Raoul, here's a play by play from Sherdog
Mauricio “Shogun” Rua vs. Jon Jones
Round 1
Referee Herb Dean is the referee for tonight’s light heavyweight championship bout. Should it go the distance, the judges at cageside are Douglas Crosby, Cardo Urso and Dave Tirelli. The challenger opens the bout with a leaping knee, then a spinning back-kick that misses. The men clinch and Jones scores a trip takedown with ease against the base of the cage. Rua stuffs Jones back to open guard and looks to isolate the arms from the bottom. Jones spins to Shogun’s right and tries to pass half-guard while looking at a guillotine. Rua puts him back in full guard and Jones mashes with elbows from the top as he tries again to pass. Rua scoots free and stands, but eats a barrage of knees and punches on the way up. The champ is dazed against the cage as Jones backs up to give him space. Rua looks absolutely spent coming forward with 90 seconds still to go in the opening round. Jones corks Rua with more long punches, then a kick to the knee. Shogun scores with a one-two of his own and takes Jones’ back staning, but Jones reverses and finishes the round in Rua’s guard.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-9 Jones
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Jones
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Jones
Round 2
Jones whips a leg kick at Rua, then backs him up with a teep. They tie up and Jones blasts him with a spinning elbow as they split. Jones going high and low with his kicks, playing matador to the tired-looking Rua. Now Shogun connects with a combination, but Jones instantly ties up. Jones sticks a hand in Shogun’s face to show the distance and backs up when the champion comes forward. Superman punches, elbows and more low kicks from Jones. Shogun throws a leg kick of his own and gets tripped down, winding up with Jones postured up in his guard. Jones smothers Rua and then drives an elbow into his face. Jones cracks Rua with more elbows, then lays his forearm across the Brazilian’s throat. The right side of Rua’s face looks battered and swollen as the last minute of the second frame ticks down. Herb Dean warns Jones not to elbow Rua’s neck. That’s where the round ends.
TJ De Santis scores the round 10-8 Jones
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Jones
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Jones
Round 3
Jones plants a one-two on Rua and misses with a head kick. Rua takes the opportunity to duck inside, then dives for a leg lock. Jones will have none of it and flattens Rua out, then works on advancing past half-guard. Rua breathing heavy on the bottom as Jones opens up with heavy punches and elbows. A series of elbows causes Shogun to cover up. Jones tries to finish but Rua turtles. Jones drives a nasty knee into the body. Rua stands and wobbles backward into the cage. Jones stalks him, finds his opening and drills him with a brutal left hook to the body. Another knee lands on the way down and Herb Dean rescues Rua at 2:37 of the third round, making 23-year-old Jon Jones the youngest champion in UFC history.