Pokemon expert
Oh god, the hurleys...Its all the hurleys you take to the head growing up in Ireland.
"Break your arm? Well, fecking hold your hurly with the other one, dumbass."
Oh god, the hurleys...Its all the hurleys you take to the head growing up in Ireland.
I like that he admitted it. "Probably wasn't the best idea!"Weidman looked really off to me, for some reason. Can't decide what it was, just seemed different. That spinning wheel kick was also stupid, he is usually so good because he sticks to his fundamentals...and then he decided to throw that. Major brain fart in the moment or something.
Me to, i was using mobdro on my phone mirroring on to my tv, still looked better than 3eAwww lads, I'm glad more than anything that my stream didn't buffer.
Oh god, the hurleys...
"Break your arm? Well, fecking hold your hurly with the other one, dumbass."
Psychopath sport.Yeah, hurling is fecked. I grew up in Canada so I never played it properly, don't think I would have in Ireland anyway, I'd be too scared. My dad has a big scar on the back of his head from getting wacked across the head.
Still can't believe that! Herb is usually fantastic.Chris Weidman's in the hospital now to get himself checked up on. Well done Herb...well done.
Wait ye play hurling in KerryPsychopath sport.
I have a recurring chest injury, that started with a crack of a hurley across my chest when I was a kid.
Very fecking badly, I admit.Wait ye play hurling in Kerry
Tecia Torres, and yes, one journalist asked her a question about her willingness to fight the top 10/5 female competitors.Who was that female fighter? Did they even ask her a question?
What a huge disappointment.
The main main event is one of the biggest let down fights I think I've seen in forever. It's a fight I've been looking forward to in anticipation since it was announced nearly a year ago. Then that happened.
Short of an injury or a disqualification, that is the single worst way for a guy to win a fight in my opinion. It doesn't really tell us anything about the fighters.
Let me just say this first before I get into it.
I think Jose is one of the all time greats, I think he is deserving of respect. Beyond that, I'm basically neutral about him. I think he is a straight killer and a fantastic fighter but I don't consider myself a fan.
I think Connor is a dick, I'm not a fan. I also don't really know what to think of him as a fighter. We know he moves well, we know he hits hard, we know he has suspect take down defense. Beyond I don't care to way in on what I think about him as an overall fighter. Overall I am not a fan.
To put in perspective. I think Jon Jones is a raging asshole, I dislike him on many levels, but I also believe he is probably the greatest MMA fighter in history, and the baddest man on the planet.
So where to begin. I guess first, feck knock outs in the first minute of a fight or so.
I guess I want to vent about the difference between being knocked out, and being outclassed. Often times a fighter gets outclassed, and then they get knocked out. See Holm Rousey as an example of this. Sometimes a fighter just gets knocked out. That's what McGregor Aldo was. Someone just got knocked out. The fight ended before it really began. Thirteen seconds. What did we learn in thirteen seconds? What did we see? We saw what we already knew, Connor has big power. That's all we saw.
I wanted to see these guys fight. Be it for 3 minutes, or 25 minutes. I wanted to see how Connor handled Aldo. We didn't see that. We saw Connor win decisively by knocking him out on his second punch I think. There was no domination, there was no systematic destruction. There was no back and forth. We didn't see the class of either guy, we just saw someone dirtnap 13s into the fight. I have a lot of questions about Connor, I think Aldo poses those questions, and I still think he poses those questions, and I'm pissed off that we didn't get to see them actually dance.
The evidence to support my assertion that these kind of knock out victories are not always telling is abundant. The history of MMA and boxing is littered with cases where a guy knocks someone out seconds into a fight, and then in a rematch gets BATTERED. A most recent memory high profile example of this is Cain vs JDS 1. Now, I'm not suggesting that Aldo is going to do what Cain did to JDS. I do however think that I would really, really, like to see a rematch where these two guys get stuck in and actually see what each other has.
If Connor knocks him out in seconds again, well then, then I think I feel comfortable moving from just knocked out, to knocked out and outclassed. However these sort of early knock outs are so often misleading and so often incorrect predictors of future fights. I feel like we got robbed of the truth. Now, I'm sure that fans of McGregor are happy, they should be, he left Aldo snoring in the middle of the ring. However, I think most neutrals probably feel more than a little disappointed, and I'd also bet that the more honest and discerning McGregor fans probably feel the same way too. Any win is satisfying for your boy, but systematic destruction removes all doubt. An early one punch knock-out isn't a debate killer.
I hope we get to see this rematch. Oh and I'm a pretty big Joe Rogan defender. I thought his handling of the interview was pretty much disgusting. I also thought that Aldo'd meaning regarding it not being a fight was pretty clear. He meant it ended before it really began and that he felt like it wasn't really a fight.
Sort of get what you mean, but...
A) I doubt people would have been defending Conor like that if roles had been reversed. If he had been knocked out that quickly there would have been no talk about it not really telling us anything and a lot of talk about him being found out.
B) I wouldn't agree that we learned nothing from that fight. We learned that Conor's strengths are formidable even against the very best. There's a reason he was was able to do that to Aldo when nobody else was. We didn't learn any more about McGregor's weaknesses but we did learn that the "Aldo is a different animal and won't get finished that easily" line of thought doesn't hold up.
Apparently the trasnslator fecked over Aldo. He never said it wasn't a fight or anything even resembling that point..
Aldo's head was gone, even if he got up from the shot it would be over soon after. One thing we've learned is Aldo couldn't mentally cope with Conor. What we've learned is Conor's knock out power translates to every opponent and every style. The fact a featherweight has so many knockouts is ridiculous quite frankly.
End of story. Aldo will never recover from this.
People ask all thee questions about Conor and he has to answer this and that but not one opponent has come close to answering the question of how to nullify and counter the strengths of Conor McGregor. This is what happens when you have grapplers who've learned how to box a few years ago v a man who has been doing it all his life.
He just knocked Aldo out in 13s, but again, question mark, you cannot put stock in a 13s knockout, unless his name is Mike Tyson and he has made his career from knocking out bums in 13s.
Connor knocks guys out early and often, but not that early. He usually shows he is a class above, through his movement and his technique, THEN he knocks them out. We didn't even get a wiff of that. The point is, guys get caught. Everyone gets caught. Getting caught doesn't automatically mean the other guy is better. That the other guy outclassed you.
Tbf he has mostly first round stoppages, plus a 4 second ko and a 16 second ko. 18 wins and 16 by ko. He said exactly what would happen...Aldo would overextend on his right, and get caught. Could have been a different fight, maybe...but that left hand is a proven fight finisher by this point, and it's been proven again.
Maybe you're still not buying the hype, and that's fair enough, but he's shown that he has too much power for this weight class. Only time I see him slowing down is when he moves up and loses some of that advantage.
That being said, I see Edgar being his toughest fight at 145, because he's non stop and will push that fight from first to last round.
I'm a fan of Edgar, one of my favorite fighters. I think he would be a handful for Connor too and he's long deserved another title shot. I think however how the UFC is letting their bias shine through right now is absolute bullshite. They have set a sort of precedent with immediate rematches, but I guess it only works when you're liked by the UFC brass.
Here is what I think would happen if Frankie and Connor fought and Frankie won.
Connor would get an immediate rematch regardless of how the fight went down. Aldo won't though. That's kind of fecked up.
Aldo was an asshole for not trying to take down Conor from the first sec.. trying to strand up with him was a horrible mistake.
fecking Conor you are the man!
Where the feck is the press conference? I'm bollixed.
After all the shit talk, McGregor was very respectful of Jose, as he always is after his fights. Aldo was the opposite. I lost a bit of respect for him.
In fairness Aldo would have every right to not be respectful. He's taken a ridiculous amount of shit from McGregor throughout the entire build up. McGregor showing up in Brazil and telling him he will die in his own language among plenty of other stuff. Couldn't really blame Aldo if he had no respect what so ever for McGregor (even though he was clearly focusing on selling the fight with his antics in the build up)..
Someone spoiled the Aldo/McGreggor match for me but holy shit, that knockout!![]()
The file I donwloaded was 20mins long, as the intros went on it started to dawn on me what had happened.I had it spoilt by misclicking on a main event only torrent instead of the one for the whole thing. When I saw the file size was 8MB I knew what happend![]()
Yup he is hurting badI can feel the pain in Nucks post.![]()
To be fair, Joe Rogan also said he didn't feel Rousey should get rematch.I dont see the logic they (rogan) are using. Rousey got knocked out decisively and they couldn't wait to give her a rematch.
But because it was quicker for Aldo, he shouldnt get one? What?