The Mueller Report

This is unfair on Mueller. He is 74 years old and is just not up to the task.
He was never the right guy for the job... Rod Rosenstein was smart to pick him.

With the exception of the Nadler's part, he didn't say much that is useful.

I'm also not sure how he will survive a full day. This is a train wreck of a session and he's unable to defend for a wide range of reasons (one of them being the GOP's approach)!
Pelosi needs to step in here and call the thing off. This is just saddening to watch.
He'd struggle to order from the Applebees early bird specials menu in 5 minutes, let alone answer a complex legal matter.
If hes not up to the task of answering questions based on his own report then is it legitimate to question if he was up to the task of producing it

I've only caught a few mins of coverage but he looked to be fine in what I saw

He's having quotes from a very long legal document shouted at him and given seconds to respond. And he has to be very careful not to contradict himself or add anything really new, since he's already established that he will only talk about the public report. So it's no wonder he's hesitant and stumbling a bit.
Mueller has to be extra careful with his answers or he will be jumped on. It’s all in the wording and it has to legally correct.

He's barely been able to answer actual questions. All he's done so far is answer "yes" to "is that correct?". Whenever it might get interesting he asks for time to read the specific text or the question to be repeated and the person asking the question moves on because he doesn't want to lose TV time.

The collusion/conspiracy line of questioning was interesting and Mueller seemed to disagree but we'll never get to hear his explanation.
This is like that time the BBC got that random guy off the street to talk about a technology story. Has anyone checked that this is the same Bob Mueller that supposedly worked for 2 years on this investigation? He can't seem to speak to any of it.
This is like that time the BBC got that random guy off the street to talk about a technology story. Has anyone checked that this is the same Bob Mueller that supposedly worked for 2 years on this investigation? He can't seem to speak to any of it.

He's only allowed to speak about the public report, which is long and complicated. He has seconds to answer questions about specific details, and when he asks for time to check the report, he's told there isn't any time and they have to move on.
He's barely been able to answer actual questions. All he's done so far is answer "yes" to "is that correct?". Whenever it might get interesting he asks for time to read the specific text or the question to be repeated and the person asking the question moves on because he doesn't want to lose TV time.

The collusion/conspiracy line of questioning was interesting and Mueller seemed to disagree but we'll never get to hear his explanation.
Remember that there are 450 pages of the report and that’s only summarising the evidence. They were 20 prosecutors and 40 FBI agents and countless others working on the investigation. Mueller cannot be expected to remember every detail and that’s why he keeps on referring them to the report. No point them keep on asking them about the contents because the contents are there for all to see. He’s not going to answer questions when they have the answers in front of them.
Keep reading from the report will overwhelm the public, just like the 450 pages do. There should be a focus on the main points, and keep repeating them. Just the key points that people can remember. The current format won't have much of an impact.
Remember that there are 450 pages of the report and that’s only summarising the evidence. They were 20 prosecutors and 40 FBI agents and countless others working on the investigation. Mueller cannot be expected to remember every detail and that’s why he keeps on referring them to the report. No point them keep on asking them about the contents because the contents are there for all to see. He’s not going to answer questions when they have the answers in front of them.

I can understand that but he's not been able to defend himself and the report against the Repubs either. He needs to be more forceful when attacked.
I can understand that but he's not been able to defend himself and the report against the Repubs either. He needs to be more forceful when attacked.
Agreed. It pains me to say that he looks weak, nervous, unprepared and struggling to complete words even when he is giving the chance to speak.

Where’s your jacket Gym?
Sssssoooo.. Can't watch this but sounds like yet again the Dems allowing themselves to be stepped on by the slimy Rs as expected?

The Democrats are being owned here in my view. They are not building a good narrative. Sadly, I'm not surprised.

The Democrats are being owned here in my view. They are not building a good narrative. Sadly, I'm not surprised.

They’re doing perfectly well.

The issue is that Mueller has his hands tied by DOJ policy, ongoing investigations and classified information so the Republicans can go full Q-Anon and Mueller is completely unable to set the record straight.
What an absolute disgrace the Republicans are.
Jim Jordan's questioning will go down well with the Republicans
Name dropping Papadopulous, Halper, Misfud, Carter Page