The Mueller Report

We can't laugh at Clown Shoes Trump while we're struggling to make top four.
I want his son to be indicted and Biden to kick this guy out in the biggest landslide ever in 2020. I'm all about the memes :wenger:
We can't laugh at Clown Shoes Trump while we're struggling to make top four.

Well imagine if his new best friend MBS buys our club out and then Trump posting tactical plans on Twitter for our manager to follow for our games .:nervous:
Who pushed for that change? Dems?
Off the top of my head, it was changed in 1999. Not sure where the impetus lay in changing it & bringing the AG into play, but wouldn’t be surprised if the Democrats did it while reeling from Starr.

(just peeked at wiki) An ethics reform bill that was signed by Carter that created the independent counsel apparently expired in 1999 & the then Democratic solicitor general, Neal Kaityal, created the framework for the Special Counsel process as we know today. The change was due in large part to the perceived partisan nature of the Starr independent counsel.

No one regardless of party could have envisioned the morass in which we currently find ourselves, though.
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I know we all keep saying Trump will wriggle out of this one but damn I'll be impressed if he wriggles out of this one

The report makes him look guilty as sin

edit: I just received a Trump mailer with the title: Exonerated (again)

you can't help but admire these cnuts:lol:
I know we all keep saying Trump will wriggle out of this one but damn I'll be impressed if he wriggles out of this one

The report makes him look guilty as sin

edit: I just received a Trump mailer with the title: Exonerated (again)

you can't help but admire these cnuts:lol:

Can't blame him in a way, it works.

You have to be some level of absolute psychopath though to pursue being a lying cnut so doggedly.
I know we all keep saying Trump will wriggle out of this one but damn I'll be impressed if he wriggles out of this one

The report makes him look guilty as sin

edit: I just received a Trump mailer with the title: Exonerated (again)

you can't help but admire these cnuts:lol:
He already wriggled out of it when he hired his defence attorney William Barr. Republicans have a rebuttal thanks to Barr and wont vote to remove him.

Dems best bet is actually not not go forward with impeachment, and just use the report as a political tool.
As a little subplot to today, if anyone in Trump's inner circle dislikes Sarah Sanders, now's the perfect time to get her run out of the WH. Just get in Trump's ear telling him she folded, couldn't stand the heat, made him look stupid etc.
As a little subplot to today, if anyone in Trump's inner circle dislikes Sarah Sanders, now's the perfect time to get her run out of the WH. Just get in Trump's ear telling him she folded, couldn't stand the heat, made him look stupid etc.
She was slated to be gone soon after the new year, unfortunately she still persists.

The first press conference with her in front of the WH press pool will potentially be a tad epic.
The obstruction of justice stuff is amazingly detailed and pretty overwhelming. I think the media need to hammer home 1) the point the specific reasons Mueller opted to not pursue a prosecution (i.e. DoJ guidelines, Congressional authority, etc), 2) that they've specifically left open the ability for prosecutors to pursue a case once Trump is out of office and 3) Muller considered a sealed indictment against Trump but decided against it ultimately out of considerations of fairness.

Seems like Trump is very much protected by his office at the moment and winning 2020 is more important than ever for him
"Can validly"

Do we have any lawyers in the house? Sounds reasonably robust.

Dude, I was born to a lawyer. Lawyers don't use words they don't intend and they don't obfuscate. If Mueller wanted to ask congress to investigate, he would have made it quite clear by writing, he recommends that they should.
Reading that statement again, he says congress can validly regulate presidential power, which is constitutionally known. He doesn't again recommend an investigation, actually far from it he doesn't even broach an investigation.
Doesn’t matter to 35% of my countrymen due to the fecking Barr Cliff Notes which emboldens Trump to repeatedly lie. Embarrassing.

Just checked Facebook and they're all saying he's exonerated and Trump 2020. One of their main stories is KellyAnne demanding Schiff resign after the report released.

I despair.
Don't you guys know if you put your fingers in your ears and yell about something long enough it becomes true?
Reading that statement again, he says congress can validly regulate presidential power, which is constitutionally known. He doesn't again recommend an investigation, actually far from it he doesn't even broach an investigation.

This is in the section where Mueller's discussing the constitutional objections to applying obstruction laws to a sitting president (as outlined by the president's counsel). You are absolutely correct that Mueller is saying that Congress has the legal right to restrict the president here and not recommending that that should be done.
Just checked Facebook and they're all saying he's exonerated and Trump 2020. One of their main stories is KellyAnne demanding Schiff resign after the report released.

I despair.
I find myself somewhat surrounded by these mensas, it is a tad soul crushing.


Just found out about flushable toilet wipes. These promise to change my bum life. Back in 30 minutes.”
Abramson is on 256/
now on 270............

The year is 2028, City have won their 10th Carabao Cup in a row, Ashley Young is given a one year contract extension, Pep Guardiola wins the Catalan leadership, Heinz Baked Beans Pizza makes a comeback, Pepsi releases it new 'Covfefe' flavor/flavour and Seth Abramson is on 3596542109 number thread where he deduces Russia hacked the 2018/19 Premier League season