The Mourinho Thread: Should he stay or go? | Sacked

Is Mourinho’s time as United manager up?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2,296 77.1%
  • No

    Votes: 293 9.8%
  • Not yet - needs more time to see if he can turn it around

    Votes: 388 13.0%

  • Total voters
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feck, starting to think LVG was better. He atleast had a plan on how we wanted to play.

I don't now about that but I can see what you mean.

Anyway, I switched my vote to "Yes time is up.". The question s when and who replaces him. I think he won't start next season but is he going to get sacked mid-season or will they wait until the summer to formally announce it?
Great way to get the players on side you idiot!

He doesn't care, it is all about protecting brand Mou now, which means deflecting blame and pointing fingers. His shit throwing when he is finally dumped will be epic.
Jose is full of it. He has had 3 major windows to buy players he could of had a brand new starting 11 by now. There is no excuse this is all on him.
Manchester United PLC sto
Will probably get pelters but I think Scholes would be an awful choice. Great player and a legend of the club. He doesn't seem the most intelligent of chaps though, has no managerial experience and I doubt he has the charisma to keep the press on side.

Scholes is intelligent, just extremely introverted. Often perceived as less intelligent due to how they are behaving in social settings. But he would not fit as a manager.
If he were to take a role at this club, then it would be either as a juniorcoach or part of the scouting/DoF team.
10 games into this season

4 wins
2 draws
4 losses (including loss via penalty shootout vs Derby)

15 goals scored
14 goals conceded
3 clean sheets

Looked second best in all games apart from Burnley away. And the toughest team we faced was Spurs at home.

Please get this absolute garbage shitebag out of the club before it's too late.
In fairness, he spent all summer trying to buy a ball-playing CB. Ed said they were no better than our current options and vetoed them
Well, for me, we already had a good one in Blind who José refused to use alongside Smalling for some reason.

I believe Blind had a very good game against Bayern Munich tonight, too.
Absolutely pathetic. Talking the squad down and only speaking about his past achievements. So are we supposed to be lucky and grateful that we came 2nd after spending 400 m? It's all about self preservation now. The results don't matter too much.
I don't even feel that angry at him at this point, in a weird way? I feel past it. My anger is at the board to allow this shite drag on. He wants out, it's clear as day. Lets move the feck on.
In fairness, he spent all summer trying to buy a ball-playing CB. Ed said they were no better than our current options and vetoed them
He signed Bailey & Lindeloff - that's 60m there.
He had Tuanzube and Fosu Mensah who he loaned out
He had Blind whom we sold for less than 20m

Yet, we end up chasing unrealistic targets or players based on one WC.
Conte is a better manager albeit another fractious personality. Wenger would be a decent entertainment until a more permanent option can be found. I want anything but this.

Last thing we want is a ill thought out appointment again, or just going for any big name because they're available at that moment.

I want Jose sacked more than he does himself, but I'd rather see a caretaker manager put in charge, and some real thought/vision put into our next appointment, not some reactionary crap that'll see us in the exact same position in 12-18 months time.
Let's hound this clown out. He thinks he can say all of that despite us having provided him with 400 million quid to spend? Thankfully the likes of Scholes are taking the lead. Enough is enough, this nonsense cannot continue to go on.
Because he's a realist.

The next manager will leave him smirking because there's no way we'll better that in the next 5 or so years
All hail nostradamus.
No sense in your post.
Should be out after that interview.

Battered the players, shit on the club....and this is the manager speaking
How anyone can be happy with the manager representing the club in that way is baffling. Imagine the surviving players of Munich listening to that. The man is a complete prick, I think I hate him as much as Moyes now. Cannot wait until he’s gone.
Because he's a realist.

The next manager will leave him smirking because there's no way we'll better that in the next 5 or so years

Just daft nonsense really isn't it, making posts like that. You don't even know who will be manager this time next year, predicting 4 years down the road is down right stupidity.
If, as Jose says, we don't have the quality to build from the back, why did we ever think of selling Blind before getting a replacement in? He's not even good, but he's capable of doing that on his day.

The state of this club right now. It's just a total acceptance of mediocrity from top to bottom. And the worst thing is it's starting to feel like the norm.

God knows what it would take to change it, and I have zero faith in this board giving a toss about doing so as long as we're making money.
That's what Mou said

Imagine being a player and having to see him tomorrow, listen to him knowing that his tactics and training sessions are shit and that he doesn't believe in you or have any respect for you.:lol:
Just changed my vote. Sorry Jose,,I was wrong - A leopard does not change his spots and José's third season is a car crash!

Spot on again.

No idea why some people on here think it's being entitled to think United should not be a 'boring' side to watch. We're mega-rich. We should be one of the best sides to watch in Europe even if we don't win the PL or CL regularly.

It's an absolute disgrace what we're currently seeing.
He chucked it in the summer when he didn't get the players he wanted. Many on here said it at the time. If you don't back him, you have to sack him - or you end up like this, mired in toxic waste.

He looks like he's just waiting around to get the boot (and his payoff) now. Seems to have made his peace with it and doesn't look especially bothered. I expect he'll take a few people down on the way out if he can, though. Ed is probably shifting nervously in his seat at this moment.


This is the first time tonight where he’s looked/sounded like a man not perturbed at the thought of losing the Manchester United job. And as someone who has long wanted to see Jose manage a successful United side, I’m a bit sad about that. But equally I recognise that there’s little that can be done to rescue the situation.
It’s all about whether the Glazers’ bean counters will allow Mourinho to be paid off. Obviously they would prefer the results to force Mourinho’s hand, but we all know he’s going nowhere until he’s sacked.

The real problem is that I suspect our owners couldn’t care less about our football club and the style of football we play. Until they leave I can’t see this farrago changing unless we get a set-up of ‘football first’ people at the club and dear old Ed clearly knows as much about football as Margaret Thatcher did (f*****g capitalists, eh?).
Imagine being a player and having to see him tomorrow, listen to him knowing that his tactics and training sessions are shit and that he doesn't believe in you or have any respect for you.:lol:

Must be utterly depressing. No matter how professional you are he will wear you down eventually.
That interview is plainly and simply unacceptable! I got the feeling that the players really went for it second half. Ok it was mostly dire and we did lack quality but at least the desire was there to play for the team. Imagine, as a player, you hear that post-match interview. No wonder they are all low on confidence. Has to go 100% now. Con man.
Yeah he’s definitely gone past caring for sure, he’s not even trying to hide it. Knows he’s got a fat check waiting and is just waiting for the time to come for him to get the feck out of Manchester.

The longer we leave our team with him the worse things will become. Ed needs to make a fecking move.
I don't think Jose is wrong in that, regardless of who the manager is, this group of players could not take us to 2nd or better in the league this year. So last year was an overachievement for them ability wise, even if it was an underachievement in regards to expectations for this club.

Cearly the issue at hand is that with Jose in charge, the players have downed tools and will struggle to finish top 6, and I think it is reasonable to suggest we have enough in the squad for a 4th/5th place finish.

Scholes has changed his tune from Saturday. He was blaming the players but it seems to me like he's been briefed because this is the first time one of the club legends has turned on the manager. Maybe has some inside information? Carrick has probably said some things?
Out of interest, anyone know how much it would cost to sack him?

Enough that it's causing Ed to delay over it.

Think it's a good chunk of change from what I've seen speculated.

And there's no doubt, Mourinho wants that money.
I’ve worked for a manager who thought the team they managed weren’t capable of really great things, so would never allow us to have a go and prove her wrong. It was incredibly demoralising to work there. Lots of good colleagues came and went. Some were used as punch bags and scapegoats. It was a terrible culture, one where nothing or nobody would flourish. Mou is sounding like that person now. Believing the team are actually shite, saying as much in so many interviews. not risking or allowing the team to go for a win or to express themselves and Picking on players constantly.

its Gotta be really shit to play for him right now.
He signed Bailey & Lindeloff - that's 60m there.
He had Tuanzube and Fosu Mensah who he loaned out
He had Blind whom we sold for less than 20m

Yet, we end up chasing unrealistic targets or players based on one WC.

I don't think Alderweireld was unrealistic. Bailly can't really pass the ball. Lindelof can, a bit, but he is woefully unprepared to deal with the physicality of Premier League football.
Yeah he’s definitely gone past caring for sure. Knows he’s got a fat check waiting and is just waiting for the time to come for him to get the feck out of Manchester.

The longer we leave our team with him the worse things will become. Ed needs to make a fecking move.

We should hire another manager and just let Mourinho rot on the bench for the next 2 years. Discipline/dock his wage if he stops turning up for training or match days, while we have another manager actually doing the job.

We might as well make full use of the money we owe.
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