Band of Brothers, Thief
Its not just style, he was doing well in that first round, on the front foot and throwing decent shots. Then he tired out about halfway through it and all of his shots became slower and more predictable. He ended up throwing the same basic punches over and over again rather then variety. In that second round he was so gassed he couldn't even duck and weave, which lead to Diaz picking him off and eventually rocking him. He shouldn't be getting tired so quickly into a fight. He wasn't going all out attack and the pace of the fight was fairly slow. Its strange to see really.
Also, he didn't go for the body enough. He should've used his kicks to target Nates body and soften him up a bit. Slow him down and make him easier to pick off in the later rounds. Instead he went for the head, got caught against somebody with a reach advantage and great swaying abilities and by the time he thee a body kick he was too tired to exert any force behind it.
No excuses, but it's obvious carrying over 23 lbs had a detrimental effect on his stamina. What he has to do is never contemplate going to 170 again.