The Nani Goal

I don't know how you work that out. Anyone with any sporting instincts would say it's a stupid goal that should never have been allowed, even against Spurs.

Anyone with any sporting instincts would say the rules should be ignored and that the ref should do whatever saves the blushes of a goalkeeper who fecked up? Interesting.
Here's one person's take on the whole thing

Liverpool legend John Aldridge has launched a scathing attack on ‘devious’ Manchester United winger Nani.
The Portugal international has come under fire for taking advantage of confusion to score against Tottenham on Saturday.
Nani knocked the ball into Heurelho Gomes’s unguarded goal as the Spurs keeper dropped the ball believing he had won a free kick.
Many observers blamed referee Mark Clattenburg for not giving handball against Nani, but Aldridge has blasted the United star and warned the ‘calculated act’ could come back to haunt him.
‘It was, quite frankly, one of the most dreadful acts I have ever seen from a professional footballer and he is quickly becoming the most unpopular player in the Premier League,’ Aldridge wrote in his column for the Liverpool Echo.
‘Everything he did was calculated and Tottenham’s players were quite right to feel so aggrieved but, in truth, we should not have been too shocked about it.
‘He is more devious than Cristiano Ronaldo and Didier Drogba, a real unpleasant player.
‘But, given he has made a fool of referee Mark Clattenburg, I think Nani might find he does not get so many awards the next time he falls over.’

Read more: John Aldridge blasts Nani for his crafty Manchester United goal | Mail Online
Anyone with any sporting instincts would say the rules should be ignored and that the ref should do whatever saves the blushes of a goalkeeper who fecked up? Interesting.
The ref fecked up, the lino gave him the out and he was still too pigheaded to take it.
The ref fecked up, the lino gave him the out and he was still too pigheaded to take it.

How many frigging times pete?

The ref never blew his whistle. Play never stopped. Gomes fecked up, but you're still too pigheaded to accept you're wrong.
The ref fecked up, the lino gave him the out and he was still too pigheaded to take it.

"Even the linesman was confused. He told me he did not know what the ref gave.

"He said he saw the handball and told me to go back to the goal, that he would tell the ref what he saw."
There's nothing better than a linesman who does exactly what the players tell him to do. Quality eh!
There's nothing better than a linesman who does exactly what the players tell him to do. Quality eh!

What was he supposed to do, lie just because a player asked?
Pretty sure the linesman couldn't give a shit what the Spurs players wanted and was just doing his job.
I don't know how you work that out. Anyone with any sporting instincts would say it's a stupid goal that should never have been allowed, even against Spurs.

I've got sporting instincts, and there was nothing wrong with it. If we're not allowed to put the ball in the net when the opposition keeper is a dunce, what's next, we don't beat and teams who we're better than - how sporting would that be after all? It's just mean frankly

As for John Aldridge, he might have a few points about Nani if he wasn't completely fecking barking. "one of the most dreadful acts I have ever seen from a professional footballer"?!?! Bellend. He does want to sort himself out though, I'm sick of the diving, play acting, and complaining to the officials when he knows damn well they've made the right decision. I can't stand opposition players doing it, its even worse when it's a player representing my club

The reason he might be becoming an unpopular player is because he's becoming an ever more integral player for United though!
I've got sporting instincts, and there was nothing wrong with it.
Of course there was, you can't have rubbish like that - it makes a mockery of the game. We've already had that daft Liverpool one this season. Enough already.
Clearly if you don't give the pen, you give the free kick. Clear error.

Clattenburg couldn't see the handball but should have gone with what the lino saw.

So what.
One thing that still gets me about it is if Gomes thought it was going to be a free kick why didn't he just pick the ball up and wait for Nani to get up and move away from where the free kick should of been taken.

Instead of picking it up running 15 yards from where the free kick should of been taken, rolling it further out and then complaining when the ref thinks Gomes happily wanted to play on ?
Of course there was, you can't have rubbish like that - it makes a mockery of the game. We've already had that daft Liverpool one this season. Enough already.

Ah hang on. Atwell told the Sunderland player to take the free kick further back, and stopped play to do so. The defender complied by rolling it back for the keeper to take, and Torres took it from there. There's a world of difference between that, and taking advantage of a keeper feck up, all due to not paying attention and playing to the whistle

Nani has plenty to work on when it comes to sportsmanship, but knocking him for scoring there is bollocks. Clearly Paul Scholes would have done the exact same thing, he was clearly urging Nani to do it, and he's one of the best professionals on the planet
I see Pete has taken the tactic of ignoring posts containing inconvenient references to the rules of the game and such, and is just repeating 'it's not right' over and over. Always a sign of a good argument.
I was really slow in posting this, so apologies to lonelyred.

lonelyred said:
Hi from the newbies.

I've just read your post in the thread on the Nani goal. Here's a quote from the Laws of the Game which supports your point. Sorry if you've already come across this.

Laws of the Game, Law 5 (page 66)


The referee may play advantage whenever an infringement or offence occurs.

The referee should consider the following circumstances in deciding whether to apply the advantage or stop play:

• the severity of the offence: if the infringement warrants an expulsion, the
referee must stop play and send off the player unless there is a subsequent
opportunity to score a goal
• the position where the offence was committed: the closer to the
opponent’s goal, the more effective it can be
• the chances of an immediate, promising attack
• the atmosphere of the match

The decision to penalise the original offence must be taken within a few seconds.

If the offence warrants a caution, it must be issued at the next stoppage.

However, unless there is a clear advantage, it is recommended that the referee stops play and cautions the player immediately. If the caution is NOT issued at the next stoppage, it cannot be shown later.

Or in summary, even if it was a yellow card, which is debatable, the play shouldn't have been stopped to dish it out anyway.

You kind of expect this sort of thing to happen to keepers like Gomes and Almunia, which I think says something about the incident.
The assistant referee did a very good job I thought. He wasn't sure what had happened, so he raised his flag to discuss the issue with the referee. The referee informed him of what had happened, and the issue was resolved.
I see Pete has taken the tactic of ignoring posts containing inconvenient references to the rules of the game and such, and is just repeating 'it's not right' over and over. Always a sign of a good argument.
Because I know the fecking rules and I'm arguing about the interpretation - which was clearly shite to anyone with half a brain.
Nani did what every footballer from Sunday league to the Premier League should do, play to the whistle....How it's his fault the ref didn't spot the handball or that Gomes spazzed out is beyond me.

Oh and quite frankly, John Aldridge can feck off.
Thanks for that insight John Aldridge...

Cast your mind back to the "devious Torres" scoring that goal against Sunderland, or digging up the penalty spot in the United game before Rooney stepped up...

You scouse Alzheimer's twat
To me the ref didnt give the pen and no one called a free kick for the handball, in that case Gomes fecks up by thinking he has a free kick that he hasnt been given. He throws the ball on the ground and its play on. Nani is within his rights to slot that home.

You could argue the ref fecked up by not awarding the free kick but how often do these things happen in a game? He didnt see it or didnt think it was free kick worthy and that happens all the time, if Gomes punts it clear the whole thing is a non story.

As the old adage goes, you have to play the whistle, Gomes didnt and paid the price.
It is amazing how Torres who knew full well what he was doing has not been criticised at all but Nani who actually did take advantage of a screw up is getting pilloried left right and centre. I assume Pete thinks its unsporting then for every striker who thinks he might be offside to put the ball in the net? Even if the flag is down?
I was really slow in posting this, so apologies to lonelyred.

Or in summary, even if it was a yellow card, which is debatable, the play shouldn't have been stopped to dish it out anyway.

You kind of expect this sort of thing to happen to keepers like Gomes and Almunia, which I think says something about the incident.

The most interesting bit of that Law you quoted is actually this bit.


The referee may play advantage whenever an infringement or offence occurs.

The referee should consider the following circumstances in deciding whether to apply the advantage or stop play:

• the severity of the offence: if the infringement warrants an expulsion, the
referee must stop play and send off the player unless there is a subsequent
opportunity to score a goal
the position where the offence was committed: the closer to the
opponent’s goal, the more effective it can be

the chances of an immediate, promising attack
• the atmosphere of the match

This could be interpreted as meaning Clattenburg screwed up by opting to play advantage in an area of the pitch where it was of very little benefit to Spurs.

Personally, I'd disagree. Peter Crotch was on the pitch and an accurate long kick-out from Gomes could well have set up a very promising attack.
Like raise his flag? Oh hang on...
He should've raised his flag when the handball occurred then.

Storey: You haven't argued about any interpretation of the rules, you've just been repeating that it makes a mockery of the game, over and over again. If it makes a mockery of the game, you should tell Gomes to not interpret the rules his own way but go along the lines of the referee, whose actual job is to decide when play is to be stopped or not.

Where in the rules does it say that a referee can pull back play from a correct decision to spare a player embarassment/"not make a mockery of the game"? That, indeed, would make a mockery of the game, if the rules weren't followed but referees just made the uncontroversial decision time and time again. Hey, let's not give any penalties at all, as they may be controversial. Let's not give any fouls for handballs, they may be controversial. That'd be great, no?

And regarding Aldridge's "article"; He says that Nani's not going to get the call next time he goes down to the turf, but he fails to recognise that the whole situation came from him not getting a penalty, due to his reputation going before him. The shit cnut.
Because I know the fecking rules and I'm arguing about the interpretation - which was clearly shite to anyone with half a brain.

Arse. Goalkeeper with ball in hands = advantage. The one with half a brain is the one who decided the ref had given a freekick despite no whistle having been blown.
Gomes – Linesman told me that Nani’s goal would be disallowed!

The furore surrounding Man Utd’s second goal against Spurs last week is still the subject of much vehement discussion on many Tottenham Blogs this week, and today the Spurs keeper Heurelho Gomes has revealed that the assistant referee agreed with him that the goal should have been disallowed.

The whole of White Hart Lane was in no doubt that Nani had handled the ball, but even after discussions with the linesman (with Rio Ferdinand standing over them), Mark Clattenberg still allowed the contentious goal to stand.

Gomes was being interviewed by the Daily Mail’s Mark Viner when he said: “The referee knows he was wrong. I saw Nani handle the ball and looked at the ref, but he didn’t give the sign to tell me to carry on playing. We read the body language of the referee all the time, and if he indicates that we should continue playing, that’s what we do. He didn’t. That’s why I assumed it was a free-kick.”

Viner then suggested that perhaps Gomes should have remembered the instructions given to every schoolboy that you play to the whistle, and the tottenham keeper replied “That’s true. You also learn from the same age that football is played with the feet. When a player takes the ball in his hands he should be playing basketball or volleyball, or be a goalkeeper. And Nani didn’t just touch the ball; I took it from under his arm. After the goal, the assistant referee told me it was handball. He told me to go back to my goal area, and that he would tell him [Clattenburg] to disallow the goal.

“But he didn’t, which was strange. It was also strange that the referee pushed away all the Tottenham players, yet while he was talking to his assistant, Ferdinand was allowed to stay. Ferdinand is the England captain, a very important player. But it’s not right that he should stand there influencing the referee. The Tottenham players were pushed away; he should have done the same with Ferdinand.”

If true this means that Clattenberg over-ruled the linesman, and would suggest a bias in favour of Man Utd, and that can’t be right surely? » Editorial Man Utd News » Gomes – Linesman told me that Nani’s goal would be disallowed!
Time to get over it Gomes and spend your time more wisely. Maybe try learning to play football
“The referee knows he was wrong. I saw Nani handle the ball and looked at the ref, but he didn’t give the sign to tell me to carry on playing. We read the body language of the referee all the time, and if he indicates that we should continue playing, that’s what we do. He didn’t. That’s why I assumed it was a free-kick.”
Backwards logic there. He also didn't give the sign that it was a free kick and anyone with sense knows which non-sign should take priority.
The furore surrounding Man Utd’s second goal against Spurs last week is still the subject of much vehement discussion on many Tottenham Blogs this week, and today the Spurs keeper Heurelho Gomes has revealed that the assistant referee agreed with him that the goal should have been disallowed.

The whole of White Hart Lane was in no doubt that Nani had handled the ball, but even after discussions with the linesman (with Rio Ferdinand standing over them), Mark Clattenberg still allowed the contentious goal to stand.

Gomes was being interviewed by the Daily Mail’s Mark Viner when he said: “The referee knows he was wrong. I saw Nani handle the ball and looked at the ref, but he didn’t give the sign to tell me to carry on playing. We read the body language of the referee all the time, and if he indicates that we should continue playing, that’s what we do. He didn’t. That’s why I assumed it was a free-kick.”

Viner then suggested that perhaps Gomes should have remembered the instructions given to every schoolboy that you play to the whistle, and the tottenham keeper replied “That’s true. You also learn from the same age that football is played with the feet. When a player takes the ball in his hands he should be playing basketball or volleyball, or be a goalkeeper. And Nani didn’t just touch the ball; I took it from under his arm. After the goal, the assistant referee told me it was handball. He told me to go back to my goal area, and that he would tell him [Clattenburg] to disallow the goal.

“But he didn’t, which was strange. It was also strange that the referee pushed away all the Tottenham players, yet while he was talking to his assistant, Ferdinand was allowed to stay. Ferdinand is the England captain, a very important player. But it’s not right that he should stand there influencing the referee. The Tottenham players were pushed away; he should have done the same with Ferdinand.”

If true this means that Clattenberg over-ruled the linesman, and would suggest a bias in favour of Man Utd, and that can’t be right surely? » Editorial Man Utd News » Gomes – Linesman told me that Nani’s goal would be disallowed!

Play the whistle.

Failing that, argue until people give in and give you the hypothetical benefit of the doubt and you look like an idiot that still lost 1-0.
The two people who come out the worst in all this are Gomes and Beck. Beck should really be thrown out of the game. Gomes is just dragging this out to prove he was not a bellend....but is making himself look a bellend all the same.
The problem here is, the linesman signalled a goal before Gomes came after him. He started running towards the halfway line ie. saying to Clattenburg: "goal". He then stops and flags and I can't see how he would have explained that afterwards.
Did Gomes slap Nani after Nani handled should have been a double penalty
I loved the Mr Magoo guy, looks like Boothy's dad behind the linesman after the goal, classic