The Mueller Report

Republicans have a better overall strategy and their representatives as a whole are more dynamic speakers. Can't see the Democrats moving anyone with this
Setting it up for what the reps to say except Hillary Clinton when she acid washed her emails...

Don't they need 2/3rd majority to impech... Might as well get ready for a gutter fight in 2020

Damn these hipster Dems and their acid washed emails and jean shorts!
I'm sorry what!?

The report says, clearly, the President:

Ordered Flynn to reach out to hackers who claimed to his opponents emails, which he did

Deliberately lied about his business interests in the foreign power helping him win an election

Pushed foreign policies beneficial to that power after his staff met with that power

Asked his AG to investigate his opponents

Fired the head of the FBI in attempt to avoid personal investigations

Asked his AG numerous times to fire the SC

And that's just off the top of my head.

The fact the public are too stupid to care has nothing to do with nothing happening. The report is bombshell after bombshell all worse than Watergate but because the public are too ignorant to read past 128 characters we are here.

How many of those things are going to get acted upon?

Short of Trump and Putin having a meeting where Putin said we'll get you elected and you'll do as I say, then sadly, 'nothing really happened'.
Did Mueller decide not to bring an obstruction case? No, he says, his investigation decided to NOT decide.

Decide to not decide
a bit wishy-washy?
He said that there were no Republicans on Mueller's team, but Mueller himself is a Republican isn't he? In my limited knowledge of the situation.
I'm sorry what!?

The report says, clearly, the President:

Ordered Flynn to reach out to hackers who claimed to his opponents emails, which he did he ordered Flynn to reach out in order to assess the credibility and legality of these sources?

Deliberately lied about his business interests in the foreign power helping him win an election protected his complex business dealings by not declaring more than legally required... Intact these dealings are so complex staff may have struggled to understand what was required to be Decalred to whom and when as there has never been a candidate with such a successful world wide enterprise that frankly the rules were simply not designed to cope with a business empire so vast

Pushed foreign policies beneficial to that power after his staff met with that power
As with any great leader he had meetings with stakeholders to understand concerns and where applicable used this to shape policy

Asked his AG to investigate his opponents
Raised legitimate concerns to the ag and allowed them to use their experience to decide how best to proceed

Fired the head of the FBI in attempt to avoid personal investigations

Followed the recommendation of his a.g. in firing somebody who had been under fire over his handling of the acid washed crooked Hillary emails

Asked his AG numerous times to fire the SC
Was concerned about the huge cost to the taxpayers about the Partizan witch hunt and discussed options to limit this however always deferred the decision to the a.g.

And that's just off the top of my head.

The fact the public are too stupid to care has nothing to do with nothing happening. The report is bombshell after bombshell all worse than Watergate but because the public are too ignorant to read past 128 characters we are here.

I'm not a fancy lawyer but even I could bat those away ...
I'm not a fancy lawyer but even I could bat those away ...
We'll see. From all the legal scholars I've read he would 100% be charged with obstruction of justice for his actions if he wasn't the Presdient. Still might.
Meuller can't remember anything in his report. He is just unprepared.

I don't he's unprepared, I think he is intentionally trying to not give anything beyond the information in the report as we all knew ahead of time.
Absolutely incredible that people can skirt around calling the President out for what he's done. Are the Republicans for real?
Q: "Could you charge the president with a crime after he left office?"
Mueller: "Yes."
Q: "You believe you could charge the president of the United States with obstruction of justice after he left office?"
Mueller: "Yes."


Q: "The reason, again, that you did not indict Donald Trump is because of the OLC opinion stating that you cannot indict a sitting president, correct?"
Mueller: "That is correct."
He did better in the last 30 minutes or so, but it wasn't a good testimony. I'm not disappointed because, as I said yesterday, I had no expectations.

Comparing this guy to Ken Starr is laughable.