The Mourinho Thread: Should he stay or go? | Sacked

Is Mourinho’s time as United manager up?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2,296 77.1%
  • No

    Votes: 293 9.8%
  • Not yet - needs more time to see if he can turn it around

    Votes: 388 13.0%

  • Total voters
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You really are having a nightmare on there Cheeky :lol:

Morata was indeed the alternative, but he was the 1st choice quite clearly for Jose. If folks care to rewind and look at the timeline of events. Jose spoke of his admiration of Morata publicly on the US Tour, Real refused to do business with us after a certain fax machine "incident" previously ;)

When quite clearly we couldn't get Morata and Chelsea swooped in, Lukaku was announced within days, remember the videos of Pogba and himself in LA and he announced it to him?

But to address your constant posts about Ed dictating the price. Whilst there is an air of truth about that sentiment, there are mitigating factors of course. I mean it was Jose who demanded Pogba as an example, again he spoke openly about having to have Pogba as he was the best midfielder of his kind and would prove to be the worlds best player in the years ahead. In that instance, Woody is left with 2 options... pay and pay over the odds after a manager speaks so forthright about having to have Pogba, the ball is in Juve's court in that instance and they dictate play. Or, simply don't do the transfer... and then we get folks saying Jose isn't being backed.

Whilst I agree, Lukaku was never worth the 75m we coughed up when we are looking to sign one of the Premier Leagues more consistent forwards from a rival club you can expect to pay over the odds. Morata, like most of the other names you drop above all came from overseas and generally speaking when you are buying from overseas you won't have to spend as much to get your man.

Reading over your sentiments, any negative you can attach to the argument is solely Woodwards fault. If the transfer works out you heap praise on Jose and ignore the board room who got the transfer done.
and you seem to have missed the entire argument
- getting best out of player = Mourinho
- amount paid = Ed

As a counter to your false allegations above, cos my evaluation of amount paid is not in hindsight i.e. my evaluation is not based on how well the signing worked out as you are alleging. its just a judgement of the value/quality of player i believe we were getting for the price paid.

I agreed with the amount paid for some of our signings e.g. Dalot that hasnt even played, Pogba even if he is not lighting it up, even bailly and lindelof I considered fair market value. But i also felt we overpaid for players like Fred, Matic, Lukaku and Sanchez, and was glad we didnt overpay for Perisic and Willian. I am borderline on Toby as I think we could have negotiated less than 70m for a player that would be available for 25m next summer (dont think Toby is worth 50m for a year but then it is levy).

Independent of what price we paid, its Mourinho's fault for launching balls at a striker with a poor first touch, his responsibility for not doing a better job of integrating Sanchez with our other forward etc.

Its a simple separation of responsibility that goes along the lines of where Ed and Mourinho each have authority of decision over.
Lukaku said that he was courted by United well before the summer window. Morata dyed his hair red for god's sake. Chelsea even put a late bid for Lukaku in the hopes to get him.

Morata was used by United and Chelsea as second choice for both clubs in the hopes to get Lukaku.
What gave you the impression that hate and anger have to play in this situation? Can you point to a post/poster that/who has claimed as such?

I don't hate the Jose nor do I feel any anger for him (sincerely doubt anyone does truth be told) I simply think, like you, that he should go.

Sorry mate - I am proud to admit that I hate the guy from top to bottom & didnt want the guy anywhere near our club much as much as charlton was reluctant.

When @VP89 states that it is woodward's fault that Jose has not been able to build a 'traditional Jose team' - I agree with that; and in an ideal scenario - this club would be Man city with no past values, a pure blank chequebook that craves for success over anything else. He could then get a short term 2 & a half year team of players on the verge of retiring who are able to puff out their final breaths and work rate to win that title they miss from their empty CV.

However - I disagree with the fact that standing up against Jose is the wrong thing to do. Woodward is merely standing up for the tradition of United values.

United have been a club that promote entertainement alongside success, young players given a safe and logical platform to improve their game season by season. No player favouritism. A balance of attacking and defesnive fooball. An importance of technicality and not one that gets rid of technical players due to the need of physicality. There is so much more that he does not fit in; from the way he talks to the media about or club and its players, the way he creates an enemy as said by thiago silva which eventually leads to enemies within our own squad. There is no family aspect of the club.

Woodward made a mistake of replacing LVG and his style of football with a manager on the complete opposite of the scale. For that Woodward needs to be blamed.

However to have these fans blame woodward for Jose failing is wrong. Jose has not adapted to the United way. We are not Porto, we are not Inter, we are not chelsea - we are not under dogs that are willing to get rid of our values simply due to being an underdog that is thirsty to win at any cost. We are not Real madrid who sit under the greatest barcelona team of all time looking for any sort of way to remain away from their shadows.

Whilst city are above us - i do not believe we need to be desperate to give Jose what he needs to be successful here. We need a manager who builds a team for Manchester United; Not a manchester United that is built for Jose Mourinho.

For that reason he has to go.

He's scored 20 or more goals in each of his last 3 seasons. He's only just turned 25. You will struggle to find many strikers with a better return at that age in the Premier League who aren't world class or at least regarded as great players.

It's just a weird dislike with Romelu. Probably because he's off form. I remember seeing lots of praise when he had his 26 goal season. The caf just works on sentiment I guess.
Sorry mate - I am proud to admit that I hate the guy from top to bottom & didnt want the guy anywhere near our club much as much as charlton was reluctant.

When @VP89 states that it is woodward's fault that Jose has not been able to build a 'traditional Jose team' - I agree with that; and in an ideal scenario - this club would be Man city with no past values, a pure blank chequebook that craves for success over anything else. He could then get a short term 2 & a half year team of players on the verge of retiring who are able to puff out their final breaths and work rate to win that title they miss from their empty CV.

However - I disagree with the fact that standing up against Jose is the wrong thing to do. Woodward is merely standing up for the tradition of United values.

United have been a club that promote entertainement alongside success, young players given a safe and logical platform to improve their game season by season. No player favouritism. A balance of attacking and defesnive fooball. An importance of technicality and not one that gets rid of technical players due to the need of physicality. There is so much more that he does not fit in; from the way he talks to the media about or club and its players, the way he creates an enemy as said by thiago silva which eventually leads to enemies within our own squad. There is no family aspect of the club.

Woodward made a mistake of replacing LVG and his style of football with a manager on the complete opposite of the scale. For that Woodward needs to be blamed.

However to have these fans blame woodward for Jose failing is wrong. Jose has not adapted to the United way. We are not Porto, we are not Inter, we are not chelsea - we are not under dogs that are willing to get rid of our values simply due to being an underdog that is thirsty to win at any cost. We are not Real madrid who sit under the greatest barcelona team of all time looking for any sort of way to remain away from their shadows.

Whilst city are above us - i do not believe we need to be desperate to give Jose what he needs to be successful here. We need a manager who builds a team for Manchester United; Not a manchester United that is built for Jose Mourinho.

For that reason he has to go.

Hate is the presence of depression and the absence of love. The feeling of boundlessness and distress. Hate is frustration personified, your anger manifest. The pinnacle of your deepest darkest emotions.

Or something along those lines (I forget the words).

Anyway, are you still sure you hate Jose?
Now you're just throwing random theories. Here:

Moratta was second choice. It was widely reportedly in the media. That's the time continuum I'm living in.
In your continum, lukaku was definitely first choice
- but we made multiple offers for our second choice without making one for our first choice
- Ed spend time negotiating for our second choice, but was only 'quietly working' on our first choice
- we dont make an offer for our first choice until we arre informed by agent that he is available for less than our second choice
- we dont compete with Chelsea to sign him and only got involved when chelsea balked at his agent's fees
- Mourinho called his second choice to convince him to join, but doesnt call lukaku until the transfer is agreed

Yea right
Let's not argue semantics. You know what I mean. By reading reports, accessing opinions of United fans, etc (ie. critical thinking) it's clear that most pundits and fans didn't view this as a bad deal. Even though you keep running around this, it doesn't make it any less true.
and many also felt we got a good deal in signing Matic and Sanchez. Majority opinion is not always right
1) I brought them not b/c they cost less, I brought them up b/c their market values were reasonable considering their ages, positions, and how desperately they wanted to leave.
The market values are reasonable primarily cos of their quality as a player. Lukaku was the most desperate to leave after refusing to sign an extension with Everton and didnt even renew his sponsorship deal. To me, the other transfers are clear evidence that Lukaku was over priced for what he offered.
2) Straw man was in response to you saying I thought valuation should be limited to only exactly similar players (which I never said)
You asked why they were listed and said it was confusing. I gave the reason and I asked a question or do you not know the meaning of appending "?" at the end of a phrase?
You told me to show you the posts lol. This was the exchange:
You claimed the 'hesky comparison' were after the transfers and I advised to you look at the old threads to see that it was not i.e. "cos many highlighted his limitation (and even posted videos of it) and called him a flat track bully. "
I don't understand why you are so confused with replies to posts you made. Skim through that thread. Most fans were pleased with the signing.
That someone was happy with his signing does not equate to them thinking he was worth 75m, or that they would not have preferred us signing another player. Again the more relevant discussion was prior to his signing when there were discussions about him vs morata, and there were plenty of posts pointing to his limitations.
Then why did you ask why how is he a Mourinho signing? Again, this was the flow of conversation:
I asked "what is the definition of a Mourinho Signing?" cos I had no idea what it meant in your view and why you think I denied him being one ( a false claim you have repeated)
What's so hard about that to follow?
Its hard to follow when other make huge leaps of faith in arguments and assign false claims that were never made.
He's scored 20 or more goals in each of his last 3 seasons. He's only just turned 25. You will struggle to find many strikers with a better return at that age in the Premier League who aren't world class or at least regarded as great players.

It's just a weird dislike with Romelu. Probably because he's off form. I remember seeing lots of praise when he had his 26 goal season. The caf just works on sentiment I guess.

This is all true but its not entirely surprising that the sentiment around Lukaku is as bad as it is currently.

This season he hasn't scored enough at all. Then add in the fact he's missed open goals and sitters that have directly contributed or been responsible for us losing 5 points. He scores that open goal against spurs and we had a real chance to capitalise on the fact that we had them totally rattled for 45 minutes. He scores against Wolves and we win that game. These weren't difficult chances missed but open goals, free headers and chances from 6 yards.

Then to finally nail the point home at times he looks like he is single handedly stalling our attempts at attacking through his poor first touch, inability to win physical duels and lethargic movement. It doesn't help that for a long time he seemed to be one of Mourinho's undroppables along with Matic.

Right now he's in a bad place, low on confidence, low on speed and low on intensity. Something needs to change for him as he's not going to improve to his previous standards otherwise.
He's scored 20 or more goals in each of his last 3 seasons. He's only just turned 25. You will struggle to find many strikers with a better return at that age in the Premier League who aren't world class or at least regarded as great players.

It's just a weird dislike with Romelu. Probably because he's off form. I remember seeing lots of praise when he had his 26 goal season. The caf just works on sentiment I guess.
Is not about the goals, his general football ability leaves much to be desired. He limits the way we should play, as do Fellaini and Matic.
I don't know how people think calling some posters Jose fanboys or cultists is over the top when there's a guy on here legit causing pages upon pages of arguments with long detailed posts with all sorts of assumptions and contradictions giving reason why EVERY single player signed under Jose not doing well (about 7/8 of them) is either not a Jose signing or 4th preference on the list he concocted for Jose or just outright blame Ed for buying the player. He has gone through every single one. And calling them fanboys are the problem?
He's scored 20 or more goals in each of his last 3 seasons. He's only just turned 25. You will struggle to find many strikers with a better return at that age in the Premier League who aren't world class or at least regarded as great players.

It's just a weird dislike with Romelu. Probably because he's off form. I remember seeing lots of praise when he had his 26 goal season. The caf just works on sentiment I guess.
But that is also the trap of taking statistics out of context. There is a system in which a player like Lukaku can be used to great effect but it does not change the fact that he is a limited player. The same cannot be said about Kane, not in terms of goals, but overall as a player

Another player, I feel the same way about is Dele Alli. Could be very productive in the right system but see him as a limited player for how much many seem to value him (and actually think Spurs should have cashed in on him when he had the 18 goal season)
No manager gets all their transfer targets, again I pointed this out on the previous page. Fergie often missed out on targets and made do the best he could with what he had. Wanted Shearer, Didn't get him. Wanted Batistuta, didn't get him but Yorke instead. There are countless examples through out his career.

What you basically summarised what Jose decided that because he didn't get what he wanted, he threw a hissy fit and decided in all his infinite wisdom and maturity that upsetting the squad was fair game then, have I read that right?

As for the improvement, 2nd place and 19pts from Champions. LVG was closer in 5th with 15pts gap! We've been awful since Jan 2018, our performances and results have been awful.

I didnt reply to this on the previous page because i didnt agree with it and it was factually utterly baseless and wrong, and not worth my time (it still isnt) But here goes.

Did fergie not get shearer or batistuta because of the incompetence of the CEO or the board or the scouting department? it was shearer at one point and the chairman of blackburn the other time who didnt let the move materialize. Batistuta would have destroyed our wage structure at the time, so we didnt sign him. Is this in any way comparable to our current problem?

Whats the reason that our summer window consisted of only one internationally established player, fred? Dont we have several problem positions? Why weren't they addressed? Was it Mourinho who didnt sign players or was it Woodward? I think the answer is clear. But its something Ive noticed with Woodward apologists who dont get the point that even though Mourinho should be SACKED in the coming summer, the debacle that was the last tansfer window was not his failure. It was Ed Woodwards.

Did you just try to convince me that finishing 5th is better than finishing 2nd? Thats just laughable.

Well the rumour goes that Woodward wants a DoF, But Jose being whom he is and not playing well with others they can't put one in. Wouldn't that be Woodward over ruling Jose again if he went ahead and put in a DoF? You know the foundation of the Jose supporters argument? That Woodward is interfering / over ruling Jose when he shouldn't be?

If you doubt this theory feel free to go back and look at his fall out with the Chelsea board over transfers in the summer leading up to his and the teams implosion. Also you've just proven the point, that Jose essentially had a tantrum cause he was over ruled by Woodward. Now tell me how it'd go if a DoF was to over rule Jose? Would the out come be any different? He's still being told no and he sums that up as being told he isn't good enough and probably even sticks his 3 fingers up at them at the board table like a child.

As for the deadwood still being here, again that is on Jose. Why are you ignoring the fact that he demanded Fellaini get a new deal in the summer and Woodward had to bend to that demand? Jose is handing out contract renewals to dead wood players for fun. Herrera, Rojo, Jones, Young, Valencia ETC... Perfect example again is Darmian, he stated Jose wouldn't release him cause he hadn't enough defensive cover, what kind of moron lets 3 defenders go (Blind, Tuanzebe & Fosu Mensah) and then moans about lack of defensive cover?

Your whole post reads like one big contradiction really. Basically the same as any supporter still backing Jose at this point.

Woodward is the CEO of Man United. He is second only to the Glazers. I highly doubt such a powerful man at the club is worried about the tantrums of a manager. Do you think Florentino Perez worries if a manager throws a tantrum? Why would Woodward?
You've also taken for granted that the DOF would overrule Jose. Is this for certain? Is this a good enough reason to not employ a DOF that the club badly needs?
This is by far the worst argument/theory ive ever heard with regard to the issue of a DOF and is completely baseless and devoid of any facts. Unless you have facts to back up all your statements they are just excuses. Woodward should have appointed a DOF by now and he hasnt done it. period.

Fellaini is not considered deadwood by Jose so I dont see why you've mentioned him at all.
Reports do however mention that both Jones and Rojo were asked to leave the club but refused to do so. Its the CEO's job to make the move happen and find a suitable transfer and then to find replacements. Not Jose's. The same logic applies to the situation of Darmian. Its the CEO's job to find the right kind of deal to sell Darmian for an acceptable amount of money to the club. Again this cant be blamed on Jose.

Whatever happens off the pitch is mainly Woodward's domain. One cant merely blame Jose to get Woodward off the hook.
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This whole argument is pointless given that the players we have signed, 400 million pounds worth that is, aren't performing hence we had a very very expensive bench vs City. If this bunch can't perform what gives anyone the hope that signing more players is going to help?
Yes Rooneylegend that is the point that lot of people seems to have forgotten. We have spent so much money and bought 8 players since Jose arrived. Is it the fault of Woodward that they seem to be terrible in their football? These are the players Jose wanted to buy so they were bought. If he did not think they were good enough then he should not have asked to buy them.
Of course any manager would want the best 11 or more players in the world but that is not possible. Not even for City. The issue with Jose is that he cannot get his players to play any decent kind of football. Players he himself wanted at United. He is not even playing some of them at all now. So his transfers have been either bad or he is not able to get much of these players. So it is his fault and no way it is the fault of Woodward. 2 CBs, 3 midfield players, 4 strikers and one right back. Of these Zlatan has retired and Mikhi has gone to Arsenal. Normally these should be enough to beat most teams in the PL this season. Yes City may be a bridge too far but Brighton, Westham, Spurs at home? These are matches we normally win but now we are losing to these teams regularly.
This is the fault of the Manager and maybe also the players.
You know in what kind of state this place is when @el3mel, one of the best posters around, and someone who, as far as I know, thinks Jose should go, gets called a cultist, just cause he's sensible and doesn't go mental over everything Jose related.
The state of the other side is much worse. Some truly absurd stuff from the posters backing Mourinho.
I don't know how people think calling some posters Jose fanboys or cultists is over the top when there's a guy on here legit causing pages upon pages of arguments with long detailed posts with all sorts of assumptions and contradictions giving reason why EVERY single player signed under Jose not doing well (about 7/8 of them) is either not a Jose signing or 4th preference on the list he concocted for Jose or just outright blame Ed for buying the player. He has gone through every single one. And calling them fanboys are the problem?
Not at all. He has a strong following here that truly seems to worship him. There's no need for people to play the victim card when that's called out.
In your continum, lukaku was definitely first choice
- but we made multiple offers for our second choice without making one for our first choice
- Ed spend time negotiating for our second choice, but was only 'quietly working' on our first choice
- we dont make an offer for our first choice until we arre informed by agent that he is available for less than our second choice
- we dont compete with Chelsea to sign him and only got involved when chelsea balked at his agent's fees
- Mourinho called his second choice to convince him to join, but doesnt call lukaku until the transfer is agreed

Yea right

and many also felt we got a good deal in signing Matic and Sanchez. Majority opinion is not always right
The market values are reasonable primarily cos of their quality as a player. Lukaku was the most desperate to leave after refusing to sign an extension with Everton and didnt even renew his sponsorship deal. To me, the other transfers are clear evidence that Lukaku was over priced for what he offered.
You asked why they were listed and said it was confusing. I gave the reason and I asked a question or do you not know the meaning of appending "?" at the end of a phrase?
You claimed the 'hesky comparison' were after the transfers and I advised to you look at the old threads to see that it was not i.e. "cos many highlighted his limitation (and even posted videos of it) and called him a flat track bully. "
That someone was happy with his signing does not equate to them thinking he was worth 75m, or that they would not have preferred us signing another player. Again the more relevant discussion was prior to his signing when there were discussions about him vs morata, and there were plenty of posts pointing to his limitations.

I asked "what is the definition of a Mourinho Signing?" cos I had no idea what it meant in your view and why you think I denied him being one ( a false claim you have repeated)
Its hard to follow when other make huge leaps of faith in arguments and assign false claims that were never made.
I give up.
Not at all. He has a strong following here that truly seems to worship him. There's no need for people to play the victim card when that's called out.

Rules to remember: no adult images or videos; mind your language; criticise the post not the poster; remain respectful to other posters

It’s not that hard a thing to do. If you have a valid argument, you make it. If you don’t, you attack the poster. Name calling of any kind is never in a million years going to make anyone receptive to your argument. Just because someone doesn’t share the same opinion as you, doesn’t give you the right to call them names for the purpose of malice or just to undercut their opinion.
Rules to remember: no adult images or videos; mind your language; criticise the post not the poster; remain respectful to other posters

It’s not that hard a thing to do. If you have a valid argument, you make it. If you don’t, you attack the poster. Name calling of any kind is never in a million years going to make anyone receptive to your argument. Just because someone doesn’t share the same opinion as you, doesn’t give you the right to call them names for the purpose of malice or just to undercut their opinion.
Not really. If you are confronted with a genuine argument, that leads to a healthy and constructive debate no matter how far apart the positions may be. When the view is steeped in bias and devoid in logic and reason, then it will, naturally, be called out. Correlating that to an abuse/personal vendetta against the individual is pretty off the mark. No matter how much we police this place, agenda/biased/poor posting will be called out just like it would be in real life. As long as it doesn't get viscous to be the point of emotional harm, it's fine, and, sometimes, necessary. I'd further argue that the modding can help in this regard. It's hugely surprising to see what sort of posters have made it past the newbie barrier. I'm fine with the strangest of views existing. But it does pollute the forum for there to be so many biased and poorly formed views littering the whole place.
Hate is the presence of depression and the absence of love. The feeling of boundlessness and distress. Hate is frustration personified, your anger manifest. The pinnacle of your deepest darkest emotions.

Or something along those lines (I forget the words).

Anyway, are you still sure you hate Jose?
As I told you yesterday, some really genuinely hate him, that poster being a prime example, she finishes her every post with a 'I hate him'. How can you even have a normal conversation with those.
As I told you yesterday, some really genuinely hate him, that poster being a prime example, she finishes her every post with a 'I hate him'. How can you even have a normal conversation with those.

Tbh it's also very hard to have any conversation with Jose fans who keep spouting so much nonsense and keep moving goal posts to blame everyone but the man in charge of the team.
Tbh it's also very hard to have any conversation with Jose fans who keep spouting so much nonsense and keep moving goal posts to blame everyone but the man in charge of the team.
Pot. Kettle.
Good for you. I'm so out of this school playground thread.
Pot. Kettle.
Good for you. I'm so out of this school playground thread.

Not sure what goal posts are moved by fans who want Jose out. They/we can clearly see there is no progress in the team and we play the most outdated style among the top teams. Shit attacking wise and even poor defensively. It's fair to call out manager for the performances. That's how it is everywhere.
Not sure what goal posts are moved by fans who want Jose out. They/we can clearly see there is no progress in the team and we play the most outdated style among the top teams. Shit attacking wise and even poor defensively. It's fair to call out manager for the performances. That's how it is everywhere.
Well I expect you to not see it and ok.
I didn't say it's not fair to call him out, just not move goal posts so he gets blamed for absolutely everything. And basically writing shit posts which dont contribute to anything.
Not to mention getting a feeling sometimes this is a Liverpool or a City forum but that's another story.
Well I expect you to not see it and ok.
I didn't say it's not fair to call him out, just not move goal posts so he gets blamed for absolutely everything. And basically writing shit posts which dont contribute to anything.
Not to mention getting a feeling sometimes this is a Liverpool or a City forum but that's another story.

Not sure if Jose got blamed for everything where he wasn't involved or played key role.

regarding bold part, not sure what you mean by that. Does that mean I was seeing that last season when I was defending Jose and can't this season as I want him out?
Not sure if Jose got blamed for everything where he wasn't involved or played key role.

regarding bold part, not sure what you mean by that. Does that mean I was seeing that last season when I was defending Jose and can't this season as I want him out?
Look I'm not so into your posts to know that. I just meant that you want to see him out so cause of that stance you maybe don't see some posters writing the stuff I was speaking of.
Look I'm not so into your posts to know that. I just meant that you want to see him out so cause of that stance you maybe don't see some posters writing the stuff I was speaking of.

Well it's hard to believe some of the posts by his fans, like who the feck will know about the list and where the player's position is on the list. When his fans start to make all the posts based on assumptions and fantasies, it's hard to see any point in that post.

And btw, I'm not blind or have some agenda against Jose. I have praised him anytime I felt he did a good job and I criticize him when I feel he made mistakes. So yeah, I can see points from both sides and it's just hard to see any truth in some of the arguments. Some of the posts in the last few pages are just laughable bad and tbf it was all from 1 or 2 posters though.
Well it's hard to believe some of the posts by his fans, like who the feck will know about the list and where the player's position is on the list. When his fans start to make all the posts based on assumptions and fantasies, it's hard to see any point in that post.

And btw, I'm not blind or have some agenda against Jose. I have praised him anytime I felt he did a good job and I criticize him when I feel he made mistakes. So yeah, I can see points from both sides and it's just hard to see any truth in some of the arguments. Some of the posts in the last few pages are just laughable bad and tbf it was all from 1 or 2 posters though.
It goes both ways, that's all I'm saying. For example mentioning him in threads which have absolutely have fuk all with him. It's nauseating and it's polluting the place.
It goes both ways, that's all I'm saying. For example mentioning him in threads which have absolutely have fuk all with him. It's nauseating and it's polluting the place.

Yeah I agree with that. You can't have discussion about other clubs or football without Manutd name or Jose's name dragged into that.
The state of the other side is much worse. Some truly absurd stuff from the posters backing Mourinho.

Funny, he mentions “one of the best posters around” when that very same person blames the fecking CEO of the club for the quality of the squad, and not the people who tell him who to buy. Crying about people moving goalposts yet ignores someone who perpetually does the same thing - all in a bid to look impartial. He’s right, the forum is in a state.
Funny, he mentions “one of the best posters around” when that very same person blames the fecking CEO of the club for the quality of the squad, and not the people who tell him who to buy. Crying about people moving goalposts yet ignores someone who perpetually does the same thing - all in a bid to look impartial. He’s right, the forum is in a state.
Come of it, nobody is crying about anything.
I think the forum is in a much better state than it used to be, when the mourinhonoids were such an overwhelming majority and people invented magic goalie theories to explain away why we're sixth, while any dissent to the prevailing doctrine of 'positivity' was seen as a sickness to be cured. There isn't as much mob mentality, when the cleavage splits more evenly, regardless of how bizarre some of the stuff spouted on both sides of the argument still is.
Pot. Kettle.
Good for you. I'm so out of this school playground thread.

I always take a regular time out. It's literally just a bunch of kids screaming fanboy, defender, mentalist or wharvever name they can find with the occasional @amolbhatia50k "the Jose in posters are absurd" posts.
I think the forum is in a much better state than it used to be, when the mourinhonoids were such an overwhelming majority and people invented magic goalie theories to explain away why we're sixth, while any dissent to the prevailing doctrine of 'positivity' was seen as a sickness to be cured. There isn't as much mob mentality, when the cleavage splits more evenly, regardless of how bizarre some of the stuff spouted on both sides of the argument still is.

Jose actually improved us by 10 points the next season, so the assumption we'd improve under him in the season following 6th was fair and accurate.

Also "Mourinhoids" That's a new one. You guys are quite the original bunch aren't you? I also like how you said there isn't a mob mentality right after drawing a line between fans and calling the other side "mourinhoids". Whatever the feck that is.
I always take a regular time out. It's literally just a bunch of kids screaming fanboy, defender, mentalist or wharvever name they can find with the occasional @amolbhatia50k "the Jose in posters are absurd" posts.

Thank feck for that, considering you are the top poster in here, how many posts would you have otherwise! It's best anyway, nothing worse than the kids screaming hater, the Jose hate etc...
I think the forum is in a much better state than it used to be, when the mourinhonoids were such an overwhelming majority and people invented magic goalie theories to explain away why we're sixth, while any dissent to the prevailing doctrine of 'positivity' was seen as a sickness to be cured. There isn't as much mob mentality, when the cleavage splits more evenly, regardless of how bizarre some of the stuff spouted on both sides of the argument still is.
Mourinhonoids. :lol:
Jose actually improved us by 10 points the next season, so the assumption we'd improve under him in the season following 6th was fair and accurate.

Also "Mourinhoids" That's a new one. You guys are quite the original bunch aren't you?
Yeah that wasn't a bad assumption, but it's also one that many of the critics shared, so it isn't what I'm talking about.

As for originality, I do my best to avoid hackneyed stuff. I've been trying to popularize the term 'mourinhonoid' for a while. I think it captures the robotic relentlessness much better than the usual stuff.
I always take a regular time out. It's literally just a bunch of kids screaming fanboy, defender, mentalist or wharvever name they can find with the occasional @amolbhatia50k "the Jose in posters are absurd" posts.
It goes in circles. Look, you got quoted in a second. They won't let it go. Always pointing fingers.
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