The MMA thread

I wasn't saying Toney was elite level MMA striker. I said Silva hasn't even fought an elite level MMA striker despite having a reputation as the best, and so it'd be interesting to see him pitted against guys who would actually test his stand up.

Went on to say Toney would test his stand up as there's a good chance Silva would treat it like a boxing match, considering he's been so eager to fight high calibre boxers under boxing rules but has been prevented from doing it by the UFC, who won't let him take the risk outside of the cage. In recognition of Toney not being an MMA striker.

Anderson will face an elite MMA striker soon enough. His name is Vitor Belfort. (Silva was supposed to fight him next, but i guess it'll happen after the Chael rematch)

Toneys done mate, forget about him. Even in the boxing world he's regarded as a spent force. I have great respect for the balls he's showed, but he's too old, too fat, and too set in his ways to even challenge a top 20 guy in MMA, forget about a fighter many consider a strong candidate as a P4P King.
Anderson will face an elite MMA striker soon enough. His name is Vitor Belfort. (Silva was supposed to fight him next, but i guess it'll happen after the Chael rematch)

Toneys done mate, forget about him. Even in the boxing world he's regarded as a spent force. I have great respect for the balls he's showed, but he's too old, too fat, and too set in his ways to even challenge a top 20 guy in MMA, forget about a fighter many consider a strong candidate as a P4P King.

Kind of a shame imo, I like Toney. Maybe he will still have a career in MMA though. If Strikeforce for example are signing guys like Batista then maybe they'll be thinking of Toney?
James Toney is NOT an elite MMA striker. James Toney USED to be an Elite Boxer. If you can't recognize that there is a fundamental difference between an elite MMA striker (who can knee, kick, change levels, use a completely different stance) from a boxer then i'm not sure how we can have this discussion.

The problem is people think an elite boxer, is an elite mma striker. THEY ARE WRONG.

Spot on. Cue Ekeke telling you that Toney will knock anyone and everyone in MMA out if they stand up with him.
Spot on. Cue Ekeke telling you that Toney will knock anyone and everyone in MMA out if they stand up with him.

I'm pretty sure Toney would knock out most if not anyone in MMA who tried to stand with him.

First I doubt there is anyone in MMA who could stagger him let alone phase him. Two, with those itsy bitsy gloves Toney has one hand KO power with either hand, on top of that consider his gut. That just ADDS to the power ;p That said, he has shown he has zero intention of learning the game or getting in shape and just wanted a payday. There is no reason why any MMA'r would keep it standing and risk it.
Plus there are big gaps in even the best MMA striker's defences that someone like Toney could find a lot easier. Even the best MMA strikers are tagged and sometimes rocked by fighters who arent very good standing. Maia and Sonnen in Anderson Silva's case for example. If he isnt so dangerous standing, why did Couture go to such great lengths to avoid any standing strikes at all? He shot from range with a low single leg instead of a tried and trusted double-leg which would have given Toney the chance to land an uppercut. He didnt even take the risk of taking a single standing strike from Toney.
I'm pretty sure Toney would knock out most if not anyone in MMA who tried to stand with him.

First I doubt there is anyone in MMA who could stagger him let alone phase him. Two, with those itsy bitsy gloves Toney has one hand KO power with either hand, on top of that consider his gut. That just ADDS to the power ;p That said, he has shown he has zero intention of learning the game or getting in shape and just wanted a payday. There is no reason why any MMA'r would keep it standing and risk it.

Toney has never been known for having one shot KO power so what makes you think he'll knock out any MMA fighter?
Toney has never been known for having one shot KO power so what makes you think he'll knock out any MMA fighter?

Don't bother. Guys like Nucks and Ekeke have never actually watched Toney box in his prime. They just watched and bought into the UFC hype (in the countdown show) and believe this myth that all boxers are significantly more powerful with their punches then MMA strikers.

It's nonsense. MMA fighters regularly expose themselves to kicks and knees (when they are in the clinch) to the face. Are you honestly telling me a kick or knee to the face is less powerful then a punch? It doesn't even make sense how someone who watches the fights can believe MMA guys could get knocked out by an out of shape, over the hill Toney.

The guy at his prime was a welterweight. That's his natural weight. Even there he wasn't known as having one punch knockout power, and these guys want to believe now at the age of 40+ with 60-70 lbs of fat he's suddenly faster and more powerful?

Give me a break...
Plus there are big gaps in even the best MMA striker's defences that someone like Toney could find a lot easier. Even the best MMA strikers are tagged and sometimes rocked by fighters who arent very good standing. Maia and Sonnen in Anderson Silva's case for example. If he isnt so dangerous standing, why did Couture go to such great lengths to avoid any standing strikes at all? He shot from range with a low single leg instead of a tried and trusted double-leg which would have given Toney the chance to land an uppercut. He didnt even take the risk of taking a single standing strike from Toney.

what the hell are you talking about? Couture went for the single because he knew Toney wouldn't expect it and he'd get a superior position as soon as he tried (and he did). Why would he take a chance in a fight and expose himself to his opponents greatest strength? Isn't the objective of any fight to win? Why take the double which leaves you open to the uppercut or the knee when you don't face the same risk with a single? Plus, the single is rarely ever used which meant that Toney had no idea how to defend it, or even know it was coming.

As for your other statement about MMA fighters having poor defence. That's not because of poor technique, it's because of the different levels of attack that a fighter can expect in MMA.

MMA strikers do get tagged by fighters who aren't good at what? They get tagged because in an MMA fight you aren't just worried about the other guys hands. You are looking at checking kicks (to the inside of the leg, to the outside of the leg, to the middle of the body and to the head ), you are worried about the shot (single, double, suflex, trip, the judo throws), you are worried about the guy faking a punch and taking a shot, you are worried about the guy pulling guard (aggressive BJJ)...and then of course there is the striking. The guy could get you into the Muay Thai clinch, open you to elbows, knees, liver shots, uppercuts, superman punch etc.

There are multiple avenues of attack in MMA. In boxing you are only worried about the punch, which is why you can close the distance and you look to trade. A guy punching you in MMA can clinch and in a second go from punches to knees, to a takedown to a applying a choke. In boxing that just never happens.

Your line of reasoning just doesn't make sense. You either know very little about MMA, or Boxing. My guess is actually a little of both. They are fundamentally different when it comes to striking and consquently in how a fighter looks to defend himself.

In MMA you have an open stance to mitigate the various forms of attacks, there can be no surefire way to protect from an attack because if you cover the face and stand in a boxing stance you will get taken down with ease. Which is why a lot of elite MMA striker use the Muay Thai stance which is more open, to allow for checking the kicks and also to release the hands. This is what Anderson would use traditional, but against Sonnen he was lower to the ground so he could sprawl quicker against a world class shot. This left him open for the jabs and hooks early that Sonnen caught him with.
Don't bother. Guys like Nucks and Ekeke have never actually watched Toney box in his prime. They just watched and bought into the UFC hype (in the countdown show) and believe this myth that all boxers are significantly more powerful with their punches then MMA strikers.

It's nonsense. MMA fighters regularly expose themselves to kicks and knees (when they are in the clinch) to the face. Are you honestly telling me a kick or knee to the face is less powerful then a punch? It doesn't even make sense how someone who watches the fights can believe MMA guys could get knocked out by an out of shape, over the hill Toney.

The guy at his prime was a welterweight. That's his natural weight. Even there he wasn't known as having one punch knockout power, and these guys want to believe now at the age of 40+ with 60-70 lbs of fat he's suddenly faster and more powerful?

Give me a break...

Its not about being harder, its about hitting the button on an opponent's chin or meeting their temple. Most of the time muay thai clinch knees or flying knees are partially blocked by the opponent's hands and arms. The few times you do see a clean, crisp knee to the face the fighter usually falls. But there's almost no excuse for allowing it.

A lot of mma fighters dont like and do anything they can possibly do, to avoid getting hit in the face more than they needed to. Especially the wrestlers. And other fighters who come into mma from sports where they arent getting struck in the face time and again, BJJ, judo, etc.

You're just out to make a case that Toney isnt very good. But it doesnt matter if he's that good a boxer today - he's still miles better than the "boxers" in mma today and that makes him dangerous to fighters who would stand with him. Almost none of them would stand with him. Most would go Randy Couture and take the path of least resistance to take him to the floor and finish him without taking a single standing punch. Because all it takes is one punch - even from a guy who has trained his whole life in jiu jitsu and is known for his mat skills, just ask George St. Pierre what happened with Matt Serra. And ask him why all he's interested in doing these days is laying on top of opponents, smothering them and making sure they cant land clean standing strikes on him - even though he's one of your elite MMA strikers.
GSP isn't an elite MMA Striker. You're the only one who's saying he is...

GSP lost to Serra. So what? It's a fight. Anything can happen. You connect with a punch and you can knock anyone out. Buster Douglas knocked Mike out. Was he a better fighter at the time? No...he caught him with a good punch, and Mike went down. It happens.

Your belief that Toney has this awesome power in his hands, it's completely baseless. Tell me where you get this opinion from? What was the last fight you saw of James Toney? Tell me the last time he knocked out a fighter with one punch.

And what makes you think If he fought Silva (who you claim would make a good opponent) that Silva would just let him tag him with a punch. Silva is one of the most elusive fighters in MMA. Are you saying Silva would open himself up to an attack from a one dimensional fighter like toney the same way he did against Chael who is far more well rounded and has a world class wrestling background?

It makes no sense.

Silva is a top level MMA striker. Why would he stand with Toney when he can use his superior movement, his speed, his kicks to chop down Toney and finish him with BJJ?
And just for the record. I told you who would have been my pick for an elite MMA striker.

Vitor Belfort.

Watch him fight. Tell me you think Toney would stand a chance against him. He'd get his head popped off his block by Vitors blazing handspeed. I dunno man, you don't seem like a rookie to the fight game, but some of the things you have said just make me wonder how long you've been watching the fights.
what the hell are you talking about? Couture went for the single because he knew Toney wouldn't expect it and he'd get a superior position as soon as he tried (and he did). Why would he take a chance in a fight and expose himself to his opponents greatest strength? Isn't the objective of any fight to win? Why take the double which leaves you open to the uppercut or the knee when you don't face the same risk with a single? Plus, the single is rarely ever used which meant that Toney had no idea how to defend it, or even know it was coming.

Thats the low single leg you're talking about. A normal single leg does leave you exposed to punches or a knee or whatever you wish. He chose to use the low single leg as it wouldnt allow for a single strike, as thats all it takes - even if its just a lucky punch - to end a fight in the UFC.

As for your other statement about MMA fighters having poor defence. That's not because of poor technique, it's because of the different levels of attack that a fighter can expect in MMA.

No, there is adjustment to account for kicks and takedowns but its also poorer technique compared to a specialist boxer. As obviously an MMA fighter cant train his boxing as much as a boxer can. He has to train lots of other aspects too. Now if the MMA fighter was once a very good boxer then it might just be his adjustment for the wrestling and kicking aspects of the sport. But there are few very good boxers that went into MMA. We're talking about guys who havent spent nearly the same time training in boxing so obviously their defence is nowhere near the level a once-top boxer is used to dealing with. Not even close.

MMA strikers do get tagged by fighters who aren't good at what? They get tagged because in an MMA fight you aren't just worried about the other guys hands. You are looking at checking kicks (to your inner leg, to the outer leg, to the middle, to the head), you are worried about the shot (single, double, suflex, powerbomb and all the other wrestling moves), you are worried about the guy faking a punch and taking a shot, you are worried about the guy pulling guard (aggressive BJJ)...and then of course there is the striking. The guy could get you into the Muay Thai clinch, open you to elbows, knees, liver shots, uppercuts, etc.

There are multiple avenues of attack in MMA. In boxing you are only worried about the punch, which is why you can close the distance and you look to trade. A guy punching you in MMA can clinch and in a second go from punches to knees, to a takedown to a applying a choke. In boxing that just never happens.

Your line of reasoning just doesn't make sense. You either know very little about MMA, or Boxing. My guess is actually a little of both. They are fundamentally different when it comes to striking and consquently in how a fighter looks to defend himself.

No shit. Congratulations on realising that MMA isnt actually boxing.

Coming from the guy suggesting that an "elite MMA striker" has as good striking defence as a full time boxer. Hilarious. Pretentious and hilarious.

In MMA you have an open stance to mitigate the various forms of attacks, there can be no surefire way to protect from an attack because if you cover the face and stand in a boxing stance you will get taken down with ease. Which is why a lot of elite MMA striker use the Muay Thai stance which is more open, to allow for checking the kicks and also to release the hands. This is what Anderson would use traditional, but against Sonnen he was lower to the ground so he could sprawl quicker against a world class shot. This left him open for the jabs and hooks early that Sonnen caught him with.

Silva doesnt use a traditional stance because of his head movement and ability to avoid more strikes than most other mma fighters. He's always looking to counter-strike, rarely if ever caught in a position where he has to use his hands to protect himself. He doesnt feel he needs to at least not against the bjj players he keeps fighting, or the wrestlers. Maybe if he was given someone who was a real threat to him on his feet, then he would use the stance. But against Sonnen he's just doing what he usually does, attempting to move his head out of the way of strikes and doing a much better job of it than most other mma fighters. But he still gets caught.
Its not about being harder, its about hitting the button on an opponent's chin or meeting their temple. Most of the time muay thai clinch knees or flying knees are partially blocked by the opponent's hands and arms. The few times you do see a clean, crisp knee to the face the fighter usually falls. But there's almost no excuse for allowing it.

A lot of mma fighters dont like and do anything they can possibly do, to avoid getting hit in the face more than they needed to. Especially the wrestlers. And other fighters who come into mma from sports where they arent getting struck in the face time and again, BJJ, judo, etc.

You're just out to make a case that Toney isnt very good. But it doesnt matter if he's that good a boxer today - he's still miles better than the "boxers" in mma today and that makes him dangerous to fighters who would stand with him. Almost none of them would stand with him. Most would go Randy Couture and take the path of least resistance to take him to the floor and finish him without taking a single standing punch. Because all it takes is one punch - even from a guy who has trained his whole life in jiu jitsu and is known for his mat skills, just ask George St. Pierre what happened with Matt Serra. And ask him why all he's interested in doing these days is laying on top of opponents, smothering them and making sure they cant land clean standing strikes on him - even though he's one of your elite MMA strikers.

Right and? You're saying it's easier to connect with a crisp punch to the chin or the temple? That the other guy is just going to stick his chin out there and let himself get tagged when he knows that's his opponents primary weapon?

Why? In what universe does this happen? If you face an elite boxer, the last thing you do is put your face in a place that allows him to land his punches. You cover up, you stay out of his range, you use your weapons and exploit his weakness. If he's a boxer, chances are he's never blocked a kick before.

I'd kick the shit out of his standing leg. Chop him down, diminish his power by half by kicking the feck out of his, what are you left with? A boxer with no drive home that punch. Then you attack his body cause even if he checks or catches a kick what's he going to do? He can't take you down, and if you cover your face chances are you can block his punches, maybe when he's trying to punch you with a jab or hook you elbow his face (something he hasn't dealt with in boxing). Maybe you clinch and trip him up (something he's never dealt with in boxing). You do whatever you can to take him to the floor. Wrap your legs around that fecker and pull guard...

now you've got him in the deep waters. What's he going to do? He can't pull a submission if he's only trained boxing? So you work him in the guard, cover your face and avoid the cheap shot and try to get his back.

My point here is you are only focusing on one aspect of a fighter and giving it WAY more importance then all the other aspects of MMA which make for a successful fight. Toney is not a MMA fighter. He's a boxer...

Any attempt to prove to me he can beat even a good MMA fighter is futile. He just can't. Forget about fighting Silva who is one of the best of all time. He'd destroy Toney. He'd humiliate him.
GSP isn't an elite MMA Striker. You're the only one who's saying he is...

If GSP isnt in your list of elite strikers in MMA, then your list must be about 2 names. GSP is one of the best technical strikers out there.

GSP lost to Serra. So what? It's a fight. Anything can happen. You connect with a punch and you can knock anyone out. Buster Douglas knocked Mike out. Was he a better fighter at the time? No...he caught him with a good punch, and Mike went down. It happens.

Your belief that Toney has this awesome power in his hands, it's completely baseless. Tell me where you get this opinion from? What was the last fight you saw of James Toney? Tell me the last time he knocked out a fighter with one punch.

You're just making shit up. You keep saying this, when I never have. I've never said he's got no power in his hands but I havent said he has "awesome power in his hands" either. He has enough to stop a fight in the ufc thats for sure and it would be ridiculous to claim otherwise.

And what makes you think If he fought Silva (who you claim would make a good opponent) that Silva would just let him tag him with a punch. Silva is one of the most elusive fighters in MMA. Are you saying Silva would open himself up to an attack from a one dimensional fighter like toney the same way he did against Chael who is far more well rounded and has a world class wrestling background?

It makes no sense.

Silva is a top level MMA striker. Why would he stand with Toney when he can use his superior movement, his speed, his kicks to chop down Toney and finish him with BJJ?

Simply because Silva is one of the few who could put on a good fight with him standing up. And because there are no implications from winning or losing. No title on the line, it wouldnt mean anything if Silva won or lost. So he might be willing to stand is what I've said, and you've ignored, and show off his standing skills because no doubt about it he'll believe he can win a standing fight against a "one dimensional" fighter like James Toney.

Of course there's a good chance he wouldnt want to mess up his face and would just want to submit him instead. But if Silva wouldnt stand with him then only someone like Wanderlei Silva would. Unfortunately the Silva fight would be much better to watch (if they stood) and the only fight I'd personally liked to have seen if Toney had continued in the UFC. I wouldnt have much interest in him fighting other UFC fighters who might like a "war" with him on their feet.
Thats the low single leg you're talking about. A normal single leg does leave you exposed to punches or a knee or whatever you wish. He chose to use the low single leg as it wouldnt allow for a single strike, as thats all it takes - even if its just a lucky punch - to end a fight in the UFC.

So what exactly are you saying? Spit it out. Are you suggesting that Randy was a coward for going for a move that minimized his chances of getting hit? Have you ever been in a fight? The object is to try and beat the other guy, and avoid getting hit yourself...He went for a takedown that he knew Toney wouldn't see coming. It worked. Toney went down and didn't have a clue what to do next. Please state your issue with what Randy did otherwise we're just going over what everyone already knows.

No, there is adjustment to account for kicks and takedowns but its also poorer technique compared to a specialist boxer. As obviously an MMA fighter cant train his boxing as much as a boxer can. He has to train lots of other aspects too. Now if the MMA fighter was once a very good boxer then it might just be his adjustment for the wrestling and kicking aspects of the sport. But there are few very good boxers that went into MMA. We're talking about guys who havent spent nearly the same time training in boxing so obviously their defence is nowhere near the level a once-top boxer is used to dealing with. Not even close.

No shit. Congratulations on realising that MMA isnt actually boxing.

Coming from the guy suggesting that an "elite MMA striker" has as good striking defence as a full time boxer. Hilarious. Pretentious and hilarious.

Christ. Are you really that dense? How cares about're comparing a MMA fighters boxing defence in an MMA fight. Why is that even up for debate. It's a fecking MMA fight...why would an MMA fighter need to adjust to a boxers striking abilities. Surely it's the BOXER who has to adjust because the rules favor the MMA fighter. If you want to compare an MMA fighter to a boxer, then it works if they are in a boxing ring...ONLY THERE will I agree that a MMA fighter is at risk of getting his ass kicked. In the ring, where the rules favor the boxer an MMA guys defence is questionable.

You've got it ass backwards mate. Toney was fighting in the cage. It's not the MMA Fighters who need to be worried about Toneys limited skill set. It's Toney who needs to worry about all the other things that can happen to him while he's trying to tap some guy on the chin.

"No shit. Congratulations on realising that MMA isnt actually boxing."

This one really made me laugh...I do realize it's not the same thing. Wish you would as well. You're the one here trying to convince me that a boxer 10 years past his prime is actually a dangerous opponent in the octagon.

Silva doesnt use a traditional stance because of his head movement and ability to avoid more strikes than most other mma fighters. He's always looking to counter-strike, rarely if ever caught in a position where he has to use his hands to protect himself. He doesnt feel he needs to at least not against the bjj players he keeps fighting, or the wrestlers. Maybe if he was given someone who was a real threat to him on his feet, then he would use the stance. But against Sonnen he's just doing what he usually does, attempting to move his head out of the way of strikes and doing a much better job of it than most other mma fighters. But he still gets caught.

So? How is Toney a bigger threat then Sonnen? You still haven't told me what Toney has that is such a big threat. What's Toney done that makes him more dangerous then guys like Nate Marquatd, or Leben or Henderson. All these guys can knock a guy out (and they have). All of them have far more weapons then Toney. All are (were) younger, faster and more experienced in the cage. And yet they all lost.

so what exactly does Toney have which has you believing he could give Silva a real fight?

Till you prove that to me this convo is over...I just don't know how to discuss something like this with a man I don't believe has ever really watched Toney fight as a boxer. I'm still waiting on when was the last time you watched Toney fight before his MMA debut. What exactly has he done in the last 5 years that leads you to believe he's this one punch knockout king.

Tell me that in the next post or i'm considering this discussion over.
Right and? You're saying it's easier to connect with a crisp punch to the chin or the temple? That the other guy is just going to stick his chin out there and let himself get tagged when he knows that's his opponents primary weapon?

Time and again you see an mma fighter with their chin sticking out. A few tuck it really well, a lot still need to learn.

Why? In what universe does this happen? If you face an elite boxer, the last thing you do is put your face in a place that allows him to land his punches. You cover up, you stay out of his range, you use your weapons and exploit his weakness. If he's a boxer, chances are he's never blocked a kick before.

And what of those fighters who dont use their "weapons" from a tight, chin tucked stance? Sure, Toney wont be finding the button as easily but if they arent able to use their own offence from that position then they wont be using it. They'll go with whats best for them, regardless of how open it leaves them or whether they are circling onto their opponent's most powerful hand.

I'd kick the shit out of his standing leg. Chop him down, diminish his power by half by kicking the feck out of his, what are you left with? A boxer with no drive home that punch.

You can eat a leg kick to land a punch. Sure it'll hurt and slow you down but you can touch someone's face whilst taking the kick if you time it. Thats what he he could do. And all he has to do is hurt the opponent kicking him to give him the time and space to land more punches. One punch may not k.o the opponent but it could make him back up or drop to the mat to try and avoid getting caught again. And that leads to more strikes.

Alternatively he can catch a kick and land a punch, or throw him while he's off balance and follow up with more strikes.

Then you attack his body cause even if he checks or catches a kick what's he going to do? He can't take you down, and if you cover your face chances are you can block his punches, maybe when he's trying to punch you with a jab or hook you elbow his face (something he hasn't dealt with in boxing). Maybe you clinch and trip him up (something he's never dealt with in boxing). You do whatever you can to take him to the floor. Wrap your legs around that fecker and pull guard...

Even if a punch is blocked, while he's got your leg you're going to be off balance from the impact. Whether you fall or find your feet, you'll be open to more strikes following up. He can take you down because it doesnt take division 1 wrestling skills or a single judo class to take someone down when you have a hold of their kick.

now you've got him in the deep waters. What's he going to do? He can't pull a submission if he's only trained boxing? So you work him in the guard, cover your face and avoid the cheap shot and try to get his back.

He's been training MMA for 9 months, so no he hasnt trained just boxing. King Mo has said that Toney submitted him in sparring with a rear naked choke. Whether that was bs to help sell the Couture fight or not - I'm not sure what King Mo really gets out of that but whatever, its worth mentioning because he has been taught a little. And enough to pull it off with the right advice from his cornermen.

My point here is you are only focusing on one aspect of a fighter and giving it WAY more importance then all the other aspects of MMA which make for a successful fight. Toney is not a MMA fighter. He's a boxer...

Any attempt to prove to me he can beat even a good MMA fighter is futile. He just can't. Forget about fighting Silva who is one of the best of all time. He'd destroy Toney. He'd humiliate him.

Nobody said he wouldnt, if he's doing whatever it takes to win. So you wasted a lot of keystrokes there. The whole point was that if Silva chose to stand, because he would have a chance of winning a standing fight, then it would be a good fight to watch. If he didnt stand and did what almost every MMA fighter would do and take Toney down and finish the fight from there, then it wouldnt be good to watch and I'd have no interest in it if the UFC booked such a fight. Pretty much the only thing I'd have been interested in seeing from Toney in the UFC is a fight with Anderson Silva where Silva stood with him. That was my original point when I suggested him in the first place.
If GSP isnt in your list of elite strikers in MMA, then your list must be about 2 names. GSP is one of the best technical strikers out there.

There's a difference in being a technical striker, and being an elite one. GSP isn't an elite striker to me because it's been years since he knocked anybody out. It's also a known fact that GSP doesn't have KO power in his hands. He's a technical fighter, there's no debate there, but not an elite striker as far as i'm concerned.

And if you think the list is only 2 names...well that tells me you don't know your fighters well enough. Shogun is an elite striker. Overeem is on that list, Mousassi as well (even though he lost to a wrestler). BJ was on that list before he decided to feck off training. Aldo will be on that list, so will Jon Jones.

You're just making shit up. You keep saying this, when I never have. I've never said he's got no power in his hands but I havent said he has "awesome power in his hands" either. He has enough to stop a fight in the ufc thats for sure and it would be ridiculous to claim otherwise.

You're the one making shit up. He has enough to stop a fight in the UFC for sure? that an argument? Based on what? How many fights has he stopped in the UFC...none. he got blanked in less then 1 minute. Didn't even land one punch.

And according to you he can stop a fight. Where are you getting this from? Tell me in specifics what fight you have seen of Toney that has convinced you this is possible.

Simply because Silva is one of the few who could put on a good fight with him standing up. And because there are no implications from winning or losing. No title on the line, it wouldnt mean anything if Silva won or lost. So he might be willing to stand is what I've said, and you've ignored, and show off his standing skills because no doubt about it he'll believe he can win a standing fight against a "one dimensional" fighter like James Toney.

Of course there's a good chance he wouldnt want to mess up his face and would just want to submit him instead. But if Silva wouldnt stand with him then only someone like Wanderlei Silva would. Unfortunately the Silva fight would be much better to watch (if they stood) and the only fight I'd personally liked to have seen if Toney had continued in the UFC. I wouldnt have much interest in him fighting other UFC fighters who might like a "war" with him on their feet.

There are plenty of fighters who could give Tooney a good MMA fight. You don't need a champion to give a MMA rookie a good fight. Hell, bring in Brandon Vera. Get Big Country. Get JDS...all these guys could smash Toney even standing up because they would mix it up with him and show him all sort of different looks. I would have loved to see Pat Barry vs Toney. Barry is a stand up fighter. A K1 level kickboxer. He would have kicked the living shit out of Toney and demolished him...but the UFC didn't want to take the chance and gave Tooney the worst possible matchup a boxer can get. A savvy old wrestler.

Had it been a 25 year old Tooney, I could see him doing well. But not a 40 year old fat feck. No way in hell.

Dude, you got some funny views on Toney who most fight fans (boxing and MMA) knew was out of his depths. It's odd, I can't make out if you seriously believe this shit, or you're just winding me up...
So what exactly are you saying? Spit it out. Are you suggesting that Randy was a coward for going for a move that minimized his chances of getting hit? Have you ever been in a fight? The object is to try and beat the other guy, and avoid getting hit yourself...He went for a takedown that he knew Toney wouldn't see coming. It worked. Toney went down and didn't have a clue what to do next. Please state your issue with what Randy did otherwise we're just going over what everyone already knows.

There is no issue with the smart gameplan Couture used. I spoke of it, because it is proof that Toney is a dangerous striker and someone who can end a fight in the UFC. Couture has said himself that he'd be stupid to risk getting caught with a punch from James Toney and so he didnt take the risk at all. If he didnt have the power and striking to end a fight in the UFC like you're making out, Couture wouldnt have bothered. He'd have gone with his normal double-leg takedown because its one of his best weapons. But unlike his other opponents, Couture didnt want to take a single strike from this one because there's a chance he could get hurt from that one strike and that could very quickly lead to him losing the fight.

Christ. Are you really that dense? How cares about're comparing a MMA fighters boxing defence in an MMA fight. Why is that even up for debate. It's a fecking MMA fight...why would an MMA fighter need to adjust to a boxers striking abilities. Surely it's the BOXER who has to adjust because the rules favor the MMA fighter. If you want to compare an MMA fighter to a boxer, then it works if they are in a boxing ring...ONLY THERE will I agree that a MMA fighter is at risk of getting his ass kicked. In the ring, where the rules favor the boxer an MMA guys defence is questionable.

Its about protecting your head and mid section. A boxer will be better at that, having trained in boxing a lot longer than an MMA fighter.

You've got it ass backwards mate. Toney was fighting in the cage. It's not the MMA Fighters who need to be worried about Toneys limited skill set. It's Toney who needs to worry about all the other things that can happen to him while he's trying to tap some guy on the chin.

Obviously. But at no point was the discussion about Anderson Silva using whatever means neccessary to win the fight against Toney. It was all about if Anderson Silva were to stand with him. Thats it. If he did it. So none of this bollocks you keep bringing up to dance around the actual issue. Nobody was talking about that, you're the only one who has.

"No shit. Congratulations on realising that MMA isnt actually boxing."

This one really made me laugh...I do realize it's not the same thing. Wish you would as well. You're the one here trying to convince me that a boxer 10 years past his prime is actually a dangerous opponent in the octagon.

He is to someone who wants to stand with him. Which was the original point you jumped on and then ran away from. He would be a dangerous opponent to any ufc fighter who wants to stand with him, and he'd have a good chance against Anderson Silva if he wanted a standing fight with him. Those were my original points.

Not that he's some "amazing knockout king", that you keep talking about. Not that he'd have much of a chance if any at all against Anderson Silva if Silva didnt want to stand with him. Again thats you talking about it nobody else.

So? How is Toney a bigger threat then Sonnen? You still haven't told me what Toney has that is such a big threat. What's Toney done that makes him more dangerous then guys like Nate Marquatd, or Leben or Henderson. All these guys can knock a guy out (and they have). All of them have far more weapons then Toney. All are (were) younger, faster and more experienced in the cage. And yet they all lost.

so what exactly does Toney have which has you believing he could give Silva a real fight?

Handspeed and timing. No doubt about it, he could land on Silva and could potentially hurt him and follow up with strikes to end the fight. In a standing fight he's a lot more dangerous than Sonnen. His defence wont be as open as Leben swinging his hooks and haymakers all the time.

Till you prove that to me this convo is over...I just don't know how to discuss something like this with a man I don't believe has ever really watched Toney fight as a boxer. I'm still waiting on when was the last time you watched Toney fight before his MMA debut. What exactly has he done in the last 5 years that leads you to believe he's this one punch knockout king.

Tell me that in the next post or i'm considering this discussion over.

This is just proof that you dont actually bother to read. I have never at any point suggested he is a "one punch knockout king" as you repeatedly talk about. You're the one who keeps saying it. I dont. So please stop trying to pin your own comments to my posts.
There is no issue with the smart gameplan Couture used. I spoke of it, because it is proof that Toney is a dangerous striker and someone who can end a fight in the UFC. Couture has said himself that he'd be stupid to risk getting caught with a punch from James Toney and so he didnt take the risk at all. If he didnt have the power and striking to end a fight in the UFC like you're making out, Couture wouldnt have bothered. He'd have gone with his normal double-leg takedown because its one of his best weapons. But unlike his other opponents, Couture didnt want to take a single strike from this one because there's a chance he could get hurt from that one strike and that could very quickly lead to him losing the fight.

No, that's wrong. Couture didn't want to take a single strike, because getting punched in the head hurts. You're basically trying to prove how dangerous Toney is, by pointing out how well thought out Randys gameplan was. That doesn't prove how good a fighter Toney is. It only proves how limited a fighter Toney is, and how well prepared Randy was.

We go back to your assumption that Randy feared getting hit by this one mythical punch. You say you don't mention it. But you implication. You say Randy took the low single because he feared the punch that could stop the fight. The mythical one punch knockout.

But that's not why he took the low single. He took it to show just how easily he could get the boxer on his back and how quickly and easily he could beat up on someone who has only been training MMA for 9 months.

Why can't you understand that? What's so hard to figure out? Randy looked at Toney. Realized his greatest threat came from the hands. Randy doesn't want to get punched. Nobody does. It's not fun getting punched in the face by anyone let alone a top level boxer. So he takes the low single. Not because he fears the knockout...but because he fears getting hit. Like any smart fighter would. He calculates the odds of the low single as being low risk, high reward shot.

Your convoluted logic could come up with all sort of possibilities because you don't actually base it on what Toney can do, just on the assumption of what Randy is avoiding.

Its about protecting your head and mid section. A boxer will be better at that, having trained in boxing a lot longer than an MMA fighter.

Once again, you confuse boxing defence as it applies to MMA and the cage. Boxers use bigger gloves to protect their face, and they only need to worry about the punches. How is that going to help a boxer when he's taken down? Boxers get tight and cover up when they face a barrage of punches, it does nothing to block the kicks, takedowns and knees.

Your attempt to convince me a boxer is better trained to defend against a MMA fighter in a cage is utterly unconvincing. A boxers stance, his defence, his movement it looks great and works great in a boxing ring. In any MMA situation, in a cage it doesn't. If you watched the fight you would know this.

Obviously. But at no point was the discussion about Anderson Silva using whatever means neccessary to win the fight against Toney. It was all about if Anderson Silva were to stand with him. Thats it. If he did it. So none of this bollocks you keep bringing up to dance around the actual issue. Nobody was talking about that, you're the only one who has.

So what the feck are you talking about? You think Silva will walk up toe to toe, fight him at his game? That's daft. I mean, what sort of discussion did you mean to have? One in which Silva just stands there and box with him in a cage? Have you ever seen Silva carelessly expose himself in a fight like that? If not, then why are we discussing it? Here's a discussion. How would Silva fare in a fight with one hand tied behind his back, hoping on one leg...lets talk about it. I think it would make for an interesting fight. We could have him fight a midget, and the midget would run around and stab him in the knee.

He is to someone who wants to stand with him. Which was the original point you jumped on and then ran away from. He would be a dangerous opponent to any ufc fighter who wants to stand with him, and he'd have a good chance against Anderson Silva if he wanted a standing fight with him. Those were my original points.

Not that he's some "amazing knockout king", that you keep talking about. Not that he'd have much of a chance if any at all against Anderson Silva if Silva didnt want to stand with him. Again thats you talking about it nobody else.

So again, basically you brought up a scenario where Silva would fight Tooney in a cage, but with boxing rules...just boxing. Not doing anything else. Ok...great. Lets discuss something that will never happen. Well done. You've successfully wasted everyone time.

Why not just say, if Toney and a MMA fighter found in the RING. Toney would beat them because he's a superior boxer? There would be no argument there. Boxing rules favor boxers...MMA rules favor MMA fighters. Your just trying to convince people that a Boxer can come into MMA, fight a champion and give him a tough fight. (but only if the champion fights the boxer in an assine way that gives the boxer all the advantages). It's the most pointless discussion. Ever.

Handspeed and timing. No doubt about it, he could land on Silva and could potentially hurt him and follow up with strikes to end the fight. In a standing fight he's a lot more dangerous than Sonnen. His defence wont be as open as Leben swinging his hooks and haymakers all the time.

This is just proof that you dont actually bother to read. I have never at any point suggested he is a "one punch knockout king" as you repeatedly talk about. You're the one who keeps saying it. I dont. So please stop trying to pin your own comments to my posts.

Again. None of this shit means anything. You say there's no doubt about Toneys handspeed or timing, but where does this confidence in him come from? His last great fight was decades ago. Since then he's fought some cans and has beens and none of them looked that impressive and ALL of them were in the ring. So unless you think Anderson will fight him in the ring, none of this conjecture adds up to shit. Toney's had one fight in MMA, and he couldn't get off a single punch. He couldn't even tap properly...

but you keep believing he would give a much more dominant, much more experienced and well rounded fighter a tougher fight. I'm done clearly believe some shit, and I think it's bullshit, so that's where we'll have to leave it.
There is no issue with the smart gameplan Couture used. I spoke of it, because it is proof that Toney is a dangerous striker and someone who can end a fight in the UFC. Couture has said himself that he'd be stupid to risk getting caught with a punch from James Toney and so he didnt take the risk at all. If he didnt have the power and striking to end a fight in the UFC like you're making out, Couture wouldnt have bothered. He'd have gone with his normal double-leg takedown because its one of his best weapons. But unlike his other opponents, Couture didnt want to take a single strike from this one because there's a chance he could get hurt from that one strike and that could very quickly lead to him losing the fight.

The point is to minimize the chances of you taking any strike not taking hits and persevering, because whether the opponent is renowned for having knockout power or not, a single strike can floor you ex. gr. Gonzaga against Cro Cop; Couture's single leg attempt doesn't prove that Toney would be too good for any elite level MMA striker just like moving to the left and throwing a right straight against Cro Cop wouldn't prove anything other than you've formulated a strategy for fighting him.

I don't mean to sound condescending and everyone's entitled to their opinion, but what you're trying to say is exceedingly naive.

Ekeke said:
Its about protecting your head and mid section. A boxer will be better at that, having trained in boxing a lot longer than an MMA fighter.

:lol: Really? Against leg kicks, knees, elbows, head kicks?
The point is to minimize the chances of you taking any strike not taking hits and persevering, because whether the opponent is renowned for having knockout power or not, a single strike can floor you ex. gr. Gonzaga against Cro Cop; Couture's single leg attempt doesn't prove that Toney would be too good for any elite level MMA striker just like moving to the left and throwing a right straight against Cro Cop wouldn't prove anything other than you've formulated a strategy for fighting him.

I don't mean to sound condescending and everyone's entitled to their opinion, but what you're trying to say is exceedingly naive.

I'm sorry to group yourself and Devilton together... But what is it with you guys and either not reading or lacing my argument with things you've thought up yourselves, that I have in no way said myself?

Couture's single leg attempt doesn't prove that Toney would be too good for any elite level MMA striker just like moving to the left and throwing a right straight against Cro Cop wouldn't prove anything other than you've formulated a strategy for fighting him.

Now where have I said that Toney would be too good for any top MMA striker? And where have I said that Couture's single leg proves it?


I've said that Anderson Silva vs. Toney would be an interesting fight for me, as I think either man could win. So hows that saying Toney's too good for any top MMA striker?

And where did I say that the single leg proves that he'd be too good for a top MMA striker?

I used the single leg to show that he's a dangerous opponent standing, which Devilton is suggesting he isnt at this stage of his career. Using this particular move to not even allow a single strike shows that he is a dangerous opponent standing because Couture doesnt use it with anyone else. It was specifically to avoid the chance of an uppercut when he shot. Couture simply had a lot of respect for his hands so he didnt allow Toney to use them.

:lol: Really? Against leg kicks, knees, elbows, head kicks?

If you're getting leg kicked in the head and midsection then you're in a lot of trouble. Not least because your anatomy is all over the place.
Now where have I said that Toney would be too good for any top MMA striker?

You implied it here

Even Anderson Silva is taking shots from Chael Sonnen when they are standing and he's a great standup fighter with great head movement. He'd probably get knocked out too if he stood with Toney. There are just too many openings for a true world class boxer to exploit because these fighters arent trained to defend against that level of standup fighter.

The man is too clever and skilled at getting his punches in and with 4 ounce gloves his punching power is going to be through the roof.

It would be insane for anyone to have a gameplan to stand with him. Instead its kick or jab, shoot doubleleg, punch him in the face, work to mount and RNC him.

And said it bluntly here after I said a Toney vs Pat Barry matchup would be interesting.

Absolutely. It wouldnt be so much a clash of styles. More of a clash of Toney's fist and what used to be Pat Barry's brain.

If anyone is still standing there taking more than 10-15 punches, I'll be in shock. But I'm not sure the UFC will give Toney anyone who is stupid enough to do that.

Oh and

If you're getting leg kicked in the head and midsection then you're in a lot of trouble. Not least because your anatomy is all over the place.

Leg kicked in the head? I may be going off on a limb here but as far as my understanding of it goes, you get leg kicked in the leg and head kicked in the head :lol:
You implied it here

So I havent said it then? Alright, thats what I thought. I do think he'd probably knock out quite a few MMA strikers, and I do think he could knock out Anderson Silva if the fight was kept standing. But that doesnt mean he's too good for Anderson Silva or too good for any MMA striker as you've said I'm implying.

You dont have to be better than someone to knock them out. You dont even have to be the better all round fighter to win a fight. So no I dont think Toney would be too good for top MMA strikers, I just think he could knock a bunch of them out if they were willing to keep it on the feet - even though they are all better MMA fighters than he is.

And said it bluntly here after I said a Toney vs Pat Barry matchup would be interesting.

I said it about Pat Barry, not any top MMA striker which you've claimed I said. Thats one person who is also quite one dimensional and doesnt have a lot of experience. Not to the same extent as Toney, but closer than most others.

Oh and

Leg kicked in the head? I may be going off on a limb here but as far as my understanding of it goes, you get leg kicked in the leg and head kicked in the head :lol:

That would be how it works yes. But here is how the conversation went :

Its about protecting your head and mid section. A boxer will be better at that, having trained in boxing a lot longer than an MMA fighter.

:lol: Really? Against leg kicks, knees, elbows, head kicks?

If you're getting leg kicked in the head and midsection then you're in a lot of trouble. Not least because your anatomy is all over the place.

For some reason you're implying that a legkick lands either on the head or midsection.
Ekeke just answer me this simple question.

Say Silva did fight Toney in the UFC. Do you think he would stand with him? Do you think that would be his gameplan for a guy who is very clearly a one dimensional fighter?
Ekeke just answer me this simple question.

Say Silva did fight Toney in the UFC. Do you think he would stand with him? Do you think that would be his gameplan for a guy who is very clearly a one dimensional fighter?

I think there's a possiblity, but you're quite right that Silva could just take it to the ground like any other fighter. I just think that Silva is arrogant/cocky enough to want to take the oppertunity of fighting a well known boxer and beat him on his feet. He's always asking his opponents to stand with him, well this guy will want to stand with him. I just think there's a chance even if its smartest to take him down and beat him with ease. And thats all I've said about it. That if Anderson chose to stand with him, I'd have been interested in that fight. And thats the only one when it comes to Toney.
I think there's a possiblity, but you're quite right that Silva could just take it to the ground like any other fighter. I just think that Silva is arrogant/cocky enough to want to take the oppertunity of fighting a well known boxer and beat him on his feet. He's always asking his opponents to stand with him, well this guy will want to stand with him. I just think there's a chance even if its smartest to take him down and beat him with ease. And thats all I've said about it. That if Anderson chose to stand with him, I'd have been interested in that fight. And thats the only one when it comes to Toney.

Yeah, well I guess you overestimate Silva's arrogance because I think he'd come in with a gameplan to minimize damage to himself (and that's how he's always been, he's a cagey fighter even though he does finish most of his opponents). He only stands and puts himself in risky situations if he's sure he will be able to dominate.

Remember against Maia and Leites he was unwilling to go to the ground. He wanted to stand cause both are inferior to him in the standup. Silva isn't averse to having really boring fights if it means he gets away without injury and the win, and i think that's what he would do if they did matchup. With Toney, even though i don't believe he's an elite level MMA striker, standing up is by far more dangerous then the ground. Plus, Toney LIKES to stay in the pocket so if Silva were to close in and fight in close to middle range that would be playing DIRECTLY into Toney's gameplan. What you essentially are saying is that Silva will ignore all of Toneys weakness and charge headfirst into his most dangerous areas and risk getting hurt, and more importantly humiliated.

That's why I thought it would just never happen. The scenario itself is just too far out there to even consider. First the fight itself would never happen, and even if it did, it would never play out that way.

Things got heated yesterday, things were said. Hope this sort of clears my positions, and thanks for answering the question. :)
That was heated?

Well, I can only speak for myself. I think i may have called him a few names (uncalled for) in trying to get my point across. I just had this feeling he'd never actually seen Toney fight before and that bothered me. Talking fights leads to fights. In any case, new day and all that. No need for rancor.
Rumours going around that he kept criticising the management via his Twitter page, claiming he doesn't get enough fights and not enough pay. Even went as far as to ask people to advise on any part time jobs going around :lol:

Guess Dana finally had enough of it...
He was massively over hyped and still has years of work ahead of him before he breaks into the top 10.
I've fallen out of love with mma recently. I can't quite pinpoint why, but it saddens me :(