The Nani Goal

Yeah, unless your Fred who thinks it was a shrug of the shoulders.

I don't think he did.

He had his arms behind his back when Nani went down and then jogged away. When Gomes then put the ball down and realised something wasn't quite right he looked at Clattenberg who then appeard to shrug his shoulders at him.
I just think if the ref has given Nani a yellow card, there would be nothing wrong with his decision and we would not even be having this conversation now.
I just think if the ref has given Nani a yellow card, there would be nothing wrong with his decision and we would not even be having this conversation now.

Deliberate hand balls are not yellow cards.

Hang on a minute, almost all posts in relation to Spurs match has been critical of Nani. Anything that should know? :wenger:
Deliberate hand balls are not yellow cards.

Hang on a minute, almost all posts in relation to Spurs match has been critical of Nani. Anything that should know? :wenger:

Ok then it was a penalty. But since he did not get a penalty, then that should be a dive and dives get yellow cards.
was there ever any official explanation or do not make such comments ever?

The official explanation was that Clattenburg (who is notoriously biased in favour of Liverpool if you believe a lot of people on here) gave an advantage, which Gomes fecked up.
I'm not going through and reading all 17 pages but the best part of it all for me was how Clattenburg gave the goal. You could just see in his face he was thinking "feck me, this will be on the front pages in 10 minutes."
Can't believe the Arsenal fans here. If that goal happened to the scousers or city, I'd laugh my ass off and said good job on whoever score the goal.
What is the big fracas? Nani fell, or was felled. Whatever. He handled the ball. Foul. It rolled on to Spurs possession. Ref waved the game on because Spurs were in possession. Gomes should have kicked it off or passed it on. Instead he planted the ball, and went back a few paces to take a proper kick. Nani gets up from his slumber, realizes the whistle was not blown, and that the ref had waved play on. He trots towards the ball, looks at the ref, who shrugs. Gomes, then realizes what was happening, and tries to cover the goal mouth. Too late. He even dives to stop Nani's kick. Shit happens.
You can't be having silly bollox goals like that, makes the game a joke (a good joke mind you seeing as it was Spurs).

You don't reverse a correct decision simply to make a goalie look like less of a clown than he is. If he had disallowed the goal because Gomez thought it was a free kick then he should have given a penalty because Nani thought it was a penalty. I suspect that the powers that be will prefer decision making in the hands of the ref and not the players even in moments of extreme embarrassment.
Can't believe the Arsenal fans here. If that goal happened to the scousers or city, I'd laugh my ass off and said good job on whoever score the goal.

tits - they weren't too concerned when Graham "i'm not an Arsenal fan even though I used to go and watch them" Poll whispered into Ooornree's ear, "go on Thiery, I won't blow, just stick it in whilst they're not ready" at a free kick against Chelsea.
Ok then it was a penalty. But since he did not get a penalty, then that should be a dive and dives get yellow cards.

Couldnt there have just been a fair challenge in the box where the player falls over? its not as clear cut as it being either a penalty or a dive, there was enough of the crap while we had ronaldo here, remember going in to work one morning and a deluded scouser tried to claim that if a player went over in the box then its either a penalty or the player dived

Anyway, it should have been a penalty, had nani gone down when he first tugged at him we'd have got it, trying to stay on his feet did him no favours
I really wish to feck they'd show a bit more consistency with shirt tugging - Vidic has been done several times for it yet that Spurs player practically had Nani's shirt off his back and shouldn't've been on the pitch after repeated fouls - no mention of that in the media but then again, he's not Gary Neville
So what's the definitive rule here, not all deliberate handballs are fouls/card-worthy. This means it's up to the ref's discretion whether or not a foul is called, it's play on, or a card is given?

Then how can non-deliberate handballs be card-worthy if some deliberate ones aren't? It seems so unnecessarily confusing. All deliberate handballs should be card worthy, and therefor all non-deliberate handballs can be adjudicated by the ref.
not all fouls are "cardworthy". Nani's handball was pretty innocuous in that it didn't affect the flow of play or deprive a player of an advantage. He was merely demonstrating, justifiably, that he was expecting a penalty to be given and he was gathering the ball up for that purpose. A bit presumptuous of him of course and wrong but not "cardworthy" ffs

Funny how everyone apart from United fans are obsessed with the handball when it was barely affecting the game but hardly any mention of the fact that he was getting his shirt pulled off his bac, repeatedly. That, is an offence worthy of a penalty as Vidic has found to his cost several times and tbh, he can't complain. It's a pretty stupid thing to do and should be penalised every time. I'd just like to see a bit of consistency.
Then how can non-deliberate handballs be card-worthy if some deliberate ones aren't? It seems so unnecessarily confusing. All deliberate handballs should be card worthy, and therefor all non-deliberate handballs can be adjudicated by the ref.

What happens if a player handles a ball due to an opponent deliberately makes a sound of a referee's whistle (like what the Barca GK did)?

I too don't like the idea of carding deliberate and non-deliberate because no one knows the intent of the handle except the player himself. I like the rules as it is, just not the inconsistent implementation of it.
So what's the definitive rule here, not all deliberate handballs are fouls/card-worthy. This means it's up to the ref's discretion whether or not a foul is called, it's play on, or a card is given?

Then how can non-deliberate handballs be card-worthy if some deliberate ones aren't? It seems so unnecessarily confusing. All deliberate handballs should be card worthy, and therefor all non-deliberate handballs can be adjudicated by the ref.

I feel it was more of a handling of the ball than a mere hand ball. It seemed he took it for granted that it was a peno, and took the ball in his hands, and let it go when he realized his folly. When the ref waved play on, he slumped on the turf. And then he felt something strange. Bobbed his head up, and saw Gomes planting the ball, and readying himself to kick it. He rose like a phoenix, trotted upto the ball, looked at the ref, who shrugged, and slotted the ball home.:D
are we still talking about this? have we got a gif of his massive tongue yet??
As I say, the officials are a team. For the linesman to be adamant about disallowing it, only for the ref to consult him, and then give it, is strange to say the least.

:eek: Oh dear lawd, The linesmen cannot consult the referee numbnuts. The referee consults the linesmen. :lol::lol::lol:
I feel it was more of a handling of the ball than a mere hand ball. It seemed he took it for granted that it was a peno, and took the ball in his hands, and let it go when he realized his folly. When the ref waved play on, he slumped on the turf. And then he felt something strange. Bobbed his head up, and saw Gomes planting the ball, and readying himself to kick it. He rose like a phoenix, trotted upto the ball, looked at the ref, who shrugged, and slotted the ball home.:D

Let me add.....And then he stuck his tongue out and ran all over. The birds at OT may have got their knickers wet seeing that 9" protruding out of his mouth.
not all fouls are "cardworthy". Nani's handball was pretty innocuous in that it didn't affect the flow of play or deprive a player of an advantage. He was merely demonstrating, justifiably, that he was expecting a penalty to be given and he was gathering the ball up for that purpose. A bit presumptuous of him of course and wrong but not "cardworthy" ffs

Funny how everyone apart from United fans are obsessed with the handball when it was barely affecting the game but hardly any mention of the fact that he was getting his shirt pulled off his bac, repeatedly. That, is an offence worthy of a penalty as Vidic has found to his cost several times and tbh, he can't complain. It's a pretty stupid thing to do and should be penalised every time. I'd just like to see a bit of consistency.

I'm not saying it should be card worthy because it was a United player, or because it was a 'bad' or a 'good' handball or anything. I'm just saying there should be some uniformity in the rules because it makes it so damn confusing otherwise.

I just think it's ridiculous that you can be sent off for an unintentional handball (this is my gripe in all this), but there's a chance you won't even get a card when you handle the ball (within play). If every deliberate handball was card worthy (red/yellow up the the discretion of the ref), then there can never be any complaints. And that then makes the fact some unintentional handballs are given cards easier to take.

bet he is good at licking fanny
So what's the definitive rule here, not all deliberate handballs are fouls/card-worthy. This means it's up to the ref's discretion whether or not a foul is called, it's play on, or a card is given?

Then how can non-deliberate handballs be card-worthy if some deliberate ones aren't? It seems so unnecessarily confusing. All deliberate handballs should be card worthy, and therefor all non-deliberate handballs can be adjudicated by the ref.

They're not. Unless hand-ball is deliberate it's not even a free-kick, never mind a card.
They're not. Unless hand-ball is deliberate it's not even a free-kick, never mind a card.

But you see players getting sent off all the time because someone blasted the ball into their arm, as they're trying to tuck it away.

It happened to Koscielny in the first game, he got a yellow because the ball flicked up onto his arm - totally unintentionally.
i dont like this whole 'this offecnt should ALWAYS = this punishment' its yet more removal of common sense from the game and gives wum commentators even more scope to get on their high horses

a booking for taking your shirt off is the worse one the idea that getting exited and celebrating scoring a goal will always result in a caution is f*cking retarded and the worse rule in football imo God forbid a player carrying a booking goes and scores a last minute winner in a cup semi-final, rips his shirt off in jubilation and dances with his fans only to be rewarded with a red card and a place in the stands for the final - its ridiculous

All fouls should be at the discretion of the referee otherwise the game becomes more farcicial imo not less so

and re: this incident i still can't believe Gomes isnt getting slated by all, the guy gathers the ball up and charges 15 yards forward, kick it long, roll it out, dribble it downfield yourself man! just do something theres 5mins to go and your a goal down, attack-attack-attack! or alternatively decide you want to ref the game yourself and award yourself a freekick!? what a twat - had VDS done that i'd be livid at him no one else
But you see players getting sent off all the time because someone blasted the ball into their arm, as they're trying to tuck it away.

It happened to Koscielny in the first game, he got a yellow because the ball flicked up onto his arm - totally unintentionally.

Read through this thread. The rules are clear. Hand-ball has to be intentional to be a free-kick.

Obviously, the referee can't read players minds so he will often decide whether a hand-ball is intentional or not by the position of a player's hands when it hits them. If you charge out to block a shot, or make a tackle with your arms out-stretched and it hits you on the hand, chances are you'll be accused of deliberately handling the ball

It's basically the the same way that if a keeper like Schmeicel spreads himself to block a shot at point-blank range and the ball is blasted into his arm it goes down as a great save, rather than a total accident.
But you see players getting sent off all the time because someone blasted the ball into their arm, as they're trying to tuck it away.

It happened to Koscielny in the first game, he got a yellow because the ball flicked up onto his arm - totally unintentionally.

That's the referees' fault, nothing wrong with the rules.
i dont like this whole 'this offecnt should ALWAYS = this punishment' its yet more removal of common sense from the game and gives wum commentators even more scope to get on their high horses

a booking for taking your shirt off is the worse one the idea that getting exited and celebrating scoring a goal will always result in a caution is f*cking retarded and the worse rule in football imo God forbid a player carrying a booking goes and scores a last minute winner in a cup semi-final, rips his shirt off in jubilation and dances with his fans only to be rewarded with a red card and a place in the stands for the final - its ridiculous

All fouls should be at the discretion of the referee otherwise the game becomes more farcicial imo not less so

and re: this incident i still can't believe Gomes isnt getting slated by all, the guy gathers the ball up and charges 15 yards forward, kick it long, roll it out, dribble it downfield yourself man! just do something theres 5mins to go and your a goal down, attack-attack-attack! or alternatively decide you want to ref the game yourself and award yourself a freekick!? what a twat - had VDS done that i'd be livid at him no one else

You don't reverse a correct decision simply to make a goalie look like less of a clown than he is. If he had disallowed the goal because Gomez thought it was a free kick then he should have given a penalty because Nani thought it was a penalty. I suspect that the powers that be will prefer decision making in the hands of the ref and not the players even in moments of extreme embarrassment.

Absolutely spot on.
Not sure what's on the first page as our wonderful internet provider here in the UAE has blocked it most likely due to naughty language...!

Otherwise not a lot to add other than I saw nothing wrong with the goal. The ref hadn't seen it (as he was too far away at that angle), the linesman saw nothing until the Spurs player told him (then miraculously he put his flag up) so until replays and a ref's adjudicator comes in nothing can be done. Tough but true.!
Technically right, but morally wrong! There was clearly no advantage to be gained for Spurs there.

Hey ho, 2-0, 3 points and ive got Nani in my Fantasy team so il take the extra points!!