The Mueller Report

From what I've read so far, everyone was just lying to the public all the time. But Trump's been doing that since day one so I guess we'll forget about this in a month or so.

Also interesting to see a lot of the media reports we had at the time were true.
I don’t really rate lying about having sex with a women particularly seriously. Men do it all the time. Trump denies affairs too. Ok it’s a lie and you shouldn’t lie, but that’s about it. It’s a personal thing and doesn’t risk the safety of the country.

Course we must remember that Clinton gave testimony....Trump refused.

The problem is lying *under oath*. That is a very serious offence.

(It doesn't matter if the lying is about sex or whatever else. Lying under oath is the problem. )
Up to you now congress, Mueller as handed over to you.


Has it swung back to him being guilty then?
Even if Trump was impeached, he'd be acquitted, because a supermajority is needed to remove him from office, which the Dems don't have.

And I'd bet that Trump won't be impeached. The only way to remove him is to beat him in 2020.
Even if Trump was impeached, he'd be acquitted, because a supermajority is needed to remove him from office, which the Dems don't have.

And I'd bet that Trump won't be impeached. The only way to remove him is to beat him in 2020.
Why is it one or the other? I would think the impeachment proceedings would shine the spotlight on Trump & Co's behavior, which would at the very least help to beat him in 2020.
Even if Trump was impeached, he'd be acquitted, because a supermajority is needed to remove him from office, which the Dems don't have.

And I'd bet that Trump won't be impeached. The only way to remove him is to beat him in 2020.
Brilliant system isn't it? Dodgy as feck but potentially above the law...
Brilliant system isn't it? Dodgy as feck but potentially above the law...

I do think it is a good system.

If you just needed a simple majority (50% plus one), then the Republicans would find a pretense and remove Obama from office quite early. Or Bernie, if he becomes a President.
Even if Trump was impeached, he'd be acquitted, because a supermajority is needed to remove him from office, which the Dems don't have.

And I'd bet that Trump won't be impeached. The only way to remove him is to beat him in 2020.
Pretty much. I don't think this report is very helpful to his re election bid though.
Imagine all of this shit doesn't include anything on Rodger "may harm ongoing matter" Stone
You have to give the GOP credit, they've played a blinder here. If the report had come out like this a month, Trump would be screwed, instead his media strategy has worked a charm.

He told Flynn repeatedly to go find the deleted, foreign hacked emails of his opposition candidate. I cannot understand how that is not a violation of campaign rules, and illegal.

But he has game of thrones memes so who cares.

I have zero sympathy today for all those having their healthcare taken, benefits slashed and losing their jobs due to this man and his policies, if they voted for him. He is scum and they're willfully choosing to ignore it.
Imagine all of this shit doesn't include anything on Rodger "may harm ongoing matter" Stone
Haven’t seen the report, but read that the Wikileaks section(s) is (are) more heavily redacted. His slimy ass has to be in there.
You have to wonder where we would be if Mueller was an Independent Counsel as opposed to a Special Counsel. The last month or so would have been a hell of a lot more fun.
You have to wonder where we would be if Mueller was an Independent Counsel as opposed to a Special Counsel. The last month or so would have been a hell of a lot more fun.
Who pushed for that change? Dems?