Dirty Schwein
Has a 'Best of Britney Spears' album

@ "wtf" and the "that doesn't work...that is only gonna work on someone who doesn't know how to fight" bits
it's actually edited.. Rogan is not talking about Rousey. Audio from multiple clips... Well done though
I agree with a lot of what is written here in regards to Rousey.
I don´t know what´s worse, the pathetic bandwagon hype of this young woman in this day and age, or this precious author with his goopy melodramatic babble. I mean, what the feck? It was a fecking MMA fight. Jesus goop!
Rousey was a victim of her own success in some ways. Since the UFC started with women's fights they have been desperate to big it up (just like the BBC with women's football, tbf), and Rousey was the perfect 'superstar' to bring credibility to the division. Like her or not, Rousey was pretty much the only female UFC fighter whose fights I looked forward to and enjoyed watching, and virtually all the other fights were of a noticeable drop in quality. Combined with Dana's increasingly desperate attempts to big up anyone fighting Rousey (I know it is his job to sell a fight, but there is only so far that reality can be stretched), the entire division became cringeworthy.
Going back to Rhonda herself, she certainly appeared to enjoy her time in the limelight (not saying it will stop now). She attained celebrity status by virtue of simply being so much better than the rest of the division, and seemed to want to focus on the celebrity, the interviews etc, rather than keeping down to earth. In some ways it reminded me of Rocky vs Apollo in the original Rocky movie.
Either way, the true test comes now - either she shows herself to be a 'true' champion by learning her lessons, training hard and coming back to reclaim her belt (which I have no doubt she can do if she is a bit more intelligent about it), or she disappears into celebrity Z-lists and is content at that level.
Regardless, she helped shape the women's division and did a huge amount for it, and that is no mean feat.
The UFC are notorious for this sort of thing - marketing certain fighters for maximum PPV attention. They're already doing it with the likes of Van Zandt and Sage Northcutt.
The UFC are notorious for this sort of thing - marketing certain fighters for maximum PPV attention. They're already doing it with the likes of Van Zandt and Sage Northcutt.
She was Holm-schooled, but her strategy was the same throughout the fight. Which makes you question her coach (and lots of people were doing exactly that before this fight). Obviously some of it is down to Rousey being impatient and lacking strategy, but most of it is down to her coach who failed to give her critical feedback after the first round. I think the other major factor leading to her loss, which has been overlooked, is her lack of motivation. There's an interesting part in her book about creating hatred for an opponent. Which adds that extra drive. I think it's a bit different to that in the sense that all the pre-match nonsense (and her not touching gloves with Holm) was an attempt to get herself motivated for the fight.I don't buy all the BS about her trainer. He creates the most dominant MMA figure in the sport and now he's suddenly rubbish because she lost a fight ? I'm not buying that at all. Simply put, Holm came in with the perfect game plan and executed it to perfection.
Anyone watch the recent UFC in Korea? I swear Sexyama got completely robbed!
the lesson here: with hard work, even the most untalented fecker can be a professional in any discipline.
i keep repeating this to my nephews... don't quit football just yet because of much better kids out there! Hard work and commitment is always gonna be the most important aspect in football to be successful.
anyway... good decision by Pendred. Brain damage was just around the corner for a fighter like him. Cash out and move on. I wish him good luck!