean that the goal should have been allowed. if the linesman had done his job the goal wouldnt have been allowed and that would have been 100% correct.

Just like the Mendez incident. The goal wasnt given. Fair enough. but you know and I know that the ball had crossed the line and it should have been given.
I can't verify this, but it seemed to me Gomes was arguing the ref had blown his whistle, whilst Clattenberg was obviously refuting it

If someone has Sky plus might be able to pick up their post game exchange

I saw that, looked like Gomes said he blew the whistle and Clattenburg gave him a look of complete bemusement and shook his head.
The strangest thing about it is the way the linesman obviously thought it was a foul, and hence put his flag up. It's all very well saying play to the whistle, but the officials weren't all singing from the same hymn sheet. It's what more bitter supporters would call an Old Trafford decision.

I saw that, looked like Gomes said he blew the whistle and Clattenburg gave him a look of complete bemusement and shook his head.

If Gomes indeed did say that to Clattenburg then we can all positively say it was his mistake anyway because there was NO whistle so he's obviously hearing extra
surely alastair is a bit of a twat, no?

I'm not sure its quite that severe, but he didnt seem to understand that a linesman doesnt have the power he thinks he does. And not being aware of the rules of a football match, when posting on a football forum, can easily lead to you looking like a twat.
what are you on about.

The goal was given by Clattenberg, and quite rightly. From his persective he hadnt seen the handball and therefore could only go on what he saw.

The person who COULD have made the difference was the linesman, who clearly did see the handball and raised his flag later on simply to tell the referee that he had made a feck up and hadnt signalled at the time.

Clattenbergs only course of action was to tell the linesman that it was too late and that the goal stood because the linesman had not signalled at the time.

So to the letter of the law Clattenberg was 100% correct.

That said, no matter what the law says, no matter who fecked up, it should not have been a goal. Nani handled it. No arguments.

Its just like the Henry incident, which I bet most on here lambasted Henry for.

The ref gave the goal as he should have done, but that doesnt mean that the goal should have been allowed. if the linesman had done his job the goal wouldnt have been allowed and that would have been 100% correct.

Just like the Mendez incident. The goal wasnt given. Fair enough. but you know and I know that the ball had crossed the line and it should have been given.

You've completely ruled out the most obvious conclusion, that just like incident after incident week in week out... refs play on when the offended team has possession


Whether he should play advantage or stop the game doesn't matter anyway... he DIDN'T stop play. Having not heard a whistle, Gomes fecks up big time

The linesman has had one too, his flag shouldn't be up
I'm not sure its quite that severe, but he didnt seem to understand that a linesman doesnt have the power he thinks he does. And not being aware of the rules of a football match, when posting on a football forum, can easily lead to you looking like a twat.

Being an Arsenal fan and complaining about ref decisions is even worse :lol: