The Mueller Report

Wow I thought this was a parody...written by Rod Rosenstein

The enthusiasm in and around the Department of Justice was palpable when President Trump announced his nomination of Attorney General William Pelham Barr. A brilliant and principled conservative lawyer, Barr brings unique experience to the challenge of working at the intersection of law and politics.

During his first stint as Attorney General, from 1991 to 1993, Barr dealt with politically sensitive cases, appointed special and independent counsels, handled delicate national-security issues, and navigated contentious congressional oversight requests. He earned widespread respect for his integrity and professionalism, and he enhanced that reputation in the private sector.

Now Barr returns to public service with a hearty sense of humor, a lifetime of wisdom and a valuable perspective about the Department of Justice. He knows the history, he understands the issues, he respects the employees, and he will defend the principles. With Bill Barr at the helm, the rule of law is secure.
There's a lot of dodgy shouts in this thread.

Whenever you're unsure about something/someone (Seth Abramson, the Memphis Grizzlies, third wave ska, etc), feel free to PM me and I'll let you know how to not be wrong.
But this is just unacceptable.
He's debated publicly with Risen before.
Yeah he and Aaron Mate have had some very public debates/disagreements with Risen and Mehdi Hasan over this. Mate in particular is jumping through some serious hoops this evening to distance Wikileaks and Kilimnik from Russian intelligence presumably because it doesn't sit very well with his recent gloating.
As much as we all want to see Trump impeached (not to mention hung, drawn and quartered) there's no point in the Dems wasting the time and effort when the GOP control the Senate.
Well, this’ll show them!

Brief writeup:
For years, QAnon fans have been mocked for believing that Mueller was secretly in league with the president, working hand-in-hand to uncover Satanic rituals committed by top Democrats before shipping them off to Guantanamo Bay. They had been told it was ridiculous to base their entire political worldview on a series of anonymous clues posted on internet message boards — including one that claimed Hillary Clinton was secretly arrested in October 2017.

Now, after all the chanting and waving of “Q” signs at Trump rallies, their hour of vindication was at hand.

Liz Crokin, a leading QAnon promoter, predicted on Wednesday that Mueller’s report would uncover leading Democrats committing crimes that are “punishable by death.”

“I think the Mueller Report will reveal some indicators that the real crimes that took places were committed by Hillary Clinton, Obama, and some of their associates,” Crokin told The Daily Beast.

But when the Mueller report arrived on Thursday morning, it contained none of the bombshell, global pedophile cabal-destroying revelations QAnon fans had predicted. Instead, it detailed the a Russian campaign of electoral subterfuge that benefit Trump’s election efforts along with repeated attempts by the president to impede investigations into his conduct.

Unhappy QAnon believers were left to grapple with the letdown. As the report’s lack of QAnon proofs became clear, the Patriots’ Soapbox livestream quickly moved on to other topics like human trafficking. The channel’s viewers weren’t fooled, though. The comment section quickly filled up with disappointed QAnon fans.

On Voat, a Reddit-style forum alternative popular with QAnon fans, believers lamented the fact that they had been duped again.

“Trump is toast,” said one poster who said he wouldn’t vote in 2020 after the disappointment. “Lied to us to extend his re-election. Good luck Q peeps. I'm done here.”
Abramson is on 256/

450 now

All these resistance grifters refuse to let it die. Most of what theyve been saying for years either a) is completely unproven or b) is proven but will not result in anything (contrary to their claims)

Everyone who fell for these guys needs to reevaluate how they think about politics.
The democrats reaction to is so underwhelming. Basically saying that no point in impeachment as new elections are coming in 2020 anyways. Bunch of pussies.
The democrats reaction to is so underwhelming. Basically saying that no point in impeachment as new elections are coming in 2020 anyways. Bunch of pussies.

I think it's the right move politically. A failed attempt to get rid of him will give Trump a nice boost before 2020. It will make the Democrats look inept while Trump will get to play victim and claim another victory.

This is what Seth Abramson achieves...

The report contains the first ever public US government claim that Russian hackers compromised a county's network in the leadup to the 2016 election, with an attack on an unnamed Florida county.
According to the report, "the FBI believes that this operation enabled the GRU to gain access to the network of at least one Florida county government."

That doesn't mean votes were changed, but the Russians were infiltrating the election mechanics. And if you've seem quite how utterly laughable the security on those voting machines is, it's not a huge leap to believing votes could easily have been altered.