The Nani Goal

Dunno if it's been said already on here but I really wish Nani's goal had gone in against either City or the dirties. Now that would be something to laugh about.

Oh, and has anyone else noticed that whenever we play Spurs, that smug twat Lineker always like to mention that he scored the winner against us in 1989? Highlight of his career that.:smirk:
It's not the feeling hard done by bit that I was talking about. That's fair enough. It's the narrative which accompanies that game in retrospect whereby the penalty turned the game completely on it's head.

That penalty came as a result of a period of increasing pressure from us when it was looking a matter of when not if we'd score. Spurs were crumbling before that pen, rather than as a result of it. The introduction of Tevez at half-time had a far bigger impact than any decision by the referee IMO.

Besides, history would indicate that it's not as though they need to concede a dodgy penalty to implode against United at OT.
It's not the feeling hard done by bit that I was talking about. That's fair enough. It's the narrative which accompanies that game in retrospect whereby the penalty turned the game completely on it's head.

That penalty came as a result of a period of increasing pressure from us when it was looking a matter of when not if we'd score. Spurs were crumbling before that pen, rather than as a result of it. The introduction of Tevez at half-time had a far bigger impact than any decision by the referee IMO.

Besides, history would indicate that it's not as though they need to concede a dodgy penalty to implode against United at OT.

Words right out of my mouth. It was ridiculous, but hilarious at the same time.
Reminds me of all the kerfuffle over the iffy penalty when Carrick was taken down at Old Trafford. You'd swear it was a last-minute winner in a tight one nil, instead of just one of FIVE goals we put past them.

Remember the 4-0 stuffing we gave them a few years ago? My Spurs mates still blames the referee for that one.
16 pages about this incident! Sum them up for me, please? I have only read the first two.

Most people agree that the referee gave an advantage as is prefectly entitled to do so, Gomes then fecked up the advantage and the goal was legit.

Others can't see this, and either think it should have been a free kick (which it doesn't have to be) or that the player has to be carded for the handball (which he doesn't have to be) and are arguing the toss despite all the rules showing them to be wrong.
Most people agree that the referee gave an advantage as is prefectly entitled to do so, Gomes then fecked up the advantage and the goal was legit.

Others can't see this, and either think it should have been a free kick (which it doesn't have to be) or that the player has to be carded for the handball (which he doesn't have to be) and are arguing the toss despite all the rules showing them to be wrong.
Cheers. I am not surprised.
You'd think that the goal won the game or made any difference for there to be this much discussion. :rolleyes:

Spurs never looked like equalizing after Van Der Vaart limped off, sooo....

I don't get it.
Reminds me of all the kerfuffle over the iffy penalty when Carrick was taken down at Old Trafford. You'd swear it was a last-minute winner in a tight one nil, instead of just one of FIVE goals we put past them.

The worst was the way everyone (not just idiotic Spurs fans) went on and on about how it was one of the worst penalty decisions ever. If you watch the replay from the angle Webb was at then you can see Gomes clatter into Carrick just after Carrick appears to prod the ball past the Brazilian Einstein. A wrong decision, but you'll see worse on an average weekend. Regardless we were ripping the shit out of them already by that point, Rooney was playing like Iniesta's better brother on the left wing that half. Spurs were unfortunate, but we were taking them whatever happened.

Oh, and of course, the Palacios "tackle" was as clear a red card as you will ever see.
Any professional goalkeeper should know that because Nani's handball was within the goal area (marked by the 6 yard line) the free kick must be taken from within said goal area. So Gomes putting the ball down where he did, far outside the goal area, is not consistent with the claim that he thought he was taking a free kick for Nani's handball. It's hard to know what Gomes was thinking. Clattenberg made 2 right decisons in playing advantage to Gomes and awarding the goal.

There are very few referees who would disagree with Clattenberg on this.
Clattenburg's an arsehole. The lino gave him a clear way out of making a mockery of the game but the arrogant prick wouldn't take it (no advantage accruing - free-kick to Spurs).
Clattenburg's an arsehole. The lino gave him a clear way out of making a mockery of the game but the arrogant prick wouldn't take it (no advantage accruing - free-kick to Spurs).

I think the point is that Spurs had the advantage and then gave it to United.

When the ref waves play on to give the side in possession the "advantage" in more normal circumstances, it would take a bit of a dick of a player to just pass the ball to an opponent six yards from goal but you can't blow the whistle and take the play back with the referee saying, "Now, why did you do that? Surely you meant to pass to your mate over there instead? Take it again."

Personally, I wish the goal hadn't stood. Clattenburg could have disallowed it and I don't think many would have complained: it did just seem "wrong" somehow.
I am glad the goal happened, and was given, and think the Lilywhites can feck off.
Clattenburg's an arsehole. The lino gave him a clear way out of making a mockery of the game but the arrogant prick wouldn't take it (no advantage accruing - free-kick to Spurs).

The same lino who can't tell when a balls gone out of play? Would you trust an idiot? Thought not
The same lino who can't tell when a balls gone out of play? Would you trust an idiot? Thought not

Apparently, it was the same linesman who missed Drogba's offside against us last season despite Drogba being 2-3 yards offside and him stood about five yards away.

He did, however, have particularly amazing eyesight last night when he flagged Hernandez offside despite replays showing that he might have been, at most, a midge's dick offside.
Clattenburg's an arsehole. The lino gave him a clear way out of making a mockery of the game but the arrogant prick wouldn't take it (no advantage accruing - free-kick to Spurs).

If advantage is played when the keeper has the ball in his hands then any loss of that advantage is the keepers own fault.

If advantage was awarded to an attacker and he took a stupid wild shot and missed would you want play brought back because he no longer had advantage? Thought not.
You can't be having silly bollox goals like that, makes the game a joke (a good joke mind you seeing as it was Spurs).
The whistle never went Pete, end of story. Play was never stopped. The only silly bollocks is Gomes, if he'd kicked it up the field out of his hands nobody would be moaning about the lack of freekick.
Clattenburg's an arsehole. The lino gave him a clear way out of making a mockery of the game but the arrogant prick wouldn't take it (no advantage accruing - free-kick to Spurs).

Gomez had an advantage and fecked it up. Refs don't pull an advantage back if the player given the advantage simply plays a bad pass, or as in Gomez's case just falls asleep.

Besides ...was the handball given? The lino didn't flag for it.
The whistle never went Pete, end of story. Play was never stopped. The only silly bollocks is Gomes, if he'd kicked it up the field out of his hands nobody would be moaning about the lack of freekick.

Exactly!!!! Imagine if Gomez had kicked it out of his hands and Spuds had scored. Would anyone even remember the handball? Obviously they wouldn't.

The only mistake Klatterbug made was letting Rio stand there when he had sent the Spurs players away.
stupid goal, but shit happens, they were already a goal down, and maybe it was a penalty for nani, so apart from blur in the rules, there isn't much to rage about.
I don't get this whole advantage talk. Clattenburg never signalled play on, which is surely what the ref would do in the case of seeing the foul and playing the advantage. The only conclusion is that the ref didn't see it. The linesman didn't signal when he should have done so the game continued.
Poor judgement by the assistant referee. If the offence was worth putting his flag up for fifteen seconds after the handball once Nani scored, he surely should have done so at the time of the handball.

fixed - he can't suddenly say "oh, actually, that was handball but I didn't think it was before United scored"

I'm not disagreeing. Of course they deserved to lose the way things worked out. My point is simply that circumstances may not have unfolded the way they did had we not been given a fortunate penalty when we were. And for that I think they're well within their rights to feel hard done by (about the decision). Conceding a goal like that at OT when you've been the better side would undoubtedly knock the stuffing out of a team. After that everything is conjecture.

what you're saying is pure conjecture
fixed - he can't suddenly say "oh, actually, that was handball but I didn't think it was before United scored"

Yup, this.

It's like a linesman not signalling for an offside, which 30 seconds later leads to an otherwise legit goal, and then the linesman sticking his flag up when the Spurs players run over to him to complain.
Yup, this.

It's like a linesman not signalling for an offside, which 30 seconds later leads to an otherwise legit goal, and then the linesman sticking his flag up when the Spurs players run over to him to complain.

pity he didn't change his mind when Drogba was 5 yards offside under his nose before he scored at OT last April - same lino apparently
It wouldn't surprise me if we move Valencia to a more central role or send him off all together. Its not that he's rubbish, because he really isn't, but he's not as good as Nani, but you can't have a player as good as Valencia sitting on the bench all season.

Its catch 22 really. Either you play Nani on the left, where he's good, but not as good as on the right and play two exceptional wingers, or play him on the right and sacrifice one of the best wingers in England...
Whilst we're discussing this, can someone get a a copy of the rule book sent to 'Arry, with the handball section highlighted.
It wouldn't surprise me if we move Valencia to a more central role or send him off all together. Its not that he's rubbish, because he really isn't, but he's not as good as Nani, but you can't have a player as good as Valencia sitting on the bench all season.

Its catch 22 really. Either you play Nani on the left, where he's good, but not as good as on the right and play two exceptional wingers, or play him on the right and sacrifice one of the best wingers in England...

Wrong Nani thread fella ;)
Twat'n'berk saw the handball and waved it on since Spurs had possession. Gormless puts it on the floor despite no whistle. Lino gives an escape route for multiple stupidities.
Twat'n'berk saw the handball and waved it on since Spurs had possession. Gormless puts it on the floor despite no whistle. Lino gives an escape route for multiple stupidities.

Give over Pete, the lino raised his flag about 10 seconds after the goal went in, to change anything based on that would have been more of a farce than anything that did occur.

And you never answered my question before; If advantage was awarded to an attacker and he took a stupid wild shot and missed would you want play brought back because he no longer had advantage?
Exactly, like bloody Keegan going on about how wrong it is and it shouldnt have been allowed, only to then say that 'technically it's correct by the rules, but you'll never convince me that it's right', yea nice one Kev, we'll change the rules to fit with your idea of common sense.
And you never answered my question before; If advantage was awarded to an attacker and he took a stupid wild shot and missed would you want play brought back because he no longer had advantage?
They do that all the time with advantage - let it go to see if it accrues and if it doesn't - whistle.
Clattenburg's an arsehole. The lino gave him a clear way out of making a mockery of the game but the arrogant prick wouldn't take it (no advantage accruing - free-kick to Spurs).

15 yards and 12 seconds in possession is a clear advantage. If a player continues after an advantage is awarded and enjoys 15 yards of progress up the pitch in 12 seconds but then is tackled, there is no way a referee is going to bring it back for a freekick.

There was gain and there was plenty of time given. If Gomes hadnt have been such an idiot, he had lots of time to make a lot more ground. But 15 yards is more than enough. You wouldnt bring it back for a foul on an outfield player after he ran the ball that distance, there's no reason you would for a Goalkeeper just because he threw the ball out.
15 yards and 12 seconds in possession is a clear advantage. If a player continues after an advantage is awarded and enjoys 15 yards of progress up the pitch in 12 seconds but then is tackled, there is no way a referee is going to bring it back for a freekick.

There was gain and there was plenty of time given. If Gomes hadnt have been such an idiot, he had lots of time to make a lot more ground. But 15 yards is more than enough. You wouldnt bring it back for a foul on an outfield player after he ran the ball that distance, there's no reason you would for a Goalkeeper just because he threw the ball out.
Very true. The only way play would be brought back with a progression of 15 yards would be if the player in question clearly lost his balance due to the initial tackle and failed to recover from it, despite making progress with the ball, which wasn't a factor in this case as Gomes safely had it in his hands without any disturbances. And even then, there's the 12 second factor you mentioned.
They do that all the time with advantage - let it go to see if it accrues and if it doesn't - whistle.

Erm, not when the loss of advantage is entirely the fault of the bafoon with the ball they bloody don't! If a striker has advantage given and gets his shot off like I said above, play won't be brought back just because he missed, that would be utterly retarded.