The Mueller Report


The Democrats are being owned here in my view. They are not building a good narrative. Sadly, I'm not surprised.

They’re doing perfectly well.

The issue is that Mueller has his hands tied by DOJ policy, ongoing investigations and classified information so the Republicans can go full Q-Anon and Mueller is completely unable to set the record straight.
What an absolute disgrace the Republicans are.
Jim Jordan's questioning will go down well with the Republicans
Name dropping Papadopulous, Halper, Misfud, Carter Page
They’re doing perfectly well.

The issue is that Mueller has his hands tied by DOJ policy, ongoing investigations and classified information so the Republicans can go full Q-Anon and Mueller is completely unable to set the record straight.
Look, I'm all for giving him the benefit of the doubt and I can see what the Reps are trying to do, but this is also happening when the Dems are asking. He just looks nervous and not confident. He should be more forceful when he CAN answer. But, he isn't. Body language matters in these events, and his body language is not good. People look at these things, whether we like it or not.
Look, I'm all for giving him the benefit of the doubt and I can see what the Reps are trying to do, but this is also happening when the Dems are asking. He just looks nervous and not confident. He should be more forceful when he CAN answer. But, he isn't. Body language matters in these events, and his body language is not good. People look at these things, whether we like it or not.
I don't disagree for those who are actually watching this but let's face it - most people are not. That's not to say of course they won't use bites from the hearing in party propaganda and push out a narrative similar to Hillary - that he is physically and mentally unwell, etc etc. Clearly the Rs have no depths to which they will not go.
The Republicans know what they're doing.

I also think that it's pretty clear now that nothing really happened.
The Republicans know what they're doing.

I also think that it's pretty clear now that nothing really happened.
I'm sorry what!?

The report says, clearly, the President:

Ordered Flynn to reach out to hackers who claimed to his opponents emails, which he did

Deliberately lied about his business interests in the foreign power helping him win an election

Pushed foreign policies beneficial to that power after his staff met with that power

Asked his AG to investigate his opponents

Fired the head of the FBI in attempt to avoid personal investigations

Asked his AG numerous times to fire the SC

And that's just off the top of my head.

The fact the public are too stupid to care has nothing to do with nothing happening. The report is bombshell after bombshell all worse than Watergate but because the public are too ignorant to read past 128 characters we are here.
Unfortunately this seems to all be playing out very well for the republicans.
I'm sorry what!?

The report says, clearly, the President:

Ordered Flynn to reach out to hackers who claimed to his opponents emails, which he did

Deliberately lied about his business interests in the foreign power helping him win an election

Pushed foreign policies beneficial to that power after his staff met with that power

Asked his AG to investigate his opponents

Fired the head of the FBI in attempt to avoid personal investigations

Asked his AG numerous times to fire the SC

And that's just off the top of my head.

The fact the public are too stupid to care has nothing to do with nothing happening. The report is bombshell after bombshell all worse than Watergate but because the public are too ignorant to read past 128 characters we are here.
You're convinced, and so am I. But, this list has not been made clear in 2 hours of testimony today, and that's the failure of the Democrats.
You're convinced, and so am I. But, this list has not been made clear in 2 hours of testimony today, and that's the failure of the Democrats.
I agree. I disagree with the post that nothing happened!!!
I'm a little gob-smacked by how Mueller has come across in this hearing. He just seems a little frail and out of his depth. Considering that he's been on this report for the last two years, I would have expected him to be on it. He just seems a little lost out there.
Unfortunately this seems to all be playing out very well for the republicans.
It's because they have a shameless method: feign outrage, divert, and cast doubt on credible people.
What Democrats are trying to do? Seriously, what are they trying to do?
Dems are covering questions on obstruction of justice (Volume 1) When the investigation moves to the House Intelligence they will cover Volume 2.

GOP are trying to discredit the Steele Dossier etc. They are desperate to steer well away from obstruction questions.
Mueller losing patience with the GOP now...
That's probably as close to an admission that Trump would have been charged with obstruction had it not been for DOJ policy as the Dems are likely to get. Still a pretty significant admission.

That's probably as close to an admission that Trump would have been charged with obstruction had it not been for DOJ policy as the Dems are likely to get. Still a pretty significant admission.

Buck forgetting which team he's batting for :lol:
Take away the nonsense, and it's damning (just as the Report was).
This would explain why the Dems are merely trying or able to elicit yes/no type answers. Which begs the question why did they agree to it in the first place?