The Mueller Report

This will end up being disappointing to both sides. He'll be so cautious and deliberate with his words, either side will be able to spin the narrative to whatever suits them.
Not expecting much from this. It will probably give the special council a much needed boost,but that will be about it.
Double blow to president as Mueller agrees to testify on Russia evidence and judge opens up his financial records

Donald Trump has received two fresh setbacks as Democrats confirmed retired FBI special counsel Robert Mueller will testify before two congressional committees on 17 July over his Russia investigation and a federal judge gave party legislators permission to begin collecting the president's financial records for an emoluments lawsuit.
He is just going to keep referring Congress to his report. Waste of feckin time.
Co gress has enough to move. Don't know what they're waiting for.
"No one is above the law"...what a joke.
Dems should stop looking at Trump and look at Pelosi.
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Same old tune from The Donald, stirring his base before Wednesday.

Not sure if he has problems spelling Strzok as he always seems to refer to him as Peter S.

No matter what Trump says he is terrified of Mueller’s testimony on Wednesday. He will have prepared though. Mueller will have been under a substantial amount of pressure from Barr and the DOJ, the House GOP will have their swords at the ready and Trump will be about to unleash more distractions. The worst bit for the general public will be having to listen to Jordan, Meadows, Collins, Gaetz et al.

Let’s all hope they leave the “Liar, liar, pants on fire” signs in the Oval Office this time.
Even if Mueller just sits there and reads the summary, it would be good for the country. As will one word answers to the following qs:

1. Does your report exonerate the president of collusion?

2. Does your report exonerate the president of obstruction?

3. Do you believe the AG summarised your report accurately?

4. Do you believe if not for the DoJ policy with regards to indicting a sitting President, your report would have had different conclusions?

5. Do you believe the President attempted to obstruct justice?
Can't wait for Meadows et al to act so cuntly on Wednesday, they will be quite the spectacle.
I don’t expect much to come out of Wednesday anyway, but last I checked Mueller doesn’t work for the DoJ any more, and is well within his rights to tell them to go pound sand.
But he won't, he's going to limit what he says to the public.
Mueller s going to have to make the choice whether this in his opinion has come to defending the integrity of our political system.. Or rather restoring an ounce of it at the possible expense of being cast aside by the Rs for good, or being so terrified of becoming a focal point in this discussion and with Barr strong arming everything that he ll provide nothing new. For the country s sake I hope its the first so he shows everyone what real patriotism looks like but you know the Dems will likely fail to control the narrative yet again.
I don’t expect much to come out of Wednesday anyway, but last I checked Mueller doesn’t work for the DoJ any more, and is well within his rights to tell them to go pound sand.

He could but I doubt he will since he himself doesn't want to testify in the first place.