The Mueller Report

The "collusion " part of the muller report is simply fascinating. But with the politics in the USA no one will care. Even being redacted and matters still in going its amazing the counter intelligence threat that STILL sits in the west wing. Shocking actually. But no one will care .
Its like we were saying before: the way that this has been drip fed and handled by the press has completed changed the reception of these revelations. If this report had just come out without months of pieces and then Barrs audition he would be gone yesterday afternoon.
Has Sarah Sanders resigned yet? Can see an alternative for the lying lady, other than being fired. Any credibility she may have had is shot now.

How long before Trump is posting “Lyin’ Sarah Sanders”

She was on Fixed News last night talking about how she “misspoke”.
Spent most of the night reading. There's enough on there for the Dems to start impeachment proceedings if they want.
Pretty clear Barr's interpretation is not what Mueller put in the report. Obvious Mueller doesn't think there is a framework for bringing charges and being an institutionalist, decided to leave it up to Congress.
Spent most of the night reading. There's enough on there for the Dems to start impeachment proceedings if they want.
Pretty clear Barr's interpretation is not what Mueller put in the report. Obvious Mueller doesn't think there is a framework for bringing charges and being an institutionalist, decided to leave it up to Congress.
There's no way they would get enough support from the Republicans for impeachment to be successful. It's better to leave it until after 2020 and charge him after he is out of office. First you have to get him out of office though.
Spent most of the night reading. There's enough on there for the Dems to start impeachment proceedings if they want.
Pretty clear Barr's interpretation is not what Mueller put in the report. Obvious Mueller doesn't think there is a framework for bringing charges and being an institutionalist, decided to leave it up to Congress.

Having read it it seems he decided that since he can't actually bring charges due to DOJ policy he has set out the details for either Congress to pass their judgement or for another office to indict once trump is out of office. Which is fair. And totally not what Barr said in his BS memo and his BS press conference.

Food for thought for anyone who actually thinks Assange is some sort of virtuous journalist interested in the public good. It’s all about him at the end of the day and his entire involvement with the Trump/Farage/Hannity crowd was likely little more than a half thought out attempt at a quid pro quo where he would help Trump get elected in exchange for the new Trump administration agreeing to not pursue charges for his past indiscretions.
I really hope the media can keep it's attention on the Mueller report, and not lose focus. There is so much in there that should disqualify Trump from having office even if it can't put him in jail, and we need the media to tell those in the Fox News bubble, somehow.
Yes, that is a good analysis. It does seem as if the US need to figure out a way to handle this. If Trump cannot be indicted nor impeached, what else can the US do about this?

If they did not manage to find enough evidence to rise to criminality and he’s not going to be impeached, Trump made a grave error in firing Comey and triggering all of this.

The FBI investigation would likely have been over long ago, not been anything like as through, would have been controlled more by Sessions and would likely not have spawned off the double figure count of other investigations into Trump and associates.

With what is going on at state and federal level in New York, this is very much the end of the beginning rather than the beginning of the end.
I really hope the media can keep it's attention on the Mueller report, and not lose focus. There is so much in there that should disqualify Trump from having office even if it can't put him in jail, and we need the media to tell those in the Fox News bubble, somehow.
Well yeah, but look at the Kavanaugh hearing and tell me he's fit for his office, yet here we are. The US is broken.
Romney is likely more sickened by gays or transgenders over what a Republican does.

"After reading the Muller report, I was sickened that there were no companies I could gut and sell off piece by piece for a handsome compensation package while putting thousands of honest, hard working Americans out of work." - Mitt Romney, probably.