The Mueller Report

Barr and Rosenstein disagreed with Mueller's "legal theories" over obstruction. :eek:

Edit: Mueller looked at 10 incidents of potential obstruction.
The key highlight from that press conference was that congress will get a significantly unredacted report and the only redactions will be grand jury info.
Waste of time from Barr. Not sure what they're trying to achieve; it makes them look like they're desperately trying to spin something they claim completely exonerates him anyway. Should just let the report speak for itself since he's in no legal jeopardy and the Senate will never impeach anyway.
So Mueller thought Trump obstructed but Barr and Rosenstein didn't want to stir up that's hornet's nest?
I'm asking.

Could mean a lot of things. We'll know in a few hours anyway. One thing we do know now is Mueller never made a judgement call either way and Barr says he has explained why in the report.
Barr is hilarious. White House fully cooperated did they? Wow I missed when Trump finally agreed to be interviewed by Mueller team. How'd that go?

And coincidentally this concept has been all over the news in relation to Assange's arrest last week.
Great, Trump & Fox & Friends are going to be playing soundbites of Barr saying "no collusion" non-stop now. Mission Accomplished.

I wonder what percentage of people actually will read all or some of the report vs those who will get it filtered through some other source.
With Pelosi as head of the Dems, the GOP will get away with anything.

Of course. Trump and his cronies could be gunning down civilians in the street, and she'd still say it wasn't in the interests of the country to impeach.

Mueller: "While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime,it does not exonerate him". Trump bought in Barr to shut down the investigation and cover for him ,something Sessions refused to do.