There is no issue with the smart gameplan Couture used. I spoke of it, because it is proof that Toney is a dangerous striker and someone who can end a fight in the UFC. Couture has said himself that he'd be stupid to risk getting caught with a punch from James Toney and so he didnt take the risk at all. If he didnt have the power and striking to end a fight in the UFC like you're making out, Couture wouldnt have bothered. He'd have gone with his normal double-leg takedown because its one of his best weapons. But unlike his other opponents, Couture didnt want to take a single strike from this one because there's a chance he could get hurt from that one strike and that could very quickly lead to him losing the fight.
No, that's wrong. Couture didn't want to take a single strike, because getting punched in the head hurts. You're basically trying to prove how dangerous Toney is, by pointing out how well thought out Randys gameplan was. That doesn't prove how good a fighter Toney is. It only proves how limited a fighter Toney is, and how well prepared Randy was.
We go back to your assumption that Randy feared getting hit by this one mythical punch. You say you don't mention it. But you implication. You say Randy took the low single because he feared the punch that could stop the fight. The mythical one punch knockout.
But that's not why he took the low single. He took it to show just how easily he could get the boxer on his back and how quickly and easily he could beat up on someone who has only been training MMA for 9 months.
Why can't you understand that? What's so hard to figure out? Randy looked at Toney. Realized his greatest threat came from the hands. Randy doesn't want to get punched. Nobody does. It's not fun getting punched in the face by anyone let alone a top level boxer. So he takes the low single. Not because he fears the knockout...but because he fears getting hit. Like any smart fighter would. He calculates the odds of the low single as being low risk, high reward shot.
Your convoluted logic could come up with all sort of possibilities because you don't actually base it on what Toney can do, just on the assumption of what Randy is avoiding.
Its about protecting your head and mid section. A boxer will be better at that, having trained in boxing a lot longer than an MMA fighter.
Once again, you confuse boxing defence as it applies to MMA and the cage. Boxers use bigger gloves to protect their face, and they only need to worry about the punches. How is that going to help a boxer when he's taken down? Boxers get tight and cover up when they face a barrage of punches, it does nothing to block the kicks, takedowns and knees.
Your attempt to convince me a boxer is better trained to defend against a MMA fighter in a cage is utterly unconvincing. A boxers stance, his defence, his movement it looks great and works great in a boxing ring. In any MMA situation, in a cage it doesn't. If you watched the fight you would know this.
Obviously. But at no point was the discussion about Anderson Silva using whatever means neccessary to win the fight against Toney. It was all about if Anderson Silva were to stand with him. Thats it. If he did it. So none of this bollocks you keep bringing up to dance around the actual issue. Nobody was talking about that, you're the only one who has.
So what the feck are you talking about? You think Silva will walk up toe to toe, fight him at his game? That's daft. I mean, what sort of discussion did you mean to have? One in which Silva just stands there and box with him in a cage? Have you ever seen Silva carelessly expose himself in a fight like that? If not, then why are we discussing it? Here's a discussion. How would Silva fare in a fight with one hand tied behind his back, hoping on one leg...lets talk about it. I think it would make for an interesting fight. We could have him fight a midget, and the midget would run around and stab him in the knee.
He is to someone who wants to stand with him. Which was the original point you jumped on and then ran away from. He would be a dangerous opponent to any ufc fighter who wants to stand with him, and he'd have a good chance against Anderson Silva if he wanted a standing fight with him. Those were my original points.
Not that he's some "amazing knockout king", that you keep talking about. Not that he'd have much of a chance if any at all against Anderson Silva if Silva didnt want to stand with him. Again thats you talking about it nobody else.
So again, basically you brought up a scenario where Silva would fight Tooney in a cage, but with boxing rules...just boxing. Not doing anything else. Ok...great. Lets discuss something that will never happen. Well done. You've successfully wasted everyone time.
Why not just say, if Toney and a MMA fighter found in the RING. Toney would beat them because he's a superior boxer? There would be no argument there. Boxing rules favor boxers...MMA rules favor MMA fighters. Your just trying to convince people that a Boxer can come into MMA, fight a champion and give him a tough fight. (but only if the champion fights the boxer in an assine way that gives the boxer all the advantages). It's the most pointless discussion. Ever.
Handspeed and timing. No doubt about it, he could land on Silva and could potentially hurt him and follow up with strikes to end the fight. In a standing fight he's a lot more dangerous than Sonnen. His defence wont be as open as Leben swinging his hooks and haymakers all the time.
This is just proof that you dont actually bother to read. I have never at any point suggested he is a "one punch knockout king" as you repeatedly talk about. You're the one who keeps saying it. I dont. So please stop trying to pin your own comments to my posts.
Again. None of this shit means anything. You say there's no doubt about Toneys handspeed or timing, but where does this confidence in him come from? His last great fight was decades ago. Since then he's fought some cans and has beens and none of them looked that impressive and ALL of them were in the ring. So unless you think Anderson will fight him in the ring, none of this conjecture adds up to shit. Toney's had one fight in MMA, and he couldn't get off a single punch. He couldn't even tap properly...
but you keep believing he would give a much more dominant, much more experienced and well rounded fighter a tougher fight. I'm done clearly believe some shit, and I think it's bullshit, so that's where we'll have to leave it.